Fourkeeps: Ever After Duet, Book 2

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Fourkeeps: Ever After Duet, Book 2 Page 4

by Jayne Rylon

  Again she imagined Ford there, his chest plastered to hers where only cool air was now, maybe even as Josh watched or joined in.

  As she came, she called Brady’s name. Her second moan was Ford’s and then Josh’s. They might not be there in person, but they were always on her mind. And in her heart.

  As she settled back to earth, Kari wasn’t sure if Brady would feel differently than he had in the heat of the moment. If she should be embarrassed that it was so obvious she’d been thinking of more than just him while he did such a phenomenal job of pleasing her.

  He held her tighter as he poured himself inside of her, his hips twitching with each pulse of his orgasm. “Yes, Kari. Yes. Soon. Soon we’ll all be together.”

  He grunted as he made that promise, emptying himself entirely. His breathing was heavy as he recovered. His face buried in the crook of her neck, his arms tensing around her periodically as if to make sure she was still there.

  “Brady?” Kari cleared her throat.

  “Yeah?” He kissed her temple, then snuggled her close to his chest.

  “Why was it you?” Shit, that sounded horribly rude. She was glad it had been him with her. But had they known he was the right person for tonight too? Or had it been something else? “I mean…”

  “I know what you mean.” He hugged her. “I couldn’t leave you. Not again. Not after…”

  It was then Kari fully understood he had needed this even more than she had. She refused to feel bad about bringing him ecstasy and comfort. Relief. Even if she should probably have waited for Ford and Josh too, so they could take this step together.

  No, tonight she could only do what it took to survive.

  There would be plenty of time for regrets in the morning.


  Kari was going nuts.

  It was bad enough that she’d woken to an empty bed. If the pillows on the opposite side of her hadn’t been rumpled, she would have started to believe she’d dreamed the night before. Well, that and the inarguable impression Brady had left on her body. It felt entirely different from the stiffness in her joints and the soreness in her leg, which actually wasn’t nearly as painful as she’d imagined it might be.

  Maybe he’d released enough endorphins in her to mask some of the effects of her unfortunate run-in with that taxi. Or perhaps she’d simply been extraordinarily lucky.

  Kari shivered as she thought of the video she’d snuck a peek at on her phone. Things could have been so much worse. And sitting around alone in this enormous empty penthouse wasn’t helping to distract her from the situation.

  She’d already tidied her room, returned an email from her boss—who’d seen the infamous vlog and told her not to come in to work for at least a week—cooked herself a meal from the ridiculously well-stocked fridge, napped and napped again, then caught up on some trashy TV. If she didn’t talk to someone soon, she’d be bonkers by the time the guys got home. Who knew how late they’d be, if they even made it back tonight. She knew the case they were working on was high-profile so she didn’t want to bug them with messages or calls that weren’t important.

  Chewing her nails, she paced the cavernous living area, dining room, and kitchen. Even the gorgeous view was curtailed by gloomy gray clouds and a cold drizzle that had been coming down for hours. When she couldn’t stand being isolated a moment longer, she grabbed her phone and tapped Andi’s icon in her contact list.

  Before it even had a chance to ring, the call went through. “Kari! Oh my God. Are you okay?”

  “I’m still here.” She shrugged despite being alone. All things considered, that was a win.

  “Shit. You must be so fucked up right now.” Andi sighed. “I’m so sorry that bastard is still harassing you. The guys are going to find a way to stop this for good. You know that, right? Even Cooper is working on it with them. They’re not going to stop until Marty goes down.”

  “Huh? Oh, him. Yeah.” Kari was kind of surprised that wasn’t top of her mind at the moment. Regardless of everything else, she’d believed Brady when he said she was safe here, locked in their tower. “Truth is, I think I have bigger things to worry about.”

  “What could be worse than that?” Andi got quiet, as if she was tucking herself somewhere private to give Kari her full attention.

  “If I do something to screw up things with Ford, Josh, and Brady.” Kari had known terror the day before. So she was positive that’s what even thinking about losing the guys triggered within her. It probably wasn’t healthy, but suddenly the stakes seemed higher than this apartment, which made her dizzy as she stared out at the drop beyond her feet, the ground undetectable through the clouds.

  “Something like…”

  “Having sex with Brady last night when Ford and Josh were at the office.” Kari sank into a chair and rubbed her stiff leg.

  “Wow. I wouldn’t have thought you’d be up for that. But…” Andi cleared her throat. “People deal with trauma in a lot of different ways. If that’s what it took to make you feel alive and release some of your tension after a near-death experience, I’m sure the other guys will be fine with it.”

  “That’s basically what Brady said last night.” Kari couldn’t stop thinking about the time before, though. When things had blown up after Ford and Brady discovered she’d made out with Josh the night of Ford’s birthday party. It had caused a huge fight between them.

  Something she never wanted to be responsible for again.

  “Do you trust him?” Andi wondered. “Because what you four are doing is going to require a hell of a lot of that.”

  “I do.” Kari didn’t hesitate for a moment.

  “So chill out.” Andi was chuckling then. “You’re going to be fine. All four of you. If you feel the need to be fair, then make tonight all about Ford and Josh. I’m sure they won’t complain.”

