Seducing Kate

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Seducing Kate Page 11

by Marci Bolden

  When I woke in the morning, Kate had already gotten up. I found her in the kitchen scrambling eggs and drinking coffee. She was wearing her usual attire of short shorts and a tank top. Her long hair was in a carefree mass on the top of her head. I felt that damn twinge again. I pushed it aside and walked in.

  “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed,” she said when she noticed me.

  I stepped behind her and nipped at her neck. “I’ll take dessert in bed.”

  She giggled, and I walked to the coffee machine. I made a drink for me and then carried both of our mugs to the table. Kate followed a minute later, carrying two plates. She put one in front of me and sat in the chair to my left.

  Heavy silence fell over us. At this point I wasn’t sure if it was our threesome the day before, my impending departure, or that we both feared I’d started getting too attached to her. Whatever it was, there was something in the air, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to end our summer together like this.

  Kate must have been having the same thoughts, because she put her fork down and pushed her plate away. She then reached for mine, taking it as I was working on getting egg on my fork. It only took me a second to realize why. She took my fork, tossed it onto my plate, and stepped around to my side of the table. She straddled my legs and lifted herself onto the table.

  I silently watched as she took off her tank top before lying back on the table. I moved my hands up her legs until they were on her hips. She planted her feet on my thighs and lifted her ass up enough for me to tug her shorts down.

  Rather than diving into her center like I wanted, I slowly ran my hands up her legs again until I reached her thighs. My teasing strokes became firmer, massaging her legs, getting closer to her pussy with every pass. Finally I let my thumbs brush over her, causing her to arch her back and gasp loudly.

  Instead of doing it again, I moved my hands over her stomach. I did that several times, and like before, I got closer to where I knew she wanted me to touch her with every teasing touch. When I made it to her breasts, rolling each of her nipples between my fingers, she let out a deep laugh.

  “Stop teasing me,” she said.

  I moved my hands back down, and this time I rubbed over her clit and then slid two fingers inside her. She moved her hips to accentuate my touch, rotating in time with my hand. I returned my free hand to her tit and tugged at the hard peak. She exhaled slowly as she ground against my hand.

  I watched my fingers moving in and out of her, slick with her juices, several times before leaning down and licking her clit. She called my name and fisted her fingers in my hair. She held me there as I nibbled at the bud. I used my hand and mouth on her until I knew she was about to come, and then I pulled away.

  I stood and pushed my boxer briefs down, intending to jam my cock into her right there where she lay, but Kate had other ideas. She pushed me back into my chair and straddled me, her chest to mine. She sat, plunging me deep inside her. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss.

  Her hips rocked as I thrust up, creating an amazing amount of friction. I started thrusting harder, and she leaned back, giving me perfect access to her neck. I sank my teeth into her skin, and she dug her nails into my shoulders.

  It hurt, but at the same time it felt incredible. I leaned back and grimaced as she dragged her nails across my skin. It sent sensations straight to my cock, and I came with several hard spurts.

  I had taken several breaths before reality hit me like a train.

  “Fuck. I don’t have a condom on. Tell me you’re on the pill or something.”

  She chuckled. “I haven’t been on the pill since I was twenty. Don’t worry.” She kissed me gently. “I had my tubes tied as soon as Justin entered his terrible twos. You’re not gonna be a daddy anytime soon.”

  “Then why the hell have we gone through a dozen condoms in the last two weeks?”

  She lifted a brow. “Safety first, Kyle.”

  “Well, I’m good. Are you good?”

  She smiled, slowly bent down, and kissed me. “I declare today lazy day. I’m only showering because I’m filled with your virile semen. I will be putting pajamas back on when I’m done.”

  I was okay with that. I was more than good with that. I went into the half bath and washed myself in the sink and then cleared the table of our barely eaten breakfast. I was stretched on the sofa in the den when she came down, her damp hair pulled into a ponytail and, as promised, wearing clean pajamas. She curled up with me, and we spent the day watching movies.

