As You Were (Rising Star Book 2)

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As You Were (Rising Star Book 2) Page 26

by Lee Piper

  Zeke skims my sensitive skin with his nose. It’s impossible not to sigh. “Was pissed at her for dragging you into this shitstorm. Not at you. Never you.” He nips the juncture of my neck and collarbone.

  Blindly, I reach out, grappling for the man my heart is crazy stupid in love with.

  “When I realized you left,” he mumbles against my fevered skin, “I went to the PI and got all the evidence I needed—clandestine phone calls, dodgy meetings, emails full of bullshit lies sent to bands I’m set to work with. Took it to my lawyer and drew up a lawsuit against her.”

  “Oh?” I’m sure what he’s saying is important, but it’s really freaking hard concentrating when his mouth is on me.

  “If she doesn’t back the hell off, I’m going to hit her with it. I’m going to make her wish she never picked up a goddamn microphone. Bitch can come after me.” He pulls back, staring so deep into my eyes, I fear we’ll drown. “But the second she came for you, I ended it.”

  “Okay.” It’s all I’ve got. Ironic, since my body is thrumming with so much love I’m surprised I don’t burst into showers of stardust.

  “I take care of what’s mine, little siren. And if I have to remind you every fucking day of every fucking week of every fucking month that I’m taking care of you, I will.”

  “Zeke.” My voice trembles, everything trembles, because his answer to my next question is so fucking important. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying.” He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the movement. “You belong to me.”

  “Yeah, I got that part.”

  A callused thumb traces my cheek. “I’m gonna take care of you.”

  “I got that too.”

  His expression softens, those caramel irises turning to liquid as he scans my face. “Because I fucking love you.”

  Sweet merciful Aphrodite.

  The stars align, the moon is full, and celestial beings weep with joy.

  I take a moment to breathe in his words, their meaning, and how unbelievably happy they make me. When I can speak, I pull his head to mine, murmuring, “I love you too.”

  “l know.”

  With a laugh, I push him away again. “Ass. You’re not supposed to say that. You’re supposed to say something romantic and then take me to bed. Now you’ve ruined it.”

  “Ain’t the romantic type. You know this.”

  “Yeah.” My smile is soft. “I know. You’re real, honest, and I wouldn’t want you any other way.”

  He grunts, though there’s a flicker of amusement in his expression. Powerful arms lift me until my legs wrap around his waist. “Gonna fuck you now.”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh.

  Zeke strides inside. “Nothing funny about how I’m gonna own your body, siren. You’d better be ready to take all of me, because I ain’t goin’ easy on you.”

  “Bring it, storm. I can handle whatever you throw my way.”

  His eyes darken, my skin heats, and the crackling energy that ignites when our souls collide bursts into flames.

  How I’ve managed to win the heart of this tempestuous, enigmatic man, I’ll never know. But I thank all the pantheon gods for giving me this sacred gift.

  I’m going to treasure it always.

  “Zeke? I’m home.” The front door slams behind me and my bags drop to the floor with a thump. With a relieved groan, I slip out of my Converse high tops and socks, needing to feel the cool wood beneath my feet.

  I pad along the hallway, then pause, my eyes darting left and right. “Whoa.” The walls are lined with framed platinum records, the photos of each rock band signed in heavy black scrawl. Leaning closer, I inspect the images, marveling at the insane talent gracing these walls. But it’s not the musicians I’m looking for, it’s the love of my life. The man who, for the past four weeks, hasn’t let a day go past without telling me I’m his.

  A secretive smile forms when I spot him in the photographs. He stands proud in every one, a testament to his hard work and self-belief.

  Needing to see the person behind the picture, I hasten toward the living room, then stop.

  “What in the ever loving—”


  My nickname on his lips is heaven. My gaze searches for him. With a squeal, I launch myself at him, thankful when he catches me. Strong arms wrap around my small frame, lifting me off the ground in a crushing embrace.

  “Thank fuck you’re home,” he grumbles into my hair. “Four weeks has taken fucking forever.”

