Love Me Still

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Love Me Still Page 10

by E. L. Todd

  “I beg to differ.” He set his wine glass down. “So, how about Italian? I’m assuming that’s a safe bet with you.”

  I chuckled. “It is.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He wrote down my address in his phone. “I look forward to it, Beatrice.”

  “Me too.”


  I grabbed my purse and left my office. I didn’t have to work at the wine bar tonight, so I was going home to lounge around in my pajamas. I was supposed to work tomorrow evening but Jared would let me have the night off. It’s not like I went out and did anything fun ever.

  Jeremy joined me in the hallway. “So…Jordan seemed like a nice guy.”

  I rolled my eyes because I knew what he was really asking. “We’re going out tomorrow.”

  My brother smiled. “Great. Good for you, Beatrice.”

  I felt like a pity case. “We’re having dinner. I’m sure it’ll be fun.”

  “It will be. Let me know how it goes.”

  Like I’d tell him a damn thing.


  I called Jared a few hours before my date. I hadn’t picked out my outfit yet, and I sorted through the clothes in my closet as I tried to decide with the phone to my ear.

  “Yo,” he said into the phone. “What’s up, B?”

  “I need the night off. Is that cool?”

  “Why?” he asked. “Are you sick?”

  “No. I just have plans.” I picked out a black one from the closet. It reached past my thighs and was almost backless with the exception of two small straps.

  “Plans?” he asked incredulously. “What kind of plans?”

  I tossed the dress on the bed then searched for a pair of heels. “A date.”

  Jared fell silent across the line.

  “I’ll be available for the rest of the week. Don’t worry, calling in like this won’t be a habit.”

  Jared finally found his voice, and his tone was different. “With who?”

  “A guy I met at the bar.”

  “What guy?” he demanded.

  “The one you thought was bothering me.”

  “When did he ask you out?” Jared didn’t sound like himself at all.

  “He came to the vineyard yesterday and ordered some wine. We started talking and he asked me then.” I found the shoes in the back of my closet and tossed them on the bed.

  “He came all the way to the vineyard just to see you? This guy sounds like a creep.” The protective side of him was coming out, his nostrils flaring.

  “You do the same thing.”

  “That’s different,” he argued. “I’m not a stalker.”

  “He seems very nice and Jeremy liked him a lot.”

  “He did?” he asked in surprise.

  “Yep. So, it’s cool if I have the night off?”

  “Uh…it’s probably going to be really busy.”

  “It’s always busy,” I argued. “Between the vineyard and the bar, I don’t have much of a life. I need to bail every once in a while.”

  “But you’re the star of this place.”

  “Jared, the place will survive without me for one evening.”

  He sighed into the phone like he was irritated. “Fine.”

  “Why are you being so sour right now?”

  “I just…have a headache.”

  “Well, I need to go. I still have to get ready.”

  “Wear pants,” he blurted.


  “It’s chilly tonight. Wear pants.”

  Jared said a lot of weird things that but that had to be the weirdest one of all. “Thanks for the advice…” I hung up and tossed the phone aside.


  Jordan picked me up right on the dot. “You look nice.”

  “Thanks.” I held the small clutch in my hand. “You do too.” He wore dark jeans and a collared shirt. It looked nice on his shoulders.

  “Why, thank you,” he said with a light laugh. “I don’t usually get compliments like that from dates.”

  “Well, they’re thinking it if it makes you feel any better.”

  He gave me a smile full of fondness. “Ready to go?”

  “I’m starving.”


  We walked out together and headed to the sidewalk.

  “You’ll make it okay in those heels?” he asked.

  “They’re pretty comfortable, actually.”

  “One of the reasons I love being a man is the fact I never have to worry about heels.”

  “Some men wear heels.”

  He smirked. “You caught me there.”

  We entered the restaurant then took our seats.

  “I’ll let you choose the wine,” he said as he handed me the cocktail menu. “I’m sure you’ll make a better choice than I ever will.”

  I took it from his hands then glanced at the list. “Well, it depends on what you like.”


  “There’s a lot of good options on here…”

  “Take your time,” he teased. “It’s an important decision.”

  The waitress arrived and took our drink orders as well as the dinner orders. I already knew what I wanted and so did he. When she walked away we were alone again.

  “Beatrice, tell me about yourself.”

  “I don’t have a lot to tell.”

  “Well, I’m not expecting you to be a retired officer from the CIA or anything so the bar is pretty low.” He gave me a teasing look.

  “Well…I love baseball. I watch every Yankee game during the season.”

  “That’s cool. I like baseball too.”

  “I’ve lived in the city for a few years now. Before that I was in Cambridge. And before that I was in Connecticut.”

  “What’s in Cambridge?”


  “Where did you attend?”


  He nodded like he was impressed. “You keep getting better, Beatrice.”

  I tried not to blush. “I went to law school but dropped out after my second year.”

  “Why?” he asked. “You were almost finished.”

  “My father passed away.”

  “Oh…I see.”

