Time Torn

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Time Torn Page 15

by Ilse V Rensburg

  “Ah! The feisty one we stole in his sleep. A bit young for me but I do find him irresistible.” The leader coos.

  Riley lets out an animalistic wail, pouncing towards their leader with his hand stretched out and clawed. Auristella instinctively pulls back on the chains until they are taut between them.

  The gorgon queen opens her mouth and Auristella bends down beside Riley. I watch her lips move. The muscles in Riley’s back tense as he cocks his head to the side, surveying me. His expression wavers, lowering his chin he turns back to the throne of monsters.

  It is unnatural, like watching a wild lion give up the fight. A sound escapes from the gap between my lips. It isn't a scream or a whimper but whatever it is I hope I never produce it ever again.

  The queen lifts her chin, her bright yellow eyes piercing into me. I stiffen. Has she caught on?

  “What is she doing?” She asks Auristella.

  The siren’s own grey eyes are large and worried as she glances in my direction. She shrugs. “I am not certain...”

  The gorgon’s eyes remain fixed to me as she commands Auristella. “Bring her to me.”

  Dropping the rope attached to Riley the siren makes her way to me with a scowl aimed in my direction. Standing on my toes I peer over her shoulder, unable to witness what Riley does next because of her wings.

  Auristella mutters in my ear, “How foolish can you be?”

  I drop back onto my heels whispering urgently, “I won’t allow them to touch him.”

  She raises her eyes to the sky and gently shakes her head. “Let it be. Once they have retired, we shall have the opportunity to rescue your crew and make our escape.”

  A lump begins to form in my throat which I try to swallow with no luck. “But what if...” I trail off not wanting to finish the sentence.

  A wisp of her breath darts across my neck. “What if what?”

  My body tingles as heat rises into my cheeks and the back of my neck scalds. “She forces him to do things he doesn’t want to do?”

  To my immense surprise, she chuckles. “Has he never spent the night with another my dear?”

  I press my lips together in a thin line. I feel stupid. Of course, Riley can handle himself and maybe, like Kevin, he is interested and here I am messing with his game! The situation makes me feel ill.

  “That’s not what I meant! This whole thing is disgusting and I just won’t allow it, okay,” I reply hurriedly.

  “Of course...”

  “What is taking you so long!” The gorgon leader yells from behind us.

  It is a good thing Auristella’s wings are so large they had cloaked our entire conversation. She pulls the rope free from around my torso and grabs hold of the rope that connects to my wrists. Tugging gently, she walks forward and I follow doing my best to look frightened.

  “Finally!” She cries her eyes zeroing in on me. “Did you have something you wanted to say?” She asks.

  I look to the younger gorgon, Georgia, and feel loathing fill my insides. Her hair is plaited to her hips and unlike the others who wear tight wrap dresses, hers have a gap exposing her midriff. Her large eyes dart from her leader to Riley as she licks her lips. She isn’t sweet and innocent I can tell you that much!

  “He’s a friend of mine. You are holding a couple of my friends hostage actually...”

  Inwardly I groan. So much for my pathetic scared approach!

  The gorgon cackles, smacking her hand against her thigh. “I don’t believe you! And the other, was he not?”

  My wrists are starting to itch from the material of the rope rubbing against them. “Actually no, he wasn’t. We don’t get on.”

  She raises an eyebrow, which despite not looking as if it has ever been groomed is arched neatly. “But you would like to with this one?”

  I frown. “What? I just said he’s my friend, what more do you want me to say about it?”

  To my dismay, Georgia pushes herself from her chair and twirls towards Riley who still has his head down. Cupping his face in her hands she presses her lips to his with her eyes wide open.

  My heart skips a beat. What if her veil doesn’t work? Is she trying to kill him?! I want to murder her! My arms and legs grow warm, the tips of my fingers and toes tingling. I’ve never felt so insane in my life before... and I kind of like it.

  My chest hums as I build up a growl. “Step away from him.”

  Georgia throws back her head, laughing, and then with a grin in my direction, she sticks out her tongue and licks his face from his chin to his eyes.

  I notice him flinch but still he doesn’t move. What is wrong with him?! Tilting her chin with blazing amber eyes she meets my challenge and raises it. The energy zips between us, both of us eager for a chance to try and destroy the other.

  “What are you going to do about it girly?”

  My chest rises in condemnation. “Hah! Girly? You’re just a baby.”

  I can feel Riley’s eyes on me, but I know if I look at him, I might see truth I'm not ready for.

  Venette huffs loudly.

  Georgia and I momentarily pause our standoff to look at her.

  She scratches under the sheer veil that covers her eyes and said, “You bore me. I leave them both to do with...or play with as you please Georgia.”

  The younger gorgon grins, her eyes slanting in my direction as her leader stands from her throne and smoothes out the wrinkles in her colourful dress with her hands.