  “I know,” I breathe, my eyes squeezed shut, too scared to open them and find this all a dream. He sets me down, though I keep my arms locked around his neck. I’m not letting go any time soon.

  “Look at me.”

  “Promise you won’t disappear?”

  A low rumble sounds from deep within his chest. It’s enough to make my eyes pop open because I don’t want to miss Zeke’s grin.

  Damn. He’s beautiful.

  “Ain’t going anywhere, that’s a promise.”

  “Good.” I sigh with relief. “Don’t get me wrong, the tour was amazing and I wouldn’t change it for the world, but I’ve been counting the days until I saw you again.”

  Zeke cups my face, his thumbs tracing soft lines on my cheeks. “Me too.”

  The corner of my mouth twitches. “I like what you’ve done with the place. The hallway’s the holy grail of rock gods. Drake’s going to lose his mind when he sees it.” I roll my eyes. “If it gets him out of the mood he’s been in for the past month, it’ll be worth it.”

  “What’s his deal?”

  “I think he’s having girl trouble. The poor guy’s never had to work for it before, he’s at a bit of a loss.” I wave the thought away, not wanting to focus on Drake right now. “But I’m glad you’ve finally moved in. It must feel good.”

  He looks away, embarrassed. “Figured it was time.”

  “To unpack the gazillion and eight boxes downstairs? Uh, yeah. It was time.”

  “Unpacked yours too.”

  At his words, I spin on my heel and search the room. Zeke’s right, the apartment is now a combination of his masculine touches and my eclectic taste. The mixture seems so disparate on the surface yet somehow makes perfect sense when merged together. It feels like home.

  My lungs fill in happiness. “Wow, you have.”

  When my gaze lands on Mom’s acoustic guitar taking pride of place on the left wall, I gasp. Shifting closer, tears blur my vision when I recognize what’s hanging from the headstock. “Sweet Artemis, you found my dreamcatcher.” The back of my hand wipes away the dampness trailing my cheeks. “When I was younger, I used to have it above my bed to keep bad dreams away.” Turning to face Zeke, I smile. “Thank you.” I raise my arms in the air, gesturing to the entirety of it all. “It’s perfect.”

  But when I look over his shoulder at the far wall, they drop to my sides. The tears that moments before were a trickle now become a deluge. Staring back at me is a portrait of my mother. “Jeanette finished it,” I sob. “I remember her mentioning she was working on it a while ago, but I didn’t know she’d finished.” Trembling hands cover my mouth, stifling the cries. “Look at Mom. See that light in her eyes, the knowing tilt of her lips?” I point to her mouth. “She used to wear that exact expression whenever I played guitar.”

  Zeke shifts to where I stand, a blubbering mess in the middle of the living room. He holds me close. “Jeanie did a good job.”

  Pulling back slightly, I smile through my tears. “She did, didn’t she? I love remembering Mom as she was. Don’t get me wrong, I still love her now, but it’s different, you know?”

  Zeke watches as a tear spills from my eye and tumbles down my face. “I know.”

  “How did you get the painting?”

  “Hello,” calls a familiar cheerful voice from the entranceway. “Anybody home?” Jeanette strolls into the room like she’s let herself in a million times before. She pauses upon seeing me, and an ecstatic grin forms. “Wil
, honey!” She rushes forward, oblivious to Zeke’s hold as she wraps us in a bone-crunching hug. “You’re back.”

  Zeke grunts. I laugh. Jeanette’s smile widens.

  After releasing us, she shifts back. “Well, don’t you two look perfect together. Pretty as a picture.”

  “Jeanie, what are you doing here?”

  She glances between Zeke and I. “Didn’t Hero tell you?” After crossing her arms, she gives Zeke a pointed stare. “You didn’t tell her?”

  “Was about to,” he grumbles.

  “Tell me what?” I demand, beyond impatient.

  Giving up all pretense of annoyance, Jeanette faces me. “The art exhibition was a huge success. Did you hear?”

