My Boss' Best Friend

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My Boss' Best Friend Page 2

by Marian Tee

  A corner of the man’s lips folded up in a smirk, and it was only then Jane realized that he knew she was staring at him.


  Jane’s gaze automatically moved to her watch. I still have time.

  She looked around them and relaxed when the vast cocktail area remained empty. She looked back at the man.

  And he was alone, Jane thought. That was a bonus!

  Not allowing herself to think, Jane walked forward and, clearing her throat—-


  She wanted to kick herself right after. That was so lame.

  Thankfully, the man was nice enough to pretend he, too, didn’t find her pick-up line pathetic. Instead, his smile widened, and he said, “Hello, pet.”

  Her eyes widened. British? And then her heart started to beat just a little bit harder and faster. British...and he had called her pet.

  “So...” She cleared her throat again, trying to think of the best way to get some action going, but nothing came to mind. In the end, all she could do was clear her throat another time—-

  Please God, don’t let him think I’ve got bronchitis or something, that would be so not sexy.

  “So...” And she cleared her throat one last time. “Do you want to make out?”


  Jane blinked.

  That...was unexpected.

  Or should she have expected it?


  Right now, she just...needed to get the hell out of here, before she started dissolving into a humiliated heap on the floor. Jane managed a smile. “No hard feelings.” The words came out of nowhere, and this time she was convinced she would melt. Only people who did have hard feelings said that.

  But as Jane whirled around to leave, a strong hand caught hers from behind. “Where are you going, pet?”

  He had just turned her down, and he was still calling her pet?

  “Outside,” Jane muttered, her back to him. “To kill myself. Wouldn’t want to do it here. Not at all polite.” And that was true...but why was she suddenly speaking in fragments?

  The man chuckled. “Please don’t, pet.”

  And that’s the third pet, Jane thought, annoyed. Was this man making fun of her?

  “You didn’t let me finish,” the man continued.

  Her teeth gnashed. So he wanted to explain why he was turning her down? Was that—-

  “What I meant was no, I don’t want to make out now.”


  “But perhaps...later?”

  Jane couldn’t help it this time, whirling around as she blurted out, “Really?”

  “Absolutely, pet.” The man’s fingers started caressing her hand, and Jane was both distracted and fascinated by the variety of sensations that his touch evoked.

  Excitement. Fear. Restlessness. Heat. Need.

  And so, so much more, she just needed more time to grasp all of them.

  “But I want to get to know you first.”

  It took a while for the man’s words to sink in, and when they did, a sheepish smile formed on Jane’s lips. “Shouldn’t that be my line?”

  “Women,” he told her solemnly, “aren’t the only ones who can have standards.”

  “I really want to believe you,” Jane answered truthfully, “but let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?”

  He only smiled. “What’s your name?”

  “Jane.” It didn’t even occur to her to lie. “And”

  His laughter rang out, but Jane didn’t blame him. The word had sounded gross when she was the one who said it. Maybe it only worked with a crisp British accent?

  When she caught him looking at her, Jane felt unsure. Was that a hey-she’s-even-prettier-than-I-realized look? Or was it more a what-the-hell-am-I-doing-with-her glance?

  Finally, he said, “I hope you don’t think I’m being dodgy or anything, but I’d rather not give you my name.”

  As soon as he spoke, her gaze automatically strayed to his fingers. Oh thank God, Jane thought in relief when she saw that they were bare.

  “A little late to check if I’m married, don’t you think?”

  Jane looked up, shamefaced. “I know.” She gnawed on her lip, mumbling, “In my defense – all of this”

  “I didn’t notice,” the man said politely.

  How sweet, she thought, surprised. And so she told him sincerely, “You say a lot of things I want to believe.”

  The words only seemed to amuse him. “You want to – but you can’t?”

  Her shoulders moved in an awkward, apologetic shrug, and not wanting to say anything offensive, she changed the subject, asking, “Anyway...what do I call you?”

  “I’m open to suggestions.”

  Her face creased with a frown. “Let me see...”

  As Jane spoke, he gestured towards the balcony, and she nodded to his silent question, allowing him to lead her.

  A nice breeze greeted them outside, and for one moment she just breathed, savoring the salty scent of the beach.

  “Well, pet?” Jane’s breath caught as his hands settled on her hips before turning her around to face him. “Have you thought of a name?”

  “Umm...maybe Mr. I Want To Be Mysterious?”

  His eyes gleamed.

  Azure, Jane suddenly thought. That was the exact way to describe the lovely shade of this man’s eyes.

  “Good suggestion...” He gently maneuvered Jane, causing her to move backwards until her back touched the wall. “But it’s too long.”

  And you’re too close, Jane couldn’t help thinking as the stranger’s arms landed on each side of her face.

  His lean, hard body started closing in on her.

  I should run, Jane thought, but I don’t want to.

  Jaike and Fawn were right.

  Something interesting was bound to happen as long as she put herself out there.

  She definitely owed her friends a dinner—-

  Azure eyes captured hers.

  —-or two.

  “I’ve thought of something,” he whispered.

