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C-26 Page 5

by D. D. Lorenzo

  "Hey, man. Aren't you—"

  "I am, and if you keep your mouth shut, I'll make it worth your while." The words were hissed but effective. The kid who’d approached Dash couldn't have been more than seventeen, while the rest of the crowd appeared to be the geriatric set. He'd have to give it to the boy, only a true fan would have spotted him. "See that girl over there?" The young buck went to turn around, but Dash grabbed his arm. "Slow down, man.” Eyes now round and wide, the kid slowly crept a half turn. "Stop!" An urgent whisper carved Dash's tone. "I want to hit on her, and you're gonna blow my cover."

  The boy's face turned red. Understanding nodded his head and he curled his upper body, pulling his head into his neck like a turtle. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to." His expression went from apologetic to disbelieving in a nanosecond. "Doesn't everybody know who you are?"

  His response tempted a burst of laughter, but Dash held it in. He reached in his pocket. "You got a pen, kid?" The boy's head bobbed. "Yep!" He slid his backpack off his shoulder and down his arm so fast Dash thought he might have peeled off a layer of skin. His hand went in and out of the bag in a flash, and he nervously thrust the pen in front of him. "What's your name?" Dash took it and began writing on the back of a card.


  Dash's froze for a minute, then went back to his task. It was almost a given that this boy got a shitload of teasing over something he had nothing to do with. "You live around here, slick?" As he gave the kid a peripheral glance, he decided he wasn't going to ask him any more questions. That head bobbing was sure to draw attention. "Good." He clicked the ballpoint top and clipped it to the card. "I can tell you're a big fan. If you call this number, I'll tell my manager to give you backstage passes to any concert we play."

  "Wow! Thanks."

  Dash handed the pen back to him with the card attached. "Slip this in your pocket, and don't lose it.” He stood near the kid as he quickly scouted the room to see if anyone else might have made the same connection as the boy.

  As the young man held the card up to read it, he reached around his back with the other and came back with his wallet. "Oh my God! Two tickets!" He went wide-eyed again as he blurted out the words.

  Dash clamped a hand down on his shoulder and walked him a few steps from where they were standing. His heart skipped a rhythm as he looked to see if Skylar was anywhere nearby.

  "Shh." He looked down at the boy, whose face was mortified. A chuckle escaped from low in his chest. "Told you I'd make it worth your while, slick. Bring a date. You might get lucky. The concert's sold out."

  A knowing look had the boy arching his brow as a naughty smile stretched his lips full across his face.

  "Yeah. I know that look." Dash gave him an up high hand slap and a friendly clap on the back. "Now, do me a favor and get the hell out of here before my girl sees us."

  Chapter 6

  "Hey there."

  The words at her ear made her jolt as adrenaline shot through her. Skylar spun around with her heart in her throat, to see the man who’d snuck up on her. Her expression traveled a smooth path from shock to pleasure as recognition filtered through her. "Hey, yourself."

  Though her initial reaction was to turn around and chastise whomever had scared her, there was nothing but delight in her tone. She directed his attention to the blinking red letters above the carousel on an electronic display. "They haven't unloaded the plane yet."

  "That's okay. I don't mind waiting with you."

  Her cheeks warmed. "Oh?" Her chin dropped as her head fell to the side. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she averted her eyes away from his. She wanted the chance to take another breath before meeting his eyes again. It took a fraction more effort because her heart had leaped into her throat.


  A loud, abrasive buzzing sound pierced the air as the red light at the end of the carousel came to life. As it flashed and spun around, the crowd inched forward. All eyes went to the hole in the wall as each person watched for their luggage to emerge. The black rubber conveyor belt started to move as the annoying buzz ceased. One by one, a rainbow of colored cases emerged. As they both kept watch, Skylar's skin began to hum. It was his nearness that caused the effect. There was something about him that snuck inside of her and made her brain short-circuit. He was so close she could nearly feel the heat of his skin. Her body reacted with a whisper at her core.

