The Eternal Kingdoms

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by Alice Knight

  For over a century she lived in London being tormented by someone constantly in her shadow, while she and Freya her witchy best friend enjoy the fruits of modern day life. unfortunately their ride is about to be turned upside down at the arrival of 3 strangers who bring dark secrets to light.

  Warning, I do not write about meek females and pushovers. These woman will be pushed to their limits, having to get back up after each and every knock down. Sanity has no place here, not everything is black and white.

  The Eternal Kingdoms

  Fallen Royals Series

  Alice Knight

  The Eternal Kingdoms

  Fallen Royals

  Book 1

  Copyright © 20 January 2019 by Alice Knight

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual event or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art Illustrations : Giuseppe Parisi/

  Cover Art Illustrations : Vectortatu/

  Cover Art Illustrations : Dmitriy Rybin/

  Cover Art Design : Kariston

  Edited By : Jackie Gendron

  Published by : Nicola Crosbie

  Sold By : Amazon Digital Services LLC


  I’ve wanted to write books for many years, but I always made excuses not to. At 25 years old I finally stopped making excuses, none of this would have been possible without the help and support from my closest loved ones.

  My partner James, thank you for sitting with me, listening as I read out scenes, for helping me write and rewrite parts I was not happy with. Your constant support means the world to me.

  My mum Jackie, thank you for the countless hours you spent editing my work and for encouraging me to carry on writing. I very much doubt I would have been able to finish if not for your help.

  My sister-in-law Emma, You are have been like a sister to me. You have helped me though everything no matter how completely nuts it was. A huge thank you for all of your advice and guidance over the years, for sitting and listening to my story and the future ideas for the series.

  Readers this is my first book, I really hope you love it as much as I loved writing it. I want to thank all of you for taking the time to sit and read my work.

  After a long and bloody war that almost wiped out their people, it was decided that three of the four royal houses, Natures Rise, Delvins Cove and The Immortal Empire would unite their kingdoms in an attempt to defend their lands from Serpent’s Reach.

  Thanks to this new formed alliance the four kingdoms are now of equal power. With none of them strong enough to overthrow the other, The Eternal Kingdoms rejoiced in their peace.

  Unfortunately like in most games, you must move your pawns to eliminate the enemy King.

  There are a lot of mysteries, Religion, Life, Death, The things that go bump in the night.

  To me the biggest mystery is myself. over a hundred years

  ago I woke up to this world. I looked like I was just in a battle, dried blood covered me from head to toe, I had aches and pains I don't remember getting.

  I felt a presence yet not another soul was in sight.

  No lights or warmth just me laying there on the frozen ground covered in dead leaves looking up at the night sky like it holds all the answers.

  From that night I have learned 3 things about myself, One, I don't age, my face brings nothing new to me in the years since I woke up. Definitely a bonus if you ask me

  Two, trusting anyone but yourself is a bad idea , in the morning they are your friend helping you navigate to the closest coffee shop for that hazelnut latte you have been craving since the day before, by dinner time they have ruined your favorite bag by spilling a sinful amount of red wine, which they will call an "accident".

  Never fear tho, as they had an accident with a flight of stairs so karma avenged my bag, with a little helping hand from a certain size 5 boot to the ass.

  Some cracked ribs a broken arm and 30 stitches later, brings us to the last but not least, I'm fabulous, fashionable and fucking psychotic with an equally annoying stalker.

  Do you have any idea how unforgivably frustrating it is to go shopping in Barney's being on cloud 9 one minute about to put you hands on the new Valentino Garavani rockstud mini bag that puts all others before it to shame, then, the next minute you're trying to evade a supernatural being who has been trying to put you in what I can only believe is a cage for the mentally challenged.

  I don't mind these run ins, normally as every time he nearly catches me, I learn a little bit more about myself.

  For instance the first time I met this asshole, I figured out I could phase not only objects but myself as well. That was a big surprise and helped me out alot, as walking around the forest at night in torn up bloodied clothes didn't seem like something I wanted to be doing.

  It was as easy as breathing, one minute I was close to the darkness that seem to be attached to my playmate, the next I was in the middle of a small town filled with people giving me a once over.

  Right let's get back on track as much a I love a trip down memory lane...

  Staring out my high rise apartment window looking at the people below going about their everyday lives not knowing of the danger that walks among them.

  Vampires luring in unsuspecting victims down ally ways for a midnight snack.

  Flea infested man dogs howling at the moon,

  Demons tempting you to gamble your lives away, to get a chance at nibbling on your soul. All of that and Humans trying to screw each other over to get ahead. Sighing, I turn to take in the beauty that is my living room I sip from my crystal glass, a slight burn of scotch as it slides down my throat. I find my mind going back to my stalker as it has been doing for some time now, like it knows there is a clock ticking down and not in my favour, yet not knowing how long is left.

