Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2)

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Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2) Page 7

by Scarlett Grove

  “Don’t you think you are also important to him?”

  “I don’t think I can compare the two. It’s not fair.”

  “Don’t you see? With the rebels demanding they return to Earth, you have someone else on your side.”

  “I don’t think I want these people on my side. They were terrifying. I really thought they were going to hurt me, or worse.”

  The thought of aligning myself with the same people putting so much pressure on Damious breaks my heart. I really am starting to fall for him. I’ve got it bad. But I can’t give up on my sister, no matter how much I want to be the one who takes all his stress away and soothes his soul.

  “I’ll figure something out,” I tell her. “We’re just getting to know each other. It’s been less than two days. I had no idea I’d miss him so much since he’s gone. It’s really weird. Maybe there is something to the whole genetic matching thing.”

  “Maybe. I really haven’t given it a lot of thought. I’m just trying to keep my head straight. I think I have post-traumatic stress from the abduction. I keep waking up from nightmares.”

  “Sophia, I had no idea.”

  I stand up and throw my arms around her shoulders. She grips my arm with her hand and sighs.

  “It’s okay. I’ll be okay. I think that saving Abigail would help me. If I knew that we had some control in all of this…”

  “I know. I feel the same.”

  “He’s king, Madeline. If anyone can do something, it’s him.”

  “You’re right,” I say, sitting back down. “I’m not going to give up.”

  We go back upstairs, and Sophia returns to her room to rest. I go to mine and sit in my living room. The big screen on the wall changes from a Martian landscape painting to a still life of a bouquet of roses. It reminds me of the flowers Damious brought me.

  I look over at the roses on my table. The buds are blooming, and the fragrance fills the room. I sigh and lean back in my chair. I miss him. God, I’ve got it bad.

  I stand up and head down the hall to his bedroom. I just want to smell his fragrance on his clothes or his sheets. It’s crazy, but I’m running on instinct. To my surprise, the door to his chamber opens to me and I walk inside.

  The scent of him fills the air. I close my eyes and inhale. Moving through the room, I touch his furnishings, feeling what he feels. I walk into his bedroom and lay down on the bed. I imagine him here with me, holding me, kissing me.

  The one kiss we shared still burns in my brain. Burns my whole being like a brand with his name on it.

  I turn over on my side and find his tablet is on the bedside table. I pick it up and flick it open. I’m surprised that there’s no security. It seems to be the control tablet for this room.

  I know I shouldn’t look at it. It’s a violation of his privacy to snoop this much already. But I can’t help myself. I bite my lip and start digging around. I find a file that says, “security cameras.”

  I imagine that I’ll find footage of him on the feeds. I miss him so much. Any image of him will help me feel like I can connect to him.

  I tap on the file with yesterday’s date. And then find a file for his room. My finger hovers over the file. Am I really going to open video footage of him in his private rooms?

  Yes. Yes, I am.

  I giggle to myself like a lunatic as I press the file. It opens and there are about a dozen clips that are each a few hours long. I press the first one with a thumbnail of him sitting on the couch.

  This is such a violation of privacy. It’s not even funny. But I can’t help myself. The video starts to play. He’s sitting in his room drinking from a tumbler and doing some work. Then he taps his tablet and brings up a video on the big screen.

  My eyes widen in shock and my mouth drops open when I see what he’s watching. It’s me in the bathtub on the first night I was here. Oh. My. God.

  Did he watch me? I can’t even say the words in my mind. But that doesn’t stop what is happening on the screen. I take off my clothes and get in the bathtub. I then start to touch myself.

  My face burns. I’m so angry. I am about to send him an angry message when I stop, my eyes fixed to the screen.

  He unfastens his pants and pulls out his cock. It’s enormous. He starts to stroke.

  Holy fuck.

  Blood rushes to my clit. The smell of Damious is all around me. A rush of desire floods my senses. It’s like that first moment we met all over again, but ten times worse.

