The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete) Page 55

by Charlene Hartnady

  “You have nothing to feel guilty about,” Bay said, looking at her head-on.

  “I know.” She sighed. “It’s just, here I was, not trying – heck I didn’t even know I could become pregnant ‒ and boom!”

  “We dragons have potent seed.” He winked at her.

  Ceri laughed. “Yeah right. So, I have some news.”

  “Yes?” Bay narrowed his eyes in interest.

  “Our new house is ready. We can move in at the weekend.” She made a squealing noise to show how excited she was.

  “We get to finally decorate the nursery.” Bay grinned. “We’ll go shopping on Saturday.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Just then, the door opened and Lily came out, holding the test in her hand. Ceri knew what the outcome was just by looking at her facial expression. “Negative?” she asked, feeling bad for the female.

  Lily nodded. “That damned single line again. I know I’m pregnant. I just know it, and yet, I won’t be able to relax until I know for sure. It’s so frustrating.”

  “You said your menstruation was very light last month?”

  “Yes, that’s right.” Lily nodded.

  “Any other symptoms?” Ceri asked.

  “No.” She shook her head. “My breasts aren’t as tender as they were.” Again, the slumping of the shoulders.

  “And Stuart hasn’t been able to hear a heartbeat?”

  Lily shook her head. “He presses his ear to my belly every single evening without fail and still nothing.

  “I have a stethoscope, we can try that. The heartbeat is most likely still too faint for the naked ear to hear.”

  “Oh, that would be great. I would really appreciate it.” Lily’s voice became animated.

  “I must warn you that it is probably still too early even with a stethoscope.”

  “It would be great if we could try.” Lily nodded, her ponytail bobbed.

  “Okay then,” Ceri said. “Let’s go over there. You can sit on the gurney.” She opened another drawer on her desk and pulled out the stethoscope.

  Lily did as she was told.

  “Lie down and pull your shirt up a bit. That’s it.”

  Bay stood to the side, observing. She caught his gaze. “Let me know if you need me to help with anything.” He winked at her.

  “I will.” She smiled back.

  Ceri put the earpieces into her ears and placed the diaphragm on Lily’s stomach. She moved the bell around, taking her time to listen. Ceri kept repositioning the diaphragm, trying again and again. Aside from the normal noises, she couldn’t hear anything.

  “It’s not working, is it?” Lily sounded disappointed.

  “I’m so sorry. Give it another two weeks and then we’ll know for sure. I know it’s hard to wait but—”

  “Let me try,” Bay interjected.


  “Dragons have much better hearing than vampires. Maybe I can pick up a heartbeat.” He shrugged his big shoulders.

  Ceri looked at Lily who nodded. “Yes, why not. You never know.”

  “Okay.” Ceri took the earpieces out and handed the stethoscope to Bay, who went through the same motions as she had earlier.

  He repositioned the diaphragm several times until he finally sucked in a deep breath, standing up. He was grinning.

  “And?” Ceri felt her heart beating faster. There weren’t many vampire females who were capable of giving birth to a baby. Many of those struggled to get pregnant in the first place. Any pregnancy was considered a miracle and a blessing since they were so rare.

  Lily was holding her breath; her face was white and her eyes wide.

  “I heard it, the unmistakable sound of a second, much softer, much faster heartbeat.”

  Ceri screamed with excitement. Lily clapped a hand to her mouth. She laughed but was crying at the same time. “Are you sure?” she finally managed to get out.

  “Yes, very sure.” Bay was still grinning. “Congratulations.”

  “Oh my god,” Lily squealed. “I can’t believe it. I can’t!” She sat up. “I knew it! I told Stuart to come today but he didn’t want to jinx it.” She laughed some more through her tears.

  “That was awesome and it’s only my first day.” Bay put his arm around her. “This was so much fun!”

  “Well,” Ceri took Bay’s hand, “it looks like you might be a keeper.”

  “I hope you’re not just talking about as an assistant.” He narrowed his eyes.

