The Meryton War

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The Meryton War Page 16

by Deborah E Pearson

  “Mother were you there, do you remember the Earth before it was destroyed?” Sarah asked.

  “Goodness, no Sarah! That happened in the middle of the twenty-first century. Even I am not that old!” Mother sighed “Humanity was foolish. Our forefathers believed that nothing could happen to them. They plundered Earths resources and abused the earth. Yet still, the Earth healed herself and life continued. Then the Aliens arrived. At first, the collaborators thought it to be an equal exchange. A few resources, for knowledge, for technology. However, the longer this agreement went on the more and more resources were demanded for less and less technology and information. Now there are no more resources to be had and the Aliens have taken over. We caused our own destruction. The warnings were in history but select groups managed to hide them from us, now the whole of humanity has paid the price for their arrogance.”

  “Is there nothing to be done, Mother?” Jason asked.

  “No. Those of us who have trained under the masters have tried to heal the earth and to send love back into the world, but the earth is too depleted, her vibration has fallen too low for us. We need to do it from earlier times and to make sure that the truth cannot be hidden. We must make sure that the warnings do not go unheeded. That is why you and Socrates have been given your names. You are to fit in with those in ancient Greece. You both already know the language. Sarah, you will be going back to ancient Israel. John and Steven will have to change their names when they get to ancient India and China. We misnamed them when we gave them their identities”.

  “What about the culture?” Socrates asked concerned that he would stand out or cause massive offence.

  “We’ve given you as much information as we have. You will have to mimic those around you.” Mother stated. “Now Jason, take off your shirt so I can implant the device”. Jason did as he had been told, and Mother swiftly implanted the device into his back. Next Sarah had the device installed.

  Just as Mother finished installing the device into Sarah’s back, John and Steven arrived. “Ok Jason, time for you to travel back to ancient Greece. First, you need to enter into a high meditative state. Then just concentrate on the date and place you want to go back to. Visualise yourself walking in the market of ancient Greece. Sarah, you also need a high meditative state, then to concentrate on walking the streets of Jerusalem.” Sarah and Jason both dropped to the floor and sat in the lotus position. They managed to raise their own vibrations so high that they nearly disappeared. Then it happened. Just as they both were about to visualise where they were to go back to, the device in their back exploded. Sarah survived but had a gaping hole in her back. Jason did not survive.

  “I knew those calculations were wrong!” Sarah gasped. Mother was already removing what was left of the device, and closing Sarah’s wound.

  “Now, now, Sarah. I guess that they don’t need as high a vibration and meditative state as you young people can achieve. We’ll look at the data and retry.”

  “No, mother I cannot go now,” Sarah said quickly, scared by the experience. John and Steven also agreed that they would not try again. Socrates was eager to try as he suspected that Jason and Sarah had raised their vibration too high and the equipment needed a love vibration to power it.

  “I understand, I really do, but we must continue ahead, you know the aliens won’t wait to tag us once this becomes known.” Mother replied.

  “Mother I’ll try. I watched Jason and I swear that it nearly worked. I will try to not raise my vibration quite so high. If I’m right then it should work.” Socrates spoke up. Mother looked worried. It would be risky at best and outright dangerous at worst. Did they have the time to wait? Deaths were automatically reported via the chip implants so mother knew that they didn’t have much time before the Aliens arrived at the research facility.

  “We must run more tests.”

  “I know, but we also know that we cannot wait. The Aliens will be here anytime, we’re out of options unless you want humanity to be wiped out.”

  Mother still had many misgivings and would have stalled for the tests if she had not been fully aware that Socrates was correct. She moved quickly authoring a new machine. Socrates was already lying face down on the metal bench by the time she had a new machine ready, and within seconds she had installed the new machine. Socrates sat up and slowly raised his vibration, controlling all the time how far he raised it. Once it was at the right level he switched his thoughts to the Athenian market place.

  Mother, Sarah, John and Steven watched in horror as at first, he started to flicker and then disappeared. Mother breathed a sigh of relief. “We can assume that was a success.” It was the last that Mother was to say as at that moment the Aliens breached the holographic wall and entered the secret area of the research facility. If Socrates had been unsuccessful then the human race would be no more.