  I shake my head. “No, sorry. I was on tour, remember?”

  “No matter. Every painting sold for well over the asking price. Can you believe it?”

  “Really? Holy Eirene, that’s amazing! By who?”

  Jeanie shrugs. “No idea. It was an anonymous buyer.”

  Zeke shifts on his feet.

  My eyes dart to him, but he refuses to meet my gaze. “Huh.”

  “Enough money was raised to give the whole nursing home a facelift. It’s still a work in progress, but when it’s finished it’s going to be state of the art,” my friend gushes, oblivious to the sound of my elbow hitting Zeke’s stomach. He coughs but other than that is silent. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

  “Absolutely,” I agree. He still won’t look at me.

  “But it wasn’t enough for Hero, here, and since you gave him guardianship of Dawn while you were away, he moved her somewhere even more comfortable.”

  “He did?” I narrow my eyes, put out that the decision wasn’t run past me first. Yes, I trust Zeke with my life, so of course I trust him with my mom’s welfare, but a heads-up would have been nice. “Where to?”

  “She’s next door,” Zeke rumbles. “Figured you’d want her close by.”

  “She’s….” If a cool breeze picked up right now, I’d be on my ass. That’s how shocked I am. “Mom’s next door? Now? She’s”—I point vaguely over my shoulder, hoping it’s in the direction I’m referring to—“over there?”

  He swallows, then nods.

  Shaking my head, I try to take it all in. “But who’s looking after her?”

  “Me!” Jeanie claps her hands in excitement. “Isn’t it great? I’m employed full-time to take care of my favorite patient. There’s a night nurse who takes over for me each evening, and another on call in case either of us are sick. But it’s a live-in position, so I’m here full-time.” She smiles at Zeke, her appreciation obvious. “Hero’s been more than generous with the salary and benefits. It’s a dream job.”

  “Holy shit,” I breathe, trying to wrap my head around it all.

  “Anyhoo,” Jeanette singsongs. “I just popped in to give the daily update on Dawn. She’s had a good day. We were out on the balcony enjoying the sunshine this morning. She loves watching the water.” My friend grins. “She even ate half of her lunch. Moving has been a big change, but I think living here agrees with her.”

  I’m speechless. There are no words to be found.

  “And now you’re home, I’ll make sure to knock before barging on in.” She winks. “You two need your privacy, so I won’t intrude.” With a quick hug and a wave, she disappears.

  Well, then.

  It takes a while to process everything Jeanette said, and even then, my mind is a whir of noise. Zeke has taken all my troubles, all my stress, and with the snap of his fingers, erased it. I’ve spent so long caring for myself, fighting my own battles, and keeping one foot in front of the other. The thought of no longer having to do it by myself is humbling. It really is. I now have someone to share my life with, someone to share my hopes, my failures, and every moment in between. How did I get so lucky?

  Two large hands tip my head back. The chaos quietens. “You okay?”

  “You did all this, didn’t you?” Zeke’s caramel eyes search my face. “You got my house sold, you unpacked my stuff, you bought all the portraits, and moved Mom next door.” My voice catches. “You did everything.”

  He leans forward, his lips brushing against mine. “Did it for you.”

  “I love you so much,” I whisper.

  “Love you too, little siren.” His mouth presses against mine once more. “Always.”

  The End

  Turn the page to find out about Drake and Harper’s story in When Stars Fall, Book #3 in the Rising Star series!

  What happens on tour, stays on tour. Or does it? Lee Piper introduces a damaged anti-heroine and the musician brave enough to claim her in When Stars Fall.

  Never trust bad boy rockers.

  They lie.

  They cheat.

  They grasp with one hand and push away with the other.

  I’m done.

  He’s not.

  And when we collide, his heart will be on the line because I’m not risking mine.

  He’s falling.


  He’s taking me with him.

  When Stars Fall is book one in the On Tour duet. It is set in the same world as Rising Star. However, you do not need to have devoured the Rising Star series in order to feast on this scorching hot story.