  “I most definitely am not just talking about as an assistant.”

  “Good.” Bay leaned in and kissed her.

  Ceri pretended to smack him on the arm when he pulled back. “No fraternizing on the job.”

  “Party pooper!” he kissed her again. When they came up for air Lily was gone and Ceri couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.

  Chapter 25

  “Push!” Meghan shouted.

  One of the dragon shifter elders held her hand tightly. “You’re okay, sweetie,” she whispered. “You’re doing great!”

  It didn’t feel like it. Ceri had been in labor for hours, more than she could count. She’d been pushing for what felt like forever. Her reserves were all but drained.

  “It’s a tight fit, but I know you can do this. You need to dig really deep,” her doctor urged. “You ready?” Meghan had an encouraging smile and very kind eyes. Ceri had liked the human from the moment she had met her.

  Ceri tried to nod. Had to work just to make that small movement. Right now, even breathing felt like an effort.

  There was a commotion at the door. “I don’t give a fuck!” It was Bay. Her mate sounded agitated. He’d been trying to gain entry for the last hour.

  “Bay,” she tried to scream, but it came out as a whisper. “Bay,” she tried again.

  The elder squeezed her hand. “You can do this.”

  “Move or I’m going to hurt you,” Bay snarled. The door opened and then slammed shut again.

  A male said something, she wasn’t sure what because another pain was searing through her. She clenched her teeth. “No!” she moaned. “I can’t. Not again!” Her throat felt dry.

  “You can!” Meghan urged. “Breathe.” Her doctor began mimicking the breathing technique. Ceri did the same.

  Doctor Meghan looked between her legs. “Push!” she shouted.

  Instead of doing what her doctor instructed, she slumped back. Her head was pounding, her lips felt dry and chapped. Her hair clung to her damp forehead. All she wanted to do was sleep; if not for the pain, she would.

  “Don’t fight the birthing pains,” the elder urged. “You need to work with them. They are your friend.”

  Ceri wanted to snort. “No!” She shook her head.

  “Move!” Bay yelled. There was a thudding noise of flesh on flesh, followed by a grunt and a hard bang. Then the door was flung open, knocking the wall and Bay strode into the room. “I’m here.” He gripped her hand. “I’m not going anywhere.” He growled the last, making sure everyone within hearing distance knew it.

  “You should not be in—” the elder began.

  “My mate needs me,” Bay growled. “I am staying!”

  She felt instantly better. Ceri tried to smile but another birth pain hit. This one more aggressive than the last. She ground her teeth together.

  “Push, Ceri!” Meghan egged her on. “You need to give it everything.”

  Bay clutched her hand. “I wish I could do this for you.”

  Ceri nodded.

  “I love you and our baby so much. Please, my love, I need you to be strong.” He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

  Ceri nodded. She could do this! She had to do it. For their unborn child. For Bay. For herself. She pushed with everything she had. The pain seemed to last an age but she pushed and pushed and pushed, finally falling back on the pillow as it subsided. She made a noise of frustration.

  “I saw the top of your baby’s head.” Meghan looked animated. “For just a second there.”
  Ceri had barely caught her breath and the next pain hit. She wanted to crunch forward. To scream. To— Bay squeezed her hand.

  “Push, Ceri,” he encouraged her.

  “I can’t,” she sobbed.

  “You must,” Bay urged.

  Ceri pushed. It was with all of her might. Everything she had, which wasn’t much. She slumped back, trying to catch her breath. “Can’t,” she muttered. “Not working.” She could barely get the words out. Could hardly keep her eyes open. The reprieve wasn’t going to last.

  “The baby keeps sucking back.” Her doctor looked frustrated. “You’re so close, Ceri. Just that little bit more. When the next one comes, you need to…”

  Ceri shook her head, hot tears coursed down her cheeks. She had been strong for so long. She had reached a point where she just didn’t have much left. She wished she could take a break. A proper break. A twenty-minute power nap or a— The next pains began to slice through her. Like she was being torn in two. She clutched her belly and moaned.