  "Oh! Mine's one of the first." Though she was happy for the short wait, she was also saddened that their time together was nearly at an end. She curled her fingers into her palms. Resignation melted her spine, her posture slumping at the knowledge that they would never see each other again. The odds of them running into each other again were slim, and, as much as she was distracted by the butterflies in her stomach, she was sorry they would soon stop their flutter.

  She stood at the far end of the conveyor belt, suddenly glad her position bought her a few more seconds before she had to say goodbye. As her bright blue, hard-shell approached, she reached out. Dash thwarted her efforts, intercepting the case before she had the chance to remove it. He set it on the ground and pulled the handle up. Pushing it toward her, his eyes never left her face.

  She paused, looking into his gorgeous brown eyes. It was sad to think she'd never see them again. He held a story behind those eyes she was anxious to read. It was too bad she'd never get the chance to turn the pages.

  Her heart skipped a beat as she offered a grateful smile. "Well, thank you." She extended her hand. "It was nice meeting you, Dash. Good luck with your move."

  He took her hand, and she gave it a gentle shake. Her grip loosened as she made to turn around and leave behind all but the memory of their encounter. As she took one step forward, her breath caught in her throat. He’d failed to release her. Instead, his grip tightened, and he tugged her back. Her eyes snapped up to his.

  "Skylar? There's a concert in D.C. this weekend. Would you like to go?"

  She blinked, then hesitated. Her gaze caught his and their eyes locked. Those brown orbs of his could be a woman's undoing with their anxious anticipation. His voice could seduce a girl to throw caution to the wind. Could make her ignore every safety warning she'd placed in her memory’s file cabinet. It was crazy for a solitary girl to accept an invitation from a total stranger. And he was a stranger. She'd known him for less than a day. It only made sense to decline his invitation. Perhaps, instead, ask him if he'd like to grab a coffee somewhere near her house and have a trusted friend sitting a few tables over. That would be the safe and smart thing to do. She would give him her prettiest smile and not notice how perfect his lips were and how deliciously the corners of his eyes curled when he smiled. She ran her tongue over her lips, opening her mouth to speak just as she noticed the sparkle in his eye.

  "I'd love to."

  I'd love to?

  Skylar cringed inside. It was crazy. She hadn't had much luck in the relationship department, and she sure as hell didn't expect any good fortune by opening herself up to someone she didn't know. She must have some hidden quirk. Some appetite for danger. The last time she’d acted on impulse with a man hadn’t worked out so well for her. He’d had a pretty smile too, and her reward for opening herself up to that guy was a broken heart and a loss of appetite. It had taken a while to heal from that fiasco, and, once she had, she was determined to focus on her career and learn to be content with her life.

  A ball of regret lodged in her throat as discouraging thoughts crawled through her mind. In spider-like fashion, each spindly step pricked her mind with negative thinking until anxious thoughts spun a thick web.

  You should have played a little hard to get.

  It could all be a waste of time.

  You don’t know what kind of music is playing.

  What if you don’t like it?

  Should you bow out gracefully now?

  Maybe we’ll have nothing in common.

  As she continued looking at him, her stare had gone blank. She could tell by his re
action he’d divined her thoughts and was well aware of her hesitation.

  "It's just a concert, Sky. You don't have to accept." His hand dropped. He was about to release hers, but she held fast. She could tell he was disappointed, but even then, there was something about him that cut through her reservations. Some silent message was telling her to take a chance on him.

  "No. I really want to." She could feel her cheeks hitch, and whatever he saw in her expression made his eyes sparkle.


  Her reaction to his pleasure was immediate. The brief graze of his fingers against her hand incited a feeling like that of an electric shock. His touch made her skin sizzle, sending tingles of pleasure through her whole body. Her heart lurched a powerful beat. His warm eyes were ablaze. Though she tried to lower her gaze to reduce the effect, she zeroed in on his lips. She blinked, trying to regain control of her thoughts instead of staring at his lush, kissable mouth. Suddenly, and without warning, the lips that had momentarily bewitched her senses and seduced her body, came crashing down on hers.