  She couldn’t help whispering back, “What?”

  His head started to lower, and Jane found herself slowly inhaling.

  “How about...something very baby?”

  Jane choked.

  The stranger smirked.


  “Try it,” he coaxed.

  She tested it out. “B-baby...”

  “That sounds good,” he purred. “Say it again.”




  And that was when his lips covered hers.

  Her eyes closed.

  His lips moved over hers, instructing and wooing, seducing and soothing at the same time. Her lips parted, and a soft groan escaped the stranger.

  “Sweet pet...”

  His tongue slid in, and Jane’s body trembled.

  So this was how it was, she thought dazedly, to be penetrated with a kiss.

  When his mouth left her, she almost begged him to kiss her again but managed to swallow the words in time.

  His mouth moved to her ear. “How far do you want to go?”

  Be yourself. Her friend's advice echoed in her mind, and she didn’t allow herself to think. She just...let herself be.

  One eyebrow lifted as Jane reached for her watch and began pressing some buttons. When she looked back at him, she asked breathlessly, “How much can you do in ten minutes?”

  He didn’t answer, only taking her mouth again, and this time his kiss was so deep and hard that when he raised his head, she had to gasp for breath.

  “Fingers,” he said hoarsely against her lips, “or dick?”


  He bit her lip, gritting out, “Choose, pet.”

  Oh. Her cheeks burned, but even so she managed to say, “Fingers.”

  She had barely finished speaking when she felt his hand moving under the skirt of her dress.

is mouth trailed back up, and she swallowed back a moan when his tongue traced the line of her ear, just before asking, “Will I get you in trouble if I tear your panties?”

  She shook her head—-


  “Oh my God.”

  He chuckled. “No, pet.” His fingers found her core. “It’s just me.” And then he started to stroke her.

  Jane’s legs started to tremble.

  One finger slowly slid inside of her, and as it started a thrusting rhythm, pushing in and out of her, it was like having her soul dance with the devil—-

  And oh God, she didn’t want it to end.

  Her hands blindly found his shoulders, Jane fearing that her knees would give out any moment—-

  His finger started going a little deeper, a little faster and harder—-

  She began to pant.

  And then there was no more gentle pushing, his finger now fucking her with the most exquisite force—-

  Her lips parted. “Baby.”

  “Yes,” Jane’s British stranger growled, and his mouth captured hers anew just as he shoved his finger into her, rapidly—-

  Oh God.

  If she had to imagine how the most wonderful vibrator would feel like—-

  This would be it.

  “Oh God.”

  Her body was tightening, and even though she had never experienced anything like it before, Jane knew what it was.

  And oh God, she couldn’t wait.

  He sucked hard on her tongue, and it was just the push she needed, Jane crying out against his mouth as she came.

  Oh, how she came-—

  Her eyes rolling back, her body stiffening like it had been electrocuted.

  A moment later, the alarm she had set on her watch went off.

  Jane’s eyes flew open, and she wrenched her mouth away from the stranger. “M-my——”

  “Ssh.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Just a few moments more won’t hurt.” His finger was still inside of her, and he withdrew it almost all the way out before pushing it back in, causing Jane to gasp.

  “Savor it, pet.” The words made up the most seductive command, its power cemented with the touch of his mouth against the side of her neck.

  He started to suck, and Jane was lost.

  After, the stranger silently helped Jane smooth the skirt of her dress down, even tucking loose strands behind her ears.

  Stepping back, she suddenly found herself thinking—-

  I can’t believe I did that.

  And Jane could no longer meet the stranger’s gaze as she mumbled, “Thank”

  Her face went up in flames.

  She was making such a cake of herself!

  “Happy to help, pet.”

  She mumbled, the words incoherent even to her ears, and she turned and hurried away without looking back.

  When she made it back to the ballroom, the lush, throbbing haze embracing her senses still hadn’t left Jane, and she practically floated to the stage, unaware of the sexual aura she was emitting.

  She took her place behind Vince as her boss, who had been assigned as tonight’s host, thanked everyone for coming. When he finished his speech, everyone applauded even though most of their gazes – both men and women’s – were drawn to Jane.

  Her clouded expression could only mean one thing, but...this was Jane Cooper.

  Jane Cooper was the most responsible, practical goody-two-shoes in the company.

  Surely it couldn’t be that?

  When the party came to an end, Jane dutifully stationed herself at the north exit while her boss went to the south exit, both of them tasked to say goodbye and wish everyone a happy Labor Day weekend.

  “Oh, Jane. I almost didn’t see you.”

  The familiar voice caused a shiver of uneasy awareness to run down Jane’s spine, and the sound caused her to crash back to reality.


  The beautiful news anchor stood in front of Jane, her already-tall frame made even more statuesque by her four-inch heels, the glorious slit of her gown making Merry’s legs look endless.

  “Happy Labor Day, darling.”

  Merry had finished kissing the air around her cheeks before Jane realized what was happening.

  “Any plans for the weekend?”

  She tried to answer, but Merry cut her off.

