Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

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Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel Page 15

by Maddie MacKenna

  Before she knew it, he was in her and that pinch that she felt was a mere distraction. Cleopatra found her body moving with Jude’s as he touched and caressed every inch of her from the inside out.

  With wide eyes, she felt her body adjusting to his. It was just as she had expected it to be. Although she could see the fire of passion in his eyes. He was not rough with her and gave her a pause to allow her mind to adjust to what was happening.

  Only when she moaned did his rhythm speed up. She couldn’t believe how good he felt or how easy it was to be with him. All the anticipation, excitement and fear that she had bottled up within her seemed to be released in that single moment.

  Staring at him, she noticed there was more than just lust in his eyes. She thought of the day that he fondled her in the garden and noticed the spark of passion mingled with a sense of love and partnership.

  He moved slowly, allowing her to feel every inch of him that pushed deeper into her before slipping back out.

  Cleopatra nodded her head quickly as she dug her fingers into the small of his back to hold him in place and anchor her body to his. She knew that this moment wouldn’t last forever, but she was determined to hold onto him as long as she possibly could.

  Cleopatra gasped as she felt her body molding to him. It seemed as if every single muscle was tightening and she felt as if she was going to explode from the inside out. She dropped her hands to the mattress and dug her nails into the sheets as her back arched.

  “Ye’re amazin’. Everythin’ about ye astonishes me,” Jude said. “if ye let go, I will hold ye together.” His teeth grazed her earlobe as he whispered in her ear and she couldn’t help herself but obey his commands.

  Exhaling she let everything out, including a moan that had been swelling in her chest.

  Suddenly it wasn’t gravity that held her down. Nor was it Jude’s body pressing against hers. She was weightless and floating high above them, as if, somehow, he had managed to unlock her soul from her body and allowed her to escape into the unknown. Cleopatra felt like a cloud, in that moment, she felt as if she could fly away and never come back. Every joint in her body unhinged and although she wanted desperately to cling to Jude as tightly as she could, she found her body unwilling and unresponsive.

  “I love ye,” Jude said as he brushed the strands of hair away from her face and crushed his lips to hers.

  Pulling away Cleopatra gasped for air as she found herself full of joy and happiness that she never knew existed before. It didn’t matter where she’d come from, who she was or even her bloodline. All that mattered to her was that she was with the man that she adored and he was with her.

  “I love you too,” Cleo said staring at Jude. Snuggling into the nook of his arm, she wished the world would stop.

  “Do ye honestly mean it?” Jude asked.

  “You think I throw my emotions around?”

  “Ye’re a woman,” Jude said with a smirk, “it’s bound to happen.”

  “Well, I mean it,” Cleo said slapping her hand down on his chest.

  “Then I shall have to remedy that immediately,” Jude said as he slowly propped himself up onto his elbow. as he stared down at her.

  “What are you saying?” Cleo asked as she felt her chest tightening.

  “Then marry me,” Jude said brushing her hair away from her face, “marry me and be with me forever.”


  Is this really happening? Is he really offering his hand to me?

  Cleopatra’s heart fluttered as she stared deep into his eyes, searching for some sign of hesitation. Yet she found none, nor did she see lack of confidence in his expression. She knew there was once a time in her life she had dreamed someone would come to whisk her away and free her from her Father’s clutches and as she studied Jude, she realized that he was granting her deepest wish.

  She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jude was her soulmate and the man she was meant to be with.

  Exhaling slowly, a smile played at the corner of her lips as she realized that her fate had been changed the moment they met. All of her fantasies and daydreams of running away and being free had finally come to pass. She realized that she would no longer be the girl locked away and hidden.

  I must be a fool. There is no way that this is happening to me. Yet he seems so sincere. There is no point denying my love for him.

  It was clear by Jude’s expression that he loved her unconditionally. His eyes were soft and eager for her to make her decision. Her heart swelled as she bobbed her head knowing that this single act would seal her fate.

  “Yes, of course, I will marry you,” she said as she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her body tightly to his. She kissed him with such a fierceness that surprised even her.

  Jude’s laugh filled the room as she clung to him refusing to let him go. They rolled around in the bed consumed by absolute blissfulness. Cleopatra never thought that she would ever be so happy. Yet here she was, only moments before giving herself to him in every conceivable way. To her it only seemed right to say yes to his marriage proposal.

  Although Jude had said that she had stolen his heart, it was he who had stolen everything from her. Yet the more she thought about it the more she realized that he was no thief for she had given everything to him willingly.

  “We will make arrangements soon,” Jude said, “everythin’ will be perfect, you’ll see.”

  As Cleopatra placed her lips to his once again, a sharp rapping of knuckles on the door startled her. Whipping her head around she eased her grip around Jude’s neck and stared at the door. Suddenly she felt awkward and ashamed. It wasn’t that she was afraid to be with Jude, she just never expected the moment to end so abruptly.

