The Designated +1

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The Designated +1 Page 16

by Ellie Cahill

  “He said what?” I hissed.

  “What was the plan? Keep fucking us both as long as you could get away with it? Or were you just planning to destroy my family right away?”

  The urge to slap him came on suddenly and my hand even went back before I stopped myself. “How dare you?”

  “How dare me?” he echoed. “You’re the one hitting on my brother two days before his wedding. Real fucking classy, Hadley.”

  “I never—” my throat was thick we unshed tears. I swallowed hard and tried again. “That didn’t happen.”

  “So he’s lying?”


  “Why would he do that?”

  “He hit on me,” I said. My voice was harsh and raspy. “He said I should be his ‘sexy little dog walker.’”

  “I bet you loved that.”

  “No!” I hated how my lips and chin were trembling. I hated the tears trickling from the corner of my eye. I hated how violated I felt. “I hated it. I felt dirty. I wanted to get away from him.”

  “And yet you’re going to take care of his dog…”

  “Because your parents gave him my number. Because I didn’t know what I would say to you if you found out I wouldn’t help your brother.”

  “This has nothing to do with your little girl crush on him? Suddenly the great James Brady is willing to give you a second look and you don’t jump at that chance?”

  “No. And fuck you if you think that about me.”

  “So, you’re saying he just made it all up?”

  I took a breath to steady myself and swiped angrily at the stray tears on my cheeks. “I went to his house to meet the dog. I was there for less than ten minutes. He hit on me. I left. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know what to say.”

  “And nothing else happened?”


  “So who am I supposed to believe now? You? Or my brother?”

  “Why would I lie?”

  “Why would he?” Will’s tone was so stressed I almost felt bad for him.

  “Because he’s a creep?” I suggested. “Because he’s the kind of person who would make a pass at me in his own god damn receiving line?”


  “Yeah. You were right. He’s an asshole.” I fisted two handfuls of my skirt just to have some small way to bleed off my wrath. “And if you want to believe someone like that, then maybe you’re not who I thought you were.”

  I stormed off.


  Fuck Politeness

  It was Anna Kelly who found me in the bathroom. All I’d intended to do was get myself calm enough to go back to the table and get my keys. I wanted to get the hell out of here. I’d tell the Bradys I couldn’t look after their dogs anymore and that would be that. I would never need to see any of that family ever again.

  But calming myself down was harder than expected. I kept swinging between rage and humiliation with plenty of crying at both extremes. I wanted to punch someone or something. I wanted to kick my way into the kitchen and start smashing china. I wanted to tear off my stupid dress and set it on fire.

  I’d only made it as far as the sinks when Anna came in.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  I shook my head and burst into tears all over again. Damn it. Just when I thought I was starting to get myself under control enough to leave.

  Anna didn’t ask me anything at first, she just hugged me. It definitely didn’t help me stop crying, but I was happy for the contact.

  I ended up telling her everything. It wasn’t as though I was intentionally keeping secrets lately, but I hadn’t had anyone to talk to. Every social event in my life lately had been wedding-related and I’d been playing one role or another. No one was getting the truth, the real me.

  Anna was my brother’s age, and had always been among the neighborhood girls who were like big sisters to me. She’d been my babysitter a few times, when I was still considered one of the little kids. And our mothers were tight. She was easy to spill my guts to.

  Like any good big sister, she was furious with James. She was pretty upset with Will, too, but she was ready to tear James limb from limb on my behalf.

  “Ugh. He’s always been such a conceited asshole!” she shouted, not caring who might overhear us. “I can’t believe he’d say that kind of shit about you.”

  It was such a relief to have her believe me without question. I could have kissed her. And in some way, it was like I’d managed to drain off my rage to her. I was left feeling drained and hollow, but at least I was calmer now.

  “Thank you for listening to me,” I told her. “I just really want to go home now.”

  “No,” she said. “You’re not the one who needs to go.”

  “Um, it’s his wedding, Anna.”

  “And how awful is that?” she demanded. “That poor woman who just married him!”

  “She’s very nice,” I said weakly, knowing it sounded lame. I’d already been feeling sorry for Sara, and wondered if she knew what he was really like. But even my sense of justice didn’t make me want to ruin the poor girl’s wedding day. “I don’t want to cause a scene.”

  “I do,” Anna groused, crossing her arms.

  “Even if he is a scum ball, she doesn’t deserve to be humiliated in front of her whole family. And his.”

  Anna kept a sour look on her face for a beat before she reluctantly agreed. “I suppose.”

  “I really should just go home,” I said. “I’m sorry I got you involved in this. This is my problem.”

  “It’s his problem,” she corrected.

  “Even still, I’d rather just go home.”

  “At least let me talk to Will,” Anna said.

  “If he doesn’t want to trust me, why should I even care what he thinks?”

  “You’re just going to give up?” she asked. “You don’t even care?”

  “Of course I care.” I sighed and leaned back, accidentally bumping into the button for a hand dryer, which made us both jump. Anna stifled a giggle, but I didn’t blame her.

