Falling For Her

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Falling For Her Page 7

by Tory Baker

  “What you do to me, baby,” there’s a huskiness to my voice only Peyton gets to hear.

  “I think I’d rather stay home tonight, is that okay? Maybe snuggle in bed, light the fire in the chimney and just be,” she suggests.

  “We can do anything you want,” I respond and then we clean each other off, kissing each other the whole time.



  I woke up surrounded by Levi’s warmth. It’s not every day I get this feeling. I snuggle in deeper and let out a soft moan.

  Levi has one arm under my neck, and I’m snuggled into his side as he lays on his back. I’m usually practically lying on top of him, but not today. His hand is holding my hand and it’s only then I feel a weight on my finger that wasn’t there before.

  My eyes pop open and a smile takes over my face as I glance up into Levi’s eyes, “I love this so so much, Levi”

  “You know you’ve been mine for a long time now. It was only a matter of time until you caught up with my plans.” His arm that was behind my neck is slowly moving and it’s leaving a heated path of desire as he brings it to the hair that’s flowing down in soft curls around my shoulders.

  “Well, then I guess it was a good thing my answer was yes,” I laugh, and he takes my mouth in a searing kiss. Every care is left behind, the matter of morning breath is thrown out the window.

  We break apart, our foreheads are touching, when Levi says, “That’s good, because I wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

  Our day is spent in bed, the only break we take is to replenish our bodies. In between the burning fire that seems to always simmer just over the edge, we talk.

  The both of us want something small, maybe even a justice of the peace type wedding, and Levi, he’s on board with this plan.

  In fact, his exact words were, “Get dressed, we can go get our license today, and then get married tomorrow.”

  I put my foot down and replied, “I don’t even have a dress. We haven’t talked to your parents about a date yet, either. I’m fine with getting married, and soon, but Levi, your parents deserve to get some plans made and so does Buck.”

  “Fuck, you’re right. Still, get up and get dressed. We’ll FaceTime them and tell Buck, then set a date. I want the world to know you’re mine,” his voice taking on that deep huskiness I love so much.

  “Okay, but first we need a shower,” I get up from our bed, my body feeling thoroughly used in the best possible way.

  “I’ll meet you in there. I want a repeat of last night,” he grunts.

  “Oh no, you don’t. One more time and I’ll be walking bow-legged for a month. How would that look when we’re standing in front of the judge getting married?”

  The laugh he lets out makes my heart flutter, and then I’m up in his arms, as he carries us into the shower.

  “I love you, Levi,” I whisper into his ear as my hands loop around his neck.

  “Love you, Peyton.”



  Three Months Later

  I got the shock of my life after Peyton and I said our “I do’s”. It was the best shock a man like myself could get, too.

  One that had me picking her up and marching her out the courthouse steps with my parents, siblings, and even old Buck, was whooping and hollering.

  Right after we kissed, she leaned back, and whispered, “I have a surprise for you, Daddy.”

  “You’re pregnant?” I yell out and everyone knows that’s in hearing distance. Tears are gathering in my eyes and it’s one of the greatest gifts that could be bestowed on me.

  “In about eight more months, we’ll be welcoming a bundle of joy.” My hands find her cheeks and I kiss her for everything I’m worth.

  I carried her out, “Levi, I can walk,” she said into my ear, her tongue slowly licking a path down my neck.

  “I know you can, baby. Doesn’t mean I want to let you go. Give me this, just for a while.”

  “You can have it forever, Mr. Heart,”

  “Fuck, I love my name rolling off your tongue and to know you have my last name, makes me want to beat my chest,” I grunt.

  We make it to the truck, and only then do I let her go long enough to open the door. She climbs inside and her dress that was decent in the courthouse, is now hiked up her thighs where I want to be most.

  “Levi Heart, don’t you dare leave without saying goodbye,” I hear my mom cry out as she’s speed-walking down the steps. My dad is right behind her, not even thinking clearly about them. Just that I wanted Peyton alone and to myself.

  “You were going to see us soon. A man needs to consummate his marriage, Ma,” my dad chuckles as he tries to reign her in.

  “Pshhh, clearly it’s been consummated. Let me hug my girl, then you can leave for a little bit. Don’t you dare be late to the reception.” She stomps her foot and makes her way to where Peyton is sitting and trying to hide a laugh of her own. They hug and my father brings me in for a hug of his own and says, “I’m proud of you, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad, I better get to my bride before Mom has her riding with you,” we both chuckle and Dad pries Mom away from Peyton.

  “See you soon,” I tell her and head to my side of the truck. I have my wife by my side, life couldn’t get much better than today.