  Kari thought about the glossy black bag that one of them had placed, just so, on the center of the dressing table in the guest room they’d invited her to stay in. It would make her feel more confident to be wearing that than these extra-baggy sweats Josh had donated to her. She’d had to fold over the waistband about a million times to make them stay put.

  “You know what? You’re right.” Kari smiled for the first time that day. She wanted to take charge of her life. That meant she had to quit letting circumstances rule her emotions and shove her down paths she might not choose herself. It was time she started being proactive. “Thanks, Andi.”

  “Ford and Josh can thank me.” She laughed. “Tell them I like sparkly things for Christmas.”

  “Will do.”

  “Kari, seriously, I’m so glad you’re okay. It wouldn’t only be the three of them who would miss you if something happened.” Andi was uncharacteristically serious when she admitted it. “And…uh… I feel like it could very easily have been me that psycho was pissed at and obsessed with since he got fired because of the situation with Cooper and me.”

  “I guess I’m just lucky.” Kari didn’t want her friend to feel a moment’s guilt about that. “Look, Marty is obviously losing it. Just because he hasn’t done something to you yet doesn’t mean he won’t try. Stay close to your guys. Please.”

  “Oh, trust me. It’s not like they’re going to let me out of their sight anytime soon.” Andi groaned. “In fact, Reed texted me saying he’s waiting in the lobby to drive me home and if I’m not down there in five minutes he’s coming to find me.”

  “You’d better go then.” Kari grinned, imagining him stomping through their cubicle farms in search of his fiancée.

  “And you better prepare yourself too.” Andi confessed, “He also said Ford and Josh are on their way to see you. Cooper and Brady are taking their turn holding down the fort at the firm tonight.”

  Kari glanced at her reflection in the plate-glass window, suddenly finding it lacking. Her hair was snarled, her face was pale, and her clothes looked frumptastic instead of endearing. She didn’t have a lot to work with, but she figured she would do her best to
look like the strong, desirable woman she wanted to be by the time they arrived.

  “Gotta go,” she mumbled as she did her best to climb the ornate circular staircase without a wince.

  “Have fun!” Andi was laughing as they disconnected.

  Kari figured she should start with a shower. To be honest, she hadn’t taken one earlier because she didn’t want to wash away the feel or scent of Brady on her body. When the warm water from multiple showerheads hit her muscles, she wished she had soaked in the mammoth jetted tub for a few hours.

  By the time she emerged from the steam, she was feeling a million times better. Good enough that she looked at the bag sitting on the dressing table for only a second or two before lunging for it. Self-doubt wasn’t going to stop her anymore.

  It took her a few tries, and a peek at the image in the online catalog, to arrange the straps and lace panels in all the right places. When she finally had it right and checked herself out in the full-length mirror, she figured they were a helluva good distraction from the scrapes and bruises that marred her skin.

  Kari gave her hair a quick blow dry, upside down, then flipped it over. It looked wild and untamed, just like she felt. It was a freedom she hadn’t imagined possible until recently. The pride pumping through her veins made her feel powerful. Gave her back some of what had been taken from her. Never again would she let someone else have that kind of hold over her.

  Hopefully, Ford and Josh would appreciate her transformation.

  Glancing at the clock, she figured they should arrive shortly. So she made her way back downstairs and thought of the best way to state her case. She climbed onto the massive table that sat directly in front of the hallway leading from the entryway and arranged herself like the most decadent centerpiece she could image.

  She’d barely settled into place when a knock came at the front door, followed by familiar voices. Ford called, “Kari, it’s just us. Ford and Josh. We’re coming in, okay?”

  “Yup.” More than okay with her. She couldn’t wait to see their expressions.

  Their footsteps neared, echoing down the long marble corridor. When they stopped, nearly tripping over their lolling tongues, she reached deep inside her to the woman she’d always longed to be but didn’t think she could embody. It was too late to half-ass it now.

  “Welcome home. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starving,” Ford rumbled as he strode toward her.

  Though she hated her momentary weakness, she held up her hand, warding him off. Only for a moment. Until she came clean.

  “Wait, please.” Kari swallowed hard. “There’s something I need to tell you first.”

  Would they still look at her like they wanted to devour her after she admitted what she’d done the night before?


  Ford froze a few feet from Kari. His gaze focused on her cleavage. Josh, however, seemed to be paying closer attention to her objection.

  He grinned. “Does it have to do with you and Brady sleeping together?”

  “Um, yes. So you know about that?” She bit her lip.

  “It’d be hard not to. That fucker has been bouncing around all damn day, ever since he told us what happened while we were driving into work,” Ford practically growled. “Being productive, whistling in his office for hours at a time and shit. It’s pathetic.”

  Kari didn’t agree. It warmed her heart to know that she could make him that happy simply by doing something that made her feel the same way.

  “Are you mad?” she asked, afraid to meet the guys’ stares.

  “Why would we be?” Ford asked as Josh closed the gap between them.

  Josh reached out and drew her to the edge of the table so that he could take her fingers in his. He raised them to his lips and kissed her knuckles. He promised, “Of course not, Kari. When it comes to us, you’re free to do whatever—or whoever—feels right to you.”

