by Joan Mellen
Morgan, Van, 212
Morial, Dutch, 341–342
Morley, Jefferson, 57
Morris, Willie, 124
Morrison, Chep, 6–7, 10, 22
Morvant, Pat, 339
Mouras, Edgar, 15
Mower, Denis, 265–266
Moyers, Bill, 200, 449
Moylan, Charlie Marlin, 292
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 173
Mr. President, Mr. President (McClendon), 454
Munday, Gerry, 192
Murgado, Angelo. See Kennedy, Angelo Murgado Murphy, David, 393
Murphy, Jake, 332
Murray, Hugh, 57
Murray, Robert, 329
Murret, Eugene, 356
Murret, Marilyn, 41
Murret, Charles “Dutz,” 356 “Murret Lead,” 320
Musulin, George S., 421, 422
Nabors, Eugene, 5
Nagell, Richard Case, 78, 152–157, 160, 161, 208, 299, 370, 384, 408, 466
Nagy, Ferenc, 137, 314
Napoli, Jeanne Hack, 274, 275
National Archives, 393, 411, 419, 453, 465, 470
National Convention of District Attorneys (1968), 291
National Defense Authorization Act, 473
NBC “White Paper”, 188–200, 203–204
New Orleans International Trade Mart, see International Trade Mart New Orleans Astronomy Club, 63
New York Times, 324, 427–428, 443, 452, 473, 474, 475
Newbrough, Joseph, 35, 80, 122, 290
Banister and, 69, 72, 97–98
Garrison and, 406
Marcello and, 36
Newman, John, 398, 431
Newman, Sam, 71
Newsday, 200
Newsweek, 419
Ngo Dihn Diem, 57
Nichols, John, 308
Nitschke, I. E., 98
Norton, Donold (Donald) P., 60, 157–160, 299, 317, 382
“Nothing Group,” 7
Novel, Gordon, 65, 115, 174
as FBI informant, 190–191
JG represents, 338–339
lawsuits filed by, 196
organized crime and, 258
Sheridan and, 186, 190, 192, 195–196
OAS (Organisation Armée Secrète), 136–139, 393
Obama, Barack, 445, 446, 471, 472–475
Occhipinti, Frank, 25
O’Connell, James, 145
Offie, Carmel, 370
Odio, Annie, 85
Odio, Sylvia, 84–85, 87, 113, 153, 250–251, 277, 378, 380, 407, 427, 454
O’Donnell, Edward, 147, 309, 313, 462
O’Hara, Malcolm, 17–20, 189–190,332
O’Hara, William, 17 “Old Church” evangelical sects, 290
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway),302
Oliver, Revilo Pendleton, 110
On the Trail of the Assassins (Garrison),245, 361–363
O’Neal, Birch, 355
Operation Mongoose, 34, 39, 458–459, 461
Organ, Donald V., 18, 19, 258–259
organized crime
assassination and, 173, 180, 342–343, 356–357, 376
JG accused of connections with, 24–26, 144–146, 189,
RFK “Get Castro” plot and, 458–459
see also Marcello, Carlos Orlov, Alexander, 275
Orr, Patricia, 347, 466
Osborne, Howard J., 414
Osborne, Mack, 271
Ochsner, Alton, 49, 52–54, 58, 70
Oser, Alvin, 15, 119, 321
at Shaw trial, 302, 311, 312, 315
Oster, Joe, 62, 85, 98, 115, 174, 335,346
Oswald, Lee Harvey
attorneys of, 14, 27–28, 30
Banister and, 44, 67, 70–74
Beckham and, 77, 96, 409, 416
Casasin and, 396–397
Castro assassination plot and, 201–202, 382, 439
CIA and, 26–27, 35, 43, 174,176–181, 308, 395–396, 404, 410, 455, 469
claims to be Cuban, 47–48
Cover and Routing Sheet, 395–396
Dallas police interrogation of, 2, 346
de Mohrenschildt and, 408, 441
debriefings of defectors by CIA and, 391–395, 398, 401 “defection” to Soviet Union by, 389, 392, 396–397, 434–435
distributes pro-Castro leaflets, 41, 44, 63
double of, letter by, 468–469
East Louisiana State Hospital and, 211–212, 218, 219–222, 234, 236–238, 439 “exposed” as Marxist, 55–64
Ferrie and, 37, 40–44, 387, 389, 406, 407, 409, 463, 468
Gloria Wilson and, 417, 463
Hall and, 279
Hawes and, 49–50
Howard and, 277, 279
JG’s code name for, 32
Leake and, 390
MCC pamphlet about, 25
in military, 67–68
Murgado and, 426–427, 454
Nagell and, 153–154
Norton’s story and, 158–159
Otepka’s investigation of, 430–432, 433, 434–435, 453–454
and plot to kill Kennedy, 407
as possible “anonymous defector,” 397–399, 401
Powers’ trial and, 165
registration attempt, 217–221, 223–225
RFK and, 201–202, 379–381, 428, 437–440, 450, 453, 456
Ruby and, 96, 206, 210 457, 464–466
Ruby’s murder of, 82, 178, 468
Russo identifies, 114
Shaw and, 27–30, 122, 124, 387, 389, 463, 468
speaks of need to assassinate JFK, 85
in summer and fall of 1963, 208–238
Thornley and, 271–276
U.S. Customs and, 462, 469–470
Valdes and, 48–50
Walker shooting and, 437–438
Webster and, 395
Oswald, Marguerite, 43, 58, 59
Oswald, Marina. See Porter, Marina Oswald Oswald, Robert, 27
Otepka, Otto F.