  He’s stroking and stroking as he watches ME on the screen playing with myself. I can’t look away, no matter how humiliated I feel. Humiliated and horny as hell. This is not right. It is so not right.

  Then why do I feel so turned on? I zoom in on him. The look on his face as he pumps his fist over his cock. I have never seen anything so hot in all my life.

  I have seen porn. I might not be a huge fan, but it is what it is. Watching my Martian king thrust into his hand to the sight of me is hotter than any porn I’ve ever seen. It’s beyond hot. It’s molten lava.

  He comes when I come on the video. I’m panting and sweating while I sit on his bed. My heart races like an Olympic sprinter. My pussy is throbbing and demanding my attention.

  I’m wearing a wrap dress that I untie, leaving me in my bra and panties in his bed. I’m so wet it’s obscene. I feel my panties are soaked when I slide my palm between my legs.

  I rewind the film and watch it again as I slip my hand inside my wet panties.

  My clit is so tight. My breasts are swollen mounds. Stroking my clit, I can feel myself so close to the edge of release it shocks me.

  On the screen, Damious is jacking himself off. I moan and my pussy clenches with a massive burst of pleasure. As it begins to subside, I’m awash with shame.

  What did I just do? This is not me. This is the genetic matching serum. It’s making me act like a nymphomaniac. I groan and pull my clothes back on. After washing my hands in the bathroom, I pace the room, trying to figure out what to do.

  My head is buzzing with my racing heart and nothing makes any sense. My feelings for Damious haven’t changed. I feel a little violated that he watched me masturbate, but I just did the same thing. I can’t exactly blame him for something I did myself.

  I don’t know what to think. I should think it’s wrong, right? But I just think it’s hot. Part of me wants to watch it again. There is something seriously wrong with me. I groan and pick up his tablet.

  I take it back to my room to download the evidence. I might be a hypocrite, but I might be able to use it as leverage. Or as further masturbation material. I’m not sure yet.

  I don’t want to pressure or manipulate Damious. But I also can’t give up on my sister. It’s a lose-lose situation. And I am the biggest loser of all. If I could have them both, then I could live out the rest of my life, happy and satisfied. With Damious as my king, and me as the Queen of Mars. What a wonderful freaking life that would be. But only if I can save my sister.

  I owe her that much. After everything we’ve been through, I can’t just leave her and make sexy times with King Damious. What kind of sister would I be if I did that? What kind of sister would I be if I gave up?

  A terrible sister.

  But what kind of partner will I be if I start our relationship off with a manipulation tactic? Not a very good one. Before I knew him, I was perfectly fine with using whatever advantage I had to pressure him into returning to Earth. Now I don’t think I can do it.

  I LIKE him. I really like him. A lot. And not just because he makes me hot as hell the second he’s around. He’s an amazing person. I respect him in so many ways. And part of that respect is for the fact that he’s such a good leader. A leader who would never put his planet at risk for the sake of one girl.

  Can I ask him to? Would it make him respect me less? I feel like crying as I sit by the window and watch the sun set. I am in a bind, and I can’t seem to get out.

  For all my smarts and achievements, this is something I can’t maste
r. The variables are too complex. The stakes are too high. And it’s a matter of life or love.

  I have no idea what I’m going to do. My wrist device pings with another text from Damious.

  “Almost done for the night. I’m staying in the capital. I wish I was with you, but this can’t be helped. You are safer there. I want you with me, but I would die if anything happened to you. Sweet dreams, sweet Madeline. I will see you tomorrow I hope.”

  Why does he have to be so, so Damious? Why can’t he just be a dick so I wouldn’t feel bad about using him? But I don’t want him to be a dick, I want his… Geez, there’s something seriously wrong with me.

  I reply to his text, “I miss you too. Come home soon.”

  Suddenly, I’m the swooning wifey waiting at home. And honestly, I like it. I want more of it. And more than anything, I want to know what it’s like to be with him for real.

