Diamond In The Rough: The Complete Series

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Diamond In The Rough: The Complete Series Page 73

by Hart, Rebel

  It gave her enough strength to walk away from the marriage.

  It gave her enough strength to leave me behind.

  Place the note and get out of here.

  I sighed as I walked over to the piece of furniture. I pulled the tape out of my pocket and taped the bright blue envelope to the front glass. I knew the color would stand out. When Dad came by, I knew he’d see it. Whether he read the note addressed to him or not, I didn't know. And honestly? I didn’t care. Getting it down on paper helped. Handing it over to him helped even more. I did my part. I said what I had to say in that note.

  And now, it was time to move on.

  I sighed before I turned my back. The note was the last piece. It wasn’t much either. Just a paragraph or two on what he could expect of me from this point on. I told him I no longer wanted him in my life. Nor did I want to be part of his. I told him I’d find my own way. That I wouldn't ever ask him for anything again. That I wouldn't reach out, either. And I didn’t expect him to. I wanted him to know that we could go our separate ways and be done with all this shit. All this abuse. All this insanity.

  Writing that note helped bring me peace.

  And I hope it served to keep my father far away from me.

  I walked out of the house and closed the front door behind me. I jiggled the knob, making sure it was locked. Then I headed for the SUV. Cecilia rolled up her window as I walked around to the passenger’s side. Ready to drive off into our new future. I climbed into the car and buckled my seatbelt. And as Cecilia reached over for my hand, I shook my head.

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  She squeezed it. “You want to go get some food before we head to the apartment?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’m ready for this. We can unload everything, get the furniture arranged, and order something in.”

  “Mmm, I haven’t done that in ages. How do you feel about Thai?”

  I grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”

  My stepmom drove away from the house, and with every piece of distance I felt the last of the weight lift off my shoulders. Peace overcame me so intensely it pushed tears to my eyes. I didn’t try to mask them, either. As Cecilia held my hand, I let them fall down my cheek. I let the memories assault my mind. I let myself feel the pain I’d been experiencing my entire life.

  And she sat there, silently. Driving us to our new home.

  Without an ounce of judgment in her form.

  I wanted this. As much as it hurt, I wanted this more than anything in my life. I wanted a new chapter in my world. I wanted to start the part of my life where I made things right. Where I made good choices. Where I surrounded myself with good people instead of toxic people. I wanted kindness in my life. People like Rae and Allison and Michael. And Cecilia. I wanted to surround myself with people who were healing, too. Healing from abuse and hurt they couldn't always control, like Luciana.

  “You okay, Clinton?”

  I sniffled. “I am.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded slowly. “I’m ready, Ma.”

  She paused. “What did you call me?”

  I smiled as I looked over at her.

  “Is that okay? If I call you that?”

  She smiled brightly. “You can call me whatever you want, son.”

  “Thanks… Ma.”

  “Is there anything else you want to do before we get there? Any place you want to stop?”

  I shook my head slowly as we came to a stoplight. Right by the school. Only five minutes away from our new home.

  “I just want to get the hell away from that house.”

  And with a snicker, she nodded.

  “Then, allow me to speed as quickly as I can to the apartment.”

  I smiled. “Sounds good to me.”



  Michael pulled to a stop. “I think this is it.”

  I looked at the apartment building number. “Yep. 1824.”

  “You going to take pictures for me?”

  I snickered. “I’m sure you and Allison will get the tour soon enough.”

  “So that’s a yes?”

  I giggled. “You know that’s a yes.”

  “Good. Because you know Allison’s going to be bugging me over dinner as to whether or not you’ve sent them.”

  I reached over and gave Michael a big hug as I laughed.

  “Thanks for bringing me over.”

  He kissed my cheek. “Anytime. You know I don’t mind giving you rides.”

  I pulled back. “Have you talked to Clint about the new school riding schedule?”

