Pretty Faces (The Fallen Gods Book 6)

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Pretty Faces (The Fallen Gods Book 6) Page 7

by K. A Knight

  “No?” I retort, my voice breathy from the raw dominance and lust rolling off of him in waves. The pure fucking alpha is before me now, not the man who cooked me steak, watched me sleep, and play fought with my tiger. This is the man from the club. The killer. The darkness he hides within has come out to play.

  Who will be alive when it’s over?

  “What will happen?” I prompt, pushing like he just said not to.

  A sigh mixed with a groan leaves his lips, the sound going straight to my pussy and making me grind against the floor harder. It was a sound provoked by his displeasure over me testing his patience, and I have never wanted someone to repeat a noise so badly in my life. “You wouldn’t survive it,” he warns.

  Leaning in, I press my lips to his and talk against them. “No, it’s you who wouldn’t survive, but you would die with a smile on your face, your dick wet, and pleasure still coursing through your veins.”

  From one breath to the next, I’m thrown back to the floor. Laughing, I go willingly, still holding the knife in my hand as he blankets my body with his, pressing every hard inch of his tan flesh to mine. He props his hand next to my head as he watches me with those midnight eyes. “I warned you,” he snarls, and then his lips come down on mine. He kisses me hard, nipping and sucking, attacking my mouth with a ferocity I have never seen, one that leaves me gasping. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I flip us until I’m above him with my knees on either side of him as I press my wet pussy to his trouser covered cock. His hand wraps around my throat and drags me down until he can kiss me again.

  Just then, we both hear a crash. Our heads whip to the side as we both stare at the door. We were so distracted we didn’t hear them coming.

  The front door explodes inwards, and I’m already in motion.


  She moves even quicker than I can, flipping from ready to fuck to fighting in under a second. Uncaring about being naked, she throws the knife in her hand at the first supe that steps through the door and then turns, pulling down the sword from the mantle and tossing it to me before grabbing a machete for herself.

  Where the fuck did she hide that?

  But I don’t have time to wonder, because I hear them coming from the back door too. Shifters. Fucking council lackeys, I can smell it on them. Are they here for me or her?

  I turn back and see one of them trying to shoot her—lethal rounds, I’m betting. It looks like they are here for both of us. They want us both dead…but why? She doesn’t hesitate or second-guess or beg them not to, she sprints into action, meeting the surge of shifters pouring through the door. She hacks off one’s head as she spins, her hair flying behind her and her nude body moving so effortlessly, it’s like fucking poetry as she twists and slices. Her mouth is curved in a snarl, and both of her eyes are black now. Her body vibrates with her animals and power as she attacks those coming for her and me.

  Something hits me from behind, and I turn with a snarl.

  There are four men standing behind me, loaded down with weapons and ready to kill us. They aren’t messing around this time. They want us dead and fast. It’s not fucking happening. Trusting my mate to take care of herself, I focus on these assholes so they don’t get past me.

  Gripping the sword she gave me, I stab it through the first man before snapping his neck and tossing him to the side. The other three surge around me, their fists raised and weapons ready to shoot. With a snarl, I rip through the first, flinging him away before I grab the second and punch him in the face repeatedly as blood sprays and my knuckles split. Grunting as something hits my side, I slash his throat and turn to the last man with a narrow-eyed look. He gulps nervously, but he still comes at me, impressing me slightly with his tenacity. I snap his neck easily and then step over his corpse as five more men take their place.

  I glance over to check on Remi, knowing she isn’t likely the type to ask for help. My eyes widen when I spot four bodies on the floor around her as she slashes at a fifth who’s trying to back away.

  Smirking, I turn to face the others and crack my neck. It’s time to show them what a skinwalker can do besides shift skins. I let that power flow through me, the kind I never really use or rely on unless the circumstances are dire because it’s addictive. The darkness and strength of it made me become a monster, like the ones I hunt now, but tonight, I use it to protect my mate as much as myself.

