The Magic in this Other World is Too Far Behind! Volume 2

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The Magic in this Other World is Too Far Behind! Volume 2 Page 22

by Gamei Hitsuji

  That’s right. At the time, I―

  She was frightened. She was scared of the young man who’d come running after sensing the abnormality in her. She was afraid. No matter how considerate he may be, he was still a man. After being exposed like that, she had no idea what would happen. And after having performed such a shameful act, she had no idea what he would do. The moment he wrapped his arms around her, even though he was the one who’d come to help her after she revealed herself, she was gripped by an unfathomable fear.

  But the gentle eyes that looked at her had invalidated that fear. There was no ferocity in them, only sympathy and compassion. Surely he’d thought she was pitiable. Yet even when he’d touched her, it was with a gentle hand. Without letting carnal desires grip his heart, the palm of his hand conveyed nothing more than consideration for her and defiant anger for the curse she bore.

  He’d comforted her with that touch, but given her a dispirited apology. He said he couldn’t dispel the curse himself in a weighty, regretful voice that made it clear he rued his own powerlessness. Even though he had no obligation to her to try and help her, he apologized like he was taking personal responsibility for it.

  And then, even as she was about to part with him, he tried to hold her back for her own good. It was clear he acted out of nothing but the kindness of his heart for her.


  That’s why things were okay this way. It was exactly because he was like that that she couldn’t drag him any further into danger. As her fate was one that could only head towards ruin, she couldn’t possibly bring him along with her.

  If he kept quiet within the forest, things would eventually come to an end. Either she would defeat Rajas, or Rajas would accomplish his goal of killing her. Either way, he would eventually leave and Suimei would be safe. And as long as he was safe, there was nothing more she could ask for.

  Even though she wouldn’t ever see that pleasant smile of his again. Even though she could still feel his words tugging at her. Even though the last face she’d ever seen him make was one of mixed panic and sadness.

  She fully understood that her choice was irredeemably selfish. Coming to save the people who had shunned her meant ignoring the feelings of the one person who’d stayed by her side. There’s no way someone like her could be saved. But even so, even so...

  “It’s better like this. It’s better...”

  She was unable to suppress the heat accumulating in the corners of her eyes. Within her heart, there was a wave of heat undulating like a surging sea. She was sinking into the depths of sorrow. It was painful. She wondered what sort of future would have awaited her if she weren’t carrying this destiny, if she had met him under different circumstances.

  When he chased after her, when he still tried to talk to her even though it was awkward, when he tried to hold her back, and all those times that he saw through to her true feelings... That truly made her happy.

  That’s why, when she thought back upon it, emotions that hadn’t been there before began to overflow. It wasn’t the bereavement of losing those important to her, nor was it mourning for her homeland that no longer existed. It was something like the sorrow of separating from someone she yearned for. It was the distinct regret of having to say goodbye.

  But she didn’t want to run away anymore. She was sick of people dying because of her. There were people being tormented by demons, and she could no longer allow herself to do nothing about it.


  That’s why she shook off the feverish emotions spilling out of her eyes and put all of her heart into running.

  Cutting down any and everything that threatened to get in her way, Lefille eventually arrived at her destination. Sharpening her senses, she could detect the presence of multiple people and demons. And sensing something unusual in the air just beyond the grove of trees, she cut down the last of the enemies trying to hinder her and leaped forward.

  Within the tightly packed sea of trees on the mountainside was an unnaturally open clearing. And under the gloomy sky and dreary atmosphere, it was the very image of hell.


  Praying that she would make it in time, the first thing that struck Lefille as she leaped out of the trees was the stench of blood and flesh, thick enough to make someone dizzy. Second was the source of the stench. The scene spreading out before her was less like a warzone and more like a mass execution.

  Was this the work of Rajas’s subordinates? Driven into helplessness by the swarming demons and their pitch black auras, the humans who were still clinging to life were bathing in pools of their own blood. The whole area was doused in the angry roars, screams, and gratingly loud laughter of the demons. This was something Lefille had seen once before, and something that she never wanted to see again. Her heart was seething.


  Surrendering herself to the violent emotions swelling within her, she attacked the nearest demon. It had no way of taking any action in response to the sudden strike. A vertical slash from her large sword covered in a red glimmer blew away the demon, its shrieking, and even the earth below it with a thunderous roar.

  And with that, all eyes fell on her. The demons seemed to question whether or not there was really still a survivor who could resist. Wondering what had just happened, and finally realizing the arrival of an intruder, the demons readied themselves.


  But what Lefille heard next wasn’t the voice of someone who was questioning who she was; it was the voice of someone who recognized her. That meant it wasn’t too late. There were still survivors. People who were waiting to be saved. Even surrounded by demons and unable to see beyond their current predicament, there were still those who’d held out. She’d made it in time after all. She had a chance to protect those who had anxiously been awaiting some hope. Lefille ran directly over to the person who had called out to her. But...

  “Why are you here?!”

