Lucifers I

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Lucifers I Page 2

by BobTam

  They walk up the stairs to the stage slowly and as humble as they can. ‘At ease, my beloved children.’ The two boys bow and then slowly raise their heads. As the Sou-gen raise his hand, the enthusiastic crowd immediately turns to a crowd of silent and obedient sheep. ‘Today, we have two brilliant youngsters stepping their first step towards their great future.’ The Sou-gen does not use any microphones but his voice is so clear and strong that even the people in the farthest corner of the hall can listen clearly. The Sou-gen turns to the two boys, who look at him at greatest respect. The Sou-gen says calmly ‘May the Sou bless you and give you power as always.’ He gives the kindest and most gentle smile to Leon and Panzhi.

  Then, he gets two elegantly designed loops. They are formed from beautiful green straws, small flowers with various colours and golden strings. These loops represent love and peace from the Sou. ‘Panzhiherashto.’ he says calmly. Panzhi steps steadily forward and lower his head. The Sou-gen places the loop on his head and says ‘Wish you all the best.’ Soon after that, there is a round of applause and cheers.

  ‘Leonardo.’ the Sou-gen announces Leon’s name. People cannot suppress and enthusiasm and cheer. Leon’s humbleness and loveliness gains him high popularity. Leon is also quite well-known even before the tournament due to his parent’s and Geffen’s popularity. ‘Come here my child.’ the Sou-gen gently says. Leon modestly walks towards the Sou-gen. The Sou-gen gives a warm hug to Leon. Leon is very surprised and does not know how to react. Leon is afraid of touching the Sou-gen too hardly but he can still feel the warmth from the Sou-gen’s body. It makes him having the greatest joy of life.

  After half an hour, the ceremony ends. The two boys return to the government palace. This time, they go to a smaller guest hall. Just after the door is pushed open, Leon rushes in excitedly. It is Geffen. He hasn’t met Geffen since after joining the tournament. ‘My little Leon, I am so proud of you.’ ‘Geffen, words cannot describe my happiness. It is just like a miracle!’ The two boys chat with the old man about their practical plans in the future.

  A military officer with neat black uniform comes in. ‘Mr. Leonardo and Mr. Panzhiherashto. I am General Gujosoro. The army would like to give you a present as a reward to your talents.’ Another military officer gets out a long box and tenderly opens it. It is a beautiful sword. ‘Mr. Leonardo, everyone in the republic knows that you are an extraordinary swordsman, this sword is specially designed and made for you.’

  Leon picks it up, it is light and handy. The hilt is sky blue in colour and with a pommel at the top of the handle. There is a guard attached the hilt to prevent the sword slipping from the hand. The blade is so silver and shiny that it reflects Leon’s face. Leon can see his name ‘Leonardo’ slightly marked on the blade. On the other side, the two words ‘love’ and ‘peace’ are also marked. This is to remind Leon not to abuse this weapon to harm others.

  Leon loves it very much. The hilt, the lightness of the sword and the plain but elegant design are perfect to him. ‘The material is the finest metal that is made by our latest technology. Though the blade itself is not very shape, it can cut through nearly everything. Besides, this kind of newest material enables you to deflect bullets or laser guns’ bolt.’ General Gujosoro proudly says. It is indeed both a beautiful artwork and versatile weapon to Leon.

  Then, General Gujosoro picks up and opens another box, it is another sword. “Mr. Panzhiherashto. Your courage and skill also deserve a finest weapon.’ The sword has a golden hilt and is longer than Leon’s one; otherwise, it is very similar to Leon’s one. Panzhi thanks the General politely, takes it and studies it carefully.

  Panzhi suddenly leaps towards Leon and strikes him with his sword. Leon evades from the attack and immediately strikes back; Panzhi blocks it skillfully. Then, Panzhi says casually, ‘Haven’t dueled for a long time.’ Leon replies half-humorously, ‘Challenge accepted!’ Within a few seconds, a series of strikes, slashes, blocks and parries take place and the sharp sound of sword clashing echoes across the hall.