  Two Years Later

  “Jack, no, no.” I say out loud to our son, who’s toddling around and thinking it’s funny to try and ride our dog Levi brought home. Sadie, our Australian Shepherd, that was meant to be more of an outside dog on the ranch made her home, well inside our house shortly after Jack was born. It’s been a wild ride at the Heart ranch the past two years.

  We welcomed our son into the world and Levi took one look at him and named him after my father. The slow tears that were gathering, flowed fast and steady after that.

  Sadie runs for the back door. I guess she’s rethinking being an inside dog after all. Though she’s great with Jack, sometimes she wants her own space.

  That’s something I can understand, when you have a baby in the house, there’s no such thing as personal space or quiet time.

  “Da, da, da,” Jack says, and I look up from where I was sitting on the floor playing with him.

  Levi walks in and Sadie darts off, we laugh at the same time, “I take it our boy is being a handful today?”

  “He is every day, but I think Sadie just needed some breathing room. He thinks she’s a horse. Not that I have any idea where he could get that notion from.” My back is to the couch. Levi comes and sits down beside me with Jack in his arms.

  Once I was too pregnant to work anymore, I took a leave of absence from the pediatric office. I knew it would take me a while to get back on my feet. Not wanting to leave Jack with a nanny or at a daycare wasn’t easy. Thankfully, Levi’s mom decided they were done with Arizona for the time being and bought a small home in town. We offered them some land and to build them their own house.

  They wouldn’t hear any of it, with Levi being the oldest and us having their only grandchild, they knew where they were meant to be.

  His dad would come out to the ranch a few times a week and I would work two days a week, while his mom would come over here to watch Jack or I’d bring him to her. It just depended on what her plans were.

  “Mom called today and said they’re taking Jack this Saturday night. What are you planning, Mrs. Heart?” he asks.

  I smile at him and say, “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “If that’s how it’s going to be, just wait until little man lays down for a nap. I’ll tease it out of you,” his eyes are lit up with mischief.

  “Hmmm, something tells me you’ll be up to no good,” I respond. Jack has drifted off to sleep in Levi’s arms, my cowboy holding his little guy in his arms. It melts my heart.

  “I’m going to lay him down, meet me in the bedroom. And Peyton, I want you naked,” he demands.

  I do as he asks, knowing I
’ll reap the rewards and praying I can keep my secret for just a bit longer.



  Making my way into our bedroom, I see Peyton is standing in only her panties and bra. The curves she had before she was pregnant with Jack are now more prominent and something I love to hold onto while taking her anyway I can.

  “Look at you, Peyton. Fuck. What you do to me. It’s enough to have me on my knees begging for anything in this world as long as I have you,” I tell her as she comes to me. The slow smile that’s coming over her face, damn, I’m one lucky man.

  Her hands gather at the bottom of my black tee shirt I’m wearing, and she bunches it up. I help her take it off, leaving me in just my jeans. She falls to the floor on her knees, unbuckling my belt, she’s moving tortuously slow. I know what she’s doing. It’s only going to make me prolong her pleasure for as long as I can.

  Once her hands finally find my hard cock, the grunt of pleasure that comes out of my mouth as she fists it. Peyton knows exactly what I like. Her tongue peaks out and she laps up the precum that’s on the tip of the head, before she slides her mouth down my shaft.

  It feels fucking phenomenal. I let her play for a few more minutes, before I reach down, helping her stand up.

  “Levi,” she moans. She’s moving her thighs back and forth, creating a friction to help ease the hunger that’s building up inside her.

  Picking up her hand, I hold it as we both walk to the bed. I lay flat on my back, she straddles my lap, but that’s not where I want her.

  “Slide up here, baby. I’m hungry,” the lust in her eyes says it all and she shimmies up to where her thighs now surround me. I can smell the need and I know my mouth will be on her, as soon as I rip the flimsy lace that’s covering her pussy.

  “Oh, god,” she cries out. I lick her through the lace knowing I’ll find them drenched. My fucking luck is amazing. I wrench them off of her and find my haven. Her taste comes to life and the way she’s grinding down on my face, fuck it’ll be a matter of moments until she comes.

  I bring my fingers into play, my thumb finding her pussy and my finger slowly rubbing her ass in slow firm circles.

  “More, please. Levi, please,” she pleads. I give her exactly the pressure she needs, and she explodes. Her body is limp, and yeah, I fucking did that.

  “Something you need to tell me, Peyton,” I question with a cocky grin.

  “What?” she asks. It’s then I see just how fuck drunk she is. I know what she’s been trying to hide from me until this weekend. I saw the changes in her body, the way her nipples became dark, and how her pussy tastes. Yeah, I know exactly what she’s planning on telling me.

  “I know what you’re trying to tell me this weekend,” I remind her.

  “No way, there’s no way you know,” she grouses.