  “Here,” Bay held out his wrist to her, “drink. You need to—”

  Ceri tried to lift her hand to clasp his wrist. It flopped uselessly at her side. “Here.” Bay held his wrist to her lips.

  Ceri bit down and his blood filled her mouth. She only took a few sips. She knew that too much would make her ill.

  She could actually feel the blood enter her stomach, could feel how its energy began to surge through her. This time when Meghan screamed for her to push, she did. She gave it everything and more. A growl forming from deep inside her. She grit her teeth and clasped her thighs.

  Ceri yelled as their child was born. The infant yelled even louder in the very next second.

  “It’s a boy!” Meghan shouted. “A healthy son.”

  “A boy.” Bay beamed. Instead of looking at his son, his eyes were on her. “You did it, my love.” He kissed her. “I love you so much.”

  “Love you too,” she managed between pants.

  “Here he is.” Meghan held the little one.

  “He’s completely bald.” Bay choked out a laugh, his eyes were glistening. “He has your eyes,” he said as he took the squirming baby from Meghan. Their baby. Her little boy. Ceri realized that she was crying.

  “He’s perfect,” Bay said, his voice hitching.

  Ceri took her son and cradled him in her arms. He quietened down, looking up at her. “I’m your mom,” she crooned. “It’s nice to meet you,” she managed between the tears.

  She looked up at Doctor Meghan who was holding her own bump. The female was soon to be a mother herself. “Thank you,” Ceri said.

  Meghan nodded once and smiled. “He is beautiful. I’m so glad it all worked out.”

  “Me too,” Ceri responded.

  “Me three.” Bay looked down at his son. His eyes filled with joy and wonder. “We’re a family,” he announced.

  Ceri felt like her heart would burst.

  Chapter 26

  Alex crossed her legs, wanting to fill the silence. Her lips twitched with the need to do so. Instead, she bit down on the inside of her cheek to stop herself.

  He who speaks first has lost.

  Her father continued to stare her down. She felt like a little girl again. Wanting to squirm. Wanting to—

  “And?” Angelo Bell folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Do you have the location of a lair? Have you captured one?”

  Alex shook her head. “Not yet, I’m afraid. But—”

  Her father sighed dramatically. “It might be time to bring in someone to help you. Harry Gunter would be the right candidate for the—”

  “No!” she spat. Alex would rather die than work with that asshole.

  “I know you two have a history but you will need to put your emotions aside. This is business, Alex. It’s been over a year and you have nothing to show for it. You captured one but lost it. You hired thugs to do your bidding. The mission was a total failure.” He touched his fingertips to the open file on his desk. “You are over budget and, if you ask me, in over your pretty, little head.”

  She pulled in a breath, trying to calm down. Why did he have to refer to her looks all the time? What she looked like and the fact she didn’t have a penis didn’t make any difference. A fact she needed to prove over and over again, it would seem. It was growing tiresome.

  “I will get the job done. I don’t need Harry or anyone else.” She was sure to keep her eyes on his. To keep her voice calm and even.

  Do not show weakness.

  “I have narrowed down the location of two of the lairs. The grid coordinates are noted in the file. We have spies in various regions in the US, with large rewards for any sightings. They are fully briefed on what to look for. I will follow up on a tip-off as soon we conclude this meeting. A couple meeting the criteria checked into a hotel in…” She hesitated. She didn’t want to divulge any details in case her father sent Harry in behind her back. She wouldn’t put it past him. Angelo Bell was ruthless. “All you need to know at this stage is that I have it fully under control and I will fly out straight after this meeting to follow up. You will be happy to note that it is a couple. The woman appears to be human, she is pregnant.”

  Her father’s eye glinted and the one side of his mouth twitched. It wasn’t very often that her father showed any kind of emotion. Within a split second, he was back to being stern and disapproving. “Don’t disappoint me.”

  “I won’t!”

  “Good.” He closed the file and handed it to her. “This is it, your last chance.”

