Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2)

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Alien King's Match: Alien Abduction Breeder Romance (Timegate Mars Book 2) Page 9

by Scarlett Grove

  I can’t think. My mind is gone. All I am is this burning, throbbing need only he can quench. I want to submit to it. I want to let him take everything and make me into something new. To soothe all the pain and replace it with this consuming pleasure.

  I grasp my breast and arch my back. The orgasms explode inside me, popping off like firecrackers one after the next. He doesn’t relent. He leaves me no time to come down. I’m flying on endless waves of ecstasy so intense I’m losing my mind.

  Running my fingers through his hair, I try to push him back. To let me rest. But he won’t let go. He pins my hands to my sides and thrusts his tongue in my channel, his teeth nipping at my clit.

  I squeeze my eyes closed and whimpering breaths escape my lips. I’m trapped under him and he won’t let me go. The pleasure is too much. Too raw. It’s all coming on so fast and so close. I’m losing myself drip by drip as I pour what’s left of me into him.

  “Please,” I groan. “I can’t take any more.”

  He growls against my weeping core. I’m sopping wet from his mouth and from the infinite flood of my own body. I’m so close to the edge, I feel like I might black out from the pleasure.

  He looks up at me, not letting go of my hands. I’m panting, breathless, my whole body a live wire.

  Releasing my hands, he crawls up beside me and pulls me into his arms. He rests me against his hard body. His cock is a rigid mast between us. But he makes no move to release it or relieve himself.

  I feel his heart pounding like a bass drum against my cheek. His arms envelop me. One hand grips my wet ass, while the other cradles the small of my back. I’m so exhausted my eyes flutter closed.

  I’ve made out with boys before. I’ve even let a few get to third base. But this… What he just did to me, I can’t even put into words. The only orgasms I’ve ever had have been from my own diligent effort. That. His mouth. His tongue. Am I even still a virgin?

  I rest against his chest, listening to his heart slow down. His breathing deepens. I want to talk to him. Ask him what he’s thinking. But I’m so tired. My breathing deepens. And we fall asleep together wrapped in each other’s arms.

  When I wake the next morning, as the eastern light seeps through the window, I am still pressed tight against his chest.

  His cock is as hard as an iron rod between us. It is the first thing I notice as consciousness returns to my groggy mind. I’d been dreaming about riding him. My head thrown back, his hands on my waist. His hips thrusting into me from below.

  My mouth waters and I move the arm that is resting against his erection. He stirs beside me and draws me closer, pressing me against his shaft.

  My lips part and my pussy clenches. I slide my hand down his chest and hook my fingers in his waistband. I look up at his face. He opens an amber eye and looks at me questioningly. Not breaking our gaze, I slide my fingers deeper into his pants.

  His other eye opens. I wrap my fingers around his cock. It throbs at my touch. His mouth drops.


  “Shhh,” I say. “It’s my turn.”

  I wiggle out of his arms and climb between his legs, pushing him down against the bed. His massive arms open, and he watches me with a look of pure puzzlement I will treasure for the rest of my life.

  Pulling down his pants, his cock bounces out of the fabric. Angry and red, it stands before me, veins throbbing. I have never given a blowjob before. His cock is porn star huge. But how hard can it be? I bite my lip and then go in, trying not to think or hesitate.

  My tongue licks up the side. And he sucks a sharp breath.

  “I heard about this mouth sex from Jaxxo.”

  He sounds so innocent it kills me. I might be a virgin, but I know what mouth sex is.

  “You gave me pretty good mouth sex last night,” I say, licking and kissing his throbbing cock. “Where did you learn about that?”

  “It was covered in Earth female courtship. Was I adequate?”

  “I think I had an aneurysm from coming so much.” I giggle.

  “Is that good?”

  I laugh out loud. His cock bounces at me, popping my cheek. “No one’s ever done it to me before. But I don’t have words for what you did last night. It was almost too much.”

  “I did get carried away. In the future I will change up my technique.”