  “I haven’t yet. I plan on it tonight, though. You know, after the two of you are done doing your thing.”

  “There’s no ‘thing’ happening tonight. His stepmom’s home.”

  Michael gave me a knowing look. “Uh huh. Whatever. Have fun, Rae.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Screw you.”

  “That’s Allison’s job one of these days.”

  “I’m telling her you said that.”

  We laughed as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I slid out of his car and waved him off, watching him drive out of the neighborhood. He and Allison had a dinner date. The dinner date, really. The one where he picked her up at her house and officially met her parents.

  I’d already told Allison to text me and let me know how it went.

  With Michael’s car out of sight, I turned around and looked up at the massive apartment building before walking onto the first floor. I came to the apartment number and knocked softly on the door. I checked my text message, making sure I had the right place.

  And when Clint opened the door, I smiled broadly.

  “Come here, beautiful.”

  He picked me up and swung me around. I giggled as he carried me into the apartment. He closed the door behind me and set me back down on my feet. Then he proceeded to give me the grand tour.

  “This is my bedroom. It’s back down the hallway. Cecilia’s is right off the main room.”

  I nodded. “So her bathroom is the one guests use?”

  He paused. “She said that, too. Why the fuck is that such a big deal?”

  Cecilia called out from her room. “Because boys have nasty bathrooms, and guests aren’t using nasty bathrooms!”

  I snickered. “She’s got a very big point.”

  Clint rolled his eyes. “I’m not nasty.”

  I giggled as he continued leading me around the apartment. He showed me his bedroom and bathroom, which were much larger than I expected them to be. Cecilia showed me her room and bathroom. And I was shocked at the amount of furniture they had. The decorations that had already gone up. It looked like they’d been slowly moving in all week. The place looked phenomenal.

  “Want to see the balcony?”

  I smiled. “Hell, yeah.”

  Clint’s hand fell to the small of my back and he ushered me out a door. The white-washed wrought iron was gorgeous, and it overlooked a stretch of land shrouded in green grass and trees. The leaves were turning colors, casting yellows and oranges and reds against the sky. I smiled brightly as Clint closed the porch door, giving us some privacy out there all by ourselves.

  “Come here. Sit with me.”

  I squealed as he pulled me into his lap. We sat down in an oversized chair on the small private balcony, and I leaned against him. My legs curled up as he held me. My forehead fell against his temple. I hadn’t seen Clint smile like this in a long time. And the smile stayed prevalent on his face. He looked more relaxed, more at ease. I kissed the shell of his ear softly and he turned his head, nuzzling his nose against my own.

  “What was that for, beautiful?”

  I snickered softly. “You seem happy.”

  He held me tight. “I am happy.”

  “No, I mean… happy. Really, truly happy.”

  He nodded slowly. “I’m relieved, more than anything.”

  “Have you guys been moving in all week?”

  He shrugged. “More or less. We st
ill have a storage unit filled with things. But we pooled our money and bought new pieces of furniture. A new couch. A new television and a place to set it. Things like that.”

  “It really looks nice.”

  “Thanks for coming over.”

  The porch door opened and Cecilia stuck her head outside.

  “Sorry to interrupt. But I’m about to order some Thai. Rae, are you hungry?”

  I paused. “Thai food?”

  She nodded. “Mm-hmm. Is that okay?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had Thai food.”

  Clint gasped. “You what?”

  Cecilia shook her head. “That won’t do. I know exactly what to start you with.”

  “How the hell are we dating? How did this happen?”

  I laughed as Cecilia went back inside and closed the door.

  “How have you never had Thai food?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Mom’s not a fan of it, so we don’t eat it.”

  He sighed. “I have to rethink my life choices now.”

  “No more sex for you, then, I guess.”

  “Hey, now. I didn’t go that far.”

  I grinned. “It’s cute that you think I could actually resist you.”

  “Oh, really now?”