  “Baby, been with you long enough to know the signs. Just tell me how far along you are,” I say with a smile.

  “Ugh. Fine, I’m nine weeks pregnant,” I see tears leaking down her cheek.

  “Fuck, Peyton. Don’t cry, I love that you’re pregnant. I don’t need a surprise for you to tell me, though.” I finally finish stripping out of my pants. I pulled them up after pulling Peyton off my cock earlier, but now I want to be buried so deep inside my woman.

  “I know, but I thought we could just have a night, with the two of us.” I take her bra off and she moans. I love her pregnant, her body glows, and not to mention she seems to wear less clothing because she’s always hot.

  I guide myself between her thighs, she opens them, and my cock finds its home, as I say, “We’ll still have our night. I love you, Peyton,”

  “I love you.” Our bodies move as one as we celebrate another life we created.

  Epilogue Two


  Nine Years Later

  “Levi Heart, if you don’t help me clean up after the mess our children made, you’re sleeping on the couch!” I yell out. We just celebrated our family Thanksgiving at our house, our family already leaving. For the most part it was clean, until the kids started coming into the kitchen for seconds and dessert.

  He’s the ringleader. If he thinks I know he didn’t get the kids started on mashed potato and turkey sandwiches, he’d be wrong. It’s his tradition every year.

  At first, it would just be him doing it on his own. I’d sneak down and watch him make his concoction, now we have five little ones that follow in his footsteps.

  “What, I didn’t do anything,” I turn around and see every last one of them with sandwiches in their mouths. How they can eat that many carbs in one day, I’ll never know. Our littlest one is shoveling her food in as fast as she can. She’s also on Levi’s hip.

  “All of you are helping me clean up the mess. Nana and I just finished cleaning up the kitchen. And don’t think I didn’t see the pile of crumbs you left in your wake,” I’m not upset, not by any means. I love that he’s carrying his tradition down to our kids. Jack is now eight, Avery is seven, Austin just turned five, Walker is three, and Kennedy is getting closer to two years old.

  Our brood is complete. It was a hard decision, but Levi put his foot down. I wanted at least one more. He saw the toll it was taking on my body with each pregnancy.

  Now though, I see he was right. Like he always seems to be when it comes to my well-being.

  “Come on kiddos, we do need to clean up our mess. It’s not fair for Mom to have to do triple duty today.” The kids all follow him and help pick up in their own way. While they clean up, I go and sit on the couch and put my feet up. The living room has toys from one end to the other, but that doesn’t bother me. It makes our house look and feel like a home.

  I hear the laughter coming while Levi helps clean up the mess, it won’t be long until they are done. Once they are, though, I know we’ll all be plopped on the oversized couch and watching a Christmas movie to get the holiday season kicked off right.

  Epilogue Two


  The kids and I did like we should have in the first place. I’m glad Peyton put me in my place. Sometimes us menfolk forget our women do a lot more than just take care of the house and children.

  “Is everything clean now?” I ask the kids. Kennedy is down on the ground playing with a couple of pots I set down for her. I didn’t want her to feel left out in any way. Yeah, I know she’s young and probably won’t remember this. But it’s tradition and you don’t mess with tradition in our family.

  The chorus of yes and grunts come out from the kids, “Alright, let’s go see what movie Mom turned on.”

  We all walk in, each of the kids taking their place, except Kennedy. She finds her toys and sits herself down in front of the building blocks.

  I sit down beside Peyton, she leans into my side, as I place my arm around her.

  “Thank you,” she says quietly, while starting up one of the kid’s favorites, How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

  “No thanks needed, baby. It was our mess to clean up.” I kiss her. It’s not the kiss I’d like to give her but with the kids all surrounding us, I know sneaking out of family movie night is out of the question.

  “Later,” she whispers and settles back beside me.

  I look at each one of our children, they’re the perfect blend of us. Though, I’m noticing some are looking just like their mother. Especially our girls. I’m going to have my boys keep a watchful eye on them as they get older, but for now, I soak in every ounce of goodness and tune out the outside world and settle in for the night with my family.

  This right here, it’s what dreams are made of.


  About the Author

  Tory Baker is a devoted mother living in sunny Florida who spends her alone time writing about Alpha men who love their women and put them first in everything they do.

  Follow me below to keep up to date on upcoming books!




  Also by Tory Baker

  Spreading Christmas Joy

  Mail Ordered Bride


  Doctor For Hire

  Going All In

  Getting What He Wants

  Accidental Daddy

  Love Me Forever

  Gettin’ Lucky

  It’s Her Love

  Meant To Be

  Breaking His Rules

  Can’t Walk Away

  Carried Away

  In Love With My Best Friend

  Must Be Love

  Sweet As Candy




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