For Our Good

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For Our Good Page 11

by Paula Mowery

  Charlie’s fortified heart softened. Tears spilled down her cheeks unbidden.

  Colton leaned across the table and brushed at the tears. “Hey, what is it?”

  “Will you help me do that? Colton, I’ve been mad at God for so long.”

  He grasped both her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “We’ll help each other.”

  With emotion too thick to speak, she nodded and mustered a smile.

  “Will you help me with something right now?”

  “Of course, Colton, what?”

  “Split one of those desserts with me?” He nodded toward the dessert counter.

  Charlie stifled a chuckle. “Depends on what you choose.”

  “I’d probably let you choose.”

  “And, why is that?”

  “I don’t want to upset a woman who is packing heat.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on.” She shoved his hand.

  He grinned. “I’m not stupid. I’m gonna do everything I can to stay on your good side.”

  “Uh huh. Do I have a good side?”

  “Many.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  Heat rushed to her cheeks.

  The atmosphere between them returned to comfortable and yet electric. Charlie’s shoulders relaxed, but butterflies fluttered away in her stomach. They shared chocolate cheesecake. She eyed him as they ate. Was it premature to see herself with this man for the rest of her life?

  * * *

  Jordan jolted awake. Alyssa still slept soundly next to him. The clock glowed 3:15. He rolled to his side and closed his eyes, only to have them pop open again.

  Something stirred down deep in his spirit, so he eased from the bed and crept downstairs. An urge drove him like a magnetic force to his Bible. No need to ignore the Spirit’s prompting. Godly nudges had led him before.

  The passage from Second Timothy wouldn’t leave him alone. He snatched his Bible from the table next to his recliner and flipped to the verses again. As he neared the end of the section, he spotted some additional verse addresses. He quickly turned to First Timothy 4:1-2.

  Scanning first, his mouth flew open and the hair on the back of his neck rose to attention. In a low voice he read aloud. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”

  Oh, Lord, I hope it isn’t true.

  He read through the other scripture references. The weight of the knowledge drooped his shoulders.

  At five a.m., he rushed through the shower and sped to the police department. He slid into his desk chair and studied his computer screen as his fingers flew over the keys. One way to settle any suspicions was to look up the suspected person. As soon as the information popped onto the screen, Jordan’s chest tightened and his heart sank. He immediately sent an email to Captain Parrott. Within fifteen minutes, the captain replied with a plan.

  Jordan jumped to his feet and sprinted to Charlie’s desk. Good, she was already in. She glanced up. “Hey, Jordan.”

  “I need you to come to my office.” He whirled around and practically ran back to his desk. “Please close the door behind you.”

  Charlie’s eyes bulged. “What’s up?”

  “The Spirit nudged me awake last night, and I felt prompted to return to a passage of scripture that just wouldn’t leave me alone.”

  Charlie eased into the chair across from his desk and sighed. “I thought this was about the case.”

  “It is.”

  Charlie folded her arms across her chest. “Okay.”

  “After I reread the passage again, I noticed some other scripture references.” He grabbed his Bible out of his briefcase.

  Charlie held up her hands. “Whoa. Jordan, this isn’t church. It’s not the place for that.” She slumped back into the chair.

  “Charlie, every place is the place for this.” He held up his Bible. “What I believe about the truths from this book isn’t checked at the door.” He leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. “This isn’t the first time the Lord has prompted me in my work. I can’t rely on my reasoning, intellect, and training only. I have to pay attention to the Spirit’s prompting. And especially this time.” Jordan glanced at his computer to screen. “I ran a check on Rusty Smith. That isn’t his real name.”

  Charlie scooted forward to the edge of her seat.

  “Yeah. He has connections with drug trafficking before. But he disappeared and was presumed dead. He’s been right under our noses all this time.” Jordan rubbed the back of his neck. “No wonder the boys in the Sunday school class seemed to be protecting someone. He was their supplier, and they’ve been supplying the high school.” A shiver raced down his spine. “My son’s been in his house.” He bit his lip.

  “We have to be careful, though. We have to catch the other guy too, but how?”

  Jordan gazed directly into Charlie’s eyes. “Word is we’re gonna use Colton as bait.”

  “No way. I don’t want to put him in danger.” She shook her head.

  “May be the only way we can shut them down completely. Colton’s already been called. He’ll be here any time.”

  Charlie sighed. “You know how much I want to shut these guys down, but…”

  “We have to nab the other guy first. If we grab Rusty, the other guy will disappear. As soon as we can get this other guy, we’ll send someone for Rusty or whoever he is.” Jordan spotted Colton in the hallway outside his door. He jumped to his feet. “Come on. Colton’s here.”

  He proceeded out the door in front of Charlie and met Colton, extending his hand instinctively to shake Colton’s. “Let’s step in here to talk.”

  They ducked into the small conference room.

  Colton glanced about and chuckled. “This place kinda gives me the willies now.”

  As they all sat down, Jordan got right to the point. “So, if there’s any way this man might approach you again, maybe we could nab him.”

  “I want to do it.” Colton’s voice didn’t waver. His tone was strong and confident.