  Her first instinct was to pull away. She should have drawn back to sever their connection. Maybe it would have broken the tie that had the synapses in her brain misfiring. But she couldn't. Pleasurable sensations ricocheted through muscles, nerves, and bones.

  Shamelessly, she fell into Dash's kiss. Her typically steely resolve liquified as craving puddled deep in her belly. The lust-filled pool bubbled until an undeniable longing pulled at her core. His lips were hot, his tongue parting hers to claim her. The lusty feelings commanded her attention. Dash kissed her the way every woman dreams of being kissed. His fingers laced through her hair as he cupped the back of her head, and a fresh current of energy raced through her body. Her heart quickened. Her panties dampened. And, just as quickly as their connection occurred, it was severed.

  Dash pulled back. He stared at her. She was confident that both of them were wearing the same shocked expression. He cleared his throat, swallowing the awkward moment.

  "I'm sorry." His repentant words rushed out. "I shouldn't have done that."

  Skylar was speechless. She tried to shake off the mystery of whatever had possessed him to be so impulsive, but, the truth was, she felt the same connection. She watched as he looked off into blank space, shaking his head as he toyed with the strap on his shoulder. He sniffed, straightening his backbone as he bought some time. After a moment, he gave her a look. Repentance swam in his eyes.

  "I'm really sorry, Skylar. I don't know what came over me. It was just . . . just that I . . . oh, hell!" Dash drew his hand from forehead to chin. He paused, bringing a few breaths into his lungs. Exhaling slowly, his expression slightly composed. "I don't know what to say, except I'm sorry."

  Skylar stared back at him, words fleeing her mind. His apology didn't excuse her actions, for she suffered the same guilt. She'd dropped her guard the moment their lips touched. Though she knew she should, she couldn't look away from him. What she’d just experienced was like nothing she'd ever felt before. The power in his kiss had been too mighty to fight. She was conflicted down to her marrow.

  If need and hunger were crimes, then they each were willing accomplices. This kind of thing didn't happen in real life! It was something that only occurred in old movies, romance novels, or fairytales. A kiss from a stranger? She conjured an image of the sailor and nurse in Times Square after the war. But people didn't do that anymore, did they? At least not without the threat of being arrested!

  She took pity on the man. There were hundreds of people around, and yet she felt like they were the only two humans there. He felt it too, she could tell, both of them consumed by a roller coaster of emotions. Her heart still pumped a frantic beat, warning her with its cadence to beware of a man with such a lethal effect.

  "What was that?" She found her voice. Though a hundred reservations told her to grab her bags and run away, her gut told her otherwise. Apology filled his eyes, his expression as sweet as their chocolatey brown color.

  "I don't know." He looked as perplexed as she felt. A shrug shook his shoulders while his lips played with a sheepish grin. "I could quote Robert Palmer and say you're simply irresistible."

  I’m irresistible? What about him?

  Suddenly, they both burst into laughter. Vince had witnessed the encounter from a few feet away. He appeared as shocked as Skylar and Dash had been. For a moment, he froze, watching the encounter in disbelief. He approached the two of them, cupping his hand over the handle of Skylar's suitcase to roll it away. "Um, I hate to break up this little tête-à-tête, but I've got an Uber on the way."

  The interruption jolted Sky back to reality, yet, still, she couldn't deny that she enjoyed what had occurred a moment ago. The laughter had faded beneath Vince’s injection of reality. Dash canted his head, while she traced the contours of his lips. The thrill of highs and lows danced a jig on her insides, while anger sat outside like a wallflower. Instead of the rage she thought she should feel, she felt happy. She was too locked into the residual effect of his kiss to feel otherwise.

  Dash's eyes darted between her and Vince. He lunged to put a hand on her arm before she followed him. "About the concert . . ."

  Her gaze traveled from his face and down his arm to where his hand rested. As it moved back up, a smile split her face. "When and where?"

  He responded with a beaming smile of his own. "Friday. National Harbor. There'll be a ticket for you at the will-call desk. I'll meet you inside."