  Cleo’s eyes shifted from the door to her dress realizing that she was an absolute mess. Her dress was wrinkled and bunched at her hips as Jude laid beside her half naked. She could only imagine what the servants would say once that door opened and saw the two of them on the bed.

  Cleopatra quickly shuffled off the bed and straightened herself. Turning her back to Jude she laced her corset and tried to straighten her hair to make herself presentable.

  Jude couldn’t help but laugh as he caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window. Her hair was disheveled and in a tangled mess. But he didn’t care, she was just as lovely as ever.

  “If ye’re concerned about what the servants are goin’ to say it’s too late,” he said, “chances are they’re already gossipin’ about us.”

  “Still, I can look my best, can I not?” Cleo said as she glanced over her shoulder to glare at him. Jude moved quickly to her side and tried to help manage her wild locks.

  “We could just tell the servants that ye were sleepin’,” Jude said with a chuckle as he moved back to the bed to collect his trews from off the floor.

  “I doubt that they would believe it,” she said as she shifted the corset one last time.

  Jude cleared his throat as he tucked in his shirt. Lifting his head and rolling his shoulders back he stole one last glimpse of Cleo. “Are ye ready for them?”

  Cleo gave a quick nod as Jude gave the word for the servant to open door. The door flew open quickly and standing with wild, frantic eyes Jude noticed Paige completely distraught.

  “M’Laird,” she said bowing quickly, “come quickly.”

  “What is goin’ on? What has happened?”

  “It is the hounds, sire,” she said as her eyes shifted from Jude to Cleo. Instantly Jude noticed that his servant’s hands were trembling, and he moved closer to her. Panic shot through him as he realized something was terribly wrong.

  “Tell me what happened,” Jude said as he followed Paige out of the room.

  The sound of their feet echoed and bounced off the narrow hallway as they raced toward Jude’s room. Jude could not help feel his heart sink into his stomach as his mind raced with all the possibilities of what he was about to walk into.

  Please nae me son. Let me boy be all right. Paige said it wa
s the hounds. She never mentioned anythin’ about Hugh.

  Paige stopped at Jude’s bedroom door, her face growing pale as she pushed open the door. Jude’s heart was fluttering in his chest as he felt a great pressure tighten around his heart. The blissfulness that he had felt just moments prior vanished and was replaced by terror as he stepped toward the open door. His eyes widened as he scanned the empty room.

  “What is this?” He demanded as he turned his attention to Paige.

  “Look,” she said as she moved deeper into the room and circled the bed. Slowly Jude followed her as the pressure in his chest tightened.

  “I came to deliver some food that had been tested and tasted,” she said as she turned her eyes away. “But Hugh was not in here. So, I looked at the food on the bed for him. As I closed the door, I heard a horrible sound and came rushing back in. That mutt had jumped on the bed and was eatin’ it. I tried to shoo him away, but he suddenly fell on his own accord.”

  Jude kept his eyes locked on her. Her entire body was trembling with fear as he finally glanced around her to see Hugh’s dog convulsing on the floor. White foam billowed out of the dog’s mouth as his eyes rolled back. Tears streamed down the servant’s face and Jude felt sorry for her. Quickly he reached out to her and curled his arms around her tiny frame.

  “Hush now,” Jude said, “clear your eyes and go fetch the healer.”

  In the corner of his eye, he spotted Cleo stepping into the doorway. Jude shook his head and held out a hand refusing her entrance into the room. Placing his hands on Paige’s shoulders he stared at the servant.

  “Ye heard me, right?” Jude asked. Paige nodded as he released her. “Go then and do as I say.”

  Paige bowed quickly and rushed out of the room. Jude was at Cleopatra’s side in a flash. Quickly he grabbed her by the shoulders, spinning her around so that she could not see.

  “Ye shouldnae be in here,” Jude said, “this is nae a safe place for ye to be. Go back to yer room and I will fetch ye later.”

  “What has happened? Tell me, please. And where is Hugh?”

  Before Jude could say another word, he glanced over Cleo’s shoulder to find Aidan standing with his mouth agape.

  “Find me son,” Jude demanded. “He cannae have gone far. Search everywhere, now!”

  “Last time I checked, he was in the study where he had been readin’,” Aidan said as confusion stretched across his face.

  Jude exchanged a quick glance with Cleo. It was as if they knew exactly what the other was thinking and rushed from the room. Charging down the hallway, they headed down the stairs. Jude’s heart quickened with fear as he felt like heavy stones had been placed in his chest.

  As he ran, every thought that he had was focused on his son. Moving swiftly to the study, he knew Cleo was on his heels, ready for anything. Pushing through the study door, relief washed over him as he noticed his son sitting in the nook of the window with the book in his hand. The child was completely oblivious to what was going on in other parts of the castle.