  “I decided I wanted to take over the family business with my brother. Both of my parents cared about the vineyard so I feel close to them. And I knew I was in law school for the wrong reasons.”

  “What reasons?”

  It was a difficult subject to discuss but it was best just to get it over with. “My mother was murdered and the culprit went free. I wanted to dedicate my life to putting criminals behind bars. But then I realized it would never bring her back. I stopped chasing her ghost and decided to be happy instead.”

  Jordan held my gaze but didn’t react at all. He was contemplating a response. It was a difficult subject to talk about so I didn’t hold it against him. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It was a few years ago. I’ve moved on.”

  “I’m glad you’re happy now. Happiness is a hard thing to hold on to. It slips away sometimes and you don’t know when it’s going to come back. The waiting is the hardest part.”

  It seemed like he completely understood. “That’s a good way to put it.”

  “My mom passed away from cancer. It was about two years ago. I was very close to her and I took the loss pretty hard.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” We really were in the same boat.

  “When she was diagnosed, it was already in stage four. Within two months she was gone. It happened really fast. I guess that was a blessing. She only had to suffer for a short amount of time.”

  “Yeah…” I nodded.

  He eyed the bread in the center of the table. “This just got depressing…let’s talk about something else.”

  “Yeah, that would be a good idea.”

  “So, how do you know Jared?”

  Man, that was a long story. “It’s complicated…”

  “We have time.”

  “My ex’s new girlfri
end was married to him. We started hanging out to cope with the people we lost.”

  He worked it out in his head. “Jared is the ex-husband of your ex’s girlfriend?”

  “I told you it was complicated.”

  “And you’ve been friends ever since.”

  “Yep. Our friendship started off weird but we’ve been really good friends every since. He’s actually my best friend. That’s probably why he doesn’t have feelings for me. I’m like a little sister to him.”

  “They say friends make the best lovers.”

  “They do…what about you?”

  “Let me think…” He leaned back in his chair as he considered it. “I live in the city and I’ve lived here my whole life. I have one sister but we don’t talk much. I’ve been running the different venues since I was eighteen. I like my job even though I usually have to work on the weekends. I was in a relationship for three years before we went our separate ways. That was about a year ago. And I love sports, particularly football.”

  “Nice resume.”


  “Why did you guys break up?”

  “She slept with my best friend.” He said it like it wasn’t a big deal. “I wasn’t sure who I was more upset with, him or her. They claim they were both drunk but I’m not a forgiving person when it comes to stuff like that.”

  I nodded. “I don’t blame you.”

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “Well…I pushed him away.” It was the best way to describe it. “I didn’t want a serious relationship but Conrad didn’t give me a choice. I fell for him, and there were a few bumps on the way. He lied to me one time and I couldn’t forgive him. When I realized how petty it was, I tried to get him back but it was too late. We’re still friends but we hardly ever see each other.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. But I’m also not sorry.”

  I smiled. “I know what you mean.”

  The food arrived and we ate quietly. Jordan ate slowly, not like Jared. He took his time and didn’t eat much. Jared usually inhaled his food like he wish he could drink it instead of chew it.

  My phone beeped in my clutch when I got a text message. Not wanting to be rude, I ignored it. Jordan didn’t act like he heard anything. A moment later, it beeped again.

  “I think someone is trying to get a hold of you,” Jordan said before he sipped his wine.

  “Sorry…” I reached for my clutch.

  “It’s okay. I’m not a stickler for manners.”

  I checked the messages and saw a few from Jared.

  Is he a creeper?

  Everything okay?

  Did you wear pants?

  You better have worn pants.

  What the hell? Why was he being weird right now? No, he’s not a creeper. We’re having a great time. And no, I didn’t wear pants. Don’t text me again. I shoved the phone back into my clutch. “Such a weirdo…”

  “Who?” Jordan asked.

  “Jared was just checking on me and making sure you weren’t a creeper.”

  “A creeper, huh?” he asked with a smile. “Am I a creeper?”

  “No, of course not. He thinks all men are pigs.”

  “For the most part they are.”

  “You don’t strike me as one.”

  “I’m one of the good guys.” He winked at me. “And I think Jared is a big fat liar.”


  “Why would he blow up your phone when he knows you’re on a date?”

  I shrugged. “I stopped trying to figure him out a long time ago.”

  “It just seems…a little excessive.”

  “What are you implying?” I asked.

  “He does have feelings for you.”

  It would make my life a lot easier if he did. “He doesn’t. If he did, he would have told me.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to risk your friendship.”

  “No, he told me he didn’t feel anything.”

  Jordan shrugged before he kept eating. “Maybe I’m wrong…”

  “I think you are.”


  After dinner, he walked me back to my apartment.

  “I had a nice time tonight.” He walked beside me, his shoulder brushing mine.

  “Me too.”

  “Can we do it again sometime?”

  I smiled. “Sure.”


  We reached my apartment door then stood in front of it. This was the part where I decided if I would let him inside or not. It seemed a little rushed to do this quickly. In terms of speed, I was definitely slow.

