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C-26 Page 9

by D. D. Lorenzo

  Dash inclined his head, directing her gaze to a large field. "Look."

  Ripples of excitement filled her belly as they spied a family of deer near the tree line. With childlike wonder, she pinched the loops at his waist. The scene was too perfect, the deer too beautiful. She leaned into him, placing her chin on his shoulder. "Is it always like this? So peaceful and beautiful? So free?”

  A soft bark of laughter shook him as she spoke into his ear. He turned his head just slightly. When she caught a glimpse of the side of his face, she noted a hint of humor. The corner of his mouth hooked into a smile as he stole a quick glance over his shoulder. Even behind his sunglasses, she caught the crinkle of delight at the corner of his eye.

  He leaned back, taking one hand off the handlebar as he again reached back to give her a reassuring pat. "It's never the same, babe—and it never grows old."

  Chapter 14

  Skylar set her laptop to the side and took a long stretch. She’d been awake since the crack of dawn. Three cups of coffee later, and she was finished. It had taken her nearly a month to put down the first draft of her new novel. This one was much lighter than her previous stories, and she couldn't help but wonder if the change was due, in part, to her ongoing relationship with Dash.

  She rolled her desk chair over to the window. The morning sun glistened on the water across the street. It was ten o'clock, and the stores in Fells Point were opening for business. The tourists would be taxiing over from the harbor. With too lovely a day to stay inside, she expected there would be scores of them. Broadway had an eclectic mix of restaurants and bars, as well as antique and vintage clothing stores. Dash appreciated the area as much as she did. Their walks around the neighborhood always had them discovering something new. Since finding classic treasures was something they both enjoyed, they did it often.

  Skylar placed both hands against the wooden window frame and pushed it open with a hard shove. Fresh air mixed with the dank smell of harbor water filtered into the home and billowed the curtains as she scooted back to her desk. It would be nice to escape the confines of her house with Dash today. Why she was so vigilant about her writing routine, she didn't know. She kept herself chained to the desk. Habit? Maybe. Dash reminded her that she could write from anywhere, and often encouraged her to get out of the house. Though it was an interesting thought, she'd never done it. She was a pain in her own rear end and was so particular about so many things it seemed like she’d created a bit of an OCD ritual for herself. It also wasn't as easy as he would think. Inspiration hit her at the most inopportune times. Often, when most people were going to sleep, her mind spun storylines. Thoughts and ideas were most malleable for her in the dark of night. Having Dash in her life also added in another element. Nighttime was also when longing seeped in. Images of Dash would corrupt her thoughts and filter into scenes. The way he kissed her. The way he held her. The way her hand felt when he captured it in his and refused to let go. All those things found their way into her romances. And why wouldn't they? The way that she felt about him had changed her perspective about many things, and she described them now in greater detail. This latest story had a couple meeting at a bus stop. The girl fell hopelessly in love with the boy. Through tragedy, they triumphed and found their happily ever after. Though Dash spent as much time with her as his schedule allowed, he was away more often than not. The thought that she and Dash might have a happy ending of their own whispered through her thoughts. Anything was possible.

  The rocker and the writer, such an unlikely pair. Dash regularly made jokes about how they were perfect for each other. Opposites attract, he would say. Neither was able to offer an explanation for their attraction, so they compared themselves to Forrest Gump and Jenny. Peas and carrots. Carrots and peas.

  Sky rolled her head from side to side, giving her neck a good stretch. As she pushed the chair away from her desk, she arched her back, raised her hands up toward the ceiling, and reached as far as she could. Stiff muscles, cramped from confinement, burned deliciously as she positioned her body to help unkink and unravel. Though the chair was comfortable enough, spending all that time in the same position took a toll. Creaks and pops came from tight, underworked, joints. Hemmingway jumped up on the desk, meowing for attention. "Ah. No more today, buddy. We’re done." She reached underneath of him and cradled him just above his belly. Hemi was content to ride her hip from the office to the kitchen. Setting the furball on a cushioned chair, she rubbed behind his ears. Gratitude fed his purrs. Sky was in such a good mood. Not only was the first draft complete but, today, Dash was coming home.