  Still surprised by her uncharacteristic response, she nodded.

  "Skylar. Uber's here." Vince tipped his head toward the door.

  Skylar searched for something witty to say but could only come up with a quick response. "Gotta go." She turned and followed Vince's path.

  "Wait!" Dash trotted to her. "Lemme see your phone." She handed it to him, and he punched in a few keystrokes. "That’s my number. If anything comes up and you can't make it, call me."

  She gave him a quick, affirmative nod. With a tip of his chin, he issued a smile and jogged off into the crowd. Skylar followed suit, heading toward the exit door with a schoolgirl smile on her lips and a spring in her step.

  Chapter 7

  "Hi there. I'm here to pick up a ticket. My name’s Skylar Harrison."

  Her expression was one of anticipation as she stood at the will-call counter. There was a long line behind her, and the lobby was packed with wall-to-wall people. She’d hoped to find Dash in the crowd, but when she dialed his number, it went to voicemail. She’d left him a simple message but had been confused by what she remembered of their conversation. When he’d said he'd meet her inside, did he mean inside the lobby or inside the seating area?

  She hadn't had much time to think about their impending date. With deadlines looming, much of her concentration had been on meeting her writing goals for the day. She hadn’t even had time to look up who was playing until that day. When she'd finished working, she sent a document to Vince and spent a few minutes doing a search on the web to learn the identity of the band. When she closed her laptop to get ready, she looked up Disordered Fate on iTunes. She removed her clothes as she entered the bathroom, laid the phone down on the vanity top of the sink, hopped in the shower, and indulged herself in the downloaded tunes while she shaved her legs and underarms.

  As she approached the lobby bar, images of Dash came to mind. One of them included a memory of a kiss she couldn't forget. She lingered with her thoughts in one of five lines with at least ten people in each, leaving her to wonder if she’d even get served before the concert started. It made no difference. Either way, she was confident they’d meet up inside. She assumed his seat would be right next to hers.

  Finally, it was her turn in line. "White wine, please." Ten minutes spent waiting with Dash on her mind wasn’t a bad way to pass the time. She hadn't been able to get his face out of her thoughts. With eyes the color of candy and lips that tasted as sweet, her dreams were a treat for her senses. In them she somehow recalled his scent, an
d the way his laugh escaped his throat. She pictured his smile and his snarky side-grin that lifted up one corner of his mouth. She hadn't had much to go on, seeing that they'd spent such a short time together. But the rich timbre of his voice still rang in her ears, leaving her wanting more conversations.

  "License." An older man with thick gray hair held onto the stemmed wineglass.

  "You're kidding, right?"

  "No, ma'am. I'm not."

  Her wallet in hand, Sky fished out her driver’s license and a twenty-dollar bill, and gave both to the man. "I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered."

  "Take it as a compliment." He winked at her, glanced down, and handed the license right back.

  Once the bartender presented the glass and issued change to her, she dropped a tip in the glass and turned toward the enormous electronic billboard. Disordered Fate was on the marquee. She craned her neck to look up to the top. That's why everyone was there. Though, admittedly, she wasn't familiar with their music, her taste was eclectic. She was excited to spend the evening with Dash, and she was also happy to see a band she'd just discovered. She’d played a few more songs on her drive to D.C. Between the bathroom and the event, she decided she liked them. She might not know a lot about Dash, but from what she could gather, he had good taste in music.

  Distancing herself from the bar so as not to block other patrons, she slid her finger beneath the rim of the envelope and pulled out the ticket and a note.

  Can't wait to see you tonight. Hope you enjoy the show.

  What? Sky's brow wrinkled as she stared at the cryptic note. He hoped she enjoyed the show? Wasn't he coming?

  Stunned and perplexed, she kept walking as she tucked the note back into the envelope. Like a docile little lamb, she followed along with the herd until she approached the door and showed her ticket. An older woman with dark, curly hair directed her toward section C on the floor. As the concert goers searched for their seats, Skylar walked along in a daze. Alone.


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