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Fourkeeps: Ever After Duet, Book 2

Page 10

by Jayne Rylon

  “Me too,” Ford said before biting her neck.

  That last show of possession and raw emotion did her in.

  Kari came so hard she thought she might black out. She wrung Brady and Ford’s cock with her body while her tongue lashed Josh. She tasted the salty splash of his release at the same time Brady and Ford began to pump theirs deep inside her.

  Pulses of pleasure rang through her, extending their orgasms even as they enhanced her own.

  And when the final twinges faded, they melted into a heap on the bed, inseparably entwined. Not only for that night, but forever.

  She hoped.


  Kari almost didn’t recognize herself anymore.

  She stood naked in front of the full-length mirror in her suite and took in the woman staring back at her. There wasn’t a hint of the bruises she’d gotten from the taxi remaining, though the guys had left a few hickeys and love bites on her otherwise pale skin. Thankfully, they were predominantly on parts of her body she only exposed to them.

  A week ago, she’d had no idea she could be this person. Confident. Satisfied. Relaxed. Capable of wearing out three incredible men in bed night after night.

  Was it wrong that she liked what she saw so much?

  Hell no.

  Unfortunately, it also wasn’t an entirely accurate representation of who she was. Because, while she’d flourished under their attention, they’d been living in a dream world, cut off from reality. Although Marty still hadn’t been caught, she couldn’t hide up here in their tower forever.

  Especially not on a night as important as this.

  Ford, Brady, and Josh were being recognized for their philanthropic leadership in the community. They were the guests of honor at the annual fundraising gala for St. Mary’s Medical Center. It meant even more since she’d so recently visited the place and benefited, in part, from their generosity. Despite their reservations about her leaving the shelter of their home, she wanted to be the arm candy they deserved. Not so secretly, part of her also demanded that she stake her claim on them publicly.

  Besides, things had reached a standstill in the search for Marty. It might be best to lure him into the open with a very public, very controlled appearance. At least, that’s what Bronson had recommended. It had taken a few days, several arguments, and some very persuasive make-up sex for her to convince the guys to take his advice. Eventually, they’d agreed.

  Hell, once they’d caved, it seemed Ford, Brady, and Josh were more eager than she was to be seen together. To show her off and take their relationship to the next level. Prove to the world that they weren’t afraid of judgment, attack, or any other obstacles the future would fling in the path to their happiness.

  Which probably had something to do with her newfound, assured poise.

  Now she had to make her appearance match how she felt inside.

  It was intimidating as fuck meeting the expectations people would have of her men’s significant other. Even if she had been dating just one of the city’s most eligible bachelors instead of all three.

  They made her feel bold enough to try something she would have dismissed out of hand before. Three sexy, intelligent, kind, and wealthy studs drooling over her was definitely good for her self-esteem. She still couldn’t quite believe it was true, though each time they got naked together it sank in a bit more.

  Even better, she’d seen something more substantial than lust during the time they spent together. In Brady’s refined touches, in Ford’s fierce possessiveness, and in Josh’s sweet words. They cared for her. Not only as a playmate, but also as a life partner. They wanted to bring her into their group, make her a part of everything they shared.

  That inspired her to live up to their standards.

  Not because they would be critical of her otherwise, but because they deserved the absolute finest things in life. They made her want to be her best self.

  Kari ran her finger over the delicate lace of one of the fancy lingerie pieces she’d found in the dresser with the tags still on. They were from the store she’d shopped at with Andi, and she recognized them from the latest season’s collection, which had recently been released. The pieces had obviously been chosen with her favorite colors, and the ones most flattering to her features, in mind. These weren’t clothes they’d kept for any overnight guests who might happen by. They’d stocked the room for her and her alone.

  Their thoughtfulness did funny things to her guts.

  She wanted to embrace it. To show her appreciation and treat herself to a glimpse of what her life could be like if this actually became the forever thing it had the potential to be. If she didn’t screw something up. If the guys didn’t change their minds. And if Marty and other external forces in the universe left them the hell alone.

  Tonight, she was going to let all the what ifs go—all the worries and the doubts and the walls she’d built to protect herself—and simply enjoy. If only for a couple of hours.

  Suddenly, she felt like she was having another Cinderella moment. They did that to her. Brought out her inner princess and let her play at being their queen.

  Kari took a few minutes to figure out the straps and cutouts and fasteners on the frilly lilac contraption, then began to suit up like she was donning feminine armor. Tonight, she was going to be untouchable. She prepared herself to absorb the curious stares that would no doubt lance her from the moment she appeared at the event with the three powerful lawyers.

  Many of the attendees were also their clients, so she knew quite a few of them. Would they realize she was attending in something other than an official capacity?

  If they saw the way the men looked at her now, openly displaying their desire, it would be obvious. Hell, there had always been those who speculated about their close relationship with their executive assistant in the past. This time they would be right. Well, except for the fact that she no longer worked for them.

  With a snap, Kari fastened one garter then the other. Let them look. Let them see what her guys did to her, how they elevated her and, hopefully, how she complemented them.

  She stood back to admire herself, already liking what this thing did to her curves. It was flattering and surprisingly comfortable as it conformed to her shape and heat.