  What came pouring down on her was that merciless rebuke.


  Surprised by the sudden disgust and hostility pointed towards her, Lefille slowed down. Why were they angry... at her? She’d come running as soon as she could.


  Lefille then heard a second voice call out to her. It was the voice of a man in the prime of his life—Gallio. Being a merchant, he’d stayed out of the fighting and had survived. But despite all that, there was no joy in his words. No, his voice was trembling with rage and all Lefille could see in his eyes was resentment. His grudging glare told her who he thought was responsible for all this.


  “Did I not tell you to get away from the trade corps? That if you were around, the demons would attack?”

  “Th-That’s true, but now isn’t the time for that kind of...”

  They were already being attacked by the demons. It couldn’t be helped, and that conversation would have to wait. They didn’t have the pleasure of discussion right now. But completely contrary to Lefille’s thoughts, the people in the surroundings reacted the same way.

  “Not the time...? That’s exactly the reason we ended up in this situation!”


  Lefille had no argument. The reason the demons were here was indeed her fault, so she could offer no defense against their harsh criticism. She took the brunt of their excessive but justified anger as a wave of demons approached. The man who had yelled out in anger earlier looked at her, his dubious face awash with blood.

  “Wait... You... How did you know we were being attacked?”

  “Just earlier, one of the adventurer escorts came and told me about it. And then...”

  “Came and told you, huh? Even though no one knew where you were?”


  As Lefille nodded, the escort pushed on with more questions.

  “How did you get here so fast?”

  “Like I said, now isn’t the time for―”

  Though she was trying to warn them for their own sakes, the escort had no intention of listening to her.

  “Answer me.”


  The escort demanded an answer, heightening the tension in the air. His bloodstained face looked that much more dreadful. But why was this happening? These people should know the severity of the situation better than Lefille, so why were they pressing on with nothing but unproductive questions?


  Judging that she had to keep vigilant, she pulled her thoughts together. Her focus had wavered, but when she stopped talking and concentrated on her surroundings, she could tell the demons were laughing. They were just enjoying this fraught reunion like morbid spectators.


  Did the demons have no intentions of fighting? Why weren’t they making their move? Lefille could feel an indescribable chill from their ominous laughter. This little internal dispute had been an ideal opportunity to massacre the humans, so what kept their bloodied claws at bay? Something wasn’t right. This was supposed to be a stage where lives were exchanged, so why was this poorly written play completely ignoring that?

  “Hey, you fucking listening?!”

  While Lefille was trying to figure out the confounding situation she’d found herself in, the escort got her attention with an angry roar.

  “...! Why does that even matter now?! Right now we have to quickly rally and retreat!”

  “Retreat? And just where do you think we should run?! The entire area is flooded with demons already! No matter what we do, it’s useless!”

  “That may be so, but... Even so, just talking like this so defenselessly is...”

  “Don’t try to dodge the fucking subject.”

  “I’m not dodging the subject!”

  “...You don’t want to say it right? Am I wrong?”


  “You can’t say it because you fucking feel guilty, right?! It’s because you were sneaking around near us! That’s why you were able to get here so fast! Isn’t that right?!”

  That wasn’t true. Using the power of the spirits, she’d run a great distance through the forest to reach them. She hadn’t been anywhere nearby. But what did it matter? Now wasn’t the time to―

  “Isn’t that why we were attacked?! Because you didn’t get away from us?! Because you chose to stick around?!”

  “You’re wrong! That’s not true!”

  “No? Then how did you get here so fast?!”

  This man wouldn’t let her escape his line of questioning, and all the other eyes that fell on her looked like they wanted answers too. Did they want to rebuke her just that much? Why was it, even on death’s door, they sought someone to blame? Were the beings known as humans really such merciless creatures?

  “Grakis-san, you...”


  Their blame struck Lefille like a blow to the head. Assaulted by their stares and vicious words, she saw the world start to spin around her. The weight of it all was throwing her equilibrium off balance.

  Why were they torturing her like this? Even though she’d come here thinking of them. Even though she’d come because they were in trouble. And for it all, she’d even brushed away the gentle hand that had reached out for her.

  “Why...? I came to save...”

  “Shut up! This is your fault! It’s your fault this happened to us!”

  “I-I am...”

  They threw abuse at her like curses. Was it her fault? They thought so without exception. These people—the same ones whose safety she’d prayed for—universally despised her. While their shouting was swirling around in her head, a sudden scream of pain filled the air.


  As Lefille turned to see what it was, she saw a thick arm the size of a log unnaturally sprouting out of the chest of one of the escorts. There was no mistaking that it was a demon’s arm. With that single strike, the guard’s body limply crumpled and fell forwards. What appeared from behind him was none other than...

  “So you’ve come, swordswoman of Noshias.”

  “Rajas! You bastard!”

  “You’re as eager as always, aren’t you? What, you want to take my head that badly?”