  I laugh again. I can’t believe we’re having such an analytical conversation about “mouth sex” techniques. But for some reason it makes me even hornier. I lick up the side of his cock and kiss the head.

  “How is this? Is it adequate?”

  “Good,” he purrs. “Now suck it in your mouth.”

  “Say please,” I tease.

  “Please suck my phallus in your mouth, Earth female.” He grips my hair in his huge hands and I slowly take his giant cock inside me.



  My Earth female’s mouth is on my cock. She’s gripping me with both hands to keep from choking as she strokes up and down my shaft.

  I can’t believe it’s happening. Last night, when I tasted her, I thought that was the best it could get. I wanted to consume every drip from her pussy. Her body climaxed for me many times. I counted at least twenty. But she tells me that is too much.

  I don’t think it’s too much. She will learn to take the pleasure in time. But now, she is giving the pleasure to me. It is taking every shred of my willpower not to grip her head and thrust relentlessly into her pretty little mouth.

  If I did that, I would most likely kill her. So I let her have control. She squeezes my cock in her hands. Her wet mouth moves up and down, sucking me so well I know I will come any second.

  I hold myself back. She is so small, so delicate. If I were to do what my body wants, I would break her apart. I grip the bedsheets, gritting my teeth as I watch my tiny creature taking my giant cock into her fragile little mouth.

  Groaning, my hips escape my control and jerk in a minute thrust. Her mouth pops off my cock and she looks at me, gasping, her eyes wide. It’s as if she just now understands the extent of my power and size.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed,” I command her as I climb up to stand on the floor.

  She doesn’t hesitate. I think I scared her when I jerked against her. She knows what I can do to her. She won’t question my dominance ever again.

  She looks up at me, wide open and willing to obey my command. I almost come just looking at her like this. Her face is red, and her thighs are bruised from my grip. I must learn to be gentler with my precious female.

  “Open your mouth,” I tell her as I grip my cock around the base.

  Her eyes go wide. She likes watching me stroke myself. I know how many times she watched that film. It wasn’t once.

  I begin to stroke with one hand, threading my fingers through her hair with the other. Her mouth is wide open, tongue out, ready for me. Her eyes are squeezed closed. My thighs look like tree trunks under her tiny hands.

  Yanking my cock relentlessly to the sight of her before me, I feel myself ready to come. Angling the head of my cock to her mouth, I press the tip against her tongue as I come. I groan as white milk spurts into her waiting mouth.

  She moans and drinks me. It’s like she’s been waiting for it all this time. She wraps her lips around the head and sucks out the last drops. She swallows it down and then collapses on the bed before me.

  I am spent. But the sight of her lying before me, naked, and full of my come makes me wish I were not. I grip her thighs, smelling the scent of her pussy waft toward me. I need to bury myself inside her. But not now. We both need to recover. Wash, eat, rest.

  She needs to think about what she wants. And the truth is so do I. I know I want her. But I don’t know if I can give her what she needs. I lie down beside her and hold her close.

  After the intensity of the mouth sex, just holding her like this feels like heaven has descended to Mars, and I am lost in it for several minutes.

  But my wrist device pings, and I look at the noti
fication. I groan and wipe my face with my hand.

  “What is it?” she asks.

  “Government business.”

  I sit up, the reality of the world rushing back to me. She sits up beside me and rubs my back. The gesture is so sweet, it fills me with unexplainable warmth. I look at her, trying to understand why these small affections give me such a sense of completion. It’s as if my soul has been begging for this closeness my entire life, and I never even knew it. Is this what it means to have a woman in your life?

  I pick up her hand and kiss the backs of her knuckles. She is such a comfort during these trying times. I only hope that she can find a way to accept that I cannot give her what she wants.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It will be,” I say, standing. “I need to attend to this. Will you join me for lunch at noon?”

