Photo Bombed

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Photo Bombed Page 6

by Daria White

  Bianca turned to face her mother, who had been telling her about her imagination since she’d been six years old. At least when she’d been a child, her mother had encouraged it because that was how Bianca’s artistic skills had improved. In the case of murder, she could see why her mother wanted her to back off.

  “I’m serious,” her mother continued. “Once your wheels start turning, you can’t let go of a thing.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “I love Nicole too. I don’t want anything to happen to her, but I believe it’s all going to work out. I’m sure the police can take care of this and find out whoever… killed poor Martin.” Her mother clutched her purse in her lap.

  Bianca reached over and patted her hand. “Are you okay, Mom? Really?”

  “I will be. It’s just a lot to process. This type of stuff doesn’t happen in Edenville.”

  “What does happen, then?”

  “The most we’ve had, Bianca, is an altercation at one of our summer kickoffs. Something about the cook-off being rigged and who knows why oranges were thrown from the fruit table.”

  Bianca giggled. “Oranges?”

  Her mother chuckled with her. “And coolers and lawn chairs. Don’t ask how it escalated because I still don’t know.” Turning to her daughter with a smile, she leaned over and hugged her. “I’m just glad we’re okay. I wish I could say the same for Priscilla.” Her mother patted her cheek. “Go home and get some sleep. Love you.”

  “Love you too.” Bianca sat in her car until her mother walked inside. Once the porch light turned on, she pulled out of the driveway and headed to her house. She rode in silence. The night didn’t seem real. A murder right outside of the wedding venue. She had been close to a killer. She shuddered at the thought.

  Once she arrived home, she quickly undressed for a shower. It couldn’t wash the day away, but it calmed her frayed nerves. She wiped the steam off the mirror and washed her face free from makeup. False eyelashes? Never again.

  She’d check on Alyssa after cleaning up. Hopefully she finished her research paper, which was why she couldn’t attend the wedding like she wanted. Bianca peeled off the false eyelashes and tossed them in the trash. Freedom. Nothing against Nicole wanting her bridesmaids to have them, but Bianca preferred her own. Still, the makeup artist had done an amazing job with her look, along with the others’.

  Leaving the bathroom in her cotton robe, Bianca paced to her daughter’s room. Sound asleep in her bed. Casper next to her. Her backpack hung of one of the bed posts of her full sized bed. Her phone faced up on her nightstand, and her lamp was still lit. The corners of Bianca’s mouth turned up and she kissed her daughter’s forehead. Then she turned off her lamp and walked out, but left Alyssa’s door cracked. Thank goodness her daughter didn’t attend the wedding after all. Bianca would have hated for her to see a dead body like that.

  Some wedding this turned out to be. Bianca figured a cup of tea would further relax her. Pausing for a moment, she stared into space in her country style kitchen. The clock ticked on the wall. Ten thirty at night.

  After the evening she had she was going straight to bed. At least a cup of tea would relax her frayed nerves. After boiling hot water in her tea kettle, she poured it into her favorite cup and added honey to the herbal mix. Chamomile. Her favorite.

  She rubbed at her chin as she searched her thoughts for answers. Something didn’t add up. Nicole couldn’t have committed a murder.

  Though Detective Sims hadn’t confirmed her suspicions, Martin had to have been stabbed, but why sit him in the limo? Why hadn’t Martin called for help? Had the killer worked too fast? Bianca rubbed the back of her head.

  Though the situation was different, her dad’s face flashed in her mind. Her father had died one year before Malcolm had filed for divorce. He’d been a police officer, but he’d been arrested for murder. Mistaken identity. Despite being a police officer, he’d been mistaken for a shooter.

  Bianca closed her eyes. Because of how it had looked on tape, her father had been jailed for murder in the second degree. He’d been awaiting his trial, only to die in prison. Heart disease ran in his family, so it’d been a miracle for him to work on the police force for twenty years.

  Buzz, buzz. Bianca’s phone rattled on the table. Nicole? She didn’t let her friend wait another minute. “Are you all right?”

  Nicole sniffled. “They didn’t arrest me, but I hated being there.”