  General Gujosoro laughs slightly and says ‘The boys are so energetic.’ Finally, Geffen says, ‘Hey boys. Stop it. I am afraid you guys will damage all those expensive furniture in just a few seconds.’ The two boys stop and retreat to their chairs. ‘You’re just going to lose!’ Leon says comically. ‘Don’t worry, I think we still have plenty of chances in the future,’ Panzhi says excitedly.

  As they leave the hall, while they are still appreciating their weapons, President Nakashi walks happily towards the boys’ direction and says ‘The Sou-gen allows me to invite you to join a trip tomorrow to visit the outskirt of the city. Would you guys join me with this trip?’ ‘Sure. My pleasure,’ the two boys reply.

  The next morning, the two boys dress in a more casual way, take their treasured weapon and head towards the small field besides the palace.

  They see President Nakashi fixing her plane busily. Screwdrivers, hammers, nails and various pieces scatter on the ground. She sees them and runs towards them ‘I am really sorry. The heavy snow storm last night has damaged the engine. I am unable to fix it.’ As three of them are trying the best to fix it, suddenly the Sou-gen and two bishops appear. ‘What is the problem, Nakashi?’ he gently asks. ‘My dear teacher, my plane is damaged.’ ‘No worries. You can use my plane. It is parked inside the store room and unaffected from the storm. I can travel by vehicles today’ Nakashi widens her eyes ‘But this plane is just for you.’ ‘No worries, my dear Nakashi. The Sou always approve sharing and generosity.’ ‘Thanks a lot. Teacher’ Nakashi gives a kiss to the Sou-gen’s cheek.

  The Sou-gen’s plane is totally silver in colour. It is really a piece of art. Leon, Panzhi and Nakashi broad it excitedly. They are accompanied by two of Nakashi’s guards and two pilots. The plane gently takes off.

  Catala has been hiding in around the bushes in the outskirt of Wartse for a few days; she is patiently waiting for a new opportunity. Having failed a few times in penetrating into the temple to carry out her plan and nearly sacrifices her life every time, she has made a new plan that is much less foolhardy this time.

  She has stolen a sniper rifle from the army a week ago. She is now waiting patiently for that silver elegant plane. She knows that the Sou-gen will travel to the so-called Divine Entrance by his plane today. She hopes that a few bullets and her stunning accuracy can help her to revenge for all those years of suffering and bring just to the world.

  She ties her black hair and picks up the rifle. She leaps agilely and quietly climbs to the top of a hill. She puts on a broken old green robe over her simple black vest so that she can hide perfectly between the grasses and bushes. She sets the equipment and aims at the sky carefully.

  Chapter 3

  ‘So, where are we travelling to, president Nakashi.’ Leon asked eagerly. ‘Oh, please just call me Nakashi. It is such a casual occasion. I really do not want to be in superior position. We are going to a forest that I often went when I was small. You will enjoy the fascinating scenery and interesting animals there’


  Suddenly, the plane shakes violently. ‘What’s the matter?’ Panzhi immediately rushes to the cockpit and asks. ‘Sir, I think we are attacked,’ one of the pilots says nervously. ‘The engine is damaged,’ another pilot adds.

  Nakashi and Leon also rush to the cockpit. Leon glances the screen and says ‘There are no enemies in the sky. It must be an ambush from the ground. Fly upward quickly!’ Just when the pilot tries to pull the handle to fly upward, there is another even more violent shake. Nakashi can see the left wing catches fire. ‘The oil tank is hit!’ she says.

  ‘Quick! Fly upward!’ Leon shouts. ‘We are losing control!’ The pilot says. ‘Calm down. We have to abandon the plane now.’ Panzhi, who is the now most unruffled person on the plane, says. He quickly gets the parachutes. ‘You guys go first. We can still control the plane as much as possible,’ the pilot says. ‘No!’ both Nakashi and Leon immediately respond and throw two parachutes to t

  ‘You just go first. We need to stabilize the plane. We can activate the automatic parachutes by pressing the emergency button. We can escape later. Just go!’

  ‘Come on! Don’t hesitate.’ Panzhi pulls Leon and Nakashi out from the cockpit to the emergency exit. ‘Everyone, just jump and pull the string to activate the parachute. Follow me!’Panzhi says and jumps. Nakashi follows him. Then, the two guards of Nakashi follow her. Then, finally, Leon jumps. ‘May the Sou protect you!’ he shouts to the pilots.

