The Meryton War

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The Meryton War Page 8

by Deborah E Pearson


  The Ceremony

  The ceremony was like nothing Darcy or Elizabeth had ever experienced before. If the joining of their lights the night before was exciting, the ceremony was ethereal.

  The first surprise was that the ceremony had started off as a traditional church ceremony, in fact, the full Church of England ceremony was performed. However, before the declaration, they were husband and wife each couple was put into a form of trance. During this trance, they seemed to see different scenarios as to how their lives would play out, both before and after the wedding. Some scenes were rather touching, while others made them wonder how two people, so proud, so obstinate and so determined to misunderstand each other could ever reach each other in ways that they could have a happy marriage. They saw scenes where they were married to the wrong people and miserable. They saw scenes where they never met and grieved on how they settled eventually to lives with the wrong partners. The last scenes to go before their eyes showed them the possibility of breaking the Longbourne entail, opportunities that Elizabeth's father had allowed to pass him by through indolence. The final scene was that of the creation of the Longbourne entail. They were both saddened and thrilled with what they had seen and were thrilled that their visions confirmed that they were meant to be together, and were glad that they had come together as they had.

  By the end, they felt as though they had lived more than one short lifetime.

  In all weddings of the Blessed the last two visions that a bride and groom would see were how their parents came to together. Therefore the penultimate vision that Darcy and Elizabeth viewed was that of George and Lady Anne Darcy:

  The end of June 1770 found Harold Darcy in his London study, when a knock was heard on the front door. Shortly thereafter, the Earl of Matlock was shown into the study. “Darcy, I need your help.” Darcy started without preamble.

  “How can I help you, Matlock?” Darcy asked. The Darcy’s and FItzwilliam’s were close enough that they had long ago dispensed with formalities in address, both felt the formalities just got in the way.

  “Catherine has been out for the last three years and still has not met her soulmate. Last night I was approached by Lewis DeBourg who has made the agreement that should Catherine not have found her soulmate by the end of the next season then he will marry Catherine.”

  “That sounds like a sound agreement” Harold observed.

  “Yes, it is perfectly sound. Lewis has been away for a long time, and needs an heir. It solves the Catherine problem rather neatly. It’s Anne that is the problem.”

  “How so, Matlock? Anne has not yet been presented to society. If memory serves correctly, Anne is not yet old enough to go to court, for another three years. I fail to see the problem.”

  “If that were the sole issue then, no, Anne would not be a problem. However except for going into society the girls are inseparable. Anne has declared that she doesn’t want to wait for her soulmate if Catherine gets married. I need to find a suitable match for Anne, and fast so that both of the girls will have happy marriages.”

  “I’m still not clear as to how that effects me nor how I can help.”

  “I’m thinking your son George would suit Anne. I’m begging you to agree to arrange a match between George and Anne” Matlock held his hand up “I know George has just started at Cambridge. We don’t need to get the two of them together until they are both a little older, please just consider this.”

  “I don’t need to consider it Matlock” Harold stated “I agree to the match wholeheartedly.” The two men shook hands and Matlock departed.

  Five years later.

  Lady Anne Fitzwilliam entered the ballroom nervously. She knew that today was the day she would meet the young man her father had arranged her marriage with. The intervening years had made her regret her pact with her sister, which had led to her demanding the arranged marriage. There were so many people and so much to learn and explore now that she was ‘out’. Fear of the unknown had ruled her demand, she didn’t want to be a spinster. She wondered where her friends had disappeared to, and thought that she would rather just find herself a quiet seat. Her nerves about meeting her future husband tonight were getting the better of her. Just as she was about to sit down, Anne looked across to the room and her eyes were instantly caught by the handsome, elegant, young gentleman standing across the room. He appeared to be lounging on the marble column next to him as he lazily looked across the room and locked eyes with her. Something in his eyes tugged at her insides.