  “Yes,” she says, her eyes wide. It’s like the world is finally coming back to her too. I believe I’ve awakened something inside her as she has in me. My little Earth female is young. Accomplished, but young. Martians live for a hundred and fifty to two hundred years. Madeline is twenty. And youth has as many handicaps as advantages. Perhaps wisdom will grow into acceptance and we can salvage the life I so desperately want with her.

  I cannot open the timegate and return to Earth for her sister. Not even for her. Not even to feel those slender arms around my neck. Not even to taste the salty musk of her sex.

  If she forces me to choose between her and the safety of Mars, I don’t know what I’ll do. I hope I’ll never have to find out.

  I lean down and kiss her forehead. Anything more and I’ll be back in the bed with her, sinking between her thighs and taking her body. Something I don’t think either of us is ready for.

  If I have her, she will own me. I know it. I cup her cheek and smile. She clasps my hand and kisses my palm. I close my eyes. I can’t take this. My heart is going to burst.

  “I’ll be back soon. We can take lunch here if you like.” My voice cracks as I turn away.

  “Okay,” she says behind me. “See you later.”

  I pull a stray blanket around my waist and leave the room. Back in my chambers, I lock the door behind me. Emotions rage inside me like dueling storms. I punch the wall, leaving a crack in the plaster. I pull away. My knuckles are bloody. This is not normal Martian behavior. I must speak with Malico privately about my suspicions about the serum.

  Wincing, I drop the blanket and walk to the bathroom. With the shower running, steam rolls into the room. I pour disinfectant on my hand and then run the healing wand over the cut.

  I’m a fool. A damned fool. I insisted on being matched as quickly as possible. And now I must arrange these warring emotions.

  I step into the shower, the hot water rolling down my chest. I run soap over my face, hair, and body, washing away the smell of Madeline’s sex. Maybe then I can think clearly. Maybe then I can do my duty to Mars.

  But she’s inside me too deep. I would have to cut her out with a knife. She will be the ruin of me. I am king. I cannot let the whims of a little Earth female distract me from my duty. No matter how precious she is to the future of our people.

  If she told me I could not have her unless I commanded a mission to go back to Earth, what would I do? The thought of sinking my throbbing cock into the wet sweetness of her ripe cunt tells me exactly what I’d do. And it is unacceptable.

  Could I take her? Force her? Trick her? I couldn’t do any of those things. But could I betray the planet I’ve spent my entire life serving?

  I should not have been so eager to find a match. It was a grave mistake. With the uprising against the matching system, demands for more mates, and Madeline’s desire to go back to Earth, we are all walking a tightrope. One false move and that could be the end of all of us.

  I climb out of the shower and wrap myself in a robe, toweling off my hair. I could use the air dryer, but I often prefer the feel of soft fabric against my skin after bathing.

  Out in my room, I dress and drink a large glass of water. Then a small glass of scotch. I need to calm down enough to get my mind straight.

  The message I received in Madeline’s room was from Admiral Bishto. The rebels have organized. The group is even larger than we’d anticipated. The estimate is now fifty percent of the population, approximately fifty million Martians. They are going to make their demands public if we do not comply by noon. Compliance is impossible. If it gets out, the media will have a field day.

  Everything that defines what it means to be Martian is falling apart in the blink of an eye. The men have lost their minds and all sense of propriety at the site of the Earth women.

  But can I judge them? Was I not exactly the same as them before meeting Madeline? I am king. But that means I serve the people of Mars. They follow my lead because it is my role. Being king is a responsibility. Not a privilege.

  I run my hands through my hair and pour another shot of scotch. With the flick of my finger, I bring up the profile icons for all the members of the Council. They are each pinged and their faces fill the screen one by one.

  “I have reached my decision, gentlemen. Do you have any last advice?”

  “The science boards have all been working on the proofs you asked for, perhaps there is a way to avert a time paradox,” says Malico Ossi.

  “Is it conclusive?” I ask him.

  “Not yet, I’m afraid.”

  “How long do you need for it to be conclusive?”

  “At the soonest, a year.”