  Socrates had indeed been successful and now stood in the ancient marketplace. The first thing that struck him was how almost normal everything around him seemed. The smells, the food, even the people seemed to be so familiar to him. Were it not for the fashions, Socrates would not initially have believed that he had been successful. It seemed that humanity didn’t change as much over the centuries as they had wanted to believe that they had. He tried to keep out of sight, he had not changed in the rush, and now his 23rd century clothing looked out of place, he felt as if everyone was looking at him. In truth, nobody had even noticed him. They were concentrating on examining another person that had appeared a few minutes before Socrates on the far side of the market. Moving closer to the commotion Socrates realised that there on the ground unconscious lay Jason, or at least what looked like Jason. Socrates was stunned. He had seen Jason’s body explode just thirty minutes ago. He watched as a group of men picked up the man that looked like Jason, and carry him to one of the nearby homes. Socrates followed at a discrete distance until they entered a nearby house. Just as the group was a moving into the house one of the men turned and caught Socrates eye, motioning him to follow them into the house. The men gently tended Jason’s wounds and gave Socrates a change of clothes. “You’ll need these,” said one of the men as he handed the clothes over.

  “Thank you” Socrates answered in perfect Greek, although a bit confused.

  The man laughed seeing Socrates confusion. “You are not the first to arrive in those clothes. Be careful. The average person is not ready to hear what you have to say”. At this point, the man realised he hadn’t introduced himself. “My name is Nikola.”

  “Socrates” His instinct was to offer to shake hands, but Socrates was not sure what the appropriate way to greet someone was. He had so much to learn and he wasn’t sure if he would learn enough in time. Nikola took pity on Socrates and over the next few weeks, he trained Socrates in all he needed to know before introducing Socrates to his mystery school.

  The mystery school is where Socrates first met the man he was named after. When Socrates had mentioned some of the secrets and warnings to the masses he had found that they laughed at him and ignored his warnings. However, the mystery school was different. They were hungry for knowledge and those who were informed that Socrates was from the future took the warnings seriously and encoded the warnings into their works, whether they be written or oral. Once the warnings were given and Socrates should have returned back to the future, but it was then that he met Nikola’s daughter Eunice. The beauty of Eunice and the ease with which Socrates had felt that he belonged to ancient Greece led Socrates to stay for the rest of his life.

  Eunice and Socrates were married and he had two sons. The first-born he called Theophanes. Socrates was shocked when Theophanes birth was followed by the appearance of the first personal history book. He was not sure how it appeared, but he could explain it only as the manifestation of his desire to leave a personal history of his son, and his desire to leave personal instructions for his son. Theophanes lived up to his name; inheriting the high vibration and good side of Socrates nature. From a child he naturally
knew what to do to help those in need, he knew just what to do and say in whatever situation in order to succeed. He used his abilities that he inherited from his father to do much good and rarely was there anyone who was poor, sick or in need around Theophanes because he not only knew how to help them, but he also taught them the secrets to improve their lives. Theophanes sons were just like him and when Socrates saw the wisdom and goodness of his son and grandsons he called them the Blessed ones.

  Socrates second son was the complete opposite of his brother. Called Aries after the god of war, he too lived up to his name. Aries was constantly causing Theophanes strife and problems. Many times Socrates found himself in trouble because of Aries behaviour. Aries knack of causing problems and pushing the boundaries in a negative way became an obsession. He did nothing that was of benefit to anyone else at all. As Aries grew Socrates hoped to see some mark of goodness and that he would become more like Theophanes, but he was to die without seeing this hope fulfilled. Aries only seemed to get worse with age.

  It was with this desire in mind that caused Socrates to write the second book of history and encouragement for his children. In this second book which Socrates simply called a history, he recorded the whole wealth of his knowledge that he had gained in the twenty-third century, and that which he had gained from his time in Ancient Greece and his travels around the then known world. The central tenant of everything that Socrates gave to his sons was to spend as much time as possible in quiet meditation, clearing the mind of all thoughts. It was in this clearing of the mind, Socrates taught his sons, that the mind was focused and that answers would be found. That is to say that it is the clearing of the mind that allowed the mind to focus on a sole issue, thus bringing the answer and way to achieve that which the person meditating wanted. Theophanes and his sons knew this and practiced it regularly. Aries and his sons ignored this simple instruction and regularly allowed themselves to go after whatever they wanted, but they had no understanding of the principles, nor did they seek to learn. Socrates called Aries and his sons the Empty because they seemed to be continually grasping and looking for something, yet without the desire to actually find out what it was that was missing. When referring to people across the world Socrates would refer to them as children of the past, simply because he had come from the future.