  George Darcy had been lounging against the pillar as Lady Anne Fitzwilliam entered the room. Her beauty took his breath away and he was thankful that his frame was half hidden as he lounged. The smile on her face was dazzling and as he locked eyes with her, he knew that he was totally lost. He would love this beauty for all of his days. He wasn’t sure how long he had been standing staring at her, but his father’s deep chuckle roused him from his stupor. “Time for you to go and be introduced to her properly, son” father and son then made their way over to Lord Matlock. Barely had Matlock made the introduction, than George and Anne’s eyes met once more and their lights shone bright merging almost instantaneously. The looks of mutual adoration on the young couples faces made their parents laugh and congratulate themselves for the rest of the night. Lady Catherine DeBourgh just looked on enviously.

  The last vision that they saw was of Elizabeth’s Parents:

  When Mr Thomas Bennet was a very young man, he came home from his studies at Cambridge to spend the Christmas holidays with his family. Unknown to Thomas or his father this would be the final Christmas he spent with his father. Walking into Meryton to do a final bit of Christmas shopping he thought he might pay a visit to his solicitor Mr Gardiner. He was to make an application for his allowance. Why his father would not deal directly with him on his finances, he did not know. However just as he was about to walk into Mr Gardiner's office, a vivacious young woman was about to exit the premises. Being the consummate gentleman, Thomas Bennet stepped back to allow the young lady to pass.

  Old Mr Gardiner stood in the doorway as the eyes of Bennet and Miss Gardiner met. Quickly the lights around Miss Gardiner and Thomas Bennet flickered and went out. A shrewd calculation came into old Gardiner's head as he saw what happened. Miss Gardiner though looked away and was about to move off down the street when her father called her back, requesting the two to come into his office, Mr Gardiner. Claimed that their lights had merged completely and that now Thomas had to marry his daughter Fanny. Thomas was unsure and said he thought their lights had only flickered, but not merged but old Mr Gardiner was insistent. Eventually, the elders of the Blessed were called in, as was old Mr Bennet. Before the ceremony was allowed to go ahead, Mr Bennet senior knowing that his son was being forced into an unequal and wrong union insisted that an entail was placed on Longbourne. Mr Thomas Bennet readily agreed as he too had no desire to leave Longbourne to a tradesman! The very idea was repulsive to both Bennets. And so for a single generation, Longbourne had been entailed away from the female line. Miss fanny Gardiner became Mrs Thomas Bennet, and all the revulsion and fears she had on entering the marriage state were projected onto their lineage from the Blessed. Fanny and Thomas Bennet had no discernable gifts that spoke of their Blessed heritage and made a pact that no son or daughter of theirs would know their true heritage. They thought they were protecting their children.

  As the couples came out of their trance, nobody seemed much inclined to say anything. Eventually, the vicar asked one final time: "having seen all you have seen, and felt all that there was to feel, do you, Fitzwilliam Darcy, take this Woman Elizabeth Rose Bennet to be your lawful wedded wife?"

  "I do" he answered.

  "And you Elizabeth Rose Bennet, do you take this man Fitzwilliam Darcy to your lawful wedded husband having seen all and felt all?"

  "I do" Elizabeth answered in a clear voice.

  "Then I now pronounce you to be man and wife" The Vicar stated. He then
turned to Mr Bingley "Charles Johnathan Richard Andrew Bingley having seen all and felt all, do you take this woman Jane Jean Bennet to be your lawful wedded wife?"

  "I do" Bingley answered.

  "And you Jane Jean Bennet, having seen all and felt all, do you take this man Charles Johnathan Richard Andrew Bingley to be your lawful wedded husband?"

  "I do" she answered.

  "Then I now pronounce you Man and Wife." Turning so as both couples were now in view, the vicar continued "Then may you go forward this day and live together as married couples. May you be happy and Blessed" At that moment golden cords of light appeared and bound together the hearts of Elizabeth and Darcy. Bronze cords of light appeared and bound together Jane and Bingley's hearts.

  Both couples looked ecstatic, but their curiosity was now more than ever.

  The ceremony being finished it was Elizabeth who broke the silence. "So what is this big secret that we have not been told? Why have we been kept in the dark all these years about our heritages?" Elizabeth queried.

