The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete) Page 47

by Charlene Hartnady

  Then she washed quickly, using the shower gel and opened the stall door to leave.

  Bay took her wrist. “Tonight at ten. Be there.” He used a commanding tone she hadn’t heard before. “Don’t make me come looking for you, because I will.”

  She could see he meant it. What was so important that he was willing to risk so much for? Ceri nodded and he let her go.

  Chapter 12

  Ceri opened another window. She was tempted to spray some air freshener around her office but that might be too obvious.

  “I can’t believe you rutted a dragon,” Drago chuckled. He’d been laughing his ass off since she’d told him.

  “Shut up!” Ceri said. “I don’t want anyone finding out. We’d both be in big trouble. It’s clear things are still heated between the species.” She pointed at the shifter on the bed. She’d given him more tea and finished dressing his wounds, which had already begun to heal. His new skin and eyes would be sensitive for a few days, but he’d be just fine and was already over the worst of it.

  “You’re right, you do scent…strange, and it is a scent that needs masking.” He crinkled his nose. “You say you drank his blood. How was it?”

  Divine. Glorious. The best thing she had ever tasted. All of those things ‒ along with addictive. Since she couldn’t say any of those things she said, “This is no time for chatting. Give me your arm.”

  Drago did as she said, still grinning. Ceri sank her fangs into his skin. Drago winced. “Easy does it,” he groaned.

  Her fangs hadn’t properly descended and sharpened. Why? When the dragon was near, her fangs were so sharp they could slice through freaking steel mesh. Right then, she had very little to work with. Drago deserved the pinch of pain he would have felt. Asshole! He was loving this far too much for her liking, when there was nothing to like about this whole sorry situation.

  Ceri drank his blood, hoping it would mask the scent of Bay’s blood. She would scent a little off for the next day but hopefully not so much that others would know something was up. Ceri shouldn’t meet Bay again tonight. She really shouldn’t. Firstly, because it would be harder to shake his scent and secondly because she felt like her addiction had worsened. Not good! Not good at all! Then thirdly, there was something he wanted to ask her; what could it be? Did the dragon have feelings for her? Was that it? Her heart beat faster at the thought.

  Drago’s blood was like water to her now. It tasted bland. Like it contained no sustenance. It held zero appeal. She had to force herself to keep drinking.

  “I guess that’s what happens when you starve yourself of blood and sex. You end up jumping a dragon shifter.” Drago chuckled again.

  Ceri forced herself to take a few more pulls before letting Drago go. It didn’t feel like she’d eaten anything. Then she thought about what he had just said. Drago still didn’t know that this wasn’t her first encounter with a dragon shifter. With this particular dragon shifter. The only reason she’d had to come clean with him was so that he would let her drink from him before anyone else caught her scent. “Um…I might need more blood first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Drago frowned. “You shouldn’t still be hungry.” Then his eyes widened and he choked out a laugh. “Oh, my fuck! You’re meeting him again, aren’t you?” He chuckled some more, even slapping the side of his leg. “Has someone developed a taste for dragon?” he joked, hitting a nerve, only because it was true.

  “Keep your voice down,” she whispered, glancing at the sleeping shifter and then at the door. “Those alphas will be here any minute. It’s almost been two hours to the minute since I sent them away. They will want to make sure Cooper is okay. Brant might come through as well.” She hoped that wasn’t the case.

  Drago rolled down the sleeve of his shirt, doing up the button on the cuff. “I think it’s great. So what? You needed a bit of excitement in your life. Go meet that shifter. Have your way with him.” He was grinning. “You can use that plant gel again. It works like a charm. I’ll meet you at your place in the morning. I will want to hear all about it.”

  “Hear all about what?” Brant asked, sauntering into her office like he owned the place.

  Ceri cringed inwardly, waiting for Brant’s nostrils to flare, waiting for him to explode. It didn’t happen.

  She pushed out a heavy breath, forcing herself to stay calm.