  My claws slide through my skin, slipping between my knuckles, the long black talons sharp enough to cut through flesh and bone. I let a burst of power break free, and it knocks the first one back while the second one screams, taking the full brunt of it. I smirk as I watch his skin start to melt, his body and muscles too, liquefying with horrific shrieks as the others look on. I use that to my advantage and slice them to pieces until only limbs remain around me. Panting, I bounce on my toes, ready for more, needing it as adrenaline pumps through me.

  I feel my face slipping and yank it back on, not wanting her to see the real me. I’ll need to change soon. I’ve used so much energy while in this disguise that it’s corroding away. What will happen when I change though?

  I’m distracted when she dances around me. “Duck,” she yells, so I do, but a moment later, I hear the click, and she snarls and throws us both behind the sofa as an explosion rocks the room. Her hair hangs around us, her black eyes locked on the sofa like she can see through it. A snarl tips her mouth where fangs now protrude over her luscious lips. Her body also seems different, longer, taller, and skinnier. But fuck, the beauty in the danger of her has me hard as hell, even in the middle of a fight. She looks down at me, ordering, “Stay here,” and then leaps over the sofa.

  “Stay here,” I mutter with a snort as I get to my feet. “Not a chance.” I grab the back off the sofa and jump over it too, pressing my back to hers as more of the council’s lackeys stream in. They didn’t send a few or even a team. They sent them all, including the fucking fallen to kill us. They want us dead and clearly don’t care how it happens.

  They aren’t playing, but neither are we.

  Reaching for the first man, I touch him and then step past as his scream begins, his skin sloughing from this body. I touch as many as I can before I start slashing with claws, losing myself in the rhythmic movement. Bloodlust rages through me as I rip and stab over and over again. The adrenaline pumping through my body, my racing heart, and all the good feelings I get when killing returns.

  When it’s over, I’m panting and staring around me at the corpses, fighting the urge to attack, to carry on.

  “It seems the council wants us both dead now,” I snarl.

  She’s breathing heavily, holding the machete in one hand and a knife in the other. Her naked body is covered in blood from head to toe. Remi’s hair is wild and her chest heaves, and an excited smile curves her lips. Bodies are spread around her feet. Fuck, she looks so beautiful, and too goddamn deadly, like a warrior queen riding into battle, covered in the blood of her enemies. I can’t resist. I stride towards her, grab the back of her head, and kiss her hard. She groans and bites my lip before throwing me backwards. I sail through the air and land on my back. I jump to my feet with a smirk, looking her up and down before I wink at her.

  “Thanks to you,” she spits. “We need to go now before more arrive.” Her eyes widen, and a split second later, a knife is soaring through the air.

  I start to duck, thinking she’s finally taking her shot to kill me, but it sails past my head, and I turn when I hear a cry to see it embedded in the chest of a man trying to sneak up on me. Growling, I yank the blade out of his torso and slash it across his throat before kicking him to the floor. With the bloodied blade in my hand, I look back at my girl. Fuck, she’s right. No time for getting to my knees and tasting her pussy until she screams the way these men did. Not yet.

  “Get dressed now,” I demand. “We are leaving.”

  “I fucking hate you,” she snaps as she starts to storm away.

  “I hate you too!” I call after her, even th
ough I know it’s a lie. I hate myself for wanting her and for bringing this to her door. For involving her in the carnage of my life when I left so I never would. No, I don’t hate her. I never could. In fact, I want her so badly, it hurts. I want to fight side by side with her for the rest of my life. But I can’t. I’m going to get her to safety, stop the council from hunting me and her, and then leave.

  Leave her to her life.

  One without me.


  I pack quickly, grabbing one of the emergency bags and anything I don’t want to leave behind. They were sent by the council, I know it. Supes and fucking nephilim. What have I done? Why are they hunting me? Is it because I haven’t killed him yet, or have they finally written me off? I don’t know. I don’t even know if there is a way to fix it so I’m not hunted for the rest of my life. The one thing I know for sure is that I need to stay close to Khalid. He may be my saviour, but not in the way he probably thinks.