  Charlie slid forward. “You don’t have to do this.” Her voice quivered a bit.

  “I want to do this. This needs to end. Just don’t involve Marshall. He needs to be with Emma. So, when and how?”

  “We have to have some way to draw him out.” Jordan stroked his chin.

  “I think I know just the thing. Dr. Lynn has two other planes. I need to schedule one for a trip to Florida. Somehow the man knew when our plane was going to Florida.”

  “Put it on the schedule for next Wednesday. That gives him time to find out and us time to devise a plan.” Jordan looked between Colton and Charlie. “I’m not sure he’ll take the bait, but this is the only way I know to draw him out.”

  Colton nodded. “I’ll set it up today.”

  Anguish painted across Charlie’s face. This was sure to be tearing her up inside. She wanted nothing more than to see this drug ring stopped, but obviously, Colton’s involvement changed everything.

  Jordan hated to involve Colton, but he couldn’t see any other way to resolve this whole operation. He would personally make sure the police strategy worked to eliminate as much danger as possible. He didn’t want to have any more high school students suffer or lose their lives to these men. Jordan was tired of the suffering these men and their actions were causing to all of them. The fact that a supposed brother in Christ was involved pierced his heart. How could Rusty stand and spout God’s truth when the truth was far from him?


  Marshall paced then sat perched on the edge of the couch. He rubbed the back of his neck and jumped to his feet again.

  Emma emerged from the bathroom with her purse looped over her arm. “Okay. I guess I’m ready.” Dark circles ringed her eyes.

  “Babe, I think this is for the best. You’ve been feeling under the weather for a little too long for my comfort. Let’s ju
st get you checked out.” Marshall struggled to keep his tone upbeat. He resisted thinking the worst, but still reality stared him in the face. What if they lost the twins? Emma would never recover from that.

  He guided her to the car. He kept his fears to himself. Voicing them wouldn’t help, only hurt.

  On the ride to the emergency room, Emma whimpered. Marshall patted her leg. “I love you.”

  She grabbed his hand and held on, trembling transferred from her to him. He squeezed her hand.

  As soon as they entered the Emergency Room and checked in, the nurse whisked Emma straight back, with a promise to come for him as quickly as possible. Marshall plunked into a chair and texted Jordan and Colton. He stared at the door the nurse had wheeled Emma through. His mouth went dry.

  Twenty minutes after sending the texts, Colton and Charlie burst through the Emergency Room doors. Marshall stood. Before he could say a word, Jordan and Alyssa rushed through the entrance and sidled up to the group.

  “You didn’t all have to come.”

  “Are you kidding? Of course we did.” Jordan slid an arm around Marshall’s shoulders and squeezed.

  “Mr. Fulton?”

  Marshall whipped around toward the voice. A doctor stood at the waiting room door. He rushed to him, followed by the rest of the crew.

  “Mr. Fulton, Emma was dehydrated. We’re giving her fluids. We may keep her overnight just to keep an eye on her. She should be able to go home tomorrow.”

  “So Emma and the babies are okay?”

  The doctor placed a hand on Marshall’s shoulder. “Yes, but I’m glad you brought her in. She was really dehydrated. I’ll talk to you again soon. You can go in.” He glanced across all five faces. “Right through here.”

  Marshall closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Then he turned to his friends. “Let’s go see her. She’ll be happy you’re here.”

  The caravan plodded to Emma’s cubicle. Marshall ducked in first. Emma’s face still appeared pale, but she flashed him a smile.

  Alyssa stepped to the side of the bed and grabbed Emma’s hand. “It’s not nice to scare us like this. I am personally gonna make sure you drink your fluids.” Alyssa turned to Jordan. “Now, I’ll stay right here. You all take Marshall and make sure he eats something.”

  Marshall slid forward, ready to protest. Jordan put up a hand to stop him. “You may as well do what she says. Trust me.” He grinned.

  Alyssa narrowed her eyes straight at Marshall. “You can’t take care of her if you’re down.”

  “See what I mean? You may as well obey.” Jordan chuckled.

  After grabbing a bite to eat in the cafeteria and thanking everyone for coming, Marshall settled into a lounge chair in the private room Emma now occupied after her transfer from downstairs. Sleep evaded him. He admired Emma as she struggled to doze in a strange place.

  The next morning after breakfast, Emma was free to go. Marshall whispered a prayer of thanksgiving mixed with relief.

  * * *

  Sunday morning, Charlie plunked next to Colton in their normal pew. She had made it through Sunday school being as nonchalant as possible with the information about Rusty Smith in the corner of her mind. If she held her tongue until Wednesday, hopefully, this whole ordeal would be behind them. Through the songs at the beginning of the service, she struggled to maintain focus. But, when the pastor began his sermon, nothing distracted her from his message.

  The pastor stepped to the side of the pulpit. “Not everything that happens to us is good, but God can cause good to come from it.”

  Charlie’s ears perked. Jordan had shared this same truth.

  The preacher read the scripture from Romans chapter eight. “Are you hearing these promises? God can and will bring good from our situations if we are His. My brothers and sisters in Christ, this passage goes on to ask, ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’” He read to the end of the chapter. “Did you hear that? We are more than conquerors. Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is through Christ Jesus.”