  It didn’t surprise her in the least that one of the guys—Brady, if she had to guess—was this in tune with her. He could anticipate what she needed. And he had excellent fashion sense too.

  Turning her back to the mirror, she looked over her shoulder at her ass. Not bad, she thought. All those times she’d forced herself to take the stairs to their office on the top floor were paying off right now.

  With a grin, Kari strode to the walk-in closet, which was at least half as big as her bedroom in her own normal-sized apartment. It was loaded with a full wardrobe, including a section with enough shimmer, beadwork, and sequins to blind a girl. She headed straight for that rack.

  Kari ran her fingers across the fabrics, tears suddenly prickling her eyes. How would she ever go back to being ordinary if things didn’t work out?

  She shook her head. Not tonight. We’re not doing that tonight, remember?

  She brushed the moisture from her eyes then got serious about making a selection. They were running out of time and she still had to figure out what to do with her hair and makeup. Hopefully something simple and elegant would suffice.

  She had narrowed the choice to a top three when a knock came at the door.

  Ford called, “Kari?”

  “Go away. I’m not ready yet!” She glanced at the clock. About an hour to go before they had to leave. “Not even close!”

  A chorus of male chuckles sounded from the hallway. “I’m not rushing you. Brady thought you might like some help, so he arranged for a personal stylist, who is here waiting to work with you if you’d like.”

  He what? Kari froze. She’d known Brady was responsible for most of these details. He had the eye for it. And he’d gone even further…for her.

grin broke out across her face and she sprinted toward the sound of their voices, loving the feel of the opulent carpet beneath her bare toes. She opened the door—just the barest crack—and peeked through. “Hi! I’m a hot mess. Can you help me?”

  Ford, Josh, and Brady’s eyes widened as they caught a glimpse of her fancy underwear, though not enough to give away all her secrets. The stylist, a young man with a whole lot of flair, pushed past her three imposing guys like they were nothing.

  Kari loved him on sight.

  He spun around, blocking the sliver of her visible in the doorway, then shooed them away. “No peeking. You’ll have to wait for the finished product.”

  Josh groaned. “Brady, why couldn’t you have hired someone to be on our side?”

  “I’m definitely #TeamPrettyLady, which you will appreciate later. Now get out of here and let me do what you paid me an outrageous amount of money for. I can already tell I have a lot to work with.” The man spun back toward her, ignoring the guys’ half-hearted protests as he slipped inside, then grinned before shutting the door in their startled faces. He gave her a quick finger wave. “I’m Anthony. Let’s do this.”

  “For the record—” Brady raised his voice so she could hear him clearly from the hallway. “—you’re gorgeous as you are.”

  She couldn’t ignore that. Kari reopened the door enough so that he could see her smile, but not her body. As she searched for her voice, to tell him how much sharing this night with them meant to her, the guys kept up their banter.

  “Naked, no makeup,” Ford grumbled. “That’s how I like you best.”

  Josh nodded. “For once, I agree with him. Maybe we should stay home tonight.”

  “No!” Kari shouted. She needed to show them that she could play at their level. Okay, so maybe she was hoping to prove that to herself too. “I’m wearing one of those pretty dresses. We’re going to drink champagne, laugh in soft light, and dance to slow music. That’s final! Now go away!”

  Josh whipped his head around at that. “You’re going to have a drink?”

  She’d abstained, refusing every drop of alcohol she’d been offered since the night Marty had poisoned her. It was about time she showed her men that she planned to move on. With them.

  “Yeah,” she whispered.

  “That’s…great,” Ford said quietly before angling away as if he might lose control of his emotions otherwise. He cleared his throat when Josh put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

  “Hey Kari.” Brady rescued them all, bringing them back to someplace less sad and more fun. A slow smile spread across his face. “I’m glad you like the clothes.”

  “Thank you,” she said, afraid if she tried for something more complicated, her tears might resurface.

  “You’re welcome.” He turned and strolled away, leaving her in Anthony’s hands.

  “You’re always welcome,” Josh added, then joined him, after shoving Ford toward their own rooms.

  Would they be wearing tuxes next time she saw them? She thought so. God, she loved it when they dressed up like that. Unlike when they’d attended other formal events in the past, tonight she’d have the right to ogle them openly. Before she’d had to settle for stealing forbidden glances.

  Once they were out of eyesight, she closed the door and flung herself at her fairy godfather. She hugged him and dragged him toward the closet. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Me too,” he said as he raked her from head to toe with an appreciative stare. “This is going to be pure gold for my portfolio. I hope you don’t mind starring in my Instagram feed.”

  “Who, me?” She paused. Was he joking?

  He whistled. “Those guys weren’t kidding, you know? You could stop right here and make their nights. I’m sure of it, and women aren’t really my thing.”

  Kari blushed. “Thanks. I don’t usually…” She waved up and down at herself.

  “You should. Hell, if I looked like that I’d wear it for my boyfriend in an instant.” Anthony laughed as he took her elbow and guided her toward the three options she’d laid out. “Show me what you’re considering.”

