Fourkeeps: Ever After Duet, Book 2

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Fourkeeps: Ever After Duet, Book 2 Page 1

by Jayne Rylon





  Copyright © 2018 by Jayne Rylon

  All rights reserved.

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  Version 6

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-941785-95-9

  Print ISBN: 978-1-941785-96-6


  About The Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Want to Read More About Andi & Her Guys?

  Want More Menage?

  Naughty News

  What Was Your Favorite Part?

  Jayne’s Shop

  Listen Up!

  Get In Touch

  Also by Jayne Rylon


  The Ever After duet concludes with Fourkeeps...

  When you’re wealthy, you’re used to getting what you want.

  But when what you want is a gorgeous woman to share a lifetime—and a really big bed—with you and your three best friends, it can be a tough sell.

  Ford, Brady, and Josh are determined that nothing will keep them apart. Not Kari’s past or the asshole who keeps threatening their future.

  One night with her was amazing, but it could never be enough.

  This time, they’re playing for keeps.

  Fourkeeps is the conclusion of the Ever After Duet, and should be read following Fourplay.


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  A complete list of Jayne’s books can be found at


  Ford Westbrook rubbed his stomach through his dress shirt. The motion didn’t calm the growling and churning anymore. “Hey Brady, didn’t you say Kari was bringing some dinner over to the office?”

  Blinking, Brady Arman looked up from the closing remarks he’d been drafting for a high-profile case their law firm was handling. He studied the clock as if it didn’t make sense. “Yeah. Is that right? It’s really eight already? She thought she might get here by six. I did tell her to take her time, but...”

  Their other partner, Josh King, shook his head. “Are you saying she’s over two hours late? That’s not like her.”

  Ford paced the office carpet. “Something’s up. Either you can call her and check on her or I will.”

  Brady frowned. “I don’t want to go full barbarian on her. She quit her job here for exactly this reason. She didn’t want us nosing around in every corner of her business.”

  “Normally I would agree with you,” Josh said to Brady. “Except she’s always on time. If something came up, she would have at least texted you to let you know her plans had changed.”

  “That was when she was our employee,” Brady argued. “Now she’s our girlfriend…I guess. Big difference. We can’t act like we own her or we risk losing that privilege too.”

  “I get it. I do.” Ford nodded. “But sorry, you’re outvoted this time. We’ve waited long enough.”

  “You call her,” Josh told Ford, then turned to Brady. “It’s okay, she’ll understand we’re worried for her. And honestly, I’m hungry enough to eat that damn case file by now. If she’s not coming, I’ve got to order something or run down to the hotdog cart on the corner.”

  “Damn, you are desperate.” Brady frowned.

  “Hey, if their special seasoning is the taste of burnt roaches, then I like bugs every once in a while,” Josh joked. It didn’t really help cut the tension escalating between the three men, though.

  Ford hesitated just long enough for Brady to reluctantly agree. “Okay, fine. Do it. But if she’s pissed, it’s your fault. And I don’t plan to stop seeing her because the two of you have a falling out.”

  “I’m happy to take the blame so long as she’s all right.” Ford nodded then pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed. None of them were experienced at serious relationships and this one was far more complicated than most. It was going to take some work and some getting used to, all of which he was prepared to handle.

  Of course, he couldn’t do that if Kari wasn’t around or even taking their calls.

  His face fell. “Voicemail.”

  Brady looked like he might have puked if his stomach weren’t empty. “What if something really happened? And I…oh shit.”

  Josh put his hand on Brady’s shoulder and squeezed.

  Brady whipped out his own phone and tapped the screen a few times before putting it to his ear. He looked up at Ford and Josh in horror. “Voicemail.”

  “Maybe I’m the lucky one tonight?” Josh didn’t sound hopeful, but he grabbed his cell too. He dialed, then paused before pulling it away from his face. He stared at it shock for a moment before saying, “Hello? Who the hell is this? Where’s Kari?”

  The silence that followed was one of the longest of Ford’s life. Before Josh even finished listening, he was motioning for Ford and Brady to follow him. He dropped his case notes and sprinted toward the elevators, his loosened tie flapping behind him.

  What. The. Fuck!

  Ford and Brady followed without question. Screw the trial. Forget their work. If Kari needed them, that was most important.

  “Is she okay?” Ford asked as he smashed the elevator button and flicked his gaze to Josh.

  Josh didn’t answer right away, though sweat began to dot his brow, making a knot settle in Ford’s guts. The acid burning in them had nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with cold dread.

  “Josh!” Brady shouted. “What the hell?”

  He mumbled to the person on the phone, “Thank you. We’ll be right there.”