  Preorder When Stars Fall HERE

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  There’s a strange paradox with writing. It can feel solitary, as though there’s nothing but the sound of laptop keys to keep me company. But that’s not the case. There are so many wonderful people who have contributed in meaningful ways to the creation of this story. If I forget any of you, forgive me, it’s not on purpose. The truth is, by this stage of the writing process I’m an emotionally drained zombie. If I remember to put on pants, I consider it a win.

  Firstly, to the love of my life. You fought death, survived countless surgeries, and didn’t let flesh-eating bacteria keep you from returning home to your family. I am in awe of you. Your strength, determination, and pigheaded stubbornness are gifts I’ll never take for granted again. Thank you for surviving, for loving me throughout it all. Your battle wounds are beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  Amber, you’ve become one of my closest, most trusted friends. I know I say this all the time, but it doesn’t make it any less true: I’d be lost without you. Thank you for reading and rereading As You Were ad nauseum, for cheering alongside every triumph and commiserating with every setback. You’re a gorgeous soul, and stuck with me forever.

  My betas are the most wonderful women around. Lorna, you loved this book from the start. Thank you for taking a chance on me, for your positivity and selflessness. I am eternally grateful. Michelle, you’re a sparkly unicorn personified. Thank you for going above and beyond, for sharing your love of books with the world, and for straightening the crowns of others. Saffron, you’re such a talent. Thank you for encouraging me to make the big moments bigger; Zeke and Willow’s love story is all the better for it. And Jeannine, who’s fast becoming one of my favorite people, thank you for your honesty, humor, and generosity. I’m blessed to have you in my life.

  My family and friends are a support network I’d be lost without. For all the conversations about men who don’t exist, for all the chatter about musicians we’ll never hear, for all the junk food eaten throughout, thank you.

  Grazie to David and Mrs. Robusti for turning my Aussie vernacular into something way sexier.

  Fellow authors, thank you for teaching me what it means to be a part of the indie scene. Thank you for promoting the success of others, for your big hearts and open minds. Thank you for being charitable with your wisdom. I promise to do the same.

  Hang Le, you’ve blown me away. Again. I’m sorry this cover caused you so much grief, but thank you for persevering. The end result is s
tunning, I squeal every time I look at it.

  Stacey Blake, you take something mundane and turn it into something gorgeous. Your work is mesmerizing, imperative, integral to authors like me. Thank you.

  Olivia and the team at Hot Tree Editing, it’s an absolute pleasure working with you. Thank you for the hours spent slaving over my book baby. I appreciate everything you do.

  ARC Team, you’re warriors I’m humbled to have by my side. Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, your willingness to spread the love.

  Lee’s Pipers, you’re my safe place, my support team, my loudest cheer squad. Knowing you have my back, like I do yours, is an honor and a privilege. You guys rock.

  Bloggers, I’m blown away by your love of books. Thank you for sharing, for posting, for reviewing, for voting. Thank you for everything you do to promote authors like myself. I’m eternally grateful.

  Readers, I love you so hard. The fact you cherish these characters more than I do says everything about how awesome you are. Thank you for getting in contact, for the emoji-laden pm’s and emotional voice messages. Thank you for trusting me with your hearts, I promise not to break them.

  And finally, to my beautiful girls. I’m going to balance this whole work/life thing better in the future because you’re so worth it. And for the gazillionth time, no, I can’t read you this story. Choose a picture book instead.

  Lee Piper is a lover of books. When not writing, she is either reading, at the beach, or eating her body weight in chocolate.

  Lee Piper wrote her debut novel in 2017. Rock My World became a bestseller and was a Raven Award finalist for Favorite Contemporary Romance and Favorite Cover. Her second novel, Rock My Body, was voted Best Book by LASR Readers and was a finalist in the 2017 Readers’ Choice Award. Lie to Me, Book #1 in the Rising Star series was her first indie release, and was nominated for the Goodreads Choice 2018 awards.


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