  We cooked dinner together, and I couldn’t help but smirk at her when she sat next to me at the table. There were few places in this house that we hadn’t had sex in. The only room we hadn’t christened with our affair was Justin’s bedroom and the guest room.

  But Kate’s bed was much more comfortable than mine, and the thought of fucking her in Justin’s room took the betrayal to a whole new level, one that would make what we were doing somehow feel wrong, and I refused to believe any part of it was wrong.


  Eric called me at lunchtime on Wednesday to tell me his car was in the shop and asked if I could take him home in exchange for dinner and a few beers. I told him he didn’t owe me anything. I insisted, actually. I had just over a week left in Minneapolis, and I didn’t want to waste it hanging out with Eric.

  No offense to the guy, I liked him well enough, but he sure as hell wasn’t Kate.

  I picked him up at his office and again told him it was no big deal; he didn’t owe me anything. No matter what I said, I ended up pulling into a sports bar just outside his neighborhood.

  We ordered our food and bullshitted our way through dinner. By the end of it, I had begrudgingly agreed to have a cookout on Saturday before I left. I liked the guys, I really did, but they were asking a lot of me.

  After work, I should have been at home cooking dinner with Kate. And Saturdays were set aside for swimming and fucking. Sunday was yard work and fucking.

  We were headed out of the bar when Eric nodded toward the hostess stand. “Check her out.”

  I glanced back and let my gaze skim over a skinny brunette waitress. She was in tiny shorts and a tight top, as were all the waitresses in the bar. Her body was thin and tight, but she did nothing for me. Now, if it had been Kate dressed like that, asking if I’d like a table or a stool at the bar, I’d bend her ass over the hostess stand and tear those clothes off her without another thought.

  I smiled at the thought. Maybe I’d suggest we play that game tonight.

  Eric nudged me. “Look at your stupid-ass grin. Yeah, I’d fuck her in a heartbeat too, man.”

  I laughed and held the door open for him as we headed for my car. “You need a ride to get your car tomorrow?”

  “Nah, Jason is gonna take me. We’re going to pick up some beer and shit for the cookout.”

  “Thanks for letting me in on the fact that I was hosting this little shindig before showing up unannounced.”

  “No problem.” He chuckled as he climbed into the passenger seat. “Got any gum?”

  “In the glove box.”

  I backed out of my parking spot and drove to the exit. I was waiting for a few cars to go by when Eric whistled. I looked over and noticed he’d pulled out the pair of Kate’s panties I’d stashed in there. I cussed as I reached over and snagged them.

  “Nice.” He laughed. “I hope those came off a lady friend. Nude is definitely not your color. You need something that will bring out your eyes.”

  We laughed, and I hoped he’d drop it, but I knew better.

  “Who’s the lucky lady walking around without any underwear on?”

  “What the fuck is it to you?”

  He was quiet for a moment as he popped a piece of gum into his mouth, and I pulled into traffic. “Just…there’s talk, you know. With the guys.”

  “You bitches gossip like a bunch of old biddies at a church social.”

  “We just noticed that you don’t hang out with u
s much anymore.”

  I exhaled uneasily. “So?”

  “So you’re always busy.”


  “So who is she?”

  I scoffed. “You guys need something better to do with your time.”

  “Is it serious, or is it gonna be done when you head back?”

  I shook my head. “Dude, you are so wrong right now.”

  “Really? I find panties—not underwear, Ky, pan-ties, hot, sexy panties—in your glove box, and you’re going to tell me you aren’t hittin’ some sweet piece of ass? Come on, man, you’ve been up to something. If it isn’t some chick from work, who is it? And don’t you dare tell me you’re fucking Kate, because I told Jason you wouldn’t be that goddamned stupid.”

  I looked at him, and my stomach twisted so suddenly I could taste my dinner coming back at me. “This is what you guys talk about when I’m not around? My dick?”

  “Not your dick per se. Just where you’re sticking it.”