  How am I going to deal with this hunter? as much as I find amusement in our game, a girl needs her space. I consider changing my appearance once again but I'm quite attached to my blood red hair that hangs at my waist with my natural curls.

  I can understand why he is after me who wouldn't be? at 5ft 4 inch tall, curves in all the right places. I’m the complete package but its like this fucker needs to get laid and this is his caveman way of making it happen, instead of using tinder like a normal person.

  When will he realise he is looking at the wrong woman. I think it is time I introduce myself. He must know the creature he hunts, he seems to be immortal to.

  As this game of cat and mouse has been going on since I woke up in that god forsaken forest a lifetime ago.

  A buzzing pulls me from my thoughts picking my cell phone up from the coffee table I smile as I realise I'm not the only one with the need for a good time looking at the screen and seeing Freya's name pop up, accompanying her photo slutty witches robe, Hogwarts wizards hat and wand included, ahh halloween about 20 years back, safe to say her coven were not as amused.

  I answer after a few more rings, and ask in my sarcastic tone,

  "Good Samaritans, how can I help you today my little lost soul?" Sometimes I amuse myself chuckling inwardly.

  "Lost soul? bitch please you should know by now I have no soul, remember we sold it so we could get into the club uptown?" I hear laughter in Freya’s voice.

  "Chaos t
onight? I have an itch in need of a scratch" ah Chaos the nightclub on the outskirts of town, a neutral site for all supernaturals, humans companions not advised.

  "If you have fleas from that wolf, you can keep at least 50 yards from me, 9pm?” This is going to be an entertaining night after all.

  Last time we were there an unfortunate stranger was trash talking my beautiful white Prada dress that hugged me just right, so of course a girls has to look after the fashion she wears. Phasing behind her and setting her on fire with an undying candle from the next table seemed to make my point. Coming back out of my internal thoughts, "see you there bitch" Freya responds in an excited voice as she hangs up.

  Finishing my scotch I walk across my extensive living room. Entering my bedroom, I go over to the far side door on the left and open up my walk in wardrobe and begin looking for the right outfit for tonight's festivities. Smiling brightly to myself as I lay my eyes on the perfect one.

  3 Hours later, we are standing outside Chaos, while out here it looks like nothing more than a run down old factory inside is quite different, I like to think I had some input in the decor.

  Painted white brick walls with silver wall lights giving off an electric purple glow. High chrome tables with leather bound bar stools are scattered around the wide dance floor, the bar is made from carrara marble accompanying glass shelving and an enormous wall sized mirror.

  Freya is in her classic outfit black wore down denim skirt showing off all sorts of ass and the world's longest legs, moving on to some sort of band t shirt that has a drop in the chest to alure in any unfortunate males. Calf high New Rock boots with metal around the front to complete her look, also to deal with said horny males.

  As for me I've gone for the worn down looking skinny jeans, a beautiful black and burgundy bone corset covered in chains and lace under a custom fitted leather jacket, to complete my look of sexy gone deadly, my other worldly daggers lovingly named Crime and Punishment sitting in their holster that is strapped to my waist. They have been blessed by a true priest for my vampire friends, dipped in unsullied silver to deal with the walking, talking flea bags and thanks to Freya enchanted by a witch, which takes care of the rest of the supernatural species. You never know who will be next to order a very close shave.

  Walking up to the club entrance we come face to face with Luca, who is not only an ex marine but just so happens to be a Soul Demon. The man has landed on a gold mine, being the bouncer of the most popular supernaturals club in the city must have its benefits, when the patrons are trying to make deals for entry. I stand there while he takes in the sight me and Freya presents. I watch as both desire and fear bleed into his eyes.

  "We are not going to have any problems tonight ladies?" Freya, devil that she is, holds her hand over her heart and sighs dramatically.

  "From lil old me? how can you think such a thing Luka?" Turning slightly to me and smirking.

  "This one however I make no promises for" Luka Looks down slightly and shakes his head, opening the red rope for us to enter mumbling under his breath "just no overreacting fires" I smile to myself knowing all the trouble we will be coursing for this poor chap later.

  I follow Freya as she makes her way across the club floor towards the bar. We both slip onto our usual stools, waiting to be served.

  Jaden the club owner, the bartender, the fleabag himself comes to take our order. I watch him as he eyes up Freya, naughty little puppy has had eyes for my witch for over 2 decades now, considering how much Frey likes to roll around in the sheets with these man dogs, I’m surprised these two haven't hooked up yet. I mean he is a tower of muscle, slightly overgrown brown hair giving him the roguish look to top it off his eyes look like molten gold. I guess he's to sane to keep her interested.

  This has come in handy in the past, being the bartender he hears everything and is a great source for information. I do find it strange that he knows nothing about me, when I first came across this place we had a very in depth conversation about the topic, I may have broken a bottle and almost take his head off with it, just to make sure he was being truthful. He got over it eventually, I mean what's a bit of decapitation between friends?