  A warmth spread through Charlie’s chest. Tears trickled down her cheeks. As the first notes of the invitation rang out, she sensed an almost magnetic pull to the altar. As she shifted to slide past Colton, a hand slipped into hers. She glanced down at her now clasped hand and then up into Colton’s eyes. His expression was soft and bore a sweet smile. Another hand touched her shoulder. She turned into the supporting gaze of Jordan. Her feet nearly floated her down to the front of the sanctuary, flanked by Jordan and Colton. They knelt together at the front steps.

  “Okay. I’m back, God,” she whispered. I’m starting to understand what You’re trying to get through to me.

  * * *

  After the church service, Jordan could barely contain his excitement over Charlie’s rededication. Obviously, Colton had experienced some renewal too. He thanked God for working in their lives. Jordan had witnessed Charlie’s struggle with God, knowing He was dealing with her. Now that Charlie and Colton’s priorities and lives were back on track, what would God do with the two of them? It would be a joy to watch His plan for that couple unfold.

  Suddenly Jordan’s mind flew to Wednesday. His stomach wrenched. He had strategically plotted out the plan and gone over and over it. Failure in any way was banished from his mind every time it reared its ugly head.

  A tug on his jacket caught his attention. He looked down into Hayden’s big eyes.

  “Daddy, can I go to Joel’s house this afternoon?”

  Jordan’s chest tightened. There was no way he was sending his son to a drug dealer’s house, but he still had to act normal. If there was any tip-off, their whole operation could fail. It might even put people in danger.

  He took in a deep breath and let it out to calm himself. “Son, I’d rather you come with us today.” He mussed his son’s hair.

  “Why, Daddy?” His little voice whined.

  “I want you with us today at the restaurant and all. Maybe another day.”

  Hayden poked out his bottom lip, dropped his head, and sulked away.

  Please don’t let my refusal appear strange to Rusty or give him a feeling of warning.

  * * *

  Marshall sat at their regular table at the restaurant. His chest puffed a bit from all of the pats on the back and congratulations on the twins. This morning, a silly grin stared back at him from the mirror. That was sure to stay until those two arrived.

  Colton plunked into the chair beside him. “Marshall, I need to apologize to you.”

  “Apologize? For what?”

  “I know I’ve been quite difficult with my focus on everything but my life in Christ. Thank you for being a godly example to me.”

  Marshall was at a loss for words. There was a marked difference in his friend and co-pilot. A good difference. A question popped into his head. “Oh, yeah. Do we have a trip on Wednesday? I got a call about how much gas we needed.”

  Colton’s face reddened. “No, we don’t have a trip.” His answer was short. He looked away.

  “What are you not telling me?”

  Colton turned back and leaned in. “They need to catch this drug guy, so…” His voice was low.

  “I should be there.”

  “No. You will not come. Promise me. I have to do this myself. You need to stay with Emma and those two babies.”

  “Are you sure about this? Maybe you should reconsider. I don’t like the idea of you being in the middle of this.”

  “This guy will believe that I would carry his parcel because I almost did. Just let me do it.”

  Marshall nodded reluctantly. “You better call me and let me know you’re okay. I need my partner.”

  Colton nodded.

  * * *

  Charlie enjoyed dinner with Colton on Tuesday evening. “Could I ask you to take me to the county cemetery?”

  “Of course. Are you ready to go?” Colton’s caring eyes stared into hers.

  “Yes. I think so. I’ve needed to go there for a long time.”
r />   Colton stood and extended his hand to her. She grasped it, and he pulled her to her feet.

  They rode in silence until he passed through the gates of the old cemetery. She pointed to the path to the right. “That way. Up to the top.”

  Colton eased up the worn road. At the top of the mound, he paused. “Here?”

  “Yes. This is fine.” She reached for her door handle.

  A hand touched her shoulder. “Do you want to be alone?”

  She turned around and looked into his chocolate eyes. “No. Would you go with me?”

  “Yes, I will.” He bolted from his door and rushed to her side, taking her hand in his.

  She led him to the two graves she’d not visited since the burial service. Her eyes connected with the names of her parents etched into the gray headstone. Hot tears slid down her face. These were the tears that wouldn’t come when she’d stood here before. Sheer anger had blocked any other emotion then.

  “They would’ve liked you.”

  “You think so?”

  She nodded. “Thanks for bringing me here. I don’t understand why they had to go, but…” She swallowed.

  Colton’s arms wrapped her in a warm embrace. Charlie buried her face in his chest and allowed the cleansing tears to flow. After several moments, she pushed back. “I’m ready to go now.”

  Colton drove toward her apartment. She stared out the side window. A knot grew in the bottom of her stomach as she imagined what Colton would do tomorrow. She still couldn’t believe Colton would be right in the middle of the whole operation.

  Colton pulled the car into a space in front of her apartment building. “Do you want me to walk you up?”

  “Would you come in for just a little while?”

  “All right.” He offered his arm as he met her on her side of the car.

  She gladly wound her hand around his elbow. Pushing the door open and stepping inside, she motioned to the couch. “I’ll be right back.”


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