  "That's all you get, pretty boy. I've got to eat and shower." The words fell softly from her lips, piercing the quiet room. She popped a bagel into the toaster and grabbed the apricot spread from the fridge. She had plenty of time for a bite. The last thing Dash said on the phone was "have your britches ready for a ride." She glanced at the clock, rubbing her eyes to help her focus. She'd been staring at a screen for so long her eyes felt like they had sand in them. Working from the middle of the night into the early morning had its advantages. She’d have a few hours before he arrived. It might be enough time to do everything she wanted to, eat, shower, and nap. In her current state, rest was an excellent idea. The last thing she needed to worry about was falling asleep on the back of a motorcycle.

  One of the things Dash wanted to talk to her about was about traveling to meet him while he worked. While Dash's life on the road didn't appeal to her, she’d promised she’d give the idea some thought. Though familiar with travel due to book signings, it wasn't her favorite thing to do—but it could work.

  As she removed her jeans and shirt, she tossed them into the hamper. A shower sounded good after the push to make her self-imposed deadline. Indie authors were entrepreneurs. Everything fell on their shoulders. Writing, covers, editing, formatting, and publishing. Then came marketing. If you were lucky, you formed a great team. If not, your book could end up at the bottom of the retailer's lists. There were pros and cons, but she'd been lucky enough to be on the pro side of the list more often than not. It worked if you were a self-starter and a go-getter. Thankfully, she was, and Amazon had created the ability for authors to independently upload and sell their books. Still, she hoped that one of her books would catch the eye of one of the big five.

  The shower head sent out a gentle mist, but she changed that to the massage setting. As the steam fogged the bathroom, Skylar slipped beneath the spray. The pounding water relaxed her neck, loosening the damage she'd done from countless hours spent over a keyboard. It didn't take long for her skin to turn lobster red, a sharp contrast to the comfy white bath sheet she draped around her body before wrapping her mass of wet hair in a smaller one.

  Sky took a close look at herself in the mirror. Beneath the bright vanity bulbs, she noted the dark, bluish circles under her eyes. Hopefully, a little concealer would fix that problem. She rubbed lotion on her damp skin, indulging in kneading arms and legs that had been kept in one position for too long. She patted moisturizer to the darkness beneath her eyes with the gentle touch of her ring finger, then took herself to bed. She could only hope the puffiness would be gone by the time Dash arrived.

  Exhausted from ten hours of writing, Sky slipped between the sheets. The stiff cotton was cold on her bare legs and feet. She thrashed her legs back and forth beneath the covers, trying to conduct a little warmth. As she tucked the blanket beneath them, she raised her legs so the material surrounded them. She yawned. Fuzzy socks would have provided needed relief, but she was too lazy to get out of bed.

  As she closed her eyes, anticipation and memories formed a blissful cocktail. While on the phone, Dash had confessed to missing her. He admitted that even when playing to sold-out crowds, she was in his thoughts. She hugged herself, a smile tugging at her lips. Though she and Dash laughed about their strange connection, she agreed with a statement he’d made to her:

  "What we have is rare, Sky. We can't let anything ruin that."

; Though many would think otherwise, Dash Barrows was nothing like his stage persona. He was so damn serious while performing, choosing instead to leave the theatrics to Ian. Dash was, indeed, a gentleman full of old-time charms. An old soul. He still liked opening doors for her and bringing her flowers. It was refreshing from the assholes she'd dated before, and precisely what she found most endearing about him.

  She turned over, adjusting on her side. She tucked the pillow beneath her towel wrapped head and immersed herself in thoughts of him. What would he bring back from his trip this time? Though she didn't expect anything, he always brought her a little something from his travels. He seemed to find joy in the little things. The world would be shocked to discover what a romantic Dash was, and, because of that, he’d completely stolen her heart.