  “Who said I was sticking it anywhere?”

  “Look, none of us would blame you. Kate is hot as shit. I don’t think there isn’t one of us who hasn’t fantasized about it, but Justin would fuck you up, dude.”

  “I’m not…fucking…Kate.”

  He was quiet for a moment before groaning. “Holy shit, Kyle.”


  “Man, you’d better hope Justin doesn’t find out. He will kill you.”

  I pulled over a few blocks from Eric’s house and threw the car in park. I sat there for a long moment before looking at him.

  “Look, it’s just…sex. Okay? She’s terrified that Justin will find out. She knows he’d be pissed. It’s always just been the two of them, and she doesn’t want him to hate her. So don’t say anything. For Kate. Okay?”

  “Man.” He shook his head.

  “I can handle Justin being pissed off at me, but it would hurt Kate if he got mad at her, and she doesn’t deserve to be hurt anymore. She’s had to deal with enough shit with John and every other dickhead she’s been with.”

  He looked at me. “Is that what started this? Your fight with John?”

  “Shit.” I laughed and looked out as a car drove past. “I’ve had a hard-on for her since the first time I came here.”

  “What made you act on it?”

  “I am not giving you details.”

  “I don’t need details. I just need to know how my buddy’s mom’s underwear ended up in your glove box.”

  I dropped my head back and sighed. “We just…talked a lot about her life and her bad relationships and my life, and then…we started fucking. That’s it. It’s not…a relationship or anything like that. It ends when I leave.”

  “Does it?”


  “I, uh, you know, I don’t want to lie to Justin.”

  I eyed him. “Has he asked you if I’m fucking his mom?”

  “No.” He laughed. “He doesn’t have a clue how hot she is. He has no idea how much we’d all like to tap her ass.”

  “Okay. I get it.”

  “I thought it wasn’t serious. Why do you sound jealous?”

  “I’m not jealous. I just don’t…need to hear that. And don’t think just because she’s sleeping with me, she’s going to start sleeping with any of you guys when I leave. Don’t go over there hitting on her.”

  “Man, I couldn’t if I wanted to. I grew up with Justin. Kate’s hot, but she’s like my aunt or something.” He was quiet for a minute. “She does have shit taste in men, though. You’d better be treating her right.”

  “I am. Of course I am. Look, this needs to be between us. Please, Eric. This could do a lot of damage to Kate and Justin. I don’t even want her to know that you know, okay? She’d be humiliated.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. All right. It’s our secret. But you gotta tell me one thing.” He looked at me. “Is she as good as I’ve imagined she is?”

  I chuckled and put the car in drive again. “Better.”

  The week passed quickly. Too quickly. All I wanted to do was spend the day with Kate, hanging out and fucking as much as possible before the summer, and our affair, ended.

  While Kate enjoyed her morning swim, I mowed and cleaned up the yard. I was already plotting ways to end the evening early, so I also loaded the grill with charcoal and set out the chairs. Once everyone arrived, we could throw some meat on and get this thing started and over as quickly as possible. I’d already told Eric that too. He laughed and told me he was going to make sure they all stayed as long as possible.

  Half of me believed he’d do it too. The bastard.

  Kate watched me as I worked, and every time I glanced at her, I met her gaze and grinned before returning my attention to my task. I was going to miss having her watch me almost as much as I was going to miss watching her.

  The last thing I needed to do before I could focus on our short afternoon was marinate the steaks. I’d just put the meat in the fridge when she walked in, a towel hanging low on her hips. She was smirking as she sashayed her way to me.

  Before I could call her on her vixen grin, she slid her cool palms over my chest and around my neck. She tangled her fingers in my hair and pulled me down to her. She didn’t say a word, just put her mouth to mine and pushed her tongue deep into my mouth.

  I tugged the towel from her hips and turned her body as I pushed her back until she was pressed against the fridge. Taking her hands from around my neck, I lifted them over her head until I could hold both of her small wrists in one of my larger hands.