  “Auristella, take me to the others.”

  The siren nods throwing a worried glance over her shoulder as she leads the queen away. I want to reassure her that it is fine, that I will be fine, but this is my first real fight. My nerves eat away at my confidence despite the pulsing of the power in my veins.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me handsome.” Georgia croons wrapping the fabric from his torn shirt in her fists and pulling him towards her.

  With his face inches from hers, she makes as though she is about to kiss him and then pushes him away. He falls back onto his knees his wrists tied so tight there are bangles of dried blood around them.

  “Oh, but first I have to deal with her.” She spits inching towards me with the gait of a predator.

  I’ve had enough. Closing my eyes, I drop my shoulders and push my chest out in an attempt to relax. With deep concentration, I imagine the power pulsing through me to be small glowing beads and all I have to do is roll them where I need the most strength, and right now I need to get rid of the rope around my wrists.

  With a grimace, I push against the hessian rope. Georgia’s laugh reverberates between my ears at what seems to be a failed attempt. I grit my teeth and hold my breath and just as I am about to give up, I feel the ropes give in. Surprised I open my eyes.

  Georgia’s mouth opens slightly. She has pulled Riley against her while my eyes were closed. His cheek pressed against the exposed caramel skin of her flat stomach and he is staring at me in astonishment.

  I want to smirk at the both of them since it is apparent, they both doubt my capabilities. Instead, I reach down and pull the elven dagger from my boot.

  Georgia’s wide eyes double as the crystal blade glints in the setting sun, but I am not about to give her a chance to react.

  Bounding towards her I push my palm flat against Riley’s chest so that he cascades onto his side. I land so that I am straddling the teenage gorgon. I have taken her off guard and she isn’t about to let me do it a second time. Raising her left arm, she slaps me hard against my cheek. Tiny dots of light flicker across my vision as I pin her arms down above her head. My face is directly above hers and I feel crazy. Working up a ball of spit I fling it into her face.

  “That’s because you’re a bitch.” I hiss.

  The corners of her mouth twitch up. “That’s all I get? Here I was thinking you actually didn’t like me. If you wanted in on the action all you had to do was ask...but I would have said no.”

  I grab hold of her fingers and crush them inwards. Yelping, she tries to pu
ll her arms free, succeeding with the one I don’t have in my grasp. She digs her nails into the naked skin of my arm and scratches down.

  Shuffling my knees, I move my weight over to hold down the arm I'd imprisoned in my fist. Leaning forward I make to grab for the other. She dodges me and rips her veil from her face.

  Her eyes are like orbs without the cover.

  “Flattering as those gems are, they won’t work on me,” I say placing pressure on her crushed fingers.

  Sighing out I catch hold of her other arm and push it back down.

  “It’s not for you,” she purrs turning her head in the direction where I'd left Riley.

  I twist searching for him. He’s found my sword and is currently sprinting behind the tree I'd been tied to.

  Relief fills me. “Looks like you’re out of luck.”

  The short stubby appearance of her lashes is noticeable as she blinks. Flailing her legs out she pushes against me, screaming as her eyes narrow in the direction of the tree.

  She is really starting to get on my nerves. Lifting my dagger, I bring it down over her neck, but the blade is short compared to my sword and instead of slicing her head off in one movement as I’d imagined, it simply cuts her jugular. Dark red blood with a green tint sprays out as Georgia looks up at me, gurgling.

  I gag pulling her veil down over her eyes. What had I done? I feel sick to my stomach.

  Twisting back, I scream, “Riley!”

  His bright green eyes find me in seconds. When he sees Georgia, he doesn’t seem repulsed or surprised, instead, he bends his knees and uses my scimitar to do exactly as I'd planned in the first place.

  I can’t help it; I begin to cry. Spluttering I cut his arms loose, my sobs intensifying as I see the bloody raw rings the bonds have left on him.

  I want to collapse into Riley, to have him hold me until I stop feeling like such a monster, but when I look at him his expression is ferocious.

  He stands. He is tall and lean which only makes him appear more menacing as he towers over me.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” His voice low and vicious.

  I recoil and he throws my newly christened blade to the ground. I remain perched on Georgia’s lifeless body my hands pressed into the dirt beside her. The power has already drained from me and I am left feeling like a straw sucking on the air in an empty cup.

  “And how the hell did you do that?”

  My sobbing has stopped but tears still run down my cheeks. Sniffing I push myself up, grabbing my sword as I do and wiping my face with the cleanest piece of my shirt.

  I am covered in blood, foliage and mud and I haven’t felt this terrible since waking up hungover next to Jezebel at the air hanger we'd been evacuated to for safety, the day I was going to die. That I did die... In a sense.

  “Don’t yell at me like that. I came to help you...” I whisper.