  Chapter 15

  Skylar reached over to the empty pillow. Though half-asleep, she splayed her fingers as she slowly trailed over the light blue, cotton pillowcase. An image of the two of them making love had her pressing her thighs together. A shiver trailed down her spine as she imagined lying next to Dash, skin-on-skin. Goosebumps pebbled her skin. Though it was something they both wanted, their schedules always got in the way. She didn't know how long she could stand postponing the inevitable. Just the touch of his fingers skimming the back of her neck hardened her nipples. The timbre of his voice on the phone sent rushes of pleasure coursing through her bloodstream.

  Through half-closed, sleepy eyes, she stared at the place where she pictured Dash resting his head. Gingerly, she traced the pillow. This separation had been too long. She was eager to touch his face. Look into his eyes. Soon.

  She took a deep breath and flipped onto her back. As she stared at the ceiling, exasperation rushed a sigh past her lips. Sleep was fleeting, giving her short periods of uninterrupted rest only to find her fully awake with each movement. She threw aside the comforter, sat up on the side of the bed, and shuffled her feet on the floor. She looked over at her cell. Three missed calls. As she picked the phone up, it lit up and buzzed in her hand.


  "Hey, babe."

  Upon hearing his voice, desire thickened her tone. "Hi."

  "I'm on my way over. I'll be there soon. Less than an hour."

  She stood, walking circles around the room. "Okay. What's the plan for today?"

  "It's a surprise." Amusement lifted Dash’s voice. Spontaneity was his strong suit, not hers, and he knew it. She was a list girl. A planner. And Dash? He loved catching her off guard to make her expect the unexpected.

  "I hate you," she countered.

  "I know." With a laugh he blew out a breath. "Be ready when I get there."

  An eye roll was in order. It seemed she did a lot of that when it came to Dash and his antics. "See you when you get here."

  It was apparent the resignation in her tone made him chuckle. "See you soon."

  Skylar threw the phone on the bed and started rummaging through her bureau drawers. She slipped into her underwear, shimmied into a pair of jeans, and pulled a V-neck tee shirt over her head. She smoothed the shirt over her breasts and noted the pale triangle of skin at her throat. She’d been spending a lot of time inside. Hopefully, being outside today would gain her a little glow.

  She lifted the brush from the dresser to put some order to her messy curls. With each long pull through to smooth her hair, excitement fluttered her beating heart. The culprit was her imagination and the heated gaze of deep, brown eyes.

  The telltale sound of Dash's Harley could be heard from three blocks away. She’d finished gathering her hair into a ponytail just as she heard the machine pull up in front of her house. Though their time spent apart might not seem long to some, the anticipation of seeing him again had reached an almost unbearable level. Her lovesick heart picked up its pace, making her desperate to see him.

  Though she was anxious to see him, she hoped they would have some time to talk about his latest venture on behalf of the band. Marketing was so important, as she well knew, and Dash wanted to monetize the band's brand. Ian and the other guys were supposed to have been in the meeting. Hopefully, Ian had attended sober.

  She was looking forward to being with the man whose playful sarcasm always outweighed her concerns, even those about Ian. Dash read her moods well when they were together. She didn’t know quite how he did it, but somehow he even seemed to read her feelings through inflections in her voice, knowing exactly what she was thinking before she formed the words to say to him.

  When she opened the door and saw the broad smile on his handsome face, it only further drove home the fact she would never want to be a part of something that would cause him pain.

  "Hey, sweetness." Skylar’s front door was only six feet from the street, as were most of the rowhomes in Baltimore. Dash pushed the kickstand down with a leather-clad foot. In a heartbeat, his arm was around her waist, locking her in his embrace as his lips met hers.

  What was it about his kisses that made her feel like a schoolgirl? His embrace was always a moment longer than she expected; each new kiss was sweeter than the last. When he pulled back, his eyes took her in. "Ready?"

