The Eternal Kingdoms

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The Eternal Kingdoms Page 3

by Alice Knight

  “How long have you known where she is?” he asks thought gritted teeth.

  “Long enough” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Aireme is with me, we are going to her and you will stay the fuck away.” he turns on the spot and starts walking towards the main door.

  Anger burns through me now, like hell I'm letting him go anywhere near her! I start after him as soon as I touch the front door I'm propelled back, hitting the wall, I hear as it cracks.

  “Drake that wasn't a request, the house has been charmed for the next week. She belongs with me and you will not interfere any longer.” Thorn explains from the otherside of the doorway.

  One week later…

  Seven days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes and still no sign or sight of the cheap suited vampire absolutely nada. I hit up most of the vampire hangouts and covens in the city, leaving quite a few bodies in my wake.

  I don't even remember the last time I was home, but as the saying goes no rest for the vengeful… or is it wicked?

  Some would let it go, they would call my rampage through London overkill. I call it foreplay, speaking of absent pains in my ass, Drake has been all but a ghost as well, I feel slightly worried that the hairs on the back of my neck haven't stood up on end aware of his watchful eyes. He is a big boy I'm sure he can take care of himself.

  Pulling myself out of that way of thinking and back into the present. Looking back to the scene playing in front of me.

  Shiny head does not look to hot. Chained up, hanging from the ceiling in the Chaos basement, holy water lightly being sprayed over him from the custom fire extinguishers, keeping him weakened and right where I want him. Blood is covering the stone floor where he is bleeding out of his gut, legs and arms, a nice little warm up exercise from earlier.

  I'm currently playing tic tac toe, his body acting as the games board. He thinks he can earn his freedom by managing to beat me, so gullible. I go to stand in front of him and drag my blade over where his heart is slicing a big X as neatly as I can. He screams and thrashes,pulling against the chains trying to get away from Punishment. Once I remove the cold steel from his skin, he hangs his head and takes a few deep breaths.

  “You know this game isn't as fun as others I've played. It’s like you're not even trying to win, I'm starting to think your telling the truth about your friend being dead already”. Tapping my index finger on my bottom lip contemplating my next move.

  It’s a stalemate at the moment each of us blocking the other from winning. I currently own his left peck, his ribs on the same side and now the centre of his chest. While he has three points, the middle of his stomach, a point below that one and his left hip. I can see him trying to nod his head in agreement to my comment, it looks like it's taking quite a large amount of effort. Sheathing my dagger back into its holster I clap “ well then, as a thank you for being such a good sport, I've decided to release you” he locks eyes with me, a suspicion burning in his gaze.

  “Don't worry, your heal up good as new” I walk over to the door and pull the lever releasing him. He drops like a bag of rocks, legs not able to hold his weight. I take a slow walk towards him making sure he can see me coming into his personal space, I bend down until I'm eye level. Reaching up my hand I rub the back of his neck, whispering in a calm voice “You have been so helpful to me, but you see that was an Eichholtz coffee table that cost two thousand pounds, so I'm sure you understand my need to do this”. I tighten my hold on his neck and start cutting away from the underside, he tried to scream but it came as gurgles as I slice through his windpipe.

  Once he stops squirming, I remove Punishment once i feel the blade hitting his spinal bone, I grab both sides of his head giving it a twist and off it pops.

  My once white dress shirt is now a deep crimson. Pushing the rest of the corpse away from me I stand and look around the mess.

  Oh hell, Jaden can fix it all up, I dunk the head into the trash can like it is a basketball. Score 1 to me suckers. The smell of burning reaches my nose as the corpse begins to turn to ash and scatter across the floor.

  Before leaving the basement I remove the ruined shirt replacing it with a leather underbust corset over a black silk shirt, switching out my dress trousers for my Sinner skinnies and ankle boots.

  I phase up to the bar and slide onto my sit, Jaden gives me a once over.