  “Faither?” Hugh asked as he glanced over his shoulder to find Jude and Cleo standing in the doorway. Rushing to his son, Jude felt as if his heart was going to explode. He ran his fingers through Hugh’s hair before cupping his face and staring at him. Jude searched Hugh for signs of weariness or drowsiness in his son’s eyes.

  “What have ye had to eat?” Jude asked as Cleo moved next to them. Hugh’s eyes shifted to Cleo as he struggled to shake his head.

  “Nothin’. Paige told me that she was goin’ to bring the food to me room, but it took too long. So, I came here. I’m sorry, I swear I wasnae doin’ nothin’ wrong.”

  “Of course,” Cleo said placing her hand on Jude’s shoulders. “You are not in any trouble. We were just concerned for you.”

  “Ye’re to stay with me from now on, do ye hear me?” Jude said, “I daenae want ye out of me sight.”

  “Jude, that is a bit much don’t you think? Hugh as you can see is fine,” Cleo said in hushed tones. Jude’s eyes shifted to her as he shook his head. Pressing his lips into a tight line he rose to his feet.

  “There is clearly someone in the castle with intentions to harm us. I will nae see either of ye hurt,” Jude said as he rolled his shoulders back. It pained him to have to say the words that he knew he needed to say, but it was the only way that he was going to be able to keep his family safe. Breathing in deeply, he tried to force the horrible thoughts out of his mind of what could happen to them both.

  “Until we discover who is behind these attacks, none of ye will leave the castle, is that clear?”

  “Faither, please.” Hugh said, as Jude turned sharply to his son shaking his head.

  “Nay, ye will be under guard as ye roam from yer room to other parts of the castle. Ye may come to the study and may go to the great hall, but for the most part, I want ye in yer room where ye’re safe and protected. All of yer food henceforth will be tasted and then sent to the healer for testin’ before bein’ delivered to ye.”

  “Faither, what has happened?”

  “Food was delivered to yer room that had been tampered with.”

  “You cannot condemn your son to his room. A boy needs fresh air and to be outside,” Cleopatra said as she stepped forward. Concern flashed across her face and Jude knew exactly what he was saying would hurt her just as badly as it was hurting him.

  “I understand yer concerns about bein’ locked in yer room,” Jude said, “but it is for yer own good.”

  “My own good? Do you have any idea how many times I’ve heard that spewed out of my father’s mouth? If someone is going to harm us, they will get to us one way or another. We cannot live in fear.”

  “I have told ye what is to happen. Ye’re nae to go outside. Ye’re nae to leave yer room without an escort. Do I make meself clear?” Jude said as he stepped closer to Cleo.

  He knew that his words were striking her. He knew that being confined to her room would cause her great distress. After all, she had been locked up several times by her own father and yet here he was doing the same, but in his mind, he had no other choice. If he was to keep them safe, he had to take such measures.

  “Please don’t do this,” Cleo said as tears began to swell in her eyes.

  “Guards,” Jude shouted. In an instant three men stepped into the room. Jude looked at each of the soldiers. He knew them all since he was a boy and knew he could trust them all. “Felix, please take Cleo back to her room and remain posted at her door at all times.”

  “Aye, sire,” Felix said as he stepped forward to Cleo and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

  “M’lady this way, if ye will.”

  Cleo flashed daggers at Jude before she turned on her heels and followed Felix out of the room.

  She will forgive me. Once this is all over. I ken she will. But this is the right thing to do. I ken it is, I cannae lose her, nae when I just found her.


  “Felix, please. Must you follow me everywhere?” Cleopatra asked without glancing over her shoulder. The sound of the soldier’s footsteps lingered closely behind her and started to aggravate her immensely.

  “Ye heard the Laird,” Felix said, “I am to stay by yer side at all times.”

  “It has been nearly two weeks with no instances. Surely Jude…” Cleo paused as she glanced at Felix. His eyes squinted as she realized he had not yet been informed about her new status as Jude’s wife to be. “I mean your Laird will allow you and me a reprieve from one another’s company.”

  “Are ye statin’ that ye’re gettin’ tired of me?” Felix chuckled as Cleopatra glanced over her shoulder.

  “It is not that I am getting tired of you,” she said, “it’s just that even with the added security, this seems a bit redundant, don’t you think? After all, I have been known to take care of myself from time to time. And even with you by my side, I’m still not allowed outside the castle. And don’t get me started on whether or not you have family to attend to. Aren’t they missin
g you?”

  “They ken what I do for a livin’ and they understand,” Felix said as Cleopatra dropped her shoulders and sighed.

  “Don’t you ever miss the way mud squished between your toes? Or the feel of the warm breeze on your face? Surely, you must be missing something.”

  “Aye, I can agree with ye there. It would be nice to see the sun in the sky instead of through the windows.”

  “Then please can we just step outside for a moment? I promise I won’t go far and you’ll be right there with me.”

  “I daenae ken. The Laird gave direct orders that ye’re nae allowed outside. And I cannae go against his wishes.”


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