  “Oh, I want to know how things go with the poor shifter,” Drago said, still grinning. “I can’t believe he got his face fried. He must have said something really offensive to get—”

  “This is no laughing matter,” Brant growled, narrowing his eyes on Drago. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at training?”

  Shit! Now she was getting poor Drago into trouble.

  “What, and miss seeing this?’ He pointed at the downed male, who looked like a mummy from the chest up, he was swathed in so many bandages.

  “You shouldn’t have told anyone.” Brant turned hard eyes on her.

  “I’m sorry. Drago is my best friend.” She shrugged. “He called and asked me what I was doing and I told him. Next minute he was here to see for himself.”

  Brant frowned.

  “You,” Brant pointed at Drago, “get to training. Not a word to anyone about this.”

  Drago nodded. “See you in the morning.” He winked at her as he left.

  “And you,” Brant turned to Ceri, “you should have known better. I don’t want word of this getting out. I’m hoping there are no more complications. We need to try to heal the rifts, although, there are times when I’m not sure why I bother.” He shook his head.

  “I won’t say anything, I swear,” she mumbled.

  Just then, the two alphas walked in. The bear still looked pissed. “How is Cooper? He had better be doing well or I’m going to find that dragon—”

  “Calm down, Gage.” The wolf alpha placed a hand on the other male’s chest. “There has been enough violence.”

  The bear clenched his jaw, he looked like he disagreed. Ceri had a feeling things might get worse before they got better.

  She needed to cancel with Bay. It needed to end. There was no way of reaching him though. No safe way. That meant she had to meet him. She’d say what needed to be said and then she was out of there.

  No blood.

  No sex.

  She could be strong. She had to be! There was no other way.

  Bay paced back and forth. Maybe she wasn’t coming. Maybe he had walked too far into the forest. No, she would be able to scent the path he had taken. Just as he could scent that she hadn’t arrived before him. Maybe—

  There was a crack of a twig. An almost silent footfall, followed by another. He couldn’t believe the level of relief he felt when he saw her approach.

  She wore another tiny slip of a dress. He’d noticed that vampire females didn’t wear much. They didn’t always wear underwear. Never any breast coverings. Ceri was no different. The dress was green. Almost the same vibrant color as her eyes. You could make out her nipples and areolas through the fabric if you really tried, and he did. Did he ever. Like plump ripe peaches tipped with succulent cherries. Ripe for the plucking. Her legs seemed to go on for miles under the short dress. “Don’t look at me like that,” she whispered, stopping on the other side of the clearing. It was like she was afraid of him. He didn’t understand it. It had been the same earlier in her office. From fear and apprehension to jumping him ‒ literally.

  “How am I looking at you?” he asked.

  “Like you want to eat me.” She shivered.

  “I do.”

  Her eyes widened and she drew in a startled breath. Ceri shook her head. “I came to tell you that we can’t see each other ever again. You said you wanted to ask me something, so ask and then I’m going.”

  Bay began walking towards her.

  “Um,” she stumbled on her words, “I mean it. We can’t do this, you should turn and walk away. Go back to your hotel.” Again, she looked panicked. It was in her eyes. Her hand went
up as if to ward him off.

  “What’s wrong? You said I could ask you that question. I came here mainly to talk, just like earlier. There are a few things I need—”

  It happened again. Her eyes turned a bright blood red. She made a pained noise. “No!” She shook her head. “Stay back.” Her fangs were long and really beautiful. Even in this…altered state, her real vampire form, he assumed…she was gorgeous. Ceri hissed at him, in warning.

  Last time this had happened, she’d jumped him and taken blood from him. “Are you thirsty? Is that it?”

  Ceri dropped to a crouch and hissed again. Then she nodded. “Yes.” Another sob.

  “You want my blood?” he asked again. “Why not just,” he took a step towards her, holding out his arm in invitation, “take it. I don’t mind.” Truth was, he wanted her to drink from him. He wanted to rut her again. One last time. Maybe this would be his last chance to rut again ever. And that wasn’t him being dramatic. It was the truth.