  “Feeling better now?” he asks once he is finished eyeing me up. I raise a perfect brow at him and think about his question, do I feel better? I’ve found out I have been chasing a ghost for the past week, so no need to keep ruining my clothes.

  Then again my stomach still feels hollow, anxiety jumping about in my chest. I was hoping the basement activities would fill the void, I'm currently being followed by like a dark cloud above my head.

  “I need to you find someone for me” Jaden stops polishing the glass in his hands and sets it on the table sweeping his hand out as a sign for me to continue.

  “Drake, my playmate for the past 100 years seems to think he can call break time after he tried to take off my head last week. Get me a location, so I can kindly remind him he's been fucking with the wrong woman” I smile at the end of my request.

  Hanging his head “can't you just be happy he's out of your hair?” he says quietly.

  “No! I can only be happy with chanel bags and winning and that's hard to do with someone calling time out” I make a T shape out of my hands.

  Throwing his arms up in the air, “fine, fine I'll see what I can find out but your going to owe me one”.

  I reach over the bar and grab the whiskey “yeah yeah I'm sure I will” taking a long drink from the bottle I‘m too hyped up to worry about a glass.

  “Run along puppy, I don't have all day to waste in your fine establishment” He gives me his classic look of annoyance and stalks to the back of the bar grabbing his phone on the way.

  I spin around on my stool looking out into the crowd, do these people not have anything better to do, I’m sure it's the same people in here like always minus a few vampires. Your welcome, I mentally pat myself on the back.

  I notice the main door opening and some newcomers entering looking around the place in distaste, if they are not careful I might have to take their disgust at the decor personally, I imagine their necks in my hand and grip the whiskey bottle abit to hard I hear the glass start to crack down the neck of the bottle.

  Apparently I'm not the only one who’s picking up the sound as their eyes dart straight to the bottleneck in my hand. Slowly three sets of eyes start to make their way from my hand up to my face, is that recognition I see?

  I take in all of their appearances, a woman about my height with platinum blonde hair cut into a pixie style covering one eye, in the most elegant dress I've ever seen, Purple grape coloured fabric with a silver corset made of swirls that look like vines and flower heads holding it up.

  The male holding her hand is well over a foot taller than his female companion dark messy hair that curls at his neck. A tailored suit with a matching purple shirt under the fitted jacket. A rose sitting in his pocket to add to the look he is currently rocking.

  Last but not least one of the finest male specimens I have ever had the good fortune of seeing. Now this one can keep my attention for as long as he wants. He is the very definition of tall, dark and fine as fuck. The same height as the male beside him wearing black dress trousers that hug the tops of his legs, a crisp white shirt that is molding to every rope of muscle and leaving nothing to the imagination on what it is hiding. Raven coloured hair that is kinking out uncontrollably, adding to his delicious bedhead look. Bright grey eyes that are taking everything in around him and giving away nothing about his inner thoughts.

  Finally some people here with a fashion sense that doesn't make me want to pull my eyes out and swallow them. I watch them as they make their way over to me, I can see their purpose in every stride.

  Subconsciously I catch myself stroking the top of my blade from where it sits at my waist.
br />   Beautiful or not I have no interest in new friends that would try to steal the spotlight from me. The woman takes the seat next to my left with both of her male companions taking a side each, as if in a guarding stance.

  Lady you will need more than two pretty walls of muscle if you decide to piss me off. She is regarding the mirror behind the bar, I notice her eyes moving to mine.

  Gone is the sense of recognition now, in its place I see, sadness? guilt? Not feelings that are common to me, so hey, for all I know she could be turned on.

  “One hundred and twenty eight years, it has taken to find you and your just sitting in a bar full of monsters beneath you as if they were your friends”.

  Well she is quick to the mark, no hi, hellos just straight to the crazy talking. “Something tells me, your going to try and sell me something?” patting down my pockets that don't exist “well I'm afraid you have caught me at a disadvantage, I seem to have left my purse at home” I take a swig of the whiskey.