  If I give him to them, maybe they will let me walk away alive. So sticking close it is until I figure out why they want him so badly and if I can use him as a bargaining chip. I slip into jeans, a top, and a jacket, cringing at the still wet blood on my skin. I have a minute to clean my face and neck, but other than that, I don’t have much time. At least if I’m seen, I won’t look like I just escaped a horror movie. I leave my hair wild in loose curls around my shoulders, the blonde and dark brown streaks no doubt flecked with red, but hopefully, no one notices. I know my eye has gone back to normal, the panic and bloodshed sating the creature until it faded to the background.

  I almost fucked him again, but more than that, I wanted to after the fight. Seeing him in action… Fuck, my pussy clenches at the thought alone. Watching the blood spray through the air from his claws… Which, by the way, what the fuck? What is he? Not to mention how easily and quickly he decapitated the men, killing them with a single fucking blow… And that thing he did… He touched them, and boom, it was like he’d thrown acid on them, but only ten times worse. They screamed and clawed at their eyes and skin as it melted away, until all that was left was a bloody ball where a human once stood.

  What the fuck is he?

  It’s all I can think about, but I know we need to move before more come. I’ll get answers sooner rather than later, using whatever means necessary, because it’s clear he’s neither human nor demon. He’s something else. Something infinitely more dangerous, stronger, and more powerful, and I’m now tangled up in whatever he’s done to piss off the council.

  I’m on the side of who I used to hunt. I’m no fucking prey, but I’m being pursued. There is one thing they clearly don’t know about me though—I will do whatever it takes to stay alive. Always have, always will, and as soon as I get rid of Khalid in whatever way I deem necessary, I will be back to being alone and safe with no unexpected fucking visitors or feelings.

  Back to the cold, emotionless killer.

  Not the feral, lust driven monster he’s made me into.

  “Let’s go!” he yells.

  I storm down the stairs and grab my car keys—I’ll have to leave the bike, since I have a feeling he won’t ride bitch—and run past him. Throwing my shit in the trunk, I get into the driver’s seat, revving the engine as he grabs something from one of the dead men before slipping into the passenger seat. As soon as his door closes, I’m racing away, putting as much distance between there and me as possible.

  “What now?” I snarl. “Fuck.” I smash my hands onto the wheel, realising how fucked we are.

  “Go to the hotel, Red, I need my shit before they get there,” he orders. Grinding my teeth, I do as he asks. It takes only ten minutes before I pull up outside. I turn off the engine, ready to go in with him, when his hand presses to mine and stills me. The flash of heat from his touch annoys me. “See that café over the road? Go sit in there in the middle of the humans. They wouldn’t dare attack you there. I’ll meet you there in five.” He leans in then, narrowing his eyes until he’s sure I’m paying attention. “Do not fucking leave without me, do you hear me? I will hunt you if you do, and when I find you…” His gaze drops to my lips, and his hand curls around mine, letting me feel his strength, but it doesn’t intimidate me.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You dragged me into this mess, and I need to know why and fix it,” I snap, being honest. At least this way he’ll know I’m not leaving because I have no choice. We’re stuck together. His lips tip up in that cocky grin that does bad things to me, like wanting to either sit on it or kill him for it. I can’t decide.

  “Good girl, amore. Five minutes. Blend in as much as you can.” He leans back, ready to get out, when I stop him this time.

  “What do you mean as much as you can? I know how to blend,” I mutter in irritation.

  He laughs, his hand on the open door as he looks me over purposely before meeting my eyes. “Baby girl, you can’t blend in anywhere. You look like a fucking goddess, too perfect and untouchable. Every head turns wherever you go, and you don’t even notice it. So, no, you can’t blend in, but try to.” He gets out, leaving me staring after him with an open mouth.

  I’m speechless yet again.

  What the fuck is happening to me?