  Socrates lived a long life and taught much of his knowledge far and wide. Upon his deathbed Socrates charged his sons to carry the warnings to the world about what the future would hold should they not change the course of humanity. This was a charge that only Theophanes and his descendants would do.

  Excerpts From Colonel Fitzwilliam's official reports to the Crown.

  14th September 1811

  It is my solemn duty to inform the Crown of a situation between the tribes of the Blessed and Empty. Unfortunately in fulfilment of a prophecy, the Crown will be aware of given by Christopher Bennet in 1730, the following events transpired, which has led to war being declared between the Blessed and Empty. The timeline is as follows:

  1st July Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy unofficially met Miss Elizabeth Bennet on Oakham Mount, Hertfordshire.

  2nd July Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet formally introduced to each other at a dinner party.

  3rd of July Thanks to the foresight of my mother, the banns had already been read for Mr Darcy, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Jane Bennet and Mr Charles Bingley. Therefore there was no impediment for the two couples to be united in matrimony.

  4th July 1811 The Militia Regiment, ____ Cavalry regiment and ____ Infantry Regiment arrive in Meryton for training.

  14th July 1811 The group known as the Dastardly Trio Attack Longbourne house. One Lieutenant George Wickham of the Militia exposed as a member of the Dastardly Trio.

  15th July 1811 It is my sad duty to report that two of His Majesties regiments were involved in a fracas. Colonel French of the ___ Infantry Regiment attacked Colonel Forster of the Militia accusing the Militia that they were part of the attack at Longbourne Estate, Hertfordshire. The Dastardly trio is half-bloods, who own no loyalty to either the Blessed or the Empty, and thus George Wickham was suited to be a part of the Militia. Colonel French had come to understand the Militia were behind the attack due to George Wickham being arrested in the uniform of His Majesty’s Militia.

  The fracas between Colonel French and Colonel Forster was regrettably witnessed by Mrs Thomas Bennet, Mrs Charles Bingley, Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy, Miss Mary Bennet, Miss Catherine Bennet and Miss Lydia Bennet. Miss Mary Bennet used her natural skill as a member of the Blessed and brought about a swift end to Colonel French, who had begun the fracas. She then Proceeded to threaten Colonel Forster with the same should he not return to his regiment straight away, which I am happy to report that he did. Regrettably, this situation meant that unofficially war between the Blessed and the Empty had been declared.

  16th July 1811 Throughout the whole of the preceding Saturday night the Elders of the Blessed met together to consider the situation in which they found themselves, but were reluctant to declare official war on the Empty. This would change. Upon arrival at the Meryton Church, Miss Mary Bennet was attacked by some of Colonel French’s regiment. We are not sure who in the regiment was the one who perpetrated the attack, therefore no punishment could be given. At this moment in time, all we know is that one of his men sought to retaliate for his death.

  The Elders of the Blessed convened once more after church. They deliberated together for five hours and then issued the formal declaration of war, allowing the Empty two weeks to prepare before meeting officially on the fields of Netherfield Park. I have enclosed a copy of the official declaration for his Majesty’s records.

  29th July 1811

  It is my sad duty to inform you of the events of the first day of the war. The Blessed and the Empty met together on the westernmost field of Netherfield Park, Hertfordshire at 1 pm. Before any negotiation or communication was possible, a loud crack was heard and seconds later Miss Anne DeBourgh crumpled to the ground. The war had begun. Nature seemed to shiver as the energy bolts in numerous different shapes and forms were thrown backwards and forwards between the blessed and the cursed. The only true casualty this day was nature. Any small creatures that wandered into the field immediately fled. The atmosphere of the field became so thick that to move around took great effort, yet many of the blessed were weaving and ducking away from that which was thrown from the Empty. There are a few among our numbers that have mastered the art of levitation and flying. These have mounted attacks from the sky, while the rest of the Blessed maintained their attacks from the ground.