  Bianca touched a hand to her chest. “How did your bracelet get there, Nicole? I thought you lost it.”

  “I did. That stupid clasp could never stay shut.” Her friend groaned. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “We all saw you. There’s no way they can prove that you left your own wedding to kill Martin. You were inside the entire time.”

  Nicole didn’t answer.

  “How well did you even know Martin? You and Chad only dated for two years, right?”

  Nicole cleared her throat. “I told you Martin didn’t approve of us.”

  “Why not? He’s not even Chad’s dad. Why would he care?”

  Nicole groaned. “I don’t know. It’s not like Priscilla’s a real fan of me either.”

  “Now’s not the time to worry about that. Besides, weren’t you two working things out?”


  Bianca crossed her legs underneath her table. “So you didn’t get along with your in-laws. Welcome to the club.” Bianca couldn’t count the number of times she’d ask Malcolm to talk to his parents on her behalf. She sighed. “Think, Nicole. Who would want to get rid of Martin? What about last night? The argument with Richard?”

  “Well…” Nicole paused. “Chad did tell me a few things. Before Richard and Judy merged their restaurant and bakery, he and Martin were business partners in real estate. Then Richard left to start his restaurant business. When he fell in love with Judy, it made sense to them to combine.”

  Bianca perked. “For how long were they business partners? Martin and Richard.”

  “A while,” Nicole said. “Maybe ten years. Then Chad says Richard took his shares and left.”

  Bianca tapped her fingers to her lips. “Martin was pretty well off, so if Richard was a partner, why would he leave to be a caterer?”

  “Chad thought the same thing, but Richard wanted to pursue his passion.”

  “A lot of hard work either way. Anything else?”

  “Why are you asking?” Nicole asked. “Bianca, don’t feel like you have to get involved.”

  Bianca twirled her spoon in her empty cup. It clinked in her ears. Justice was always worth fighting for and Bianca knew her friend was innocent.

  “I can’t stand the thought of innocent people…” She stopped.

  “Your dad, huh?”

  Bianca sighed. “Yeah.” She stood to her feet. “I don’t mind asking a few questions. It’s not as if I’m going to the killer’s house for coffee.”

  Nicole giggled, as if she needed the laugh. “I didn’t intend for my wedding day to end like this.”

  “I wish it didn’t have to be this way,” Bianca said. She looked at the clock again. Almost eleven. “I need to get some sleep. You should too.”

  “I’m supposed to be on my honeymoon.”

  “How’s Chad?”

  “Worried about me. Anyway, thanks for listening. Good night, Bianca.” She hung up.

  Bianca held her phone to her chest for a moment, then decided to do a quick search on the internet. She typed in Martin’s name. Real Estate Mogul worth over a million dollars. She saw no signs that Richard had ever been a business associate. Had Martin cut him off from the business once Richard had left?

  She pulled her lips in. Why would a business mogul retire early to work in culinary? Slow down. That was the phrase Nicole used. Slow down from what? It wouldn’t hurt to find out.

  Reading further, she spotted a new name. Nora. The name popped up more than once with Martin’s. Bianca’s mouth dropped open at the various articles that a
ppeared on screen. Based on the ones she skimmed through, Martin had been married to her before Priscilla. His marriage to Nora had lasted for five years, and then he’d filed for divorce due to “irreconcilable differences.”

  Glancing at the clock one more time, Bianca knew she needed to go to bed. That would be difficult. The wheels were turning in her brain.


  Monday morning, Bianca’s eyes scanned the slanted displays of organic apples, oranges, melons, tomatoes, and colorful peppers. Since she had a taste for smoothies, she didn’t forget to pick up some bananas and strawberries. Pushing her grocery cart farther along, she stopped in front of the meat section.

  Plant-based beef? She wasn’t sold on the idea until Nicole had talked her into eating a plant-based burger. To Bianca’s surprise, it hadn’t been half-bad. Picking up a packet, she added it to her cart. Nicole. How was she holding up?

  Bianca couldn’t get Martin’s blood stained shirt out of her mind, nor Nicole’s high-pitched screams. Who would do such a thing, and at a wedding, of all places? The wheels on her cart squeaked, but she pushed it down the organic food aisle. She didn’t mind switching things up in her diet, as long as she could treat herself every now and then.