  It’s been seven minutes, the bastard. I’m sitting in the coffee shop, with tea and cake in front of me, trying to sit in bloody clothes and not stand out. Four men have already hit on me, and if one more human sits down and starts trying to chat me up, I’m going to lose my shit and kill them all.

  The door to the shop opens, and a group of men wander in followed by a few girls and another man. I’m about to avert my gaze when I look closer. The last man has short, ginger hair, pale skin, a long, unkempt ginger beard, and a muscular build. He has massive beefy arms, and he’s really tall, but something makes me frown. He even has green eyes, but for some reason, I can’t look away. That sense inside of me flares as he looks around, and when he strolls this way, I get to my feet, confused.

  “Khalid?” I ask.

  He stops dead, his eyes landing on me and flaring in shock. “You know it’s me?” he questions, his voice really low and rumbling.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I mutter as I stare at him, and that’s when I figure it out. “You’re a fucking skinwalker?” I almost scream.

  He shushes me and grabs my arm, sitting me down and dragging his chair nearer as he bends his head close to mine. “How the fuck did you know it was me? Not even my brothers do when I change!”

  “I could…just tell,” I finish and narrow my eyes. “Explain, you’re a fucking skinwalker? No wonder the council wants you.”

  He sighs. “Yes, I’m a skinwalker, but that’s not why they want me, or not just… I don’t even know how they found out who I had changed into, but clearly, they did. This way, we are better disguised. You have something against gingers?” He smirks. “Prefer the blond?”

  “I actually prefer dark hair.” I shrug and then shake my head. “No, stop distracting me. Seriously, what the hell have you dragged me into? Why are they coming after us now?”

  “They hate skinwalkers, it’s true, but I am…well, let’s say an enemy because of our history. If they are coming after you now, it means you have outlived your usefulness.”

  I slump back, scrubbing my face. “So what now, genius?”

  “Something is happening with them. If they are coming after us, we have no choice. We need to stop them.”

  “Stop them?” I laugh bitterly. “You don’t stop the council. They are the law apart from the sleeping one…who, well, you don’t fucking mess with.”

  “Laws are meant to be changed when they don’t work,” he snarls, moving closer, and those green eyes unnerve me for a moment. “I was gathering information on monsters working for him. The monsters doing the council’s dirty work? I stop them. But I need to do some research, and that means seeing an old friend. I need some of the information he has. That’s where we’re going next. I can stop them, overthrow them. I just need to double-check some w
ording on the bindings that put them into position… My memory isn’t as good as it once was.” The last part is muttered as he leans over and takes a sip of my tea.

  “Fine.” I sigh, deciding to keep him close. When I have my first opportunity, I’ll give him to the council and hope they spare me. “Cut the green eye shit though, it’s weird.”

  His eyebrow arches. “Really? It takes extra energy to keep them like this, but I figured I would blend in more.” He looks around before meeting my gaze with a smile. “But if you insist.” His eyes slowly fade to black, and for some reason, that settles me more than staring into those unfamiliar green orbs.

  “Let’s go. I’m not saying I’m down with this plan, but we do need to get out of town before it’s flooded with hunters. I’ll let the heat die down, and then I can decide what I want to do. I might as well stick with you for that.”

  He shrugs and gets to his feet, reaching as if to take my hand, but I snatch it away.

  “Don’t touch me,” I snarl.

  “You wanted me to earlier,” he teases, and I flash him the knife at my side, making him laugh, even as he backs off with his hands raised. Rolling my eyes, I start to follow him from the coffee shop when something catches my eye—a news report of an attack on a church, eight dead and four in critical condition. It mentions something about them coming from the graveyard and being dressed as zombies.

  Seriously, what the fuck is this city coming to?

  I drive, of course, as he directs me out of the city and onto the long, winding country roads. The day passes quickly. I only stop once for gas, and the ride is quiet. I’m debating how to get the truth out of him, who knows what he’s thinking.

  After all, we are just strangers thrown together by chance.

  When we’re back on the road, the late afternoon sun almost blinding me, I decide I’m sick of the silence. “Okay, so tell me everything.”


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