  Her back stiffened as she rose to her feet. Then she nodded once and walked out the door. She immediately dialed the number she had been given. “Are they still there?” she barked into the phone.

  “Yes,” the woman replied. “Do I get my reward now?”

  “Keep your eyes on them. Don’t lose them. You get the reward when I get there.”

  “What if they leave? Or, even worse, check out?” She sounded panicked.

  “Then all bets are off. Give me the details,” Alex asked.

  “I already—”

  “I read the email, but I want to hear it from you,” Alex interrupted, striding down the long hallway.

  “They checked in as Meghan and Tide Smith.”

  Her heart beat faster. “Yes.” She nodded, pushing the elevator button. A fueled jet was waiting for her at the airport. “And the woman is definitely pregnant?”

  “Without a doubt. The guy is huge, bigger than any man I’ve ever seen. He looks like a bodybuilder or something. He has ice-blue eyes…they’re freaky blue.”

  Excitement raced through her. The elevator doors opened. “What else?” Alex snapped.

  “I saw what looked like a golden tattoo on his chest when he leaned over to pick something up.”

  “Don’t lose them,” Alex hissed.

  “Okay, I won’t. I need the money,” the woman said.

  “Then you know what to do. Not a word of this to anyone else.”


  Alex ended the call as she got into the back of the waiting Mercedes. “Go!” she instructed her driver. “To the airport, as quick as you can.” Her heart beat faster. If all went well, she would have a male dragon and his whelp for her father within the next twenty-four hours. Nothing was going to stand in her way.

  Book 4: Dragon Betrayal

  Chapter 1

  “They’re leaving,” the woman said in a panicked whisper.

  Alex came to a halt, clutching the phone tighter to her ear. “Did they check out?” she snapped back, the air seizing in her lungs.

  “No…but…they’re headed for the main hotel doors. They’re leaving! What should I do? Do you want me to follow them?” Still a whisper, even more panicked sounding this time.

  “Do they have their bags with them?” Her heels clicked on the asphalt as she headed for the waiting vehicle. It was sleek and black. A driver held the back door open for her. One of the flight attendants carried her bags
, trailing a step or two behind her.

  “The guy has a backpack slung over one shoulder. The lady has her purse but otherwise, bags. I’m not sure what type of luggage they had to begin with though since I didn’t see their bags when they checked in yesterday.” The woman’s voice was shrill. “I really need the money. I’m going to follow them and…”

  “No.” Alex worked hard at keeping her voice calm. Particularly when calm was the very last thing she felt. She nodded at the driver, folding herself into the back seat. “I’m sure they’re just—”

  “But…” The woman wasn’t whispering anymore, “…what if they aren’t coming back? No, I think I need to follow them. It would be best if—”

  “Janet, I need you to listen to me. They are coming back.” She glanced at her watch. “I’m sure they’re headed to lunch or sightseeing. You stay right where you are with your eyes on the entrance. I’ll be there in forty minutes. Let me know if they return before then.” The trunk slammed shut and the car rocked slightly.

  There was silence on the other end of the line. The female was thinking it through. Alex held her breath. It wasn’t like the couple in question was just an ordinary couple. If her source was reporting back correctly, the male was a dragon shifter. And not just any dragon shifter, but a royal. The female was his mate. His pregnant mate.

  Excitement coursed through her. But it was quickly replaced by a flutter of nerves. Why in the hell had she said anything to her father about this? She wished she’d never told him. Now he was expecting her to deliver. If she failed, she’d live up to his expectations of her. He’d hand this project over to that asshole jerk…


  Your thoughts will become your reality. No more of that. She needed to stay focused. The vehicle pulled away, just as she fastened her seatbelt.

  “They’re headed out the front door,” Janet whispered, sounding frustrated.

  “Let them go!” There was no way this human female would be able to trail a dragon shifter without being seen. There was a good chance the couple was leaving because they knew they had been made. She wasn’t even sure yet that they were the real deal. They might just be an ordinary couple.


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