Erik & Lanie

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by ChaShiree M.

  Erik & Lanie

  Filthy Modern Vikings

  ChaShiree M.

  M.K. Moore

  Breeding Nation Publishing


  1. Erik

  2. Lanie

  3. Erik

  4. Lanie

  5. Erik

  6. Lanie

  7. Erik

  8. Lanie

  9. Erik

  10. Lanie

  11. Erik



  About the Author

  Other Books by ChaShiree M.


  About the Author

  Other books by MK Moore

  Dedicated to couples with children. We know how hard is to find time together…

  Erik & Lanie

  By ChaShiree M. & M.K. Moore

  © ChaShiree M. & M.K. Moore 2019 Breeding Nation Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.


  Cover created by: Dark Water Covers

  Editor Melinda G @ MKB Edits

  Created with Vellum


  “Uncle Om, do you have a sec?” It’s not often I come to my uncle’s office, but I need a favor and didn’t want to risk asking over the phone where it could be heard by my wife.

  “Hey, nephew. Of course. What can I do for you?”

  “I want to build Lanie a new house.”

  “Like, with your own two hands kind of build?” My brothers think I’m crazy. I brought the idea of it to them too. But I don’t care. Lanie wants to have more children and I need to give her whatever it is she wants. Not to mention, her parents are coming home and want to be closer to Kileen. If I build a house big enough, they can live with us in their own wing of the house or a smaller cottage on the property. There would be plenty of space for more kids.

  “Yes. With my own two hands.”

  “Alright. What can I do for you?”

  “I need for you and the Uncles to help. The more hands on deck the sooner it will get done. I assume the other Unc's will bitch less if it comes from you.” Om may not be the oldest, but he commands the most respect, along with Uncle Brand.

  I would have come to him sooner, but he has been recovering from an injury he sustained while on a mission in Mexico. We were all tense and scared as we waited to find out if he would recover. The week he spent in a coma was the longest in Jorgensen history. We spent it in purgatory.

  “I think you're crazy for simply not invoking part of your inheritance and buying a damn house.” Here we go.

  “I know. But it wouldn’t be the same. I know what her dream house looks like. All the way from how it should be built to the decorations in the house. It would mean a lot more coming from me. Plus, she’s been a part of this family for a long time. I figured if everyone contributes in a small way, that it will be even more special. You know. Knowing that the whole family chipped in to make her dream house a reality. What do you say?”

  “Alright, Brick. Tell me when and where and we will be there. You do need to let me know in advance. Taryn is quite the little clingy miss the further along she gets.” I smile hearing the nickname only my family calls me. When I was little, apparently, I would go into my grandfather’s workshop and tinker with his bricks and stuff, building things. The name sort of stuck.

  “I get it. Lanie was a bit emotional too. Thank you, Uncle Om. I really appreciate your help.”

  After our talk, I leave and go to the office before going back to the house. It’s still a bit weird going into the office and Lanie’s not there. She has been our secretary since the day Eldridge Monte-Q and I opened our construction business. It was amazing to have her with me all day at work and then going home together at night. After she had the baby, we decided she should stay home. Although we know my mom and grandma would have been happy to take care of the baby, neither of us wanted anyone other than us raising our daughter.

  “Hey, Madalyn. How's it going today? Any messages?”

  “No. Oh, wait. El called. Said that he wouldn’t be in tomorrow. Something about Kitty and a doctor’s appointment. She is almost due to give birth to their son.” I remember. El wouldn’t let anyone within a mile radius forget he is expecting a son soon.

  “Alright. Is that it?”

  “Yep. Doing invoices today.… the sheriff. He’s really nice. Don't you think?” Oh boy. I know where this is going.

  “Yes. He’s a decent guy.” I did notice the other day when we had to file a complaint against a vandalizing situation and the sheriff was here, he couldn’t keep his eyes off Maddy. And she him.

  But like some of the others, her age is giving him pause. I get it. Lanie was eighteen to my twenty-three when I met her and decided she belonged to me. Everyone in my family tried to talk me out of it. She was a bit shy with a wild streak. They felt she wasn’t ready for my level of intensity. It didn’t stop me.

  “Is he married or seeing someone?” I am not doing this.

  “Madalyn. You're a nice girl. I'm sure there’s a guy somewhere that would be right for you. If there is nothing else, I am going to head home.” I immediately feel bad for dismissing her, but she is kind of like my little sister. I want to look out for her and keep her from making a mistake she would regret.