  Though Bianca attempted to ignore her sensitive stomach, her mind raced with possibilities. Martin dead right after the reception. How long had he been dead? Poor Priscilla. She would check on her as soon as possible, but with the shock of losing her husband, Bianca had decided to give her some space.

  Protein bars. She didn’t see the brand she liked until she looked upward. Since when were they on the top shelf? Choosing to wear flats today, there was no way Bianca’s short stature could reach the top. Her eyes scanned around her. No attendant in sight and no one on the organic aisle. It wasn’t a popular as the soda aisle or the freezer section with the ice cream.

  “Just great,” Bianca mumbled. Reaching up, her finger barely grazed the top shelf, much less the box she wanted. She could step up on the bottom shelf as leverage, but hadn’t she seen enough disasters from others who’d only made the boxes tumble to the floor? She tried again, a groan escaping her lips as she reached as high as she could.

  Her hand was only met by a larger one that grabbed the box for her. Bianca froze for a moment, but then she turned her head. Detective Sims. He gave a faint smile, but her senses dulled at the woodsy scent of his cologne.

  “Is this all you needed?” he asked.

  Bianca couldn’t think for a few seconds. He was so close, and his warm breath tickled her ear. Swallowing, she took the box from his hand. “Um… I think so. Thank you.”

  “Did you want another one? Or is one enough for you?” He gestured to the top shelf.

  Bianca stepped to the side to give herself some space from him. How had she not seen him, much less heard him behind her? “One more, if you don’t mind.”

  Detective Sims grabbed another box of her favorite protein bars. “Chocolate peanut butter?” He extended the box to her.

  Bianca grabbed it, avoiding the touch of his fingers. “It’s the only one I like so far. Some of these organic foods are an acquired taste.”

  He chuckled. “I know what you mean.”

  “Thank you again. For your help.”

  “You’re welcome.” He nodded his head and then stood in front of his own cart. “Have a good day.”

  “You too,” she replied. As he walked past her, Bianca watched. Her eyebrows furrowed but then released. She had to know. “Detective?”

  “Yes, Ms. Wallace?”

  “Any progress with the murder case? I can’t see Nicole doing something like this. Are you sure—”

  He held up his hand to stop her. “Ms. Wallace, we’re working on it. I know you want to help your friend. It’s commendable, but I can’t share details of this case with you.”

  “I understand, but you should’ve have seen her reaction. She was practically trembling.”

  “I understand, Ms. Wallace, but—”

  “Martin wasn’t the most likable guy in town, but I don’t think Nicole is your murderer. What if there was someone else? What if Martin had some enemies you don’t know about? He was an important businessman. Shrewd. Proud,” Bianca said.

  “Do you have any evidence to prove these things?”

  “Not yet.” Bianca folded her arms.

  “Not yet? Are you intending to conduct your own investigation?” he asked. Was that a hint of humor in his eyes?

  “I just don’t want to see Nicole blamed for something she didn’t do. It doesn’t make sense to me. She couldn’t wait to marry Chad, and this was the wedding of her dreams. Why would she throw it away like this by committing murder?” Bianca raised her eyebrows.

  Detective Sims rubbed at his stubble-covered chin. “Your points may be valid, Ms. Wallace, but I deal with hard facts and evidence. So far, we have her bracelet. Though she hasn’t been formerly charged, she is a suspect. We’re questioning everyone who had contact with Martin right before his murder. We may have to talk to the witnesses more than once, including you.”

  Her chest heaved with a sigh. There was no gray area here. There was right or wrong, and while Bianca wanted the killer brought to justice, there had to be someone the police weren’t looking into. “I understand.”

  “We’ll keep in touch.” Detective Sims gave her a nod.

  Bianca’s eyes drifted to his cart. “I do have one more question.”

  He sighed, as if annoyed, but he didn’t say so. “Yes, Ms. Wallace.”

  “Do you only eat homemade vanilla flavored ice cream this early in the morning?” She pointed to his cart.