  I see the one in the white try to step forward I regard him without interest. The woman holds up her hand stopping him from advancing.

  Laughing lightly she replies “I’m not here to sell anything but maybe I should give you a history lesson, then you may decide if you would like to jump down the rabbit hole or continue to sit in a darkened bar on the outskirt of town.

  But first, an introduction my name is Arieme, the handsome one behind me is my husband Lucien” the one in the purple as he lays his hand on Ariemes shoulder. “And the grumpy one is Thorn, he’s a family friend” I give Thorn another look over and I can feel the tension he is trying to hide.

  “Well lovely to meet you all, charmed I'm sure, but I have a damsel in distress to save or kill, whichever comes first” I start to stand when I realise I have now been crowded in by Lucien and Thorn, I give them both my best death glare before talking to Arieme again.

  “Unless you want to be down two overbearing alpha males, I suggest you call them off before I start to take offence” I glance down to my hands that are already holding my twin daggers loosely at my side.

  “Hear us out then you can decide if you would like to disembowel them or not” Arieme offers not at all looking worried enough for her two male companions.

  “You have 2 minutes, and for the love of Lucifer do not start off with once upon a time, otherwise I'm so out of here” smiling softly she begins the story that will no doubt make me regret my decision.

  “There is a place not in this realm that gives life to a race of supernaturals that out rivals anything this world has seen. Like all races their is a food chain everyone having a rank. Also, there are 4 Royal families who govern and protect this race”.

  Interrupting her, “isn’t there always? The rich controlling the poor from their thrones made of gold and the heads of their enemies” carrying on as if I hadn't spoken, which just aggravates me more, how can people act like I haven't said the truest thing since sliced bread.

  “For the sake of peace, marriages are planned for the heirs of the kingdoms, Royal females are quite a rarity so when one is born, the families arrange a marriage to a future husband early on in life” Aireme was saying before I interrupted her.

  “Sounds like a delight, would these woman get any say in the matter or are they just pawns in the chess game?” For her sake

  she better answer because ignoring me a second time will not bode well.

  “It would depend, if there is cause for genuine concern, the King and Queen would step in. If it was a matter of something trivial then no, they would be honor bound to the marriage chosen for them” She says tentatively, as if she could sense my grating nerves.

  Honor bound? Is she serious? no such thing exists, everyone is as selfish as the person next to them.

  “Peace seems to be something that can be hard to gain but so easy to lose, there was a battle and people played their hands to get the outcome they wanted”.

  Jaden choose this moment to step back behind the bar and signal his need for me.

  “Well this has been a lovely story time but I have that damsel to get back to and all, so thanks for the nightmares and have a good day” I walk over to Jaden and take the piece of paper he holds out to me, thanking him with a nod.

  Turning away, I start walking towards the the door that will lead to some much needed fresh air, I hear a voice “We are the Fae and the battle is not yet over” I stop and turn taking everyone in around me, noting that no one seems to notice the declaration of war.

  I stare at the back of Aireme’s head putting my hands on my hips waiting to see if she says anything. Shaking my head thinking I'm more insane, than I thought if I’m now hearing things. I turn to push out of the club door as another presence touches the inside of my mind, as if my mental blocks where not in place at all.

  “This war is not finished for either of us, and running will no longer protect you”

  I‘m standing outside the house with the same address Jaden oh so helpful acquired for me. This place would put Bruce Wayne's mansion to shame. 3 stories of aged brick, darkened by the wild roses growing all over the place, a set of double doors signals the entrance to the house.

  Damn this is overkill even for me, though I’d still kill the owner so I could take it for myself. I was half tempted to do just that, but I'm put off the idea. The amount of staff it would take to maintain this place must be insane.

  I walk up the rounded steps trying to take everything in. No one should be allowed a better looking place then mine, no matter how yummie the suspected owner is.