career of, 428–430
charges against, 441
confirmation of, by U.S. Senate, 452
defector files stolen from, 432, 441, 452, 454
demotion of, 433–437
hearing of, 442
Hoffa conviction studied by, 445–446
interview with, author’s, 452–455
Oswald investigated by, 430–432, 433, 434–435, 453–455
RFK and, 430, 432–433, 437, 438–439, 441, 442, 445, 453–455
Sheridan and, 430, 443–445, 449, 453, 455
surveillance of, 435–436, 442–443, 449
Otero, Rolando, 26, 89, 179
Otillio, Lester, 65, 91, 116
OXCART, 403–404
Paese Sera, 136, 137, 139–143, 314
Paine, Ruth, 27, 275
Palmer, Gladys, 215–216, 218, 226–227, 230, 231, 300, 463
Palmer, Henry Earl, 213, 216–218, 221, 222–224, 228, 231, 347, 463–464
Palmer, Joel, 295
Palmer, Josephine, 216
Palmer, Martin, 52, 107
Palmer, Matt Junior, 215–216
Palmer, Peggy, 215
Palmisano, Gene S., 189, 233
Panetta, Leon, 471
Panzeca, Salvatore, 117, 238, 293, 305, 313, 314
Pappelis, Theophanis E., 47
Paradis, Jerry, 41
Parent, Betty (“Parrott”), 73, 124
Parker, Mrs. Jesse, 125
Parks, Thomas E., 448
Parpalione, Edo, 141
Parrott Jungle, 247
Partin, Edward Grady, 186–187, 232, 444–445, 447, 448
Pascillio, Lorenzo. See Hall, Loren Patchell, 248
Patman, John William Wright, 424–425
Patriot Act, 473
Paul, Ron, 476
Payne, Leroy, 281
PBSUCCESS, 391–392
Pelham, Lynn, 117, 146
Peña, Orestes, 46–47, 58, 70, 95, 105, 352, 470
Pepper, William, 179, 456
r /> Perez, Eduardo “Bayo,” 170
Perez, Leander, 22, 35
PERMINDEX, 136–139, 308, 389, 390
Perrin, Robert Lee, 295
Peterson, Earl R., 233
Peterson, Henry E., 332
Peterson, Niles (Lefty), 115, 196
Phelan, James, 235, 256
as FBI informant, 142, 144–145
Russo and, 150–152, 194–195, 198
Shaw trial and, 307, 313
Phelps, Joe, 218
Philbrick, Herbert, 64
Philby, Kim, 426
Phillips, Charles N., 279
Phillips, David Atlee, 56, 57, 69, 91, 359–360
Amlash Legacy, 220
on CIA, 475
at Cuban training camp, 48
Freeport Sulphur and, 136
Oswald and, 170, 179–181, 469
press and, 171
Phillips, James Atlee, 181
Phillips, Maurice, 390
Phillips, Shawn, 181
Pic, John, 41
Pierson, Malcolm, 207, 218, 221, 222
pinball gambling, 325–326, 328, 329, 334–336
Pizzo, Cecelia, 175
Plaine, James J., 136
Planche, Rickey, 121
Platonova, Vera, 395
Platt, George A., 7, 18, 19 “Plot or Politics” (James and Wardlaw), 362
Poirrier, Monique, 366
Polito, Tony, 147
Polmar, Norman, 167–168
Popkin, Richard, 145, 156, 304, 306
Porteous, William, III, 11
Porter, Eddie, 321
Porter, Marina Oswald, 27, 178, 274–276, 310, 395, 400, 431, 434
“Power” (Garrison), 384
Powers, Francis Gary, 162–165
Powledge, Fred, 184–185
Pratt, Donovan E., 159, 411, 421, 422
Prehn, Jerry, 396
presidential powers, weakening of, 471–473, 475
Price, Warren, 217, 223
PROJFILES “CIA Matters,” 388
Propheta, Walter M., 290
Prouty, L. Fletcher, 163
Puckett, Arlie, 330
QKENCHANT, 132–133, 314
Quigley, John, 59–60, 348
Quiroga, Carlos, 34, 97, 98–100
Quirk, John Patrick, 469, 476
Rabel, Luis, 76, 239