  “If you care, don’t just walk away.”

  I thought about what it would be like to never see Will again. No more of our meandering, endless conversations. No more helping him with his house. No more of his teasing. No more of his broad shoulders and his big hands. No more of him towering over me before somehow making our twelve inch height difference disappear when he kissed me.

  My heart ached, but I swallowed hard and forced myself to tell Anna, “I can’t make him want me back.”

  “Oh sweetie.” She rubbed my shoulders with a sad look on her face. “Now come with me, I have a plan.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that, but Anna already had me by the hand and was pulling me out of the bathroom. In my strappy heels it was impossible to get any traction to stop her. All I could do was catch a last, desperate glimpse of myself in the mirror to check if I looked like I’d been crying.

  I did.

  Oh well. Too late to do anything about that now, because we were already out in the hall.

  “Anna,” I whispered, “please don’t. Look at me, I’m a mess!”

  “You’re gorgeous,” she said without looking back.

  “Please, all the moms!” I tried. I thought if anything would spare me it was the threat of all the neighborhood moms. If any one of them caught sight of me, the grapevine was going to spring in to action and they would descend on me like a pack of extremely concerned wolves. They would care me to death.

  “Don’t worry, it’s dark in here.” Anna hauled open one of the side doors to the ballroom and pulled me through. She was right, the lights were pretty much off, except on the dance floor. That was lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “Wagon Wheel” was playing, giving the entire scene a bizarre Groundhog Day feeling as I tried to keep my feet under me while Anna dragged me further into the room. She made a wide arc, weaving between the tables, scanning the dance floor for her target. I wasn’t sure what the plan was,
but I was getting more nervous by the second. Eventually she found Maddie, Justine, and another girl we grew up with named Ariel, who for some reason had always been called Gidget by everyone I knew.

  Then the five of us descended on James Brady. He was with Sara and the two of them were moving from table to table, chatting with the older guests who were sitting out the dancing.

  Anna didn’t let go of my wrist, but I tried to hang back and let my hair fall around my face while she asked the bride if we could just borrow her handsome husband for a tiny little second.

  Sara laughed happily, and teased, “What did you do, Jamie?” but you could tell she thought she was making a joke.

  Poor Sara.

  “We’ll send him right back, okay?” Anna said sweetly.

  There was no way Justine, Gidget, or Maddie had a clue what was happening, but if Big Sister Anna was at the helm, they were going to play along. Gidget and Justine looped their arms through James’s and escorted him toward the bar where Maddie collected Will.

  My heart stopped when he saw me. His face stayed blank, but I knew he wasn’t happy. There was something in his eyes that gave him away to me. I shook my head at him, unable to do anything more than hope he could read my thoughts: This wasn’t my idea. I have no idea what’s going on.

  The girls led the Brady brothers right on out of the ballroom, through the big lobby and out the front doors. We found ourselves in a small, but well-lit entry where a bench and the lingering smell of tobacco said this was where the smokers came to indulge their habit.

  “What is this about?” James asked when the little parade came to a halt.

  “James Brady you lying sack of shit!” Anna snapped. “You tell your brother right now that you made up all that bullshit about Hadley!”

  James looked completely befuddled by this turn of events.

  Anna thrust her finger at Will, but her steely glare never left James. “Tell him.”

  “Anna, what the fuck…?” Will muttered, trying to walk away, but Maddie and Gidget blocked him.

  “What are you on about?” James asked.

  “Tell him you lied about Hadley, or I swear to god I will march in there and tell your wife what a worthless bastard you are.”

  James stiffened and took a step toward Anna. “You need to back off.”

  Anna was unimpressed. “Tell him.”

  “This isn’t your business,” Will put in.

  “No, it’s mine.” To my horror, tears started running down my face all over again as the bonfire of my anger flamed up. “You tell him right now,” I demanded.

  “Tell him what?” James asked.

  “This is ridiculous,” Will said.

  “Tell him you lied about what happened when I came to your house,” I said. “I came for your dog you son of a bitch, not to offer myself up to you like some kind of…” I couldn’t even think of a word for what that would make me.

  “Oh for god’s sake is that what you’re pissed off about?” James rolled his eyes.


  “Christ. I was just talking shit.”

  “Tell. Him. You. Lied.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Calm down. It’s not like you wouldn’t have done it if I offered.”

  My palm made the most incredibly satisfying sound when it hit his cheek. It was like I was watching myself from a distance. One second, I was standing there with tears running down my hot, red face, and the next, I was slapping him.

  “Oh! Fuck!” He staggered back and covered his face. “Jesus Christ! Did you just slap me?” When the shock was gone, he took a step toward me, but Will put a hand on his chest.


  “What is your problem?” James’s head snapped from me, to Will, and back again. I couldn’t tell if the question was addressed to me.

  “You had no right,” I said.

  “You know you should be flattered,” James said. “It’s a compliment when a man is interested in you.”

  “All right, enough.” Will turned and put both hands on James’s chest, not pushing, but definitely herding him toward the doors. “Let it go, man.”