  His lips captured mine, silencing my laughter. I moaned as I sank against him. I felt my phone vibrating, but I ignored it. I could get back to Allison and Michael at a later time. I sat up as I straddled Clint’s lap, letting my arms languidly drape around his neck. The kiss was slow. Deep. My head fell off to the side as his hands journeyed around my back. I rolled against him, wanting him more than ever before.

  If only this balcony were more private for us.

  “Mm, Rae. Rae.”

  I kept kissing his lips. “Mm-hmm?”

  “Rae, Rae. Listen.”

  I paused. “Yeah?”

  Clint cupped my cheek. “Some other things have happened this week.”

  “Oh? Like what?”

  His hands settled on my hips. “Things are moving forward with the court date.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Wait, what court date?”

  “The one against the boys. You know, that pro bono lawyer?”

  My jaw dropped open. “The woman who called you? You took her up on her offer?”

  He nodded. “I did. And she’s confident we have it in the bag.”

  “Are you serious?”

  He chuckled. “Very.”

  “Holy shit. Clint.”

  I threw my arms around him as tears rushed to my eyes. I clung to him, feeling him wrap his arms around me. He stood up and carried me with him, opening the balcony door and walking us back inside. I curled against him, tucking my face into the crook of his neck as I heard Cecilia still on the phone ordering food.

  I drew in shuddering breaths as I tried keeping my tears at bay.

  “I’m so happy you decided to go with it,” I whispered.

  Clint kissed my cheek. “I know you are. And I knew it needed to happen. I guess with everything going on with the house and my dad, I didn’t want more on my plate. But she’s made this process pretty painless.”

  “I’m so proud of you.”

  A door closed behind us and I lifted my head. I watched Clint’s bed come into view before he walked me over. He settled me down on the edge, then patted my back. Trying to get me to let go.

  “I’ve got one more thing I want to show you.”

  I sniffled. “What is it?”

  He stood up. “Something Cecilia helped me pick out.”

  I watched him walk over to his closet. He slid the doors open and plucked something out from the back. He turned around and my hands flew to my mouth, taking in the beauty of the pristine black suit. Crisp. Clean cut. Tailored specifically to him. The button-front shirt had a glossy texture to it, juxtaposing the matte black jacket. The black collar was velveteen. But it was the dark green bowtie that caught my eye.

  The color reminded me a lot of that dress Cecilia gifted me.

  “Clint, it’s—it’s beautiful.”

  He nodded. “It is. But it’s nothing unless you’re on my arm.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “Rae, will you go to prom with me?”

  And as I rushed off the bed, I lunged at him. I wrapped my arms around him as tears welled in my eyes. I hugged him tightly, peppering his cheek with kisses. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me, the suit dragging along the hardwood floors of their new apartment.

  “I’ve been waiting forever for you to ask.”

  He snickered. “Then say yes.”

  I nodded quickly. “Yes, Clint. Holy fucking—hell yes. Hell yeah, I’ll go to prom with you.”



  I smiled into her shoulder as I wrapped her up tight. I tossed my suit over into the corner, wanting to hold all of her in my arms. I breathed in the scent of the luxurious body spray she started wearing a few weeks back. I loved its smell. Like cotton on a cool fall day. I kissed her neck, hearing soft moans fall from her lips. And as I journeyed up her neck, I felt her head fall to the side.

  “No. I want to taste you, Rae.”

  I fisted her hair and brought her lips back to mine. I needed her. I wanted her. And now, I had her. Fully, without my attention being divided. No father to worry about. No being scared of going home. No fretting over the situation Cecilia was in. I was free. Free of worry, and doubt, and chains my father locked me in. I was free to graduate. Free to live my life. Free to come home and never wonder about having to brace for impact.

  Which meant I could devote myself to the girl I loved.

  My hands slid down her back. I felt her slipping my shirt over my torso. Our clothes came off in a flurry, our hands sliding against one another’s skin. I puckered for her. Goosebumps flooded my skin. My cock jumped at the sight of her. At the sight of her naked body standing in front of me.