Racoosin, Theodore, 170, 379
Rafferty, Nigel, 5
Raggio, Ragland sisters, 215
Raggio, Bill, 291–292
Ramparts magazine, 418, 421, 422, 423
Rand, James H., III, 392–393
Rankin, J. Lee, 160, 355–356
Rapp (FBI agent), 278–279
Rarick, John R., 217, 218–219
CORE and, 228–229
on Kline, 225
and Leake, 390
Marcello and, 256
McGehee’s story and, 211, 213–214
on Rosemary Kennedy’s records, 172
Walker and, 437
Rault, Joseph, 31, 68, 111
Ray, Ellen, 362–363
Ray, Lloyd N., 126–127, 143, 159, 174, 175, 176, 182, 183, 409
Raymond, Gary, 348
Raymond, Ronald R., 124
Reader’s Digest, 441
Reagan, Ronald, 471
Reboso, Manolo, 201, 378
Reech, Pete, 231
Reed, Eleanor (AKA Eleanor Anderson), 393, 394, 398
Reggie, Edmund, 364, 439
Reid, Barbara, 272, 274
Reilly, John Francis, 434, 435–436, 442, 444, 454
Reily, Eustis, 184
Reily, William, 66, 67
Reisig, Lou, 159–160
Remkes, Elmer Ray, 423
Report of the President’s Commission
Investigating the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. See Warren Commission Report
Reynolds, Warren, 259–260
Rhodes, Ohio governor, 196
Rice, John, 37
Rich, Nancy Perrin, 295
Richardson, Donald, 366
Richter, Bob, 262
Rightmyer, Robert, 175, 183, 232–233
Rische, Ernest A., 420–422
Roache, Wendall, 47–48, 71, 108, 147
Roberts, Delphine, 70–72, 74, 80, 98, 137, 347
Roberts, Kay, 15
Robertson, Mrs. Willard, 362
Robertson, Willard, 31, 111, 189, 362
Rocca, Raymond “The Rock,” 188–189, 196
Rockefeller Commission, 404
Rockwell, George Lincoln, 69, 75
Rodriguez, Arnesto, 56
Rodriguez, Emilio, 56, 180
Rogers, Jack N., 184, 214–215, 281, 348
Rolfe, Richard and June, 261
Rolleston, Cedric, 209
Romero, Jessie, 209
Roosevelt, Kim, 166
Rose, Jim. See McNabb, E. Carl
Ross, Alba Claudine, 226
Ross, Thomas B., 163
Rosetti, Joseph E., 435, 436
Rosselli, Johnny, 144–146
Rostow, W. W., 432–433
Rothermel, Paul, 241, 294, 296–297
Rothschild, Arvin, 246
Roussel, Henry J., Jr., 271
Roussel, Louis, 213
Rowland, Chuck, 45
Ruby, Jack
Aynesworth and, 420
Beckham and, 79
Borenstein on, 342–343
Buchanan and, 438
Cheramie and, 206–208
FBI files and, 61, 463–464
JG on, 44
JG’s code name for, 32
Johnson (Clyde) and, 243
organized crime and, 258
Oswald and, 96, 206–207, 210, 457, 464–466
Oswald’s death and, 82, 178, 468
Palmer (Gladys) and, 215–216
placed at Dealey Plaza, 262–263
Rush to Judgment, 23
telephone records of, 27, 62–63
Rusk, Dean, 432, 435, 436
Russell, Dick, 109, 153, 299, 395
Russo, Frank, 306
Russo, Perry Raymond, 40, 113–115, 146–148, 150
at Ferrie’s apartment, 469
on Howard, 281–282
O’Donnell and, 462
Phelan attempts to subvert, 150–152
Preliminary hearing and, 146–148
Shaw trial and, 301–306
Sheridan and, 194–195, 448
Sahl, Mort, 245, 302
Saia, Sam, 356
Sakwa, Paul, 405
Salandria, Vincent, 296
Salinger, Pierre, 259
Salvat, Juan Manuel, 59
Samuel, Stephanie Brett, 365–366
Samuel, Martha, 365
Sanders, Gary, 254
Santana, Emilio, 91, 94–95, 188, 260, 301
Sapir, Edward, 33