  “Where are we going?” Ford asked.

  “St. Mary’s Hospital,” Josh responded, his normally chipper and enthusiastic tone terrifyingly devoid of emotion.

  “Why? Is Kari okay?” Brady grabbed Josh’s arm.

  He shook his head then buried his face in his hands. “They don’t know yet. She was brought in nearly three hours ago. Hit by a car. She’s still in the trauma center under some sort of protective order and they can’t release information over the phone. We’re lucky that nurse answered at all. I got the feeling she wasn’t really supposed to do that. Because we all called at once, she probably fi
gured Kari’s family was freaking out.”

  They were.

  Freaking out. And her family. They were both.

  In that moment, Ford knew it absolutely. If—no, as soon as—he could tell Kari, he would do just that. It was time they admitted they were playing for keeps.

  Brady was one step ahead of Ford, his fingers flying over the screen of his phone as they rode the elevator downstairs. “Bronson is bringing the car around. He should be out front in two minutes.”

  “Fuck!” Ford punched the embossed paneling of the elevator. He’d only felt this helpless once before, when they’d realized that Kari had been assaulted by Marty right under their noses.

  She’d already suffered so much. She didn’t deserve this too.

  “This is my fault,” Brady groaned as they piled onto the curb. He bent over, his hands on his knees.

  “It’s not.” Ford shut that shit down fast. “It was an accident.”

  And he would make damn sure that if the driver had been reckless or intoxicated or distracted, they would pay for hurting the woman he was coming to love.

  That thought hit him so hard, he might as well have stepped out into traffic himself.

  Sure, he’d always respected her. Appreciated her skills in the office and the beauty even her stark wardrobe couldn’t obscure. He’d looked forward to their easy conversations. But when she’d unraveled in his arms the other night while his partners gave her the tiniest taste of what they were capable of and she’d absorbed it all plus reflected it back, he’d known deep down.

  She was meant to be theirs.

  No one was going to take that from them.

  “I should have insisted that Bronson drive her here.” Brady groaned and swayed.

  Josh put his hand on Brady’s back. “That’s not what she needs from us. That wasn’t what she wanted. You respected her choices, which is the only way this will ever work. If we get the chance…”

  He trailed off, clearing his throat as if considering any other possibility was too painful.

  Because it was.

  Tires squealed right then as Bronson took the corner out of the garage nearly on two wheels. The guys didn’t wait. Together they bolted toward him and piled inside when he screeched to a halt.

  No one spoke again as they flew through the city on the blessedly short drive to the hospital.

  It was hard enough to breathe, never mind form coherent thoughts.

  Until he saw Kari, nothing would be right in Ford’s world. From the grim expressions on Brady and Josh’s faces, he knew it was the same for them.


  Josh stood behind Ford, spine straight, arms crossed. He backed Ford up while his partner did what he did best, even if it meant Ford roamed into asshole territory. The guy confronted the nurse who was doing a hell of a job blocking them from finding out any shred of information about Kari.

  Meanwhile, Brady had planted himself shoulder to shoulder with Josh, and Bronson had their back. He’d refused to stay in the car, insisting on helping out in any way possible. He had a soft spot for their girl, and Josh couldn’t say he minded.

  Hell, he understood exactly how Kari could get under a man’s skin. Make him care in ways he didn’t think himself capable of.

  “You misunderstood me. That wasn’t a request. We need to see Kari right now. And if you need to clear that with someone, talk to Dr. Patel. Just do it quickly. Please.” That last bit was ground between Ford’s clenched teeth.

  Of course, Ford was referring to their friend Ansh, who was the youngest neurosurgeon ever appointed to the board of directors of St. Mary’s. The one who had convinced them to donate millions of dollars to fund the expansion of the critical care unit at this very same facility. They’d never dreamed they would be in need of those services themselves, though.

  Ansh had also been a guest at Ford’s thirtieth birthday party on their yacht, where they’d first begun to explore their attraction to Kari. He must have seen the way they looked at her and would understand their desperation now that she’d been hurt.

  The trauma center shift manager sniffed and rolled her eyes, but she reached for a red, hardwired phone on the wall nearby. In less than a minute, which seemed like an endless delay, they were on their way down the hall.

  The woman’s spine was ramrod straight as she blasted them with curt instructions. “Don’t disturb her. She’ll wake on her own, when she’s ready. Be quiet. Don’t touch anything. Make sure your phones stay off. And don’t you dare harass my staff. Let them do their jobs. They will take care of her as best as they’re able. Better if you don’t interfere.”

  “Thank you,” Brady said softly. “We appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  The woman looked over at him with a hint of a sad smile. “You’re welcome.”