  While it has been our earnest endeavour to keep the vulgarity and ugliness of our war away from the children of the past we have been unable to mute the sounds, nor to avoid the effects of the energy imbalance spreading out towards the surrounding the towns. It is unknown as to how far away the effects have been felt.

  Casualties: 0 Deaths: 0

  30th July 1811

  The weather today was brilliant heat and sunshine, and the ground was parched, almost giving the impression of a desert. Nature herself shivered as we neared the field of battle, almost as if the earth itself feared the chaos that would inflict upon it this day.

  A spy was sent to Meryton, the closest town, this morning to survey what was happening in the town. We, the Blessed, returned to the field at 9 am this morning. Barely had we taken our positions before the first energy lots were sent flying across the field. Unlike the day before, we were not taken by surprise by the Empty. My Father the Earl of Matlock was a colonel in His Majesty's Regulars until he was thirty when his brother died and has been instrumental in training those of the Blessed who have come to fight the Empty. Some of those who volunteered for the war were Octogenarians, there is a concern amongst us that these Octogenarians may not be strong enough to withstand the rigours of fighting, yet they are determined to win the war for the Blessed or to die trying. The names of some of those octogenarians are as follows:

Theodore Polanski of Dumfries,

  Mr Frederick Woodhouse of Hertfordshire,

  Mr Hubert Godfrey of Suffolk

  Mrs Elizabeth Godfrey of Suffolk,

  Mrs Wanda Cuthbert of Hertfordshire,

  Mrs Hilda Bowers of Suffolk,

  Mrs Alice King of Surrey,

  Mrs Iris Long of Hertfordshire,

  Mr Herbert Gregory of Devon,

  Mr Thomas Green of Cornwall

  It is with Great pleasure that I report that none of those fighting today were killed, however, the first four on the above list were severely injured from energy bolts that hit them in the chest. Empty do abide by gentlemanly rules of engagement but are undisciplined especially their raw recruits that have volunteered on their side.

  Last night Mrs Jane Bingley warned us that should Fitzwilliam Darcy be placed at the front of the ranks this day he would surely be injured or worse today. Therefore my Father and I deemed it best to place him at the back of the ranks, but alas, those who were in the front were by midday either injured or exhausted and the back ranks became the front ranks as the injured left the field and the tired took the break they needed. The moment Fitzwilliam Darcy was in sight one of the Empty sent a uniquely shaped energy bolt that dislocated Mr Darcy’s arm and drained him considerably. Mr Darcy collapsed to the ground. The nurses on the field removed him to Netherfield house to be treated.

  Casualties today: 50, Deaths: 0

  15th August 1811

  The War continues. Each day we the Blessed have to use a different tactic to survive. The Empty continue on being undisciplined, and more and more of our numbers are becoming exhausted, yet thanks to those of our number who travel from other countries our numbers are not dwindling, but rather swelling. Some of them have brought the news that other countries are suffering from similar wars to ourselves. In France, I have heard reports of the British and Napoleonic forces forgetting country boundaries and country loyalties in defiance of their commanding officers and fighting as either members of the Blessed or the Empty. According to the reports, the Corsican Fiend is unhappy about the situation. Germany is also affected, as is Spain and Portugal, but we do not yet have the reports from further afield to know how far these wars have spread. Casualties are remaining low due to the healing power of our nurses, and how we The Blessed naturally heal. The Empty take longer to heal, but they too heal quicker than the average person. It is my sad duty to report that Mr Theodore Polanski, and Mrs Elizabeth Godfrey died on the field during the course of todays battles. I am pleased to report the everyday more and more of the Blessed become more skilled, and therefore the injuries that are sustained are reducing. Many more of tribe are able to levitate and climb the air as if walking on stairs. This means that we are able to mount both attacks from the air, cavalry, and on foot. We minimise the use of horses in our attacks, as nature is suffering already. The field on which the battles have been happening has dried up and become a waste land. There is no more greenery, nor will rivers flow either under the field nor even by the field. Once this war is done, the fields of Netherfield and possibly even Hertfordshire may take years to recover.


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