The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete) Page 51

by Charlene Hartnady

  They followed Reef, who made a beeline for a large male. The male’s eyes narrowed as they landed on Reef. He removed his arm from around a female and stepped forward. “Is everything okay?”

  “We’re looking for Bay,” Reef said.

  His eyes narrowed further, they moved over Reef’s shoulder before landing on her and then Drago. He sniffed the air. “Vampires. What are they doing here? What’s going on?”

  “That’s a need-to-know.” Reef shook his head. “I’m not at liberty to say. We’re here on Torrent’s orders.”

  “Is Bay in trouble?”

  “Um…not exactly,” Reef said.

  “What does that mean?” the male asked. “Just tell me what the hell’s going on.”

  “Where is Bay? It’s important that we find him. Please, Beck.”

  Beck held the male’s gaze for a long while before looking at Ceri. “Are you her?”

  She nodded once.

  “For whatever reason,” Beck looked back at Reef, “he wanted to go to the bar across the road. I can’t remember what he said it was called.”

  Her heart beat faster. Their bar. He wanted to go to their bar. Did that mean he was thinking about her?

  Reef finished whatever it was he was saying to Beck and then motioned for them to head out. Her feet felt somewhat lighter as they crossed the road. It didn’t last though. The butterflies took flight as they made it to the door. It was big and blue. Was he still there? Had he left? If so, was he alone?

  “Let’s go,” Drago said to Reef, who nodded. They filed into the busy bar. It was even more packed than the one across the road had been.

  “Maybe we should rather wait until morning.” His smile was tight.

  Ceri kept looking, she spotted him at the bar. Standing in the same spot they had stood in six months earlier. Only, instead of her, there was a cute human female. She was ultra-curvy with a sweet smile.

  Bay wore black jeans and a white t-shirt. It fit him like a second skin, showcasing muscle and brawn. His skin had a bronze glow. His eyes were bright and just as gorgeous as she remembered.

  The human nodded at something Bay was saying. Ceri had to concentrate to hear what she was saying. “I’m impressed. I mean, you’re a big guy.” Her eyes flitted to his chest before moving back up to his face. The female was flirting with him. Of course she was. Who wouldn’t? She hadn’t been able to help herself all those months ago. “How long are you in town for?”

  “Just one night.” He picked up his water.

  “Pity.” The female smiled at him, looking up at him from under her lashes. More flirting. “It would have been nice to get to know you better.”

  “Let’s go and—” Reef began.

  Ceri held up a hand to keep him quiet. “Give me a minute.”

  This was going to go one of two ways. She could see Bay weighing things up. Mulling them over. The female looked unsure. Not of Bay, but of the situation. She was afraid of being rejected.

  Ceri needed to put a stop to this but she couldn’t, she needed to see how this played out. She had not been able to move on. The thought was abhorrent. If Bay had real feelings for her, he wouldn’t be able to either. She needed to see this for herself.

  “We should—” Drago began.

  “Please be quiet,” she urged.

  “We could get out of here,” she heard the human say, twirling a piece of her hair around a finger. “I have an apartment not ten minutes from here. We could talk.”

  The funny thing was that had been her line six months ago. Maybe not exactly but similar. Her heart was pounding. She sucked in a deep breath.

  Bay squeezed the back of his neck, he looked tired. That and stressed. For a couple of seconds there she was sure he would turn the female down flat.

  The human seemed to think that too because she said, “Or, we could just stay here and hang out?”

  “You know what, Carly?” Bay put the water down on the bar, seeming to make up his mind. Ceri didn’t have a good feeling about where this was going. “Let’s go back to your place.” He nodded once, looking resolute.

  The female’s whole face lit up. “Are you sure?” she gushed.

  He nodded. “Yes,” Bay smiled, “of course I’m sure. You’re gorgeous. Blonde happens to be my favorite.”

  Talk about a dagger to the heart.

  “Well then,” she slid off the chair, a seductive look in her eyes, “you’re in for a treat, since I’m blonde all over.” The human winked.