  Pleasure edged his voice, making her anxious for the day to get started. She made quick work of mounting the bike, always being mindful of his first instructions. She fastened her helmet and put on her sunglasses. Once he checked to be sure she was ready, the familiar jolt of excitement mixed with terror hit.

  She let out the breath her lungs always seemed to hold captive at the exact moment he took off. There were times she was sure her fingernails punctured holes through his leather jacket and was equally certain he heard her little yelps through barely parted lips. Still, as their rides increased in number, she was just as amazed and distracted by the beauty of nature as she had been that very first time.

  "Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?" She leaned in close, her voice raised so that he could hear her over the engine.

  "Because you’re a hard girl to surprise. You'll see it when we get there." He loved to surprise her.

  No matter how much time they spent together, every dinner, phone conversation, and stolen moment was imprinted on her mind. Something she’d promised herself she’d have to get used to was that she shared Dash with the world. Everywhere he went, and everything he did was open to anyone with a cell phone to document. But times like these were theirs alone. She appreciated these little moments. The simple act of holding him in her arms made her happy. She inched her butt forward, pressing her breasts into his back. After weeks apart, his nearness seduced her. She rested her cheek near his shoulder. She wanted him lying beside her. Holding her. Loving her.

  Dash rounded a corner and pulled over to the side of the road. Immediately, Sky’s senses engaged. Beauty was everywhere. Beneath a shimmering blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds sat an immense field of lavender. Rows and rows of various colored flowers seemed so perfectly spaced that they created an illusion that they stretched out forever. The sensory assault continued as she inhaled. Deeply filling her lungs with the sweet, relaxing scent, she could feel their effects soak through her skin. She’d been under the impression that all lavender flowers were purple but now knew she’d been wrong. Blues and purples in various hues spread out as far as the eye could see. It was a most beautiful sight, almost too wondrous for words.

  "What do you think?" He removed his helmet and dismounted the bike, then offered her his hand for assistance.

  As she took it, she slid her leg over the seat. The soles of her boots crunched on some loose blacktop. How to answer his question? Words seemed inadequate to describe such perfection. "It's stunning." She leaned into him and found his focus wasn't on the field, but on her.

  "I missed you." His rich baritone made her insides quake.

  Without hesitation, he claimed her lips. Sky's head fell back, a victim of desire. This was no sweet kiss. This was the kind of connection that turned blood into lava. As it coursed through her veins, it left an imprint. The heat burne
d away her reserve and opened her mind to all sorts of lustful thoughts.

  He pulled back, their connection remaining as they gazed into each other's eyes.

  "You’re cute and hot."

  Skylar's lips pursed in a crooked pucker as she dismissed his compliment. "You always say that. A hot mess is more like it."

  "My hot mess," he corrected. “I thought you’d like this. Something wide open, with no paparazzi, and beautiful—just like you.”

  He released her, turning to the saddlebag on the side of the bike. He pulled out a thick, black canvas bag with a Harley Davidson logo on the side.

  Puzzled, she canted her head. “What’s that?”

  “Our food.” He gave her a playful wink. With one hand on the bag, and the other taking hers, he led them over to a grassy plot.

  Skylar looked around. “Are we allowed to be here?”

  Dash managed a soft laugh as he looked at her. “Always the rule girl, aren’t you?” He paused, dropping the bag to the ground. “This looks like a good spot—and, yes, we’re allowed to be here. It’s the picnic area.”

  A relieved sigh relaxed her shoulders. “I’m surprised we’re the only people here. It’s so pretty.”

  Dash unzipped the bag, removing a thin blanket and spread it on the ground. He then placed utensils, glasses, and plates in the middle, finishing the set up with sealed containers of food and a few bottles of water.

  Dash held Skylar’s hand as she took a seat on the corner of the blanket. He walked around to the other side and did the same. “I can’t believe all of that fit in there.”

  “Yeah. I got lots of gear for the bike. I just thought it would be a good day to get away.”

  Appreciation filled her expression. Dash was great about doing little things that others underestimated.


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