  The entrance way is as breathtaking as the outside, giving that open effect with its cream toned walls and high ceiling, a crystal chandelier holding centre stage, oil paintings line the walls.

  I'm presented with 3 glass doors to walk though. Tapping my index finger on my chin while I review my options. I'm going with door number 2, walking towards it, I reach for the handle just as a woman rushes out of it yelling a bunch of orders at people beyond the door.

  Almost running me down in her stride, I phase out to appear in the place she just came from. She spins around with shock in her eyes as she watches me raise Crime under her throat. I see her swallow the scream that was without a doubt about to escape her lips.

  Tilting my head to the side regarding her attire, shorts with happy faces on the thighs, a bright pink top that says “I’m as happy as a unicorn” and that gut wrenching blue nail polish I consider killing her for her fashion sense alone. No way was she meant to be taken seriously around here.

  I feel like I'm bleeding from my eyes just looking at her.

  In my sweetest voice I break the silence first, “Now then Lucky charm, do you know who I am and who I have come to visit?” Seeming to get a grasp of her wit’s she replies, in an all to sarcastic tone considering where my threat is “No shit? Yes I know who the bag of crazy is! The bastards up stairs, and please don't kick him while he's down. Damn male has an ego to protect”.

  For the first time in a long time I'm stunned, silent as I watch her phase out in front of my eyes.

  What the fuck just happened and why does everyone seem to do that? Growling to myself I storm forwards, as soon as I'm through the door I am hit with his scent, I close my eyes and follow it phasing along the trail determined not to get distracted from my target again by the decor. I'll have time to admire this place on my way out.

  2 minutes later I'm standing at a large dark wooden door with delicate engravings carved into it. His scent in so strong here, I'm guessing this must be his bedroom or as my girl Ana would say “it's his red room of pain”. I'm hoping more chains and torture rather then handcuffs and whips but hey I won't judge.

  Now, how to make my grande entrance, kick the door in like a badass? Knock and call little pig?.

  While I'm contemplating my options the door flies open and I'm looking at a bare chest that looks good enough to lick.

  Slowly making my eyes move upwards taking in everything, mesmerizing vine tattoos
with deadly thorns snake up the left side of his very impressive abs, they seem to sweep around to his back so they can hide from my now very hungry gaze, I suddenly want to follow the deadly looking vines.

  I let that thought die once I see the scars on his chest, they look like lash marks and anger suddenly starts growing in me they better be from torture and not the red room option or I really will demolish this place with him inside it.

  Making sure I wear my innocent look I take in his face, we have never been so close before all my breath seems to leave me at once. Cheek bones that look like they were made out of marble, a strong jaw with a midnight shadow making him look wild, wet hair still holding some droplets of water and those eyes. Now is it me or it's that lust I see.

  “Well this is embarrassing, I wasn't ready for you just yet” I explain, successfully breaking the awkward silence.

  While, putting my hands on his chest, a white hot fire ignites throughout my body at the skin to skin contact, I exercise all of my willpower to ignore the sensation, pushing him back into the room, something I'm sure he could have stopped but as it happens he is still in shock at my arrival it seems.

  Grabbing the door handle I slam it shut and get my wits about me once more. Clearing my throat and pushing my hair back, I swing it back open and call out in a sweet voice, “fancy seeing you here”. I feel like I missed out on my little pigs opener. Oh well I can own my entrances like a boss, I can always use that one later.

  I walk into the room, closing the door with a bit to much enthusiasm, I hear the wood splinter slightly as it hits the frame, an innocent oops slips out from my lips. Before I can comprehend what's happening pain radiates from the back of my head as it is slammed against the wall causing it to groan from the contact, hands tighten around my neck holding me captive.

  “What do you think you are doing here?” Drake growls at me.

  Lifting my brow at him “I was looking for the bathroom?” I reply, in an all to angelic voice.


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