  The dagger was silver-tipped. At least that’s what it felt like, especially when Bay grinned.

  “You should go over there,” Drago interjected, clutching her elbow, trying to lead.

  “No!” Ceri shook her head, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. She shoved her way to the door and practically ran outside. All three males followed her.

  Ceri gulped lungfuls of air.

  “What’s wrong?” Drago asked. “He’s here and he hasn’t technically done anything yet. You can still stop him.”

  “I don’t want to,” Ceri said, shaking her head.

  “You said you have feelings for him. You finally admitted it!” Drago practically yelled. “He’s in there.”

  “About to leave with another female.”

  Oh shit! Bay was about to leave. He’d find them there. She didn’t want that. Didn’t want to ruin his night. Ceri started towards the SUV.

  “Where are you going?” Drago asked.

  “We’re leaving,” she announced. “I’ll talk with him in the morning and then we’re going home.” She felt her lip quiver but held back the tears threatening to fall.

  “You can still fix this,” Drago tried one last time as they climbed into the vehicle.

  “There is nothing to fix.” She shook her head, feeling miserable. “Let’s just please leave. Please,” she added the last when no one did anything.

  Reef nodded. He started the vehicle and they pulled away. The tears began to fall. “I’m sorry,” Drago said, taking her hand. “I wish things could be different.”

  Chapter 19

  The next morning…

  Bay felt exhausted. It had been one long-ass night. He yawned as he left his room.

  Delta was just leaving his room as well. The male grinned when he spotted Bay approaching. “Good morning.” He sounded upbeat and chipper, even though his eyes were bloodshot.

  “Morning.” Bay smiled.

  “I wish we could stay another night.” Delta scratched his head. “One night is nowhere near enough.”

  “We have to get back to work,” Bay muttered.

  Delta nodded. “Yeah, I guess we do. Do you have any idea when the next Hunt is planned? I really want another shot at trying to catch a female.”

  Bay shook his head. “They’ve been canceled until further notice.”

  They heard someone approach. Bay looked in that direction. It was Beck. The male was frowning, which was strange. In fact, he didn’t look happy at all. “Did she find you?” he asked as his eyes narrowed on Bay. “Is everything okay?”

  “Did who find me?” Bay shook his head. “Was someone looking for me?”

  “Your vampire came to Beach Bums last night looking for you.” He paused. “By the look on your face, I can tell you have no idea what I’m talking about. You obviously didn’t see her.”

  “Ceri?” Bay frowned. “She was here?”

  “Yep.” Beck nodded. “It looked serious. Both Reef and Wade were with her, along with a vampire male. Torrent knows about it. The vampires were sent here on his orders. I sent them across the road to where you said you were going. I wonder what happened to them.”

  His heart beat faster. Ceri. There. Ceri was there, or at least she had been. She was looking for him with an entourage of dragons from his tribe. Why? “I wasn’t there long. I left within a half hour or so, it could be that they missed me.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. Adrenaline pumped. “I can’t believe she was here.” He paced towards the parking lot, then stopped and turned b
ack. “I know we’re supposed to be leaving now but I have to go back to the Jolly Roger.”

  Beck widened his eyes for a few seconds. “To do what? She won’t be there. It’s a Sunday morning. The bars and clubs will all be closed.”

  “I have to go and look. Maybe she’s at the hotel she stayed in last time.” He pushed a hand through his hair, trying to come up with a plan. “I can’t just leave if she’s here.”

  “You’re talking crazy.” Beck pointed to the line of SUVs, to all the males waiting to leave. “I told you she was with males from our tribe, chances are good that she’s back at the lair, or someone there will at least be able to fill you in on why she was here in the first place. Wade and Reef looked serious, they all did. I’m sure there is a valid explanation.”

  “I can’t believe I missed her.” Bay shook his head. His instincts told him to look for her. To keep looking until he found her, but Beck was right, his approach was the rational one. Bay sucked in a deep breath, trying to clear his head, trying to get his heartrate under control. He finally nodded once, breathing out through his nose.

