Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2)

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Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2) Page 5

by Scarlett Grove

  The scent of his body and his presence overwhelm me with intense desire. He turns to me and reaches out to take my hand. He lifts it to his lips and brushes them over the backs of my knuckles.

  “I can't express how happy I am that you are here, Madeline Weber.”

  “I am glad I have the opportunity to know you,” I say.

  “You are beyond all of my expectations.”

  I go weak in the knees. I want to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. The sensation is so overpowering that I feel like a fool. I can't move and I can't decide. But he makes it for me. He leans down and claims my mouth with his own.

  He presses his warm, full lips to my mouth and a surge of electricity radiates through my body. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him closer. A wave of excitement washes through me and moisture dampens the heat between my legs. I feel his erection rise against me and it only makes the intensity of my desire that much greater.

  His tongue taps at the crease between my lips, asking for permission to enter. I part my lips and our tongues meet, tasting each other for the first time.

  I groan slightly as he enters me, the fantasy I had in the tub coming back to my mind. He holds me tighter, pressing me against him. I want more. So much more.

  I feel his cock hard and throbbing on my stomach. His hands slide down my back. I might faint from all the blood rushing away from my brain and into my loins.

  But then he lets me go. And my head is swimming. He makes a grunting noise low in his throat, as if he's trying to control himself. I know the feeling.

  “That was better than I imagined,” he says.

  “Yes,” I say dumbly. I have no other response. My brain is buzzing like a million bees have taken residence between my ears.

  “I should take you back to your room.”

  His voice is low and gravelly. He turns away to adjust himself and then guides me back through the grounds toward the house. When we arrive at my door, he leans in to kiss me one last time. But his lips fall on my forehead. And I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes closed.

  “I will see you in the morning, sweet Madeline. Good night.”

  “And you, Damious.”

  He turns away and I watch him go. I feel a strange sense of loss at his absence. I don't really understand why. Do I want him to come into my room, lift me from my feet and carry me to the bed? Maybe I did.

  I close my eyes as the door shuts behind me. I smell the fragrance of the flowers on the table.

  When I open my eyes again, I look at them. It was so sweet of him to bring me flowers. I smile like a giddy schoolgirl. It's so silly. But the gesture was so sweet. I slip out of my shoes and clothes and then pull on the nightgown. I love being comfortable. It's like magic.

  I sit on my bed and think about him. I look forward to going horseback riding with him. And I hope that he can find the time to go with me.

  I slide under the covers and turn off the light. My stomach is pleasantly full and my body is surprisingly calm. The kiss really did something to me, deep down inside.

  I've never been kissed like that before and it feels like something has awakened inside me, something I did not expect.

  From what I have learned so far, Damious is a good man with a strong sense of duty for his planet and his people.

  And I will be Queen of Mars. It is a lot to take in. Being Queen of Mars is a much greater responsibility than student body president at a University. But I still haven't told him about Abigail. I hope that I will find the right moment soon. Because I fear that the longer it takes, the more I will fall under the spell that is Damious.

  If I fall under his spell, will I even have the guts to ask him for something that could be so inherently risky for everything he holds dear?

  I drift off to sleep and dream of him. I dream of us together. My body is round with child. I am so happy. But as the happiness of our life unfolds before my eyes, the scene breaks and cuts to my sister.

  She is stranded on Earth, running for her life. A Mantis catches her and throws her into the air. Another monster grips her body, tearing her apart as she screams. Blood goes everywhere as they devour her tender flesh.

  Her head is separated from her body and it rolls on the ground at my feet. I stand clothed in the royal vestments of Mars, carrying the royal heir in my belly.

  I wake with a start, sweat dripping down my brow. I know I must find a way to save my sister. If I don't succeed, I will never forgive myself.



  I return to my rooms, considering what Madeline has told me about herself. After doing background research about her, I knew that she had a sister. But the reality of her life situation didn’t fully hit me until today. Her sister was left behind on Earth, which can only mean one thing—she will eventually die.

  The weight of my responsibility hangs over my head. It has never been as heavy as it is now.

  I walk across the room to my bed and sit down, my mind swirling with unsettled thoughts. Being with my match does something to me that I never would have expected. My rational thoughts no longer dominate my actions. Emotions roil in my belly and drive me like the swells of a storm-tossed sea.

  When I wake in the morning, I recall fitful dreams in which I experience my match rejecting me for my impotence and inability to save her sister.

  I climb out of bed and rest my face in my hands, my elbows on my knees. I groan and rub my face. Thinking of her rejection brings up an insecurity to which I am unaccustomed.

  I shake my head and stand, as if trying to shake off these strange sensations. I wash and dress and proceed to the dining room for breakfast.

  I attend to early-morning business while drinking coffee. My match arrives an hour later, dressed for the outdoors.

  Her golden blonde hair is pulled back in a high ponytail and her aqua-blue eyes are sparkling. She wears a shy smile on her lips. Her gaze burns into my flesh and I feel a flash of arousal that I work to quell. I've had enough of that already.