  I squeeze my eyes closed. My warring emotions will not let me relax. I bite my lip and think about the video of Damious pleasuring himself.

  Maybe I can relax if I watch it one more time.



  Returning home after several long days of meetings and investigations, I look forward to seeing Madeline again. I have missed her more than I can say, and the thought of having her near me again seems to make everything I’ve been through over the last week worth it.

  I land my speeder on the highest tower of the royal palace, my heart in my throat. I’ve brought her gifts that I hope she enjoys. I picked them out myself, in the hopes of reestablishing the connection we’d just begun before I left.

  I had a necklace of Martian diamonds and gold made for her. It is an original design created specifically for her. It has her name in decorative Martian script in gold, with diamonds as the accents. Martian diamonds have a subtle pink hue to them that matches the rosy hue of our gold. I know that the colors will bring out the green of her eyes.

  I growl, thinking of her big eyes staring up at me with absolute devotion. It is a fantasy I have played over and over inside my mind. Yet I know it is a fantasy. I still have not won her heart.

  With my own people rejecting the rule of their king, how can I expect an Earthling to submit to me? I growl at the thought.

  I climb out of my speeder, clutching the gifts in my hands. I’ve also brought her chocolates from the premiere chocolatier in Cassini. They are world-renowned for their flavor and richness.

  I walk into the living room and find her curled up on the couch with a tablet, as if she’s reading.

  She looks up at me and smiles, bursting from her chair. She strides toward me as I stride toward her. We meet in the middle of the room. I want to take her in my arms, but my hands are full. She stops short as if holding herself back.

  She bites her beautiful full lip and looks to the side and away from me, clasping her arms behind her back.

  “I’ve brought you something,” I say awkwardly.

  She looks back up at me, her eyes growing interested in the packages in my arms.

  “What is it?” she asks.

  “Open it.” I hand her the gifts and we sit together on a couch and chair. She starts with the larger box and begins to open the chocolates.

  When she finds them inside, she squeals with delight. “I love chocolate truffles.” She picks one out and pops it in her mouth, groaning seductively as she chews. “Wow, these are so good!”

  “I’m glad you like it,” I say in a low voice. I cannot give away how desperate I feel for her to approve of my gifts and of me. It is ripping me apart. And I no longer know if it is the genetic matching serum or if it is my heart. “Open the other one.”

  She smiles and tears into the smaller gift. She finds the plush lavender jewelry box inside and slowly opens the lid. When she sees the gift within, she blinks several times in rapid succession. She purses her lips as if holding back emotion. Then she looks at me. Her expression does me in. It is a mixture of pleasure and sadness that I cannot comprehend.

  “Do you like it?” I ask.

  “It’s so beautiful.” She covers her mouth, her eyes filling with moisture. She blinks away the tears and begins to fumble with the chain. “Will you help me put it on?”

  “Of course,” I say in a low voice.

  I stand and grasp the delicate chain, wrapping it around her neck. I hook the tiny clasp with some effort and then place the chain gently on her neck. She shivers at my touch and turns around to look at me.

  Her brows are tightly knit, but her eyes are pleading. What is going on with her? Is she as torn as I am? Never in my life has anything been more important to me than the welfare of Mars. Never until now.

  She looks away and then stands, turning to me.

  “It’s so perfect. No one has ever given me something so…” She sighs. “But I’m afraid I can’t accept it.”

  Her words are strangled, as if she can barely get them out.

  I quickly grow frustrated. I know she is keeping something from me. I can see it in how she holds herself and the tone of her voice. If a Martian addressed his king this way, I’d have him jailed.

  “Why?” I ask in a low growl. I need the truth. Now. So I can solve whatever problem needs to be solved.

  “I know you’ve been spying on me.”


  “I found the video.” Her voice is so choked I can barely understand her.

  “What video?”

  “The one of you…masturbating.” The last word is a whisper as if it embarrasses her to say it.