  "We thought we were protecting you Lizzy" came her mother's voice just outside the room. "I was frightened that you would end up in an unhappy marriage, forced like I was to marry the wrong the man." Mrs Bennet entered the room where everyone was gathered. She came up and gave Jane, and Lizzy kisses on their cheeks. “Congratulations girls" Mrs Bennet then sighed and continued “did you see how my father forced the match with your father?" When both girls nodded, Mrs Bennet continued "I didn't love your father, nor did I even know him. When your light flickers and then goes out it has one of two meanings - either there is the potential for a great love affair, or quite frankly any romantic feelings created will wither and die. For your Father and myself, sentiment didn't even have the chance to begin. My father forced the match as he saw Longbourne to be a great coup.

  Until your grandfather put the entail into force, my Father thought that I would inherit Longbourne and through me, he would rule the house. I didn't want any of it, and neither did your father. However, when we both objected that the light had flickered and gone out and not merged, we could not stand against my father's statement that it did merge. Eventually, we just accepted our fate that we were forced together. I loathed my father for what he did and made both Thomas and Edward, my brother, promise that any children we were to have would not know about the line of the Blessed. Thomas was too heartbroken to do anything other than agree, and my brother was just disgusted with how my father had forced the issue and so agreed also." Mrs Bennet smiled at Elizabeth, the first genuine smile in years "Your curiosity Lizzy drove me to my wit's end, and when you slipped away from us to go see the carriage wreck all those years ago. I was frightened. Frightened your gift would lead you to get hurt, but also frightened that your curiosity was enough to unravel the whole of your lineage.

  I'm sorry for how I've treated you, Lizzy. I knew no other way to keep the knowledge of your heritage from you."

  "The history lesson needs to be taught first, Mrs Bennet" Sir William gently reminded her.

  "Of course, please go ahead" Mrs Bennet requested.


  A history Lesson

  Sir William Lucas began “The Blessed are a line that can trace our roots back to Socrates, in ancient Greece. Who he was or when he was born is shrouded in mystery. We do know that there were two of the same name who evidently knew each other and were members of the same school of philosophy and mysteries. Our Socrates seems to have just appeared in ancient Greece one day. We know that he was a young man when he appears in the ancient records and he quickly fell in love and married a young woman. They had two sons who each fathered a tribe; these tribes are known today as the Blessed and the Empty. We are known by these names as it derives from the source of our gifts. In the past and still today those who are not of Blessed or Empty descent fear both the Blessed and the Empty. There is a history of accusations of witchcraft and demonic activity associated with what we can do, although both accusations could not be further from the truth.

  The Blessed, who are descended from Socrates eldest son, have certain special gifts. According to the manual that Socrates himself authored and left for us, we are surrounded by a life giving energy at all times, and we the Blessed know how to draw on this energy and expand it to give the energy back to the world. That is the source of our gifts. We each have natural abilities that are tied to our characters, but through the art of meditation we can develop an unlimited amount of gifts. The Empty are called such because they come from a lower end of the energy spectrum, usually pulling energy into themselves rather than radiating it towards others. The Blessed will always radiate the energy outwards. The Children of the Past do not know that they sit in the middle of that spectrum and therefore have the ability to develop the same gifts as we have. They do not know about the energy around them, nor at this time do they understand the unlimited potential that is within them. We, the Blessed, are not special and we have no defining characteristics. It is because of the time and practice that our ancestors put into practicing and developing their gifts that many were able to do great deeds. Now all that remains of those great deeds and abilities is legends and myths. Maybe one day we will see those abilities returned to us. We know how to develop our gifts because Socrates left instructions for his sons, but many of our ancestors either would not take the time to study thinking the instructions to be too simple and easy or not wishing to take the time necessary to practice due to the accusations and hatred of the Children of the Past. It was Socrates himself who named the Children of the Past in the instructions he left for his children. Many of the personal writings and instructions have been lost down the ages.