  They all piled into the SUVs and made the forty-minute trip into the mountains. The dragons had bought a large property there. Acres upon acres of land. They had built garages for their fleet of vehicles. There was also a large cabin they used to change and shower. A caretaker took care of the place, staying on the property. The caretaker was a dragon. From time to time a new dragon would be appointed the assignment.

  Bay pushed the remote and watched the garage door slowly open. He parked next to another vehicle that had arrived just ahead of them. He and three males exited the vehicle. Beck glanced at his watch. “We’re running late,” he announced. “There’s no time for lunch. We need to leave in five?” He raised his brows.

  Bay nodded, he was thankful the male had stepped in to take the leadership role. He was still feeling shell-shocked.

  They headed for the house. One of the Earth dragons stood just outside the front door on the porch. He had been assigned to live in the house for a period. The duty usually lasted a couple of weeks at a time as caretaker of the property. Bay couldn’t remember this male’s name. He lifted his hand in greeting.

  Beck was walking just ahead of him, the rest of the males trailed behind. They would undress at the cabin, leaving all of their clothing for the Earth dragon to launder. Once a quick check of the perimeter was made, they’d leave for home. Bay suddenly felt a sense of urgency. Maybe Ceri was back at the lair. He had to get there and find out. He needed to know what the hell was going on. Worry ate at him.

  He moved in ahead of Beck, climbing the stairs that led to the porch, two at a time. Just then, the door opened and a dark-haired male walked out. The male’s eyes were narrowed and focused on him. Three strides later and the male had closed the space between them.


  Bay caught his scent— Bam! The male hit him. The punch landed square on his jaw. Hard too. Bay staggered back a step but kept his footing. “Wait, I—” he tried.


  The male hit him again. This time in the mouth. Bay tasted blood. Who the fuck was this asshole? Bay growled, blocking the next punch. He pulled back, intent on giving the fucker a taste of his own damned medicine but someone grabbed his arm. The Earth dragon gripped the vampire under his armpits, holding him back as well.

  Bay snarled.

  The vampire snarled right back, fangs bared. “You fucking bastard!” the male growled. “How could you?”

  Did he know this male? “Who the fuck are you?” Bay growled back at the still struggling vampire.

  Then the male’s expression changed. He stopped trying to break free. His nostrils flared and a look of shock and puzzlement caused his brow to crease. “You don’t scent of human,” he mumbled. “Why don’t you scent of female?”

  “Stop this!” a female yelled. “No more, Drago.”

  Bay pulled in a deep breath. It was his turn to be shocked. He lifted his eyes and there she was. Ceri. She was there standing just a few feet away from him. Wearing a light blue summer dress and a light knit jersey, she looked even more beautiful than he remembered. “Ceri? What’s going on?” Then his own senses kicked in. This was the male he had often scented on her. Her friend? Maybe he was more? He snarled at the male. “Who are you, asshole?”

  Beck grabbed Bay from behind, holding onto him. “Calm down!” he yelled, right next to his ear.

  “I’m sorry,” Drago addressed Ceri. “I lost it when I saw this jerk. After watching how his actions made you…” He stopped talking and glared at Bay.

  “What actions? What happened?” Bay asked. “Would somebody mind telling me what the hell is going on?” He looked Ceri in the eye and then at Reef who was standing behind her in the doorway.

  “We need to talk,” Ceri said, her expression was grave.

  “Has everyone calmed the fuck down?” Beck asked.

  “Yes,” Bay growled, sounding anything but calm. It couldn’t be helped. Something was up. Something major. Worry churned in his gut.

  “Do you plan on throwing any more punches, vampire?” Beck asked.

  Drago grit his teeth. “Don’t hurt her.” He pointed a finger at Bay. “Do you hear me?”

  “It’s okay, Drago, I’ve got this.” Ceri gripped the male’s bicep and squeezed.