  I laugh. It bursts out of me like a popping balloon.

  “What? Where? How? I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  I actually do, but I want to hear her say it. If she’s found anything of the sort, she was snooping. She’ll have to admit to it and tell me what she’s really upset about. Because it’s clear to me that this is not it.

  “The video of you masturbating to me,” she squeaks. “I feel violated.”

  Her face grows red. And I can smell her desire filling the air. Apparently, she likes being violated in that manner. Interesting. She is a very interesting creature. Full of guile and lies. Yet so alluringly fragrant while she says them.

  “I see,” I say with mock remorse. Two can play at this game. I’ll let her lead the chase. We’ll see how far she gets with the king of Mars. “Do you care to show it to me? To refresh my memory?”

  “I… I have it right here,” she says, turning to grab her tablet. She flicks the screen and brings up the video. I am indeed pleasuring myself to the sight of her in the bath.

  We stand opposite each other, both of us watching the screen. Her fragrance grows insistent. My cock hardens. I don’t move or make a sound until the versions of us on the screen have climaxed.

  “Where did you get that?”

  “It was in the security feed.”

  “How did you get access to the security feed?”

  “It was linked to my tablet.”

  She’s lying. Those feeds are only linked to my tablet in my chambers. She must have gone in there, snooping around. She wants to play the victim, but to do that, she’ll have to admit her own guilt.

  “I found a back door. I was curious.”

  More lies.

  “Let me see,” I say, opening my hand for the tablet.

  But she doesn’t hand it to me. She clutches it to her chest and looks down at the floor. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve seen it. I know you’re spying on me. I talked to Doris. She told me you all do it. That’s a total invasion of our privacy. And while I’m at it, I should add that making us unbelievably horny is a violation of our free will.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I am also unbelievably horny.” I allow no emotion into my voice. But inside I’m laughing.

  She looks down at my swollen cock, which I make no attempt to hide. My insecurity is gone. I want this woman with every breath in my body. But she’s lying to me. And it incites something in me I did not expect. My inner
competitor is fully activated. No one wins a battle of wits or will with the king. No one. Not even sweet little lying Madeline Weber.

  She is soaking wet for me. I can smell it. I can hear all the lies in her words. She cannot hide from me. She should have thought twice before attempting to play this game with a genetically-engineered, advanced being.

  “It’s not right. We should be able to get to know each other without this…” She waves her hand randomly. But I know she’s referring to my cock.

  “I agree, Madeline, but I do like you. Quite a bit. I thought you felt the same. Do your hormones have such control over you that you no longer have any logic left?”

  Her mouth drops. Perhaps the jab was too deep. I wait, watching her reaction. Warring emotions play across her face. She stutters and turns away. She begins pacing, her tight little body brimming with energy.

  She whirls on me, her eyes bright. “I like you too. And no, my hormones don’t control my brain.”

  “Well then, the genetic serum isn’t such a problem, is it?” I say it, but I’m beginning to believe it’s the cause of the current political problems throughout Mars.

  She grits her teeth and growls, her hand going to her throat. She’s really angry now. It’s no longer a game. I begin to regret pushing her so hard. But only for a moment. You play with a bull, you get the horns.

  She takes off the necklace and slams it into my hand. “I can’t accept this. Not when you…you violated me.” There is emotion behind the words, but they don’t ring true. I need to get to the bottom of this because she certainly isn’t going to tell the truth.

  “All right then.” She liked my gifts when I first gave them to her. What changed? Her lies will hurt us both. “What would you like me to do?”

  “I don’t know if there is anything you can do. You’ve betrayed my trust.”

  “I see…”

  I wait. Silence fills the room. She wants something from me. But she won’t say what it is.

  “Well, just think about what I said,” she says, storming past me out of the room.

  She is not very good at this. I roll my eyes and shake my head, watching her go. An empty ache fills my chest. It hurts. I regret this situation.


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