  She relaxed, breathing deep for the first time since she’d woken up that morning. This was progress. Maybe they could navigate these waters after all. “Okay then. Is it true Brady isn’t coming home tonight? Or at least not for a while?”

  “Yup. And it serves him right.” Ford grinned. “He might have been the appetizer, but now we’ll serve you the main meal.”

  Josh punched him in the shoulder. “Quit that or she’ll think you’re serious.”

  Ford paused. “I’m not going to lie. Knowing he had you first made me jealous as fuck…for about three minutes. Until I remembered what it is we’re hoping to build here. There’s no reason you have to wait for him. He won’t be upset if you choose to be with us. But I understand if that’s not what you want tonight, or if you tell us to leave you alone entirely, though I’m hoping this incredibly sexy outfit means that’s not what you’re about to say.”

  Kari decided to trust them. To trust the process of building whatever the hell this might turn out to be between them. Besides, she’d be lying if she told herself she hadn’t been imagining what it would be like in bed with the two of these guys.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she admitted.

  “What? Fooled around with two guys at once?” Ford asked.

  Kari nodded. “I know the three of you have…experimented. I haven’t. I don’t know if I can handle it. Or if I’ll be able to make it good for both of you.”

  Hell, with Brady, she’d practically just lain there, absorbing the pleasure he’d rained on her. Not exactly a porn-star-worthy performance. Would guys like them—experienced, adventurous—really be turned on by her when it came down to it?

  “Let us worry about that.” Ford stepped closer.

  “If you enjoy yourself, we will too.” Josh leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Most of all, we get off on pleasing the woman we’re with. Blowing her mind and making her so lost in ecstasy that we’re sure we could never be as good for our partner if we were with her on our own.”

  A shiver raced up her spine, making goose bumps break out on her arms. “That sounds good. I’ll have that.”

  Ford laughed, then grew stern again. “If at any time it doesn’t turn out to be as great as you expected or if it’s simply too much too soon, say so. Promise me you’ll tell us.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  She couldn’t stay still a moment longer. They were offering her everything she desired with an easy out should what she thought she wanted turn out to be not what she wanted after all once she tried it. They were perfect. She ached to give them even a fraction of the joy they inspired in her.

  Kari leapt toward Ford, who caught her easily. He chuckled again as he spun her around. It was a sound she hadn’t heard often enough in the time she’d known him. To be able to change even something so small boosted her confidence.

  What if she could make a bigger impact in their lives? If this was what they really craved, she owed it to herself—and to them—to see if it could work.

  Okay, that was a little noble. She wanted to fuck them just as much. Desperately.

  Kari loved the security of Ford’s huge hands cupping her ass, using his grip to pull her fully against his hard cock. She wrapped her legs around him so that she could grind on his length, which pressed to her core as she lowered her lips to his. He wasn’t nearly as gentle as Brady had been.

  She liked it. Enjoyed surrendering to the part of herself that wanted a forceful man. Even better was knowing Josh was there, and that he’d never let either of them get too carried away. He was her safety net. Her sexy chaperone. And he would make sure that as intense as this exchange was, it was also fun. Flirty.

  Josh shuffled up behind her and began to rub her back. “You look so good together. It’s making me want you even more. You’re going to taste incredible when it’s me feasting on you like that.”

  Kari whimpered and tipped her head back, breaking contact with Ford. He switched his focus to her neck, sucking not-so-gently below her ear, where she was sure he would leave his mark. She didn’t care. In fact, she’d be proud to wear it

  All she wanted was to grant Josh his wish. She rested her head on his shoulder, then turned her face toward him. “What are you waiting for?”

  His eyes were warm and eager as he studied her. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “If you don’t kiss me soon, I’m going to call Brady and tell him to get his ass home to do it for you.” Kari had no idea where that had come from. They brought out parts of herself she had never realized existed. A needy, sex-kitten side that—now that she’d discovered it—wanted to come out and play more often.

  “Nah, I got this.” He smiled before lowering his head toward hers. Unfortunately, the awkward angle meant they didn’t quite connect.

  Ford helped by fisting her hair and lifting her face into the perfect position to accept Josh’s kiss. Fuck, that did insane things to her insides. Not to mention how wet it was making her.

  Kari’s eyes fluttered closed as the sharp tug on her scalp contrasted with the playful contact of Josh’s lips. She hadn’t forgotten what it was like to kiss him. That night on their catamaran had been magical, and tonight was doubly so. No, truly it was more than that. Like having both Ford and Josh focused on her magnified their effects until it was three times as good as each of them separately. Their impact on her rapture was exponential.

  She couldn’t get too scientific about it because she was mindless, responding on instinct to Josh’s tongue and Ford’s teeth raking down her throat. Shamelessly, she squirmed in his hold, rubbing the ache between her legs over the bulge of his erection.

  More, she needed so much more.

  Ford lifted his head. “Josh, over there.”

  In sync, they walked toward the gleaming grand piano between the dining table and the living area. She expected them to detour toward the giant sectional sofa once they passed it. They didn’t.


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