  Then he caught her scent and stopped. “Wait!” It was his turn to hold up his hand, but it didn’t help or work. With a low hissing growl, she was on him, her claws in his upper arms and her fangs in his neck. They sank in deep. Pain and pleasure were a heady combination for sure.

  Bay groaned as she sucked. Grunted when she sucked a second time. Had to grab his cock and squeeze to keep himself from shooting off when she went in for a third long pull. His balls were so tight, they hurt. She released him with a yell, looking like she was in pain but also in utter rapture. So stunning to behold.

  He could scent her arousal. Her pussy would be wet and ready. What? He frowned. Now that she was this close and he was able to think ‒ at least somewhat ‒ he could also scent another male on her. His cock throbbed, making it hard to rationalize clearly. The need to fuck drowned everything else out. “Off,” he growled. “Take the dress off now.” It was that or he would tear it off her.

  Ceri pulled the garment over her head, tossing it over a nearby log. By the way she was breathing and the little noises she was making, she was just as desperate as he was. Good! The ground was thick with pine needles, moss and dirt. Bay didn’t care. “Your knees or your back?” He had to be inside her. It had to happen right then!

  Ceri lay down on the ground. Her skin a pure milky white against the dirt. “Open your legs for me.” His words were a guttural rasp. He was sure that his scales would be showing because they were rubbing against his skin. A friction that only heightened his need.

  Her eyes were still red. Her fangs long. Her breasts slightly swollen, such was her level of arousal. Her pussy was glistening wet. Honeyed nectar. If he hadn’t been so mad with need to be inside her, he would have tasted her. He wanted to.

  With a growl, he yanked his pants down, stepping out of them. He crouched over her, taking his weight on his arms, feeling her shudder beneath him.

  “This is the last time,” she groaned, an edge of desperation apparent. “It has to be.”

  “Yes,” he agreed, even though he didn’t want it to be the last time. Not by a long shot.

  Bay groaned when he plunged inside her welcoming flesh. He took her hard. His knees and hands pressing into the soft, damp soil. The forest filled with the sound of their ragged breathing, of her whimpers and moans.

  He didn’t want this to end even though he could feel his release fast approaching. Bay wanted to slow down but he couldn’t, his body wouldn’t let him. Neither would hers. Her pussy sucked him in, holding him, coaxing him. Even his balls slapping against her felt fantastic. His abdominal muscles felt coiled and tight. His eyes large. His body sweaty.

  Then she yelled and her pussy closed around him. Squeezing hard. Her heels dug into him as she tightened her legs. Her body went from coaxing to demanding, and he was useless to deny. Bay groaned her name as he came.

  She bit down on his shoulder, sucking hard. Bay grit his teeth as he orgasmed all over. A harsh snarl was pulled from him as she sucked a second time. Anybody listening would think they were killing one another. He couldn’t keep the noise down.

  Her pussy spasmed again as well and she wailed as she let his neck go. The cry turning into a deep groan. It looked like Ceri had the same problem with noise control.

  “Shit!” she whispered as soon as she could breathe halfway normally. “Shit!” she said again. “That should never have happened.”

  “Stop that!” He gripped her chin. “You keep saying that. I wanted it to happen. I hoped it would. I enjoy being inside you. There is no harm in that.”

  “No harm?” Her eyes filled with tears. “My cousin would be angry. What about your kings? How would they feel?”

  “They’d be pissed but screw them, it’s not like we plan on mating or anything. It’s just sex.” He shook his head, “So why does it matter?”

  “It’s complicating things.”

  “Not really. We had a good time. We’re attracted to one another and have enjoyed each other immensely.” Then he caught that scent from earlier. Bay frowned. “Who is this male I keep scenting on you? Is it the same one from before?”

  “If I didn’t know better, I would say you were jealous.” She pushed on his chest.

  Bay chuckled as he pulled out of her welcoming heat and moved onto his haunches. “I’m not.” He wasn’t though, was he? That she scented of someone else so soon after they had rutted irritated him, but it wasn’t jealousy.