  Don’t get me wrong. Leif is a cool guy. As the youngest Sheriff ever in Bleak, he is golden in my book. But he is more than a little intense. His dad was a military man and a bit...extreme if you will. When he retired, he moved his family here when Leif was a freshman in high school, and I was a sophomore. He was uptight even then. Now as the law in these parts, I don’t think I have ever seen him smile. He might be a bit much for Maddy. But then again, what do I know? They said the same about me and Lanie.

  “Have a good night, Mr. Jorgensen.” She says with shoulders slumped. Shit. I feel like I kicked a puppy. Man up, Jorgensen. Be decent. I sigh before calling out.

  “As far as I know Maddy, he is single. Does that answer your question?” If she can hear the gruffness in my voice, she doesn’t show it. Her face lights up and she basically bounces on her toes.

  “Yes. Mr. Jorgensen. Thank you. And again, have a good night.”

  About that good night. Kileen is having a sleepover with my parents. Time to go home and reacquaint myself with the wife over and over again without interruption.

  Pussy here I come.


  Would you like to know what the worst thing in my world is? Watching my husband of nine years fall out of love with me. Every day, more and more I see it. He gets annoyed with me, with our baby, Kileen,
and he spends all his time at the office. He is there with his perky tit eighteen-year-old receptionist, Madalyn. I’d hate her if she wasn’t so nice.

  The problem I am having is that I was made for Erik Ryan Jorgensen. And I know that I won't be able to function without him. At all. Ever. I’ve loved him since I was 17 years old. In this day and age, it’s not the social norm for a woman to be so dependent on a man. Fuck society. They don’t know what I need nor what works for us. Or should I say worked for us? It sucks knowing I’m not enough for my husband anymore.

  When I get home, I see he’s already there. Immediately I start crying, while sitting in the driveway in my vehicle. For someone unknown reason, I know today is the day. He’s leaving me. I just dropped Kileen off with my in-laws, Stacy and Thom.

  “Erik,” I call out, but he doesn’t respond. Putting my purse and keys down before locking the front door, I head down the hall to his home office. The door is open, so I walk in.

  “I’m gonna have to call you back,” he says before hanging up the phone quickly. Yeah, that’s not suspicious at all.

  “Hey, baby. How was your day?” He asks.

  “It was okay. How was yours?” We haven’t always been this weird and stilted.

  “Good. Good.”

  “I’m getting ready to start dinner. Any requests?”

  “How about we skip dinner and go to bed early?” He asks. Before standing up from his desk and walking over to me. He pulls me into his arms and starts kissing me. This isn’t an issue. It never has been. We both were each other’s firsts. It is one of the things I love that about us. While I love his kisses, I can’t keep doing this to myself.

  “Why are you home early,” I blurt out. “You haven’t been home this early in over two months.” I know his business partner, El, is home at five on the dot every day. My friend Kitty, El’s wife, told me the other day at the coffee shop. Why is their work so different that El can leave at five, but Erik doesn’t manage to saunter in before eight?

  I’ll tell you why, Madalyn, She is why. Guess when she started to work at the newly renamed partnership of Monte-Q/Jorgensen Construction? TWO fucking months ago.

  “I finished early. plus, I needed to see you,” he says, trying to kiss me again. I swerve away from him for the first time ever.

  “I’m not feeling well,” I say being honest. “I’m going to take a bath.”

  “Are you okay?” He asks looking at me with concern.

  “I’m sure it’s only a bug,” I respond. It is true that I have been nauseous for days.

  “If you’re sure then go ahead and enjoy your bath,” he says. He grips my chin so I can't move away from him and kisses me thoroughly.

  “Thank you,” I say quietly before leaving the room.

  “I love you, Lanie. And you know I’d do anything for my girls?”

  “We love you too, Erik,” I say half-heartedly. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  I leave the room feeling like complete shit. Is it possible that it is all in my head? Am I suffering from a form of postpartum depression? I’d like to think that I’d know if I was, but who knows. I make a mental note to go and see Erik’s grandfather. Dr. Jorgensen is the best. He was my gynecologist before Erik and I even started dating.

  While my bath is filling, I look in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. I have a few more stretch marks and my boobs are bigger than they once were, but all in all I don’t think I look terrible.

  Shaking my head, I turn and step down into the tub and try to forget all my troubles. It doesn’t work. Fuck. I need to suck it up and grow some lady balls. It’s time to confront the situation head on. It’s the only way I am going to get any peace. But itis so much harder than it sounds.


  Last night was the worst night’s sleep I’ve had in... well shit...since before I met Lanie. Before I met her, I was always restless. I had a lot of anger built up inside me. It seemed as if I’d fight every day to relieve the aggression in a non-destructive way, before my family could get wind of it. Especially, since I had nothing to be angry about. I have a great family. A huge support system. My brothers and my twin sister are as close as we can be.