  She sits beside me and observes the morning spread. There is eggs, meat, cheese and fruit. And a variety of breads and pastries. She fills her plate and pours a cup of coffee.

  “I had hoped we could go riding today,” she says after popping a grape in her mouth.

  “I have blocked out several hours for that activity.”

  She takes a sip of coffee and then returns her cup to the table.

  “Oh yay. I can't wait. I was thinking about it all night.”

  By her tone, I can sense there is an untruth in her statement. As king, I have had extensive training in diplomacy, emotional intelligence, and reading non-verbal cues.

  Despite the genetic manipulations and lack of females, which caused Martian males to become less emotional, we have not lost our ability to read non-verbal communication.

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Well enough for being in a new place. But I'm glad to be here with you.”

  She bats her eyelashes prettily. And I get a flash of awareness. I know what she's doing. And while I enjoy her behavior, I can spot a manipulation tactic a mile away. It is an essential component of being king.

  I want to reach out and touch her and tell her she needn't bother. But I resist the urge and take another sip of coffee.

  There is a notification on the tablet at my side and I look away from her to read it. The science council, headed by Malico Ossi, is picking up the pace on its matches. And this is undoubtedly good news for Mars.

  After breakfast, we walk outside to the stables. My stable hand has already saddled two of my best steeds. There is a roan mare named Sasha and a black stallion named Midnight.

  I ensure that Madeline is safely mounted on Sasha before mounting Midnight myself. Then we proceed out of the stables and into the light of morning. It is a beautiful day. I look over at Madeline and she's smiling.

  Her smile does something to my heart. It fills me with happiness. All I want is to make her smile more.

e ride out of the immediate grounds and take a trail down into the valley. Madeline comments on how beautiful everything is and how much she enjoys the ride.

  I am filled with pride at the opportunity to make her happy. And it is becoming one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had to date.

  We proceed down the rocky trail as the sun rises higher in the sky. I take in a deep breath of the clear, crisp air. The sky overhead is an eggshell blue. The sun shines on Midnight’s black coat, glistening on his muscles. I gaze over at Madeline as she maneuvers Sasha.

  Her smile is infectious, and it makes my heart sing. I can’t believe the effect this woman has on me. It’s like her smile directs my moods and emotions; it dominates my thoughts and determines if I will have a good day or bad. The power she has over me is unacceptable. Something should be done about the genetic matching protocols. It is unseemly for a king to be so controlled by anyone.

  But, at the same time, I don’t want it to stop. I love every minute of it. I want to give her everything, my body and soul. I want to give her the keys to the kingdom, even though I suspect she wants something from me that she isn’t communicating.

  As we enter the valley floor, side by side, we start down a trail into the forest. She marvels at the trees and wildlife. An eagle flies overhead, making lazy circles in the sky. Her face is bright with joy and inspiration.

  “Mars is such a fascinating place. What your people have done here is nothing short of a miracle.”

  “It is miraculous, isn’t it? We have done everything in our power to preserve it. I wish the same could be said for Earth. We wanted to save it.

  “But Mantises had superior offensive power during the time of the invasion. Since they left the solar system and were wiped out by a virus, we have not had to defend Mars. Most of our development has gone into the biosystem and maintaining a prosperous life. When the women began to dwindle, our resources went into saving our race, and then the timegate. Weapons have never been a great value to us.”

  “I see. So you can’t fight them?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Now that we have viable females on Mars, we have considered working on weapons development. Perhaps in the future, when we pass the event horizon, it will be possible to save Earth and Mars. But that is a possibility for another generation. And perhaps for another king.”

  “I see.” She looks down at the ground.

  I hate to see her sad. If there were anything I could do, I would do it in a heartbeat.

  The more time I spend with her, the more influence she has over me. This overwhelming desire is a design flaw that should be reconciled immediately. I should have listened to Jaxxo before proceeding myself. Allowing a grieving Earthling undue influence over the king of Mars isn’t safe for anyone.

  We come to a clearing where I have planned for us to take a picnic lunch. There is a table here beside a small lake. It is picturesque and quaint. I dismount and help her down from her horse, though I know she doesn’t need it. I imagine the little athlete could pole-vault the mare in this gravity.

  I take the picnic box from my saddle and we settle into the picnic table, sitting next to each other on the bench, facing the water.

  The light is at our backs and the air is warm with a slight breeze blowing in the scent of the lake. I unfold the sandwiches for lunch and begin to eat.

  “Have you spoken to your friend?”

  “I’ve been texting Sophia.” Her voice is distant. “Things at the bridal house are about the same as always.”


  “Bobby is calling everyone a sex slave and plotting a revolution. Bethany is trying to speed up her match. Sophia misses me and wants to come stay here. I told her it probably wasn’t a good idea.”

  “Why not?” Maybe having her friend here would help her express whatever she’s hiding from me.