  No sooner has Leon jumped, repeated explosions break out in the plane. Leon can only see fire spreading ferociously in the plane, including the cockpit. But he still cannot see the two pilots’ parachutes. He feels anxious and sad.

  Leon hears the two guards flying in the parachutes yell and scream. Then, he sees laser gun bolts firing towards them. The two guards’ parachutes are shot and burst. Leon can do nothing but watch them falling from the sky to the forests.

  Panzhi somehow finds where the gunfire is coming from. He picks his pistol and shoots there continuously. This causes rapid gunfire between the sky and the ground. Panzhi and his friends are in a very disadvantaged position as their enemy hides well and it is impossible for them to hide. Nevertheless, Panzhi can spot the enemy. The enemy is on a small peak and is hiding behind the bushes. He immediately aims at the enemy and shoots.

  Catala feels shocked about the direct shooting towards her. She leaps down from the peak immediately since she has already been spot. The gunfire aiming at her is very accurate. She tries to escape to the forest area as soon as possible since the tall trees in there can protect her. She trips and falls. Her ankles and knees are hurt. But she has no time in caring about that. Despite her pain, she gets up and starts running.

  Catala needs to go to the place where the plane crashes to make sure her target is really killed. She runs eastward as she witnesses the plane falling towards that side.

  Leon lands steadily in the forest under all the tall trees. ‘Nakashi? Panzhi?’ he shouts and keeps running in all directions. ‘Leon! We are here’ Leon hears Panzhi voice and rushes to that direction.

  He sees Nakashi kneeling before two bodies. Panzhi is walking slowing around anxiously. ‘What happen?’ Leon asks. ‘The two guards have been killed’ Panzhi whispers to him sadly. Leon walks towards Nakashi slowly and crouches down beside her. He sees the two bodies. Their faces are full of blood, their eyes protrude and blood is coming from their mouths and noses. Leon no longer wants to see it. He turns to Nakashi, who is staring at the two guards’ faces. Tears drop slowly from Nakashi’s face. These guards have been accompanying her for years. Though they are not really very closed friend to her, she still feels heart-broken towards their death. In fact, she feels desperate every time when somebody around her dies.

  Leon grabs some flowers from the ground and puts them on their bodies. ‘Come on. Nakashi. We still need to see the crashed plane and save the two pilots.’ Nakashi uses her sleeves to dry her tears. ‘Sorry. I shouldn’t bring you guys on this plane. All these can be avoided.’ Nakashi says softly. ‘Don’t blame yourself. It is not your fault, it is the enemy’s fault. The Sou will protect these two souls’ Leon helps Nakashi to get up.

  ‘Sorry.’ Nakashi gets up. ‘Let’s go. We need to be firm.’ They shed their tears and run. ‘There is a towering smoke there. The plane must have crashed there. Quick.’ Panzhi leads them. The smell is bad. Fire is coming from the broken pieces of silvery metals. A few trees have already been completely burnt down. Fortunately, there is a narrow river right behind the trees that prevent the fire from spreading.

  Leon gets a piece of cloth to cover himself and rushes into the wreckage of the plane. He can hardly breathe. Nakashi also rushes in and Panzhi is figuring a way to extinguish the fire as soon as possible. Leon rushes towards the cockpit. Broken glasses and metal scatter all over the ground. He can see the two pilots lying in the seats. Leon heart sinks. He knows the chance is slim but he stills pulls them out with his greatest strength. Nakashi comes in and helps. The fire is becoming even fiercer. ‘Leon! We must find another way out,’ Nakashi yells. Electric wires explode and more fire descends towards them. Leon gets out his sword and breaks the thick glass window at the front of the cockpit. ‘Nakashi! Pulls them towards here!’ Within a few seconds, Leon has already made a hole large enough for them to get out.

  Another small explosion breaks out. Nakashi’s coat has already caught fire. She pulls up one of the pilots and hands it to Leon. Panzhi is waiting at the other side of the thick glass. ‘Holds it tightly!’ Leon hands the body to Panzhi. They do the same for the other body. Nakashi screams as fire has spread over her whole coat and is going to spread to her body. ‘Quick! Jump out and go to the water!’ Leon shouts and pulls Nakashi away from the sea of fire. They dive through the hole and leaps through all the pieces of burning metal and finally dives into the small stream nearby.