Sardie, Lyle, 472
Saux, Edgar, 52
Savage, James, 247
Sawyer, Jack, 120
Scaccia, Ross, 9, 203, 322–323, 328
“Scenario for Possible Docu-Drama” (Garrison), 384
Schact, Hjalmar, 137
Scheuler, Don, 129
Scheuering, Ray, 10
Schiller, Lawrence, 121, 146, 278, 279, 324
Schiro, Victor, 7–8
Schlafter, Ralph (“Skinny Ralph”), 254
Schlesinger, Arthur, 461
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 162, 446
Schoener, Gary, 464, 465–466
Schoenman, Ralph, 136, 361
Schonekas, Russell, 336, 338
School of the Americas, 33–34
Schubert, John, 323
Schulingkamp, Oliver, 18, 19
Schwegmann, John, Jr., 275
Schweiker, Richard, 392, 460, 466
Sciambra, Andrew (Moo Moo), Silva and, 30, 65–66, 135, 321, 466
Ferrie and, 103–104
memo about meeting with
Russo and Ferrie, 150–151
Oswald’s presence in Louisiana
and, 222–234
Perrin and, 295
Regis Kennedy and, 72
Russo and, 113–115
Shaw and, 117
Shaw trial testimony of, 306–307
Scott, Hugh, 464–465
Scott, Paul, 449–450
Security Homestead, 297
Seghers, Mike, 331, 335
Seligman-Schurch, Peter, 138
Sepe, Alfonso, 247
Sessions, Cliff, 128
Sewel, Fred, 73
Seymour, William, 249, 253, 281, 291
Sforza, Anthony, 180
Shanklin, J. Gordon, 294
Shaw, Clay (grandfather), 130
Shaw, Clay Lavergne
admission to Dureau, 317
Andrews and, 14, 27–30
arrest of, 116–120
Banister and, 70, 75
Beckham and, 75, 81
Bethell divulges witness list of, 292–293
Bloomfield and, 389–390
book of, 236
charged with conspiracy, 150
charged with perjury, 319
CIA and, 131–143, 355–356, 387–390, 403, 415
as Clay Bertrand, 65–66, 121–127, 202–203
closing statements, 316–317
defense case, 309, 310–314
early life of, 130
Ferrie and, 38, 39–40, 122–123, 387, 389, 462, 463, 468
grand jury testimony and, 288–289
Hardy and, 95
JFK X-rays and autopsy photographs and, 297–299
JG and, 120–121, 319, 387
Johnson (Clyde) and, 243
Leake and, 387, 390
liberal faççade of, 129–130
lies of, exposed, 115–116
military service of, 130–131
news reporting of, 307
Norton’s story and, 158–159
opening statements, 303
Oswald and, 27–30, 60, 122, 124, 387, 389, 463, 468
perjury of, CIA documents reveal, 387–388, 389
and PERMINDEX, 389, 390
photographed in Cuba, 348
preliminary hearing, 146–150
prosecution case, 302–310
reactions to, 318–320
Shaw v. Robertson, 362
State of Louisiana v. Clay Shaw, 465
trial of, 302–317, 387
trial testimony of, 313
Valdes and, 53
verdict, 317
witnesses unavailable to
testify at, 299–301
Shea, John, 15
Shea, Terence, 436
Sheridan, Walter
Belisle and, 442
Carson and, 245
charged with bribery, 201
eulogy for, by Kennedy (Edward), 452
Gervais and, 333
Goldberg’s exposure of, 443–444, 452
Gurvich and, 200
Hoffa and, 186, 445, 446–448
JG’s finances and, 324–325, 327
JG’s witnesses and, 187–195, 357, 448
newsman persona of, 447
Otepka and, 430, 443–445, 449, 453, 455
Partin, 447
Red Strate and, 189
RFK and, 89, 174, 186–188, 201, 381, 425, 426, 439, 440, 448, 449, 454–455