  “You owe her an apology!” Maddie shouted after him. “Pig!”

  “I got nothing to apologize for.” James was glaring at me over Will’s shoulder. “I’m just sorry you turned out to be a frigid bitch.”

  Several things happened at once. A collective gasp went up from the neighborhood girls. I did a double-take like a cartoon. And best of all, Will threw his brother into a door.

  It wasn’t far to go. He was only six inches away from it at the time. But instead of the gentle but insistent hands on his shoulders, Will gave him a shove. James hit the door and his head snapped back for a second hit. He scrambled upright and started to lunge toward Will, but seemed to think better of it, and instead made a show of straightening his jacket.

  “You’re going to regret that,” he said evenly. “I’m not going to ruin Sara’s day. But this is not over.”

  “Oh fuck you,” Will said dismissively. “You sound like a bad guy in a movie.”

  “Dad is going to hear about this.”

  “Go ahead. Run to daddy. I don’t give a shit.” Will lowered his voice. “But I swear to god, if you ever so much as look at Hadley wrong, I will come for you.”

  “You’re actually gonna do this. You’re gonna threaten your own brother over some girl you’ve barely seen since high school. Over Hadley Bradley.” He said my name like it was an insult all on its own, and then to prove what an asshole he was, he gave me a sweep with his eyes. “She’s not even that hot.”

  “Fuck you.”

  For a moment, it seemed like James wanted to keep going. His mouth was half-open with some other horrible thing to say, I’m sure. But he looked at all of the girls, and took an extra long look at his brother. Then he turned away, muttering, “You can all go to hell,” and yanked open the door, disappearing into the lobby.


  Nobody Puts Hadley in a Corner

  Anna spoke first. “Will, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know he was gonna be like that.”

  “Not your fault.” Will was still looking at the doors, his back to us.

  “Okay, seriously, what what was that all about?” Gidget asked.

  “I’ll tell you later,” Anna said softly.

  “Will,” I said, not sure where to go from there.

  He turned, looking defeated. “Hadley, I’m sorry.”

  “You should be,” I said.

  He winced. “I know.”

  “How could you believe him over me?”

  “He’s my brother.”

  “He’s an asshole.”

  “I know that.” Will sighed and rubbed his temples. “But he said it, and I knew how you felt about him when we were younger, and I thought—hell, I don’t know. I thought you maybe still…”

  I was hyperaware of the girls gathered around me. This wasn’t exactly the kind of conversation you wanted an audience for. But if it weren’t for Anna, I would be on my way home right now, crying my eyes out and trying to forget about Will forever.

  “No.” I said. “He cured me of that four years ago when he patted me on the head and said I was a cute kid.”

  “He did that?” Maddie gasped.

  I shot her a look that said now was not the time.

  “And if that didn’t do it, he would have cured me at Anna’s wedding when he didn’t remember how old I was. And if that didn’t do it, the way he looks at me now would have.” I clenched my fists. “But I never thought you’d make me feel as shitty as he did.”

  He closed his eyes. “I was hurt.”

  “You could have at least given me a chance to tell you my side before you accused me.”

  “Seriously,” Anna muttered.

  “I thought…” He seemed to realize anew that the girls were there, and he gave them an annoyed look. But Anna crossed her arms defiantly, and the other three followed suit. They looked like a fancy, pissed off Charlie’s Angels
. Will came closer to me and lowered his voice. “He used to just take whatever he wanted from me. He even managed to get the girls I liked in high school.”

  Like a Greek chorus, one of the girls made a pitying sound.

  Will twisted to look at them. “Do you guys mind?”

  “Not at all,” Maddie said blithely.

  “Oh for god’s sake.”

  “You guys.” I peeped around his shoulder. “Maybe a little privacy?”

  Anna raised an eyebrow as if to ask if I was sure. I nodded. She said, “Come on, ladies,” and led them inside.

  Will waited until the door was closed. He couldn’t see that they were all standing just inside the glass, watching like we were a zoo exhibit. I didn’t tell him.

  “I thought he took you, too.”

  I wanted to stay mad. I really did. But he was breaking my heart. I reached up to cup his face. “No one can take me until I want them to.”

  “I thought…maybe you wanted him to.”

  “No. Why would I ever want him instead of you?”

  He exhaled a soft laugh. “I guess if you’re into toilet-related head injuries and swarms of insects.”

  I nodded. “I’m into it.”

  Wrapping his arms around me, he lifted me off the ground in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, HB.”

  As tempting as it was to wrap my legs around his waist and cling to him like a baby koala, I let him put me down to kiss me instead. One of the other side of the doors, the girls began to pound on the glass and whoop.

  Will laughed, glancing over his shoulder at them. “They’re not going to follow us around all the time now, are they?”

  “Not all the time.”

  “Good.” He kissed me again, making my spine go all tingly.

  “You realize this is going to be all over the neighborhood in under an hour, right?” I asked.

  “Don’t care.”

  “Your parents might fire me if they hear I slapped your brother.”

  “No they won’t. He had it coming.” A sly grin came over his face. “That was amazing, by the way.”


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