  They climb to the other side of the stream and gently put the two bodies down. Nakashi gets some water and splashes on their faces. One of them does not have any respond. Nakashi cannot feel his heart beat. She closes his eyelids. The other pilot seems to have some response. He coughs and opens his eyes slowly. ‘Thanks… You guys… have a kind heart. The Sou will bless you. Thanks…’ His voice fades and he finally becomes voiceless.

  The three brave youngsters crouch down. They are so tired and frustrated. They watch the fire spreading and battling with the stream. Witnessing four people die in just an hour is painful, they want to do nothing but sit down and take a rest.

  A few hours later, the fire finally comes to an end. They dig a hole and bury the two bodies. Night comes, Leon cuts some woods to start a fire. Panzhi prepares some food and Nakashi arranges their sleeping places. They do not talk much and focus on their work.

  *********************************************************************Chapter 4

  Leon is wakened up by the noise from the owls. It is cold and windy. He wants to get up and starts the fire again. Panzhi is sleeping but Nakashi is not around. He walks slowly and he sees Nakashi is sitting beside the stream. Leon walks closer. Nakashi is throwing small pebbles into the stream. He can see her lovely face from the reflection of the water.

  Finally, Nakashi breaks the silence. ‘Leon, do you believe in the Sou?’ Nakashi asks bluntly. Leon is surprised with this unusual question. No one has asked him this kind of question before. He hesitates.

  ‘I am not checking anything. I just want to know what others think,’ Nakashi adds.

  ‘Of course, I do. I mean, of course we should believe in the Sou. Doesn’t everybody believe so? I mean, you also believe, right?’ Leon says curiously.

  ‘To be honest, I sometimes have some weird thought that the Sou may not actually exist. I mean…’

  ‘Does not exist? You mean the whole world, all the bishops and even the Sou-gen are telling such a big lie? Of course not!’

  ‘No no, I do not mean that. It is just that they may also be blind from the truth.’

  ‘Blind from the truth?’ Leon is confused and perplexed. In the past, the question about whether the Sou really exists inside the Divine Entrance sometimes flashed to Leon’s mind. But when he thought that everyone in the world was so sure about it, he soon realized that it must be an undeniable fact. He thought that he was the only person who had this kind of doubts from time to time. But Nakashi’s question has just surprised him that there are others having this awkward doubt too.

  ‘I don’t know. The Sou-gen is really a great teacher to me. He loves us so much. But who knows there is really the Sou in the Divine Entrance? Even the Sou-gen has never been there,’ Nakashi says. Leon is watching the water and thinking intensively.

  Nakashi is surprised and pleased by Leon’s calm response. If she says what she has said to anyone in the palace or in Wartse, they will absolutely will be shocked and criticize her for being unfaithful continuously. ‘Thanks for accepting my lack of faith. Actually,
I have never told anyone about this. Please just keep this as a secret between you and me. It will be disastrous if the world knows that the president doubts about the Sou,’ she says softly. The last thing Nakashi wants to see is what happened thirteen years ago.

  ‘Sure. But I also want to go inside the Divine Entrance someday to prove that the Sou really exists,’ Leon gives her an encouraging smile. They sit aside and chat about their past.

  Suddenly, Nakashi stands up and looks around suspiciously. ‘It is not usual footsteps. Somebody is coming,’ she says. They wake up Panzhi immediately and rush behind the bushes to hide themselves.

  They peek from the bushes. A girl dressing in a black vest is running towards the burnt wreckage of the plane. She is carrying both a rifle and a sharp knife. From her expression, they know that she is obviously not coming in peace.

  Nakashi grasps and whispers ‘It is Catala!’

  ‘What is she doing here?’ Panzhi asks.

  Nakashi says ‘She must be the one who shot the plane down.’

  ‘Why?’ Leon asks and lowers his head once again to avoid being discovered. ‘She has tried to assassinate the Sou-gen a few times before. She has a strong determination in doing so. I think she won’t attack us but she will eliminate anyone who prevents her from killing her target. Be careful. Just stay put,’ Nakashi whispers.


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