  Kari was glad to have his expert opinion as she put on a mini fashion show. The moment Anthony zipped her into a floor-length champagne beaded gown with a deep V-neck and straps that turned into a swoosh of fabric—which draped just above her ass, leaving most of her back exposed—she knew it was the one.

  Anthony’s bulging eyes confirmed it. He snapped some pictures, then started overloading her with talk of highlighters, contouring, bronzers, shimmer, shadow colors, and plenty of terms she didn’t understand at all. So she let him whisk her to the vanity to get started on her hair and makeup.

  By the time he’d finished, her transformation was complete.

  She’d become the person she’d always longed to be, but hadn’t known how to access. She looked sophisticated, classy yet undeniably sexy, and influential in a way she’d only dreamed of before.

  That was even before she slipped her feet into sparkly four-inch designer heels that made her legs look longer and more toned than they were.

  “I’m not going to lie…this might be my masterpiece.” Anthony posed her in the ornate gilded chair, then on the bed, then against the wall.

  Secure and radiant, Kari went along with it. “You’re going to send me those pictures, right? So I can text them to the guys when I’m not around?”

  “Oh, hell yes.” Anthony snorted. “You’re going to give them a run for their money. And we both know that’s saying something.”

  “You don’t think it’s…weird?” She paused, peeking up at him from beneath the lush lashes he’d applied.

  “Don’t you dare do that.” He wagged his finger at her. “Stand tall and remember you’re enough for any man or three. If you care for them and they care for you, tell anyone who doesn’t like it to fuck off. I know it’s not always easy. Shit, my boyfriend’s family still acts like I’m his roommate and someday he’ll grow out of this stage and find a proper wife to settle down with.”

  Kari hugged Anthony then. “You’re right—fuck them.”

  He laughed. “You’re going to be fine. Keep your head up and make any doubters jealous as hell tonight.”

  “I’ll do my best.” She shook her hands, though the motion didn’t do much to dissipate her nerves, then said, “Will you tell them I’ll be with them shortly?”

  Anthony grinned. “Yep. Take a few deep breaths and give me a minute to clear out. I wish I could see their faces when they spot you coming down those stairs. Make sure you touch up your lipstick before you leave. I’m sure they’re going to mess you up at least a little.”

  Kari laughed, thankful he’d given her a tutorial on doing it herself while he’d applied it. “Good plan.”

  They hugged one last time, exchanged information, and then he was gone. She knew it wouldn’t be the last time they saw each other. But would they meet again like this, or as friends in a café somewhere to reminisce about that one fairy tale night…?


  Josh leaned against the bar in their living room, trying not to stare at the piano and remember what they’d done there a week or so ago. It had been the most intense sexual experience of his life up until that point, and then they’d nearly blown it afterward.

  The past several days had exceeded even that high bar when it came to passion. Now they had to prove that it wasn’t all they had together. That they could merge their lives outside of the bubble they’d been fucking in.

  Tonight had to be different. They had to show Kari they’d been building the foundation for a lasting relationship. This wasn’t an experiment or a phase. They wanted something real with her. Something that would endure through all of life’s ups and downs.

  She was the woman for them. He knew it—and had known it for quite some time now.

  But it was critical that she knew it too.

  From the first glimpse of her bold, glittering stiletto on the top of the stairs, his hope grew. It w
as a statement that echoed through him loud and clear. This Kari was the one he’d known was lurking inside their sometimes-mousy assistant from the start. Bless Brady and Anthony for helping her bring it to the surface.

  Josh whipped his stare to Brady, then to Ford. The recognition in their gazes settled him. They saw Kari too. The real woman, emerging bit by bit as she descended the marble stairs hugged by the glass half-wall railing. Her hand trailed down the glossy surface as she seemed to float toward them, surrounded by the golden glow of the setting sun that speared through the floor-to-ceiling windows behind her.

  Even the dazzling glints off the city’s bay in the background couldn’t compete with her shine or detract from the spectacle she made as she approached.

  The gown she wore hugged every curve and dip of her luscious body. Ones he’d gotten to know and adore over the past week.

  Josh swallowed hard. The motion didn’t clear the lump in his throat. He mentally recorded each step she took as she neared, knowing he’d replay this moment a million times in his mind during the rest of his life.

  “You’re absolutely gorgeous,” Brady said as he full-on gawked.

  “Sexy as fuck,” Ford agreed in his more direct manner.

  Josh couldn’t speak. He cleared his throat, then tried again. Nothing would come out.

  Kari laughed as she realized he was literally speechless. “Thank you, Josh. You all look pretty hot yourselves.”

  Ford charged then, despite their agreement to keep their hands—and dicks—to themselves. He didn’t do a very good job of showing her how civil they could be when he crushed Kari to him and devoured her mouth. Brady tapped him on the shoulder.

  Ford lifted his head, blinking as if in a daze.

  “Oh shit. Sorry.” He loosened his hold, making Kari sigh with what seemed like regret. “I couldn’t help myself. It was only a taste.”

  “We’re going to be late if we do much more of that.” Kari glanced at the watch on Ford’s wrist. It was the one Brady had given him for his birthday. “Why don’t we get in the car first, and then you can entertain yourselves on the way to the banquet?”


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