  “We’re getting to know each other. I thought we should probably have some privacy for that.” She sounds depressed and I don’t like it.

  “She can come visit any time. I often have to go away for government business.”


  I hear a twig break and look up. Across the lake a group of at least a dozen armed men emerge from the forest. Their eyes are fixed on me.

  “King Damious, we demand your recognition.”

  I do not hesitate for an instant with my match’s safety at risk. I press a button on my wrist and the horses begin galloping back to the stables. My vehicle is overhead, lowering toward us only a moment later.

  The men are proceeding around the lake, marching toward us with menace that is unbecoming of a Martian. The vehicle lowers toward us and the doors open.

  “What’s happening?” Madeline asks, her voice rising in panic.

  “These men don’t respect science,” I growl as they grow closer.

  Madeline’s door seals shut, and I climb into the driver’s seat. We are up and flying away before my door closes. The men converge on the picnic table as we ascend into the sky.

  “That was too close,” I growl under my breath.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on.” She has broken out of her funk and is now radiating fear.

  “In a word:rebellion.”



  As we fly back to Damious’s palace, I can see the horses rushing back to the stables below us. I’m relieved that they are making it back home all right. But that is the least of my worries.

  He said that those men were a rebellion and didn’t respect science. What exactly does that mean?

  We land on one of the highest towers and get out. He walks beside me with a protective hand on my back, but he’s already on a call with someone, reporting the men in the forest. I don’t pick up a lot of what is said.

  He guides me back to my room and tells me everything will be fine before walking away and leaving me alone.

  I am sad that our date was cut short. But the growing sense of unease at what happened out in the forest is sinking into my nerves. What does it mean for me or any of us Earthlings if there is a rebellion on Mars? From everything I’ve learned about them, they are a very peaceful society. Crime is rare.

  I sit in the easy chair by the window and look out at the view that once held so much beauty for me. Now all I can imagine is those men climbing the same trail we walked down and laying siege to the palace like in some historical novel.

  I shake my head. My hands are still trembling and my heart pounds in my ears. I wish Damious had stayed with me longer so he could have eased my nerves. But he is king, and I am learning that this is what it means to wear the crown.

  Leadership has its disadvantages, as I know myself. There were so many times back in school when being student body president meant I had to put out some fire between the students and the university.

  It makes me think of Abigail. She always teased me for taking on so much. I used to think of her as a slacker. Even after she had a million subscribers to her podcast. Now I’m starting to realize that maybe I had it all wrong.

  My heart hurts as the adrenaline leaves my veins. The sharp spike of fear pumped me up for a moment, but all I feel now is exhausted and depressed, two emotions I have very little experience with.

  I’ve always been a high energy, positive person who was ready to take on the world from the moment I woke up in the morning. This whole situation is taking a lot out of me, and I fear I won’t be the same person I was before the invasion.

  I open my tablet and try to find more information about the men in the forest. But there doesn’t seem to be any mention of a rebellion. I dig for over an hour until I finally find an Internet forum dedicated to liberating the women from the genetic matching system.

  I read some of their rhetoric out of pure curiosity, and then drop the tablet on the floor in disgust. What they call liberation looks more like a feeding frenzy by piranhas. I can’t even imagine what it would look like to have several hundred Martian men trying to win the affection of one Earth woman.

  Out of morbid curiosity, I pick up the tablet again and continue to read. Some of their ideas don’t seem completely insane. Especially the part about returning to Earth. They want to indiscriminately take women from Earth, which I’m not on board with. Or to try to fight the Mantises and stay there for a chance to find a match. Which, according to Damious, would amount to suicide and potentially create a time paradox.

  However, they have one goal in common with my own: Returning to Earth. If we snuck past the Mantises and took one willing person from Earth, it would have little to no effect on Mars.

  The house AI announces Damious is at the door. I go to greet him. When the door slides open, he stands on the other side with a dire look in his dark eyes.

  “Is everything okay? Who were those men in the forest? Am I in danger?”

  “You are safe here behind my walls. No harm will come to you. The men…” He sighs heavily. “They are staging a rebellion against the government. They are insisting that everyone have an equal chance to court the human females or that we return to Earth for more. It is an untenable request.”

  I shake my head. I feel my hope to save my sister sliding away, and my hope for a relationship with Damious going with it. I can barely form words.

  “What are you going to do?” I finally manage to ask.

  “I have to go away for a while. The Council must create a plan of action to deal with this growing rebellion. And I’m afraid it requires my presence and full attention.”

  “You’re leaving?” I’m suddenly terrified to be here without him.

  “I won’t be gone long. Why don’t you ask your friend to come stay with you? The bridal house is currently being fortified. And all females will have security personnel assigned to them.”

  “What if… What if the security personnel join the rebellion?”

  I understand why the men want to be able to have mates of their own, but their ideas are insane. You can’t just cut up a woman and share her with an entire society like a chunk of bread. The genetic matching system seems to be fair, and it seems to be working. Doris is happy and already pregnant.


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