  A growl was torn from Bay at the sight of Ceri touching the male.

  The Earth dragon let the vampire go, the male turned to Ceri. “Call if you need me.”

  “I will.” Ceri nodded.

  “I mean it.” The male took her hand and Bay had to work hard not to growl again. Not to launch himself at the male and tear his head clean off. He grit his teeth instead. It was an unfair fight. The vampire would be dead in seconds.

  “I mean it, dragon.” Drago looked his way. “Don’t you dare—” He let Ceri’s hand go.

  Bay snarled, feeling his teeth lengthen, feeling his scales rub.

  “Stop!” Ceri moved to stand between them. “Both of you.” She put a hand on his chest. Her touch felt good. All too soon she was drawing back.

  Bay suddenly realized where he was. He glanced behind him, at the males who had attended the Stag Run. All of them watched with keen interest. “Beck.” He locked eyes with the male. “Take over.”

  Beck nodded. “Don’t worry, I will see the males home,” his second in command announced. “You stay and…deal with this. I’ll see you at the lair.”

  Bay nodded once. “Thank you.”

  He turned to Ceri. “I think we should go for a walk.” The cabin was big but not nearly big enough. It would take the males at least fifteen minutes to prepare for the trip home. He didn’t want any of them hearing what was said. Not the males, not the Earth dragon and certainly not that asshole, Drago. This was between him and Ceri. Bay was racking his brain, but he couldn’t think of a single thing she would have to say to him. She wasn’t there for sex, or because she was in love with him. That much was clear. Why then?

  They walked in silence for a few minutes, taking a path that led into the forest. It reminded him of the last time they had been together.

  He couldn’t scent that male on her. Not like before. He wondered why. Her scent had changed. Maybe she was drinking from someone else. Who? He felt his hackles rise even though he couldn’t scent that she had rutted. Not recently, at any rate. It calmed him somewhat.

  “What’s going on?” he finally blurted, unable to hold back any longer. “Why was that male so upset with me?”

  “I’m sorry about Drago. He was upset because I was upset.” She rubbed her lips together and pulled in a deep breath.

  “Why were you upset? It wasn’t anything I did, was it?” He shook his head, frowning.

  “I have no right to be upset or angry, and Drago had no right to hit you.” A strange expression crossed her face. He thought he saw her hands shake right before she clasped them together.

  “You look nervous. Why are you nervous? You said you wer
e upset…why?” This wasn’t making any sense.

  “I’m upset because apparently blonde humans are sometimes blonde all over, not just on their heads.” Her eyes blazed for a moment in…anger. Then it was gone.

  “Oh.” Realization hit. He swallowed hard. “You were there last night.”

  She nodded.

  “You saw—”

  “I saw enough,” she pushed out. “That’s not why I’m here though. Your…sex life has nothing to do with me. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “I didn’t rut that female,” he countered. “If you had stayed that little bit longer you would have seen me—”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Her voice was flat.

  “It clearly does because you were upset. You are upset about it now even though you’re pretending not to be.”

  “I’m not upset about that.” She pressed her lips together “I’m upset about something else.”

  “The reason for you being here?”

  She nodded. “We’re idiots!” She put up a hand to silence him. “I’m the bigger idiot of the two of us. It just never occurred to me.” She looked down at the ground. “Never in my wildest dreams.”

  “What’s going on, Ceri? Why are we idiots? Why are you here?” It definitely had nothing to do with anything he hoped it would be. She’d made that clear…yet again.

  “You need to know that you don’t owe me anything. I am perfectly capable and perfectly…”

  He watched feeling concern as a tear slid down her cheek. “Okay, you need to talk to me, Ceri. You need to tell me what’s going on. I’m getting worried here. Enough riddles and talking around things. You need to—”

  “I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”

  The air left his lungs. His legs suddenly felt weak. Bay sat down, right there on the ground with a thump. His head spun. His mind raced. His mouth suddenly dried right up. He put his head in his hands, trying to control his breathing. Trying to control the racing of his heart.


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