  He stepped closer to me. “Can I kiss you good night?”

  The question made me think of Jared and the kiss I shared with him. We had it in the exact same spot in front of my door. It was sexy and passionate, and it even made my fingertips numb.

  But I couldn’t think about him. “Let me answer your question.” I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.

  I felt his chest expand as he took a deep breath. He moved his lips against mine in a tantalizing way. Jordan had the same experience Jared possessed. I could feel it in his kiss. He gave me a small amount of tongue and gripped my hips before he pulled away.

  “I should stop before I forget how to be a gentleman.” He stepped back and put his hands in his pockets. “Are you free for dinner on Tuesday?”


  “Then I’ll see you then, Beatrice.” He waited for me to walk inside.

  I walked through then slowly closed the door behind me. His footsteps were heard in the hallway as he left. I was grateful he didn’t try to come inside. That made me like him more. Maybe I could get over Jared and move on with my life.

  I had a good feeling about this.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Are you sure that’s what she said?” Scarlet remained on the couch and watched me pace back and forth.

  “Yes, I know what I heard.” My hands were on my hips as I moved through the living room. The TV was on but it was on mute.

  “You may have misheard her.”

  “I didn’t.” Their argument kept playing in my mind continuously. I’d never seen Skye get so angry in my life. “She slapped him.”

  “Cayson?” Scarlet asked incredulously.

  “As hard as she could. It wasn’t playful.”

  “But they seemed fine at dinner.”

  “That’s why I’m worried. They’re putting on a show for us and I can’t figure out why.”

  Scarlet fell silent as she tried to crack the code.

  I kept walking.

  “Sean…even if there is something wrong it’s not our place to figure it out. We need to take a step back and let them work out their problems.”

  “I agree. But it didn’t sound like they were having problems. It was like…” I couldn’t explain it. “They were completely different people. And Skye said something about…Cayson not really missing her when he was gone…or something like that.”

  “A lot of things happened quickly. You may have missed something.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. But I know something isn’t right.”

  “Sean, married couples fight.”

  “Yeah, I get that. But this was different.”

  Scarlet was a lot calmer than I was. “Skye is pregnant. She’s bound to be emotional. Maybe her back hurts. I know mine did.”

  “I don’t think that’s it…”

  “Whatever it may be I don’t feel comfortable prying into their personal life. If there’s something they need to say, they’ll tell us. More than likely, it’s just a new couple working out their differences. Cayson may be struggling to get reacquainted to urban life, and Skye might have a difficult time handling her pregnancy. It was a mistake, after all.”

  My natural instinct was to help my daughter when I thought she was struggling. Maybe there was something going on and she was afraid to talk about it. Maybe she needed advice. I should probably stay out of it but I couldn’t.

n, just leave it alone.”

  My wife could read my mind so easily. “You know how I am.”

  “Just give her space. If she wants to talk about it she will.”

  I would never be able to hold my silence. That just wasn’t how I was. “Yeah…maybe.”


  Now that I knew something was off, I noticed Cayson never came by the office and picked up Skye for lunch. In fact, he didn’t pick her up after work either. Perhaps I was jumping to conclusions but it seemed like something was seriously wrong.

  I wanted to talk to Skye about it but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. I wanted her to understand I was there for her. She could talk to me about anything, even her marriage. That’s what I was for. Sometimes there was just a miscommunication that was blown out of proportion. Could that be what was going on?

  I couldn’t figure it out.

  After lunchtime I entered her office. “Hey, pumpkin. Busy?”

  “I’m always busy.” Her fingers were typing away on her computer. “But since you’re my boss I’m not too busy for you.” She finished whatever she was typing and turned my way. “What’s up?”

  I sat in the chair facing her desk then straightened my tie. “Just wanted to see how things were going.”

  Her cheeks paled, and an instance of fear moved into her eyes. It quickly disappeared like a shooting star, over so quickly I wasn’t sure if I saw it at all. Skye quickly composed herself, acting like nothing was wrong at all. “Things are great. The baby’s room is about to have a crib and some dressers. And then we’ll baby proof the house.” It didn’t seem like anything was wrong except the high-pitch tone of her voice. She didn’t normally talk that way.

  “That’s good. Do you need help?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “Cayson and I want to do it ourselves—even if it takes forever.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I remember when your mother and I decorated your room…pink with unicorns.”

  “You did a good job. I loved that room until I grew out of it.”

  “Your mother has suggested doing our room the same way,” I said with a chuckle.

  “She would.” She finally smiled.

  “So…everything is okay with Cayson?”

  The same look of fear moved into her eyes. “We’re great. Never better.”

  I got the distinct impression she was lying to me. “Because when I returned your purse I—”

  Like a volcano that had been building up for centuries, smoke erupted and the explosion happened like the apocalypse had arrived. “Stay out of my business.” Skye threw both of her hands on the desk and jumped to her feet. “I don’t stick my nose in your relationship with mom, so how dare you stick your nose in mine. I’m an adult—not a child. A damn adult.”


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