  As Rajas jeered at her with sarcasm, Lefille directed all of her hostility at him. Was there even a need to ask after all this time? Wasn’t it obvious? Rajas was the bastard incarnation of violence and destruction who’d stolen everything precious to her. He was what inspired such bloodthirst in her now. Yes, precisely because she had such a grudge―

  “It’s all your damn fault that... That this all...!”

  She spoke from the heart, but did he even hear her violent emotions? Rajas was lording his gaze in all directions, then turned to her as if he’d been waiting for her to say exactly that.

  “What are you saying? This is all your fault, woman from Noshias. See, because you’re here, these guys have to suffer like this.”

  He let out a sickening, coarse laugh. Lefille certainly may have been the underlying cause, but Rajas, the one who’d authored such a disastrous scene, had no right to say that himself. Still he laughed, looking down at everyone behind Lefille.


  By the time she realized what Rajas’s words would bring forth, it was all too late. She could feel the glares stabbing into her back. When she looked back at the others, she was met with nothing but embittered hatred.

  “I knew it was your fault...”

  “I-If only you weren’t here...”

  “It’s your fault...”

  They were hardly voices anymore. It was just the sound of malice given form in words, the coalescence of resentment. And for some reason, what came out of Lefille’s mouth in response was denial.

  “Y-You’re wrong! You’re all wrong!”

  “Shut up! It’s you! It’s your fault!”

  All those who could still breathe were raising their voices to curse at her. Before she realized it, even the relatively composed Gallio was hurling words of abuse. Hate boxed her in from all sides. Why? Why did they not believe the woman who’d come to save them? Why did they agree with the demons? They should all understand if they just thought about it. Why were they so captivated with what was right before their eyes, all at the cost of the bigger picture?

  “You’re wrong! It’s not my fault! I never wanted to trouble anyone...”

  “That’s a lie.” “It’s your fault.” “It’s because of you.” “Even the demon said so.” “Murderer.” “Grim reaper.” That was all she could hear—people yelling it was her fault in different ways.

  “I-It’s not my fault! Why... Why can’t you all understand?!”

  A scream burst out of Lefille. Perhaps those were her true feelings that had been hidden deep within her all along. Seeing this, Rajas let out a great, exalted laugh.

  “Heh... AHAHAHAHAHAHA! You damn humans truly are foolish! Whenever something happens, you do nothing but curse and show contempt for others! Once your masks are peeled off, you’re always revealed to be such filthy creatures, lowlier than even maggots!”

  After basking in triumphant joy a short moment, Rajas looked at the demons around him, and...

  “Do it.”

  He gave the order to kill.

  With those words, Lefille’s defeated heart that had been worn down by verbal abuse was invigorated once more. Despite the torment laid on her, and despite the bitter tears welling in her eyes, she couldn’t just stand by and let the demons have their way. However...


  Even though her heart was ready, her body wouldn’t obey. She was unable to put strength in her legs like normal. It was like none of her usual quickness even existed. The foot she used to step forward barely moved, like it was heavily weighed down. Her movements were dull. But it was useless to make excuses. Completely useless.

  The reason was perfectly clear. She was pinned down. Not by Rajas. Not by the surrounding demons. It was at the hands of her comrades, the humans. She
was bound by their condemnation. And just that delay in her actions was hopelessly fatal.


  “No, no, no! AAAAAAAAH!”

  “I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! Ah, ah, ah―!”

  “Stay back! STAY BACK! STAY BAAAAA― Guh!”

  The people in the area were being killed one after the other without putting up any resistance. The escort who blamed her, the adventurers who cursed her, Gallio who looked at her with resentment, and all the other merchants. Just as the last one was being attacked by the demons, her body finally listened to her.

  She wouldn’t make it. But even though she knew that, her heart wouldn’t allow her to stay still. Lefille cut into the back of the demon closing in on the last survivor. And as she looked down, she saw the figure of somebody painted with both demon and human blood.

  It was a girl she knew. They’d taken on a commission at the guild together. It was the mage from the party she subjugated the ogre with. Out of their party, Lefille had gotten closest with this girl. She was a good friend to her.

  When she saw that she was still breathing, Lefille fell to her knees and held her.

  “Hang in there!”

  “Ah, ngh...”

  The girl groaned in pain. The hand she raised to Lefille slowly was trembling and covered in blood. Lefille hardly heard anything at first, but she was talking in a faint voice between her wheezing.

  “If... nly...”

  “What’s that...?”

  “If only... You didn’t... exist...”

  In the end, the girl cursed Lefille as she died. All she left behind was the bloody handprint on Lefille’s neck from weakly trying to strangle her, and a corpse that looked like it would never rest in peace. Her face was warped with hatred, her lifeless eyes still scorching with scorn. And with the target of her vengeance right in front of her, it was like she was still cursing Lefille from beyond the grave.

  The arms of the girl she was holding feebly dangled down. When they fell, Lefille felt like everything she believed in shattered without a sound.

  Chapter 4: That Dazzling Figure That Shines Brighter Than All Else


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