  To be honest, I have no idea where the anger stemmed from. Maybe anger is the wrong word. It was more as if I had unbridled energy. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. All my siblings in one way or another had some direction. A purpose that each one knew they were going to fulfil. Whether it was going into the family business or start one of their own. But me, I had no clue and it made me I was letting down my family.

  Then one day I saw Lanie walking home from high school and it was as if the clouds parted and suddenly my future was clear and without doubt. She was my future. Being twenty-two years old, I knew without a doubt my purpose was to marry her and take care of everything she needed or wanted. It was then that I began figuring out what I needed to do.

  I went to my father and told him I had found my future wife. He was extremely happy. A bit hesitant, but happy for me, nonetheless. The only one of my siblings to marry by that time was the eldest, Bill. My dad asked who she was. I told him I wasn't sure, but that she was a high school student. He balked at this and started sighting laws and shit to me. It didn’t matter. She was mine. Once we discovered she was 17, he was a bit less prickly about it.

  He sat me down and asked me a series of questions. Those questions led me to discover that my passion was still to work with my hands. I am great at using my hands to put things together.

  Now, look at where I am. I own a construction company with one of my best friends, married to the love of my life, and we have a beautiful baby girl. Still, something is wrong. I don’t remember a night, besides after Kileen was born that we went to bed without me being inside her. Since the moment I introduced myself to her, we have been...touching one another in one way or another. We are the epitome of soulmates.

  I know something is wrong. Not only did we not make love, but she slept on her side of the bed with no movement. When I moved to get closer to her, she’s as cold as ice. She also disappeared this morning before I got out of bed. It derailed me into getting to ask her what was up. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what could be going on. I should figure out where she is and go find out. Shit. My phones ringing.

  “Good morning, Tori. What’s up?” Though he is my uncle, we were born in the same year. So, calling him uncle is kind of weird.

  “Hey. Om tells me you need our help building a house for Lanie.”

  “Yeah. She wants to have more kids. In order to give her that, we first need a bigger place. I think it would mean more coming from my hands.”

  “I agree. So, when are we going to do this? Does she know?”

  “No. It’s a surprise. I was thinking we could all jump in as we can. I know everyone cannot pull the same hours, but you guys have built homes and shit before. I have drawn up the plans. Everyone can find them in my office.”

  “Sounds good. You can count me in. I have no open missions right now, meaning I can probably put in eight-hour days.” That would be amazing.

  “Thanks. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do.” At least that’s done. Now, I need to go and figure out what the hell is going on with my wife.

  I am dressed and out the door in record time. My first stop is to Erika’s flower shop. Oddly enough it’s closed. When I don’t find her at any of the other places, I decide to go to the office. There are invoices to send out. I wonder if Madalyn is in.

  Not surprisingly, Madalyn’s car is in the lot. I lucked out when I found her. She’d graduated high school and was looking for a full-time job. When I mentioned college, she said her wants were focused elsewhere. It is none of my business. All I care about is that she does her job. She accomplishes that and more.

  “Good morning Maddy. How’s it going? Any messages?”

  “Morning. Good. There are no messages. But I didn’t ex
pect you in until this afternoon. Don’t you and Lanie usually spend the morning together on Saturdays?” It’s true. That’s our family time.

  “Yea. Usually. I need the invoices to go over before they are sent out,” I mumble changing the subject as I walk into my office.

  I look over the plans for the house and smile as I think about how happy this is going to make her. All I need and want to do is to see her smile. To make her happy. Fuck this shit. I need to find her, then make her tell me what the fuck is going on. Damn it with the ringing phone.


  “Listen. I can’t talk long. Can you meet me for lunch tomorrow? We really need to talk.”

  “Of course. Is everything ok? The baby ok?”

  “Yea. It’s...just meet me at UTGARD. Noon tomorrow.”

  “I’ll meet you there.” She hangs up.

  The pit of my stomach rumbles. Something tells me she knows what’s wrong with my wife. Not being content to wait until tomorrow, I call Lanie. Being annoyed does not begin to describe how I feel about the phone only ringing. I hang up and call back.

  “Hello!” She answers the phone with all the annoyance I am feeling.

  “Hey babe. Where are you? I have been calling and looking for you. You got out of bed before I woke up. You know how I feel about that.”

  I hear her swallow loudly, because she knows she did wrong. We always say our good morning in bed, unless the baby wakes up first. My cock doesn’t function if he hasn’t had his morning dose of pussy. It’s like having a cup of coffee.

  “I- I had something to do.”

  “That’s not good enough Lanie. Where are you right now?”


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