  His eyes followed her hand, but then he faced her again with a smile. “This is for later after work. Besides, I like the simple things. Why?”

  She shrugged. “No reason. I just wondered, but if you want to step out the box, I suggest chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chip, or cookies and cream.”

  His smile grew bigger. “Says the woman in the organic aisle.”

  “I indulge every now and then. I like to treat myself in between my balanced diet.”

  “So you’re a risk taker?” he asked. Did he lean in closer?

  The hairs on the back of Bianca’s neck raised. This was ridiculous. She didn’t even know the man, so why was her body reacting this way? Besides, there was no way she was ready to go down that road with another man.

  Despite being divorced, she liked her single life. Sure, she felt the brunt of it during Christmas and New Year’s, but the rest of the year, she was fine. Alyssa and her career were her priority.

  “When I want to be.” Was she flirting? “Have a good one, detective.”

  “You too, Ms. Wallace.”

  Bianca pushed her cart to the checkout line without looking back.

  Chapter 8

  Two days later, Bianca tapped her heeled shoe on the porch of Martin and Priscilla’s mansion. She stared at the freshly cut lawn as she held a bouquet of yellow roses in hand. She hoped they brightened Priscilla’s day. She’d been so distraught over Martin’s murder.

  Murder. Bianca still couldn’t believe someone had killed him when they’d all been inside celebrating Nicole and Chad. Mandie greeted her like last time and invited her inside. This time her jet black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

  Mandie extended her hands. “I can put those in water for you.”

  “Thank you.” Bianca handed her the bouquet.

  “Follow me.” Mandie led her out of the open entry way and into the living room.

  Once Bianca settled on the large sofa, she stared at the wall stencil pattern on the walls, the heavy maroon curtains framing the large windows, and the area rug underneath her feet.

  “Bianca?” Priscilla had dressed in a plain white collared shirt and pinstriped pants. Her blonde bob cut hair shined. She hugged Bianca.

  “I’m so sorry.” She patted her back and drew back. Then Bianca pointed to the yellow roses on her wood coffee table, grateful that Man
die had put them in a vase.

  Priscilla took her hand and sat next to her on the sofa. She held a handkerchief in her free hand. “I can’t believe it.”

  Bianca sighed. “Me, neither. What’s worse is the police suspect Nicole.”

  Priscilla dabbed her eyes. “The poor dear.”

  Bianca released her hand. The question burned in her mind. “Priscilla, do you have any idea who could have done this? Did you notice anything unusual with Martin?”

  She shrugged. “After the rehearsal dinner, we didn’t talk much that night. I was so embarrassed.”

  “Richard looked furious.”

  Priscilla’s lips pressed together in a slight grimace.

  Bianca tilted her head to the side. “Priscilla?”

  “I talked to Richard that night before we left. He and Martin haven’t been on good terms the last few years.”

  “Nicole told me something like that. Can I ask why?”

  “Being former business partners doesn’t mean they saw eye to eye. Richard had a motorcycle at one time. He had a terrible accident that almost took his life. By the time he recovered, he wanted to pursue his dream. I didn’t know about his culinary skills.”

  “I take it Martin didn’t care too much about his step-brother’s passion.” Bianca crossed her legs as she listened.

  Priscilla wiped her nose but continued. “Martin is a businessman. His only passion is making money. Richard leaving the real estate company almost destroyed it. Richard dealt with the finances. Martin was the face of the company. He didn’t enjoy having to replace him.”

  Bianca rubbed her lips together. Had there been so much bad blood between the step-brothers that Richard would kill him? Priscilla’s story didn’t give much of a reason for murder.

  “I guess the storm didn’t help, either.” Priscilla sighed. “Judy’s bakery wasn’t doing well a few years ago. So Richard bridged his restaurant idea with hers. Then that terrible hurricane came through town two years ago. Remember?”

  “I’ll never forget it,” Bianca said. It was the storm of the year.

  “You know how it destroyed most of Edenville, their business included. Martin told me that Richard came to him for a loan, but Martin only agreed as long as he was a silent partner. Richard was desperate, and he took the deal despite Judy’s objection.”


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