  Our cultures and customs are not fixed, but fluid according to the land within which we are living. We have no set ways and no traditional religion; however, it is in our marriage customs and in our mode of warfare and defence that mark us as different. According to the instructions that Socrates gave us, there is not just our own universe, but multiple universes each created from the choices which me make. With the right stimuli, we can see into other realms, other universes, beyond the divide of this existence. Our lives are but a shadow in the great abyss of possibilities. There are endless universes out there. For every choice, there is an alternate universe and reality born. We have the ability to break through the divide and see each universe. At first all knew the process to see beyond that divide but some abused their sacred privilege and used that knowledge carelessly upsetting the fabric of our existence, so the instructions were kept to a select few who facilitate it only during Wedding ceremonies, when the divide is temporarily breached, and we can see the various possibilities and paths that our choices make. All of our lineage is telepathic. Unless we censor our thoughts and hone our skills, any telepathic communication is heard by all that carry the blood of the Blessed. We have boundless potential, and may develop any gift we desire at any age.”

  "Why does the ceremony take place in such a way?" Darcy asked

  “Initially it was simply tradition, something that Socrates did for his sons on their marriages, however it was discovered that those who saw across the endless possibilities were more secure in their choice and in their relationship with each other. Thus they are more faithful and their bond is stronger. Those whose lights fused and were bound together as true soulmates are entirely faithful, and not one case of unfaithfulness has yet been heard of. We feel that this is entirely consistent with the Wedding ceremony as performed within the Christian church as each couple is advised to enter into the marriage covenant soberly, advisedly and with a clear heart. What alternate paths and universes a person sees at such time is unique to them, and it cannot be entirely predicted. It is considered that allowing the couple to see the alternate realities should they have chosen differently, allows them to make the most informed choice they can, whether or not they wish to be bound to the person they are being united with." The vicar replied. “We do not know why, but Socrates bound the scientific i
nformation about these other universes into a document that can only be opened by technology that is beyond our ken. We do know that each universe is created from a single thought, but we do not know anything beyond that at this time.

  Sir William once more picked up the narrative “Be careful of Halfbloods, who are both Empty and Blessed. We do not know yet why it is, but a half blood is incapable of developing any gifts. It would appear as if any gifts that they would inherit from the Blessed is counteracted by what they inherit from the Empty. What we are sure if is that Half Bloods have no loyalty to either tribe; therefore, they become manipulative, calculating, violent and usually become members of the criminal underclass. Those of them who do not, rarely amount to much more than servants or menial workers.

  Some members of the blessed have in times past tried to help halfblooded to rise above this seeming disadvantage, however this rarely works. The most recent case is Mr Wickham and the late George Darcy." At this Darcy started not knowing that his father's legacy would be brought up here. "Oh yes, that debacle is used within our circles as a warning to be on our guard. Mr Wickham's father was pure blood on our side, but his mother was the pure blood of our enemies. Alas the two married, not out of pure love and the light fusing together, but they married because her beauty caused Old Mr Wickham to stray and to give into his lust. When Mrs Wickham was found to be with child by Mr Wickham, they were forced to marry. Alas, the wicked traits were too strong. George Darcy had hoped that he could with loving kindness overcome the enemy, but it was not to be. Mr George Wickham has a black heart. I am not aware at this time that there has been any success in helping a half blood in any of our records.

  Beware, Mrs Bennet, do not let either Mr Wickham or Mr Collins, your husband's cousin, marry any of your girls. They appear like one of us, and they can appear to be charming and all that is good, but they have black hearts. We cannot read further than their surface because they are not pure! If we did, our lives would be forever tarnished and our minds blackened. This safeguard was put in place many centuries ago after one of my ancestors, a beautiful young lady, read the heart of one such young man of the enemies. She went mad, and had to be restrained and became consumed with murderous impulses. Only children that are half the Blessed and half the 'Empty' are called half blood. Children of couples where one parent is Blessed or Empty and the other parent is a child of the past are regarded as being full blood as they almost universally show signs of taking after the Blessed or the Empty parent.


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