  Ceri sat up, making no move to cover her nakedness. She had smudges of dirt on her thighs. He was certain she’d have some on her back as well. “Good, because that would be…wrong.” She shook her head, making a face. “What did you want to ask?”

  “Who is he? You don’t scent like you rutted but we both know that doesn’t mean anything.”

  Her eyes widened. “You really do sound jealous.”

  “I’m concerned I wasn’t able to…ease you sufficiently that you found the need to go looking for—”

  “You can stop right there. I have enjoyed rutting you. Drago is my friend. That’s all he is.” She shook her head. “I needed to try to mask your scent after drinking from you, that’s all.”

  He couldn’t believe the degree of calm he felt. Good! So he was still a decent fuck. It had nothing to do with jealousy. That would be stupid. Not to mention wrong.

  “You wanted to ask me something.”

  Bay nodded once. He needed to just go ahead and say it. Just spit it out already. He realized that he felt shame. He didn’t want this beautiful creature to know about his impotency problems. He didn’t want to see a look of pity in her eyes. To have her never look at him with desire again.

  There was no again with her though. Therefore, nothing to lose. There was only here and now and finding a possible cure to his problem. If one even existed. He had to try. If he tried and failed, at least he could continue with his head held high. If he didn’t at least ask, he would always regret it. He might need to seek her out again and that couldn’t happen. Ceri was right about that.

  “I’m impotent,” he blurted.

  Chapter 13


  Ceri felt confusion wash over her. “What? Sorry. I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

  “No.” Bay nodded. “You did. You heard me just fine. I’m impotent.”

  Ceri frowned and then burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it. Impotent! Really? It was absurd. Her humor quickly evaporated when he remained perfectly serious. His eyes solemn. The male wasn’t joking then.

  Come on though. It couldn’t be. “If you’re impotent, how did we just have sex? How did we have sex all the times before that? You do realize, that’s a lot of sex for someone who can’t get it up.”

  “I have no idea how sex with you has been possible.” He shook his head. “I was involved in an accident twelve years ago. I’m not going to bore you with the particulars.” He was ashamed of how it had happened. “My shaft was completely severed.”

  “It would have grown back.” Ceri glanced down at his cock. “It clear
ly did grow back.”

  “The cut was made with a silver blade.”

  “Oh!” Her eyes widened. “Oh,” she repeated, this time with understanding. “Just like with my womb.”

  “Yes, just like that. My cock grew back but never functioned again. Not until…”

  “So, how was sex between us possible?” He could see her mind was running a mile a minute.

  “I’m not sure, I was hoping you could tell me. It’s clearly related to you drinking from me because every time that happens, my cock gets hard in an instant. The effects quickly wear off though.”

  The answer to his question was easy. “Drinking, when done between two people who are attracted to one another, is highly sexual. It turns the other person on. The person drinking but mostly the person receiving the bite will be greatly affected. It acts like a major aphrodisiac and I can only assume that that’s what happened with you.”

  He pushed out a breath, looking upset. “Like you pointed out, our species do not get along very well. Sneaking around with willing vampire females ‒ if I can find one, that is ‒ isn’t my idea of a long-term plan.” He shook his head.

  Hearing him talk of rutting other females ‒ particularly of her species ‒ made her feel uncomfortable. So that was why he had come back to see her, so that he could try to cure himself. Not for her. It had nothing to do with seeing her again. Of course he wasn’t interested in her in that way. She was a lay to him. Ceri snorted internally. It should have made her feel relieved. Happy even.

  The only thing it made her feel though was angry. Angry at herself for even thinking such a thing. Angry for caring and then really pissed at him for being just another asshole. It was disappointing.

  It turned out that despite seeming kind and sweet, Bay was just like the vampire males, ready to use her for their own pleasures and then take up with a human so that they could have young. She wasn’t ever worth more than a good rutting.

  “Are you okay? Your eyes are turning red all over again. Do you need more blood? More sex?” He grinned, making her blood boil. “I would be happy to give you both.” She was appalled to find her body respond. Her nipples had stiffened. Need tightened her belly.


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