  I licked my lips as my eyes traveled down her toned curves.

  I slowly walked over to the door. With my girth at full attention, it wept at the need to be inside her. I locked my bedroom door. And the sound of the lock flipping snapped something inside Rae. She rushed me, pushing me against the door. My back fell against it, and I tried my best to muffle the sounds. Her fingernails slid down my skin and rumbled over my abs as she fell to her knees. My eyes bulged as she wrapped her hand around my girth. Stroking it. Spreading my leaking arousal up and down its shaft.

  “Rae, you don—holy fuck.”

  And the moan she let out around my dick made my body shiver.

  I groaned as my hand found her hair, twirling up in her tendrils, commanding her every move. Her tongue slid down the underside of my cock, licking me and stroking me as her cheeks hollowed out. My toes curled into the hardwood floors. I felt my thighs already quaking as she swallowed down my cock. I heard her gag and felt the tightness around me. And as my eyes rolled back, I started moving my hips.

  “Yes. Rae. Shit, just like that.”

  The whispered words filled the space around us. She bobbed her head quicker. Faster. Hollowed out her cheeks harder. The suction was too much. Feeling the back of her throat made my head spin. I felt my balls curl up and my eyes jumped open. I didn’t want it to end like this. I wasn’t ready for it to end yet.

  “Oh, no you don’t.”

  I growled as I tugged at her hair and pulled her up from the floor. She fell into me, my lips capturing hers. And the taste of my cum on her tongue unleashed the animal. I dipped down and gripped her ass cheeks, hoisting her against me. I walked her over to the bed and tossed her onto the mattress, watching her tits bounce for me.

  She panted. “Clint. I need you.”

  And she didn’t have to say anything else.

  I gripped her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. I tossed them over my shoulders as I stood there, my cock falling against her pussy lips. She unfurled for me. Her clit throbbed for my viewing pleasure. I grinned as I stroked my girth, feeling i
t pulsate in my hands. Her hands fisted my comforter. I stroked myself up and down her glistening slit.

  Then I pressed into her, giving her no time to catch her breath.


  I folded her in half and fell down against her. With my hands on either side of her head, I snapped my hips against hers. I felt her hands sliding along my back, her nails marking me as growls came out of the back of her throat. Our bodies became one as she rolled against me and I pinned her beneath me. I swallowed her sounds, the cries for more and the chants of my name. I pounded against her. Quicker. Faster. Harder. And it was only by the grace of whatever god existed that the bed didn’t rake across the floor.

  “Rae,” I grunted.

  I felt her closing around me and her body trembling beneath me. Her legs locked out. Her thighs quaked. And her hands cupped my cheeks. She kissed me over and over, gasping for air and whimpering as I sucked on her lower lip. I felt my balls pulling up as her juices dripped down my thighs. And as I sank myself deep into her, I ground my pelvis against her swollen clit.

  “Clint. Clint. I’m coming. I’m so close. Yes. Right there. Like that. Oh! I love you. Clint. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  I grunted at her words. I gnashed my teeth together and forced my eyes open. I saw her staring back at me, with pleasure and desperation in her stare. She arched her back. I watched her eyes close. And as my cock finally spilled into her, I choked out her name.


  I collapsed against her, sliding her legs softly off my shoulders. As she quivered beneath me, my cock still sheathed within her, my face fell to her shoulder. I nuzzled her pulse point, feeling her heart beating wildly against mine. I kissed her skin. Her jaw. Her cheek. All the way over to her lips as my trembling arms held me up.

  “I love you too, Rae.”

  And as her hands brushed away tears I didn’t know I had been crying, I opened my eyes. I stared into hers. Into the loving eyes of the girl I’d come to love. The girl I had loved for weeks now.

  “I love you with everything I am,” I whispered.



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