  “Will they wait a year?” I ask Admiral Raylon Bishto.

  “No. They will not wait, they demand we go back to Earth within the fortnight,” says the Admiral, his tone disgusted.

  “Then we must allow them to go public. What other choice do we have?”

  “We squash them like bugs,” says the Admiral.

  “Fifty million Martians?” I say, raising an eyebrow.

  “This is treason!”

  “Yes. But we cannot go to war against half of our planet. No matter how insanely they are behaving. We cannot sink to their level. We must maintain the integrity of Mars. Otherwise, who are we? Why even bother preserving our society if there is nothing worth preserving.

  “I have the suspicion that the current change in character of half our planet is an unforeseen side effect of the matching serum we all received. If we find a way to reverse the effects, we can quiet this rebellion without bloodshed.”

  “That is a theory we have considered,” says Malico.

  “Distribute half the science team to study that possibility and to find a solution. The other half will remain on the study of the time paradox equation.”

  There is silence. “Is that your final command?” asks Jaxxo.

  “It is. We allow them to go public. Speed up the work on those calculations. You are allowed every resource available. Make it happen.”

  “Yes, sire.”

  I turn off my screen. It’s done. Whatever the result of my decision today, I will have to accept it. The rebels going public may create a larger movement. But declaring war against them will destroy Mars. That is not who we are.

  The pressure weighs heavily on my shoulders and I think of Madeline's small soft hand on my back. If only she were not too a source of my stress, I could bury myself in her and find solace. Unfortunately, my beautiful little Earth female is my biggest problem.



  When Damious leaves my room, my head is still buzzing. I can still taste him on my tongue. I want him to come back so that we can finish what we started.

  I stand from the bed and go to the bathroom to wash. As the water falls over me in the shower, my thoughts begin to turn back to my sister on Earth.

  I open my mouth and rinse my teeth. Closing my eyes, I lean against the wall and think about what it would mean if we never go back for her. Here on Mars, Damious is offering me a chance to live a happy, fulfilling life. I will have more than I’ve ever wanted by his side. I will
be queen.

  Maybe I should let it go. Give into the desire that seems to fuel my actions and behavior. Give into the growing attachment I feel for him.

  But Abigail… I can’t. I can’t forget about her. If there is still a chance, any chance. We have to find a way. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t give up. And I won’t. No matter how secure and adored I feel in Damious’s arms. It just isn’t possible.

  After my shower, I dress in a soft long gown and sip coffee by my favorite window overlooking the valley. I think of those men who swarmed us. I know Damious is dealing with serious issues and I’m only adding to his problems.

  I won’t ever try to manipulate him again. But together, maybe, we can find a way that will be better for everyone, including these men.

  Part of me doesn’t think they deserve to be heard, because of the way they’ve been acting. But I don’t know if I’ve acted with much more honor.

  I sip my coffee and close my eyes. The time for lies has passed. Now it’s time for direct action. When Damious comes for lunch, I intend to talk to him honestly about everything that is happening on Mars. Everything that is happening with the rebellion. And the slight possibility that both our issues could be solved by using the timegate a second time.

  When Damious returns, he has a tray of sandwiches for lunch. He sets them on the table between us. His expression is distant, distracted.

  “How did the meeting go?” I ask him.

  “We cannot meet their demands so they will be going public.”

  He sits heavily on the chair across from me. I reach for a sandwich, but he does not. I begin to nibble, watching him intently. My heart breaks for him. I can feel the weight of this as it presses down on him. I’m only adding to it. I know that. I wish there were some way for me to be an asset to him instead of a liability. But if I let go of Abigail, I will hate myself forever. I will not be a good wife for him or a good queen for Mars.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It will most likely result in a greater number of Martians joining their movement. Having the Earth women here has caused a reaction none of us anticipated. We’d believed that the Martian character would remain as rational and loyal to the greater benefit of our planet, as it had always been. I suspect the matching serum is responsible for this.”


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