  “So what can you tell us about her condition?” Josh clenched his fists, trying to prepare himself for what he might see when they rounded the corner into a secure ward. “All we know is that she was hit by a car.”

  “She was fairly lucky, as things go.” The nurse sighed. “It seems like she took the brunt of the impact to her hip then rolled up the hood and over. That’s actually how they teach stuntmen to do it. If she hadn’t…things would have been much, much worse.”

  “Fuck!” Ford barked.

  The nurse stopped short. “That’s not quiet or calming, is it?”

  Josh put his hand on Ford’s shoulder and left it there long enough to feel the steely muscles beneath his fingers melt as his friend forced himself to relax. “I’m good. Keep going.”

  They continued their journey through too-bright halls toward a set of blue doors. The nurse swiped her badge and admitted them to a bay of six private rooms with support staff at the center. She pointed to the first one on the left. “She’s sleeping. They gave her some pretty strong painkillers and ran a full battery of tests. Long story short, she’s going to be okay.”

  Relief washed through Josh. Something wasn’t adding up. Apparently Brady had the same questions in mind.

  “I guess I’m a little confused. If she’s mostly unharmed, then why is she being isolated? And why the ban on visitors?” Brady wondered, his eyes slitted.

  “The police asked for her to be kept quarantined until they’ve had a chance to interrogate her. If she wakes, don’t speak to her about the incident until they can get an untainted report.”

  Ford held his hands up, palms out. “Okay, that makes sense. We’re lawyers. Believe me, no one wants to figure out what the fuck happened and who’s responsible more than we do.”

  “Perfect. If you mess this up, it’s on you. No one can say you didn’t understand the consequences and I won’t be held responsible.” The woman softened some and relented, opening Kari’s door to usher them inside. She left them there and pivoted on her heels toward the station inside the ward. Probably to warn her coworkers about the three pain-in-the-ass rich men who’d been allowed to bend the rules.

  It wasn’t often they wielded their wealth or power like a weapon. But in this case, Josh was fine with using any advantage they had.

  Bronson peeked in over their shoulders before saying gruffly, “I’ll be right here, waiting for the cops and making sure no one interrupts you.”

  “Thanks.” Josh nodded before slipping past the guy who’d become like a father to them. He hated to admit it, but he felt better knowing Bronson was there in case they needed him.

  They shuffled toward the bed, the machines, and the small, pale form tucked beneath the stark white sheets. It must have punched the other guys in the gut as much as it did Josh to see Kari like that, so frail and helpless. Both because they hadn’t kept her safe that day and because it made it all too easy to imagine what she’d gone through…before.

  His legs shook and threatened to give out.

  Brady shoved Josh toward a shitty plastic chair beside the bed. He crumpled into it and reached toward Kari’s hand, stopping short of holding it for fear of disturbing her. His fingers shook in
the air between them.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” Brady rasped. He might have left if Ford hadn’t physically prevented him from going by blocking the narrow path around the hospital bed with his broad shoulders.

  “You didn’t let her down earlier. But you will if she wakes up and you’re not here. Get your shit together, for her,” Ford ordered.

  “I should have picked her up. Or at least insisted she let Bronson drive her home.” Brady groaned.

  “You’re not responsible for this,” Ford said for the millionth time.

  A nurse appeared just then, maybe to check on Kari, but probably to make sure her visitors were behaving themselves. The young guy with a smattering of tattoos sized them up. He scanned from man to man to man, pausing on Josh. “You good?”

  “I will be if she will be,” he croaked, though the room had started to spin.

  “Step aside.” The nurse gestured to Ford and Brady, shooing them out of his way as he came in for a closer look. Josh swiped self-consciously at the sweat on his forehead, noticing his skin was clammy when he did.

  Bronson was glaring in from the hallway too. Everyone was staring at him, which didn’t help the situation. They were here for Kari. Not him.

  Except he drooped, feeling sort of faint just then.

  Josh would permanently lose his man-card if he passed out at Kari’s bedside.

  He lurched to his feet, or at least he tried. The nurse was there, along with Brady, to brace him and settle him back into the daffodil-colored bucket seat.

  “Whoa. You’re not diabetic, are you?” The guy whipped a blood pressure cuff off the wall and slapped it on Josh.


  “When’s the last time you ate, dude?” the guy asked.

  “I don’t remember. I had a couple donuts for breakfast. And maybe a leftover one for lunch.” His bad habits were starting to catch up with him, like Ford always lectured they would.

  “Your blood sugar is crashing.” The nurse looked to Ford and Brady. “Help him out for a second. I’ll be right back.”


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