  "Ladies! what's the poison tonight? a couple shots or maybe something a little more sinful?" I see that burning in his eyes as he looks Freya up and down, the slight curve of his mouth making it known he likes what he sees.

  Tilting my head to the side I smirk as I watch Freya work her magic. learning across the bar she whisper in a seductive voice that only us three he can hear.

  "How about a sin and a secret?" By the way he eyes widen and I know she have his attention.

  "Name them" are the only words Frey gets as a reply. She smiles, slightly biting her bottom lip.

  "We will both have a Sexy Beast-” This causes a growl to escape Jadens chest, which only makes her smile more. Lucky she isn't ordering us male companions for the night instead it's a twisted version of the human drink sex on the beach.

  "Your wish is my command, but I believe you wanted two things" Jaden replies as his eyes seem to darken , horny little furrball.

  Rolling my eyes at him I raise my hand, snapping my fingers in his face, “The second thing will be for me, I want any information you can get on the person after me. Oh and a mini umbrella in my cocktail.” I smile at the end of my request as I hear Fraye second my request for the umbrella. Her excited reaction just has Jaden chuckling at her.

  As Jaden walks away to make our drinks I turn to Freya, who is looking at me and laughing.

  “So what's the plan for tonight, find some evening delight or dance until we turn into jelly," she asks before turning back to the open club with a smile still on her lips.

  Contemplating her question, I look around the huge club now full to the brim with any and all supernaturals. On the far side of the dance floor a pair of werewolves are challenging one another over a poor human. The wolves each take turns trying to knock their opponent out with the rest of their pack mates holding the girl in place. Why must these females always act like meek damsels, while I’m thinking about this, I watch said girl, as she kicks the winner in his crown jewels. I winced for him, not such a weak female after all. Freya seems to have noticed the scene playing out as well if her laughter is anything to go by.

  Getting lost in the crowd, I hardly realised that there’s a vampire standing next to me, close enough I could feel his breath by my ear, one hand leaning on the bar the other landing on my thigh, I see the slight hint of blood on his fingers that are now messing up my favorite pair of jeans.

  Inside I'm seething, how dare this insect stain my leg with the blood of his last meal! Taking a deep breath as I pull back the reins on my inner bitch and manage to put a seductive smile on my face, I turn to him, leaning slightly his way.

  "Well well well what have I found?" he whispers close to my ear. Holding back the urge to gag at the feel of his breath on my neck takes a lot of effort, I’m so going to enjoy this.

  I can sense his mind trying to infiltrate mine, the feeling reminds me of forks scratching on a china plate and has me gritting my teeth.

  Vampire’s use an ability called persuasion to control the mind of their victims, stops their meals from screaming out causing them a headache and I guess from alerting others to what's happening in the shadows. Unfortunately for him, that will not be happening with me as I perfected the inner walls of my mind ages ago, thanks to my stalker.

  Silly vampire’s always hunting for their necks victim. I chuckle inwardly at my internal thoughts.

  Lifting my hand up slowly to caress his arm at my leg, "What you have found is a perfect pair of fitted, faded jeans that hug my ass like a God blessed them".

  I pull Crime from my left hip holster, flipping it into an ice pick grip. I give him a brilliant smile as I watch confusion and pain flash onto his face, as I impale my blade though his hand. Successfully connecting him to the bar.


  I wiggle my index finger at him “Tsk Tsk,
such bad language to aim towards a lady, would you not agree Freya?”

  Freya hums her agreement from next to me where she has been watching our little exchange.

  "Not nice indeed, I think you should teach him some manners" she says.

  Smiling up at the annoying bug in front of me who is trying to get the dagger out of his hand. To bad as I'm the only one able to remove it, gotta love these enchantments making life so much easier.

  "Manners, indeed, next time be a gentleman and wash your hands." I say moving in closer so I can whisper by his ear.

  "Be sure to remember this and thank whatever God made you, that I don't put you in your grave for good". Grabbing Punishment from my right holster and slamming it blade up on the bar. I grab hold of the strangers hair before he realises what's happening, I shove him face first onto the business end.

  Unfortunately it wouldn't keep him out my hair for good only a little beheading, sunlight or missing a heart will do that but at least until I finish with this girls night out and head off.

  As much as I feel rules are made to be broken, I would rather enjoy my cocktail “sexy beast” Jaden is making me before I get kicked out.

  Removing both of my daggers and wiping them clean on the vamps cheap polyester suit, I tuck them away and push his body off the bar and watch as he hits the floor with a thud. A satisfying hole where his left eye used to be and who knows what kind of gunk on the bar.

  I turn back just in time for Jaden to appear with our drinks. Smiling innocently I accept the bright pink cocktail and sip it slowly enjoying the cold before the burn. Ahh this is much better.

  I’m almost over the stain that no good vampire left on my outfit. Sighing over my drink. "Delicious, Jaden but I believe I requested something else, don't say your going to hold out on me"


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