  As I devoured her mouth, I lowered my free hand to her breast and pinched her already hard nipple, taunting it through the cool, damp material of her top. She arched into me and moaned as I moved my hand down and slid it inside her bathing suit bottom.

  She laughed against my mouth as my thumb pressed hard circles over her clit. It sounded like a laugh of shock and surprise, but I didn’t let it stop me. Instead I bit her lip and thrust my fingers roughly into her. She tried pulling her hands free, but I tightened my grip and covered her mouth again.

  Within just a few seconds, she stopped resisting and rolled her head to expose her neck. I sucked at the flesh there and felt her body relaxing as she gave in to my assault on her. As soon as her playful fight faded, I pulled my hand from her body and let her go.

  I managed to take three steps away from her before she grabbed me by the waistband of my shorts and jerked me to a stop. One of her hands pressed to the center of my chest, and the other grasped my cock through my shorts. I felt her tongue glide up my spine, between my shoulder blades.

  Beads of sweat had rolled down my back while I was mowing, so I knew my skin was damp and salty. I looked back over my shoulder to see her reaction and found her eyes closed as she licked her lips. When she opened her eyes, she held my gaze and lightly bit my shoulder.

  “Take me into the den,” she whispered.

  I turned and grabbed her hips so I could lift her. Her arms and legs went around me, and her mouth covered mine as I carried her across the house. I eased our bodies to the sofa where we’d first crossed the lines of decency. She was beneath me, just how I’d wanted her that night.

  I ground into her, and she lifted herself to meet me. I put a hand between us and slipped my fingers deep inside her again. As before, I brought her to the edge of coming and then pulled away.

  “Goddamn it,” she cursed.

  I chuckled as I tugged her bikini bottom away. She wriggled her legs out so I could dive in. Her hands were in my hair, and she moaned as I sucked at her clit. It only took a moment before she grabbed my head and was pushing my face against her as she came.

  I lapped at her juices, licking her clean before moving up her body. She had pushed her top to the side, exposing one tit, and I pulled the nipple into my mouth. I suckled it just for a moment before leaning back and pushing my trunks down while she pulled the ties to her top and let it fall away.

  I yanked her down, turned her around so her face was
in the cushion, and rammed her from behind. She cried out, and I pulled back and plunged into her again. I pressed my fingers deep into her muscles as I held her hips.

  I knew I was pushing the border between pleasure and pain between my tight grip and rough fucking, but I kept going until she came hard. Rather than collapsing against the sofa, she used her hips to push me back enough that she could turn. When she was facing me, she kissed me and then shoved me until I was on my back on the carpet.

  She crawled up my legs and sat on my cock. She jerked her hips, causing a ripple of sensation to shoot straight to my balls. I grabbed her thighs and dug my fingertips into her. She responded by jerking her body.

  “Jesus.” I groaned. “You’d better stop that.”

  “What?” I knew before she did it that she was going to move again. “That?”

  “I’m gonna come.”

  She leaned down and bit my earlobe and then moaned loudly. “Come for me. Deep inside me. I want to feel it.”

  “Fuck.” I lifted my hips as she rotated hers. We only had to repeat the motion a few times before I shot my load as far inside her as I could get.

  “You’re such a good boy,” she whispered. She put several kisses along my neck. She chuckled as she finally relaxed against my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her.

  She was usually a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type, so holding her after was nice. She actually lay still for a few minutes before sitting back. My limp dick was still inside her, and I could feel the mixture of our come surrounding me. She moved just a bit and sighed as she rolled her head back.

  I watched her gyrating her hips and exhaling soft slow breaths until she looked down at me. Her eyes were full of lust again, and I laughed softly.

  “Didn’t get enough?”

  She shook her head and cupped her breasts. “I want more.”

  I suddenly imagined her tied to her bed, as she had once done to me, as I worked one of her many dildos in and out of her. Hell, maybe I’d fuck her with two.


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