  “No, wait, the right question should be – are you going to be alone or not?” Merry’s laugh was playful, but the look in her green eyes was hard.

  Jane started to answer, but Merry interrupted her again, saying with a sigh, “It’s been tiring, hasn’t it?”

  By this time, Jane knew there was no point to even thinking she could get a word in edgewise. She simply waited for the other woman to speak again, and Merry didn’t prove her wrong.

  “Why don’t we bury the hatchet between us?”

  And what, Jane wondered even as she allowed herself a cautious nod. There had to be more. There always was with women like Merry.

  “Great. Let’s make it official, too. How do you feel about swinging by my party?”

  And what, Jane wondered again.

  “I could maybe find you a nice guy?”

  And there it was.

  The look and sound of pity—-

  Which even Jane knew was somewhat deserved because she was one of those rare pathetic breeds who, at her grand old age of twenty-seven, had yet to have a boyfriend, much less a lover.

  That was the problem with Facebook, Jane thought. Everything about the past could no longer be hidden.

  And that was when she had the craziest idea.

  Facebook exposed the past, Jane thought almost feverishly, but the present could still be manipulated.

  If she could find the guts to hit on a beautiful stranger and make out with him, then surely she could do this, too?

  Be yourself. It was the whisper of the devils again, aka Jaike and her billionaire husband.

  Jane met Merry’s gaze. “Thank you, but I have a date for the weekend.” And as she spoke, she casually gathered her hair to place it over one shoulder, revealing at the same time the huge-as-ass hickey that the British stranger had gifted her with.

  Thank you, baby, she thought again.

  Merry’s green eyes hardened.

  “I’ll ask him, though. It’s just that he’s always busy with his job...” Jane let her voice trail off, the words a subtle dig at Merry’s aspiring actor boyfriend. The guy was pretty, but he also had no job to speak of, and his only acting credit had been a supporting role in a franchise film...five years ago.

  Merry’s lips curved into a sneer masquerading as a smile. “Just let me know.”

  As the other woman walked away, Jane thought, Boom.

  But when she turned around, Jane realized that her legs were shaking badly.

  Oh my God, she had Spoken Up again.

  She had faced her fears.

  And she had survived.

  Boom, Jane thought again, and this time a smile started to wobble on her lips.

  By the time she had gathered her things and she made her way to the elevator, ‘booming’ in her mind, she was happily humming Nicki Minaj’s Super Bass.

  Granted, she had to make up a little lie in order to score a victory but—-

  It wasn’t like she’d see her ‘baby’ again.

  But Jane was wrong.

  Chapter Three

  Employee Appreciation Day

  AMC’s Grand Amphitheater

  Life sucks. The words echoed in Jane’s mind even as she kept a smile plastered on her face as she watched Merry ascend the stage to accept her fourth consecutive win of Ms. Beautiful, a crown – literally - that no one had so far been able to steal ever since Merry had started working at AMC.

  “It seems we’re fated to worship her,” the company’s vice-president said with a chuckle.

  A couple of minutes later, and Jane’s name was called out.

  “Congratulations, Jane! You’re this year’s Most Ha
rdworking Employee, and for those who don’t know, this is Jane’s fifth consecutive win. Everyone should learn from her!”

  Jane obediently took her place on the stage and put on a happy face. Ever since Merry had started working for AMC, she couldn’t help comparing her life to the other woman’s, and with every year that passed, she found herself increasingly dismayed.

  Was she being selfish and vain to want more?

  She was already recognized for her diligence. Was it bad that she wanted...was it bad that she wanted to experience, even just once, her own Disney moment? She just wished that there could be a day she would feel more beautiful than any woman—-

  The words sounded ludicrous even to her ears.

  Okay, Jane. If you really need an answer then yes, you’re being selfish and vain! So will you please—-

  Her thoughts were interrupted by Merry, who had sidled up next to her while the vice-president called out the third awardee.

  “This is just crazy, isn’t it? We’re always winning these awards.”

  As always, the other woman’s striking height made Jane want to shrink even more. “Just lucky, I suppose.” She hated how she had to crane her neck just to meet the other woman’s gaze, but she had no choice. It was that or be at eye-level with Merry’s boobs.

  The vice-president then called out all awardees to move forward for an official photo, and Jane said in relief, “Let’s go.” But she didn’t bother waiting for an answer, instead hurrying away to put as much distance between Merry and her.

  But Merry seemed bent on sticking to Jane like glue, with the other woman standing behind Merry, their positions highlighting the difference between their heights.

  Great. Just great.

  The photographer asked them to make funny faces, and while Jane dutifully contorted her facial expression, she saw Merry simply blow a kiss at the camera—-

  She suddenly had an epiphany.

  That was the key to having one’s Disney moment.

  Being one’s self.

  And Merry, for all her flaws, was always herself.

  When the photo session was over and they started descending the stage, Merry caught up with Jane, asking, “Did you bring your plus one with you? I’d love to meet him.”

  In her mind, she could hear Jaike and Derek, who had now swapped their horns for halos, advising her piously, Be yourself.


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