  Something crackles behind me and I drop down, grabbing my sword and drawing it. Auristella is back in her human form as dazzling as ever despite the old grey slip she wears. The veins in and around her eyes are black as she stares down at Georgia’s head in disgust.

  “Auristella!” I cry.

  She smiles her eyes returning to normal. “My dear, you have done the world a favour by ridding it of that one.”

  I shrug. I am uncomfortable with the fact I have just killed someone and I don’t think I should be congratulated for it.

  “What is this?” Riley snarls his fingers curling into fists at his side.

  I pale. Of course, Riley would assume she is the enemy. Placing my palms over his fists I try to explain. “She’s helping me.”

  He doesn’t look convinced. “She’s the reason both of us are alive right now.”

  I turn back to Auristella, my heartbeat increasing with anxiety. What if Riley attacks her? I don’t want them hurting each other. “If you could help us, I promise we will take you wherever you want to go.”

  Riley clears his throat, pulling his hands from mine and folding them over his chest.

  “Provided it’s in the same direction we're headed.”

  I glare at him about to open my mouth to offer a rebuttal when he smiles. “I’m joking Cris.”

  The siren nods, her wings already sprouting from her back as she changes. “Thank you, Cris, I am forever in your debt.”

  “This will be enough Auristella, thank you,” I reply.

  I don’t see which direction she flies in because at that moment Riley steps towards me. My breath hitches in my throat as he leans forward whispering, “Thank you.”

  I can’t move. What if I say or do something that makes him yell at me again?

  “Uh.” I clear my throat. “You’re not still mad at me, are you?”

  Rolling his eyes, he grabs my hips with one hand pulling my body towards his. I gasp in surprise which makes him smile as he rests his free hand against my cheek.

  He inches forward, both of our eyes locked together as he places his lips to mine.

  His tongue brushes against my teeth and I sink into him, closing my eyes, my sword clanging as it falls from my grasp. Wrapping my arms around his torso I press into him. The sickly-sweet scent of the jungle clings to his skin and he tastes of coconut. He is intoxicating. I sigh as he pulls away from me.

  Blinking up at him and feeling dazed I attempt a lopsided smile.

  “Yes, I’m still mad at you,” he whispers into my hair.

  “What was that?” I pull back so that I can see his expression.

  His mischievous smile is back but it doesn’t reach all the way to his eyes.

  “What?” He replies with new alertness in his eyes. He turns his head over his shoulder and then looks back at me with a quizzical expression.

  I press the palm of my left hand to his heart stumbling over my next words.

  “That, the kiss...”

  Chuckling he grabs my chin between his thumb and forefinger tilting it towards him.

  “It was a thank you.”

  “If that’s how you say thank you, I might save your butt more often!”

  He presses his lips back to mine moving them as he does. “I like you, Cris.” And then he pulls away.

  I stare at him flabbergasted. I mean yeah, I guessed as much from the kiss, but I hadn’t actually entertained the idea that he might like me too.

  Riley is a player, maybe he is just taking advantage of the situation? I feel my eyes narrow at the thought but he doesn’t seem to notice as he continues.

  “I couldn’t say it before because I knew the Captain would never allow it, but I’ve always liked you and I don’t... You know how I am Cris so I understand if you have reservations but I care for you. I would gladly have let the gorgons kill me if I knew it was to save your life.”

  So that was what he was doing by giving in to Georgia?

  “I don’t have reservations,” I say too fast.

  I look down at the ground noticing my sword glinting up at me. Bending over I pick it up. The gorgon’s congealing blood has me feeling ill again.

  “I mean, I, that’s if you’re saying you want me too... and not just for one night...” I trail off.

  “I do Cris, you have no idea how badly I do.”

  He grabs hold of my hips and pulls me close. I jump up, wrapping my legs around his torso as my fingers run through his hair. There is a warm tingle travelling along my spine and I grin. He wants me! Riley actually wants to be with me. I think I am actually delirious with joy!

  The moment is over all too soon. My boots touch the ground and Riley scans the area around us sheepishly.

  “We should probably go rescue the Captain huh?”


  My heart is a cartoon anvil as my brain reacquaints itself with reality.

  Disentangling myself from Riley I press my clammy palms into my face and sweep them upwards, pushing my dark hair back.

  How could I have forgotten that the Captain is in danger!

  “I’m awful...”

  Riley grabs my hand. Squeezing it gently he tugs until I am dragging behind him as he marches towards a curve in the village.

  I stumble. “Where are we going?”

  Tightening his grip on my hand he looks back at me from over his shoulder. His eyes are anxious, darting back and forth and never pausing on mine for more than a second at a time.

  “Your friend went in this direction. I think it leads to where they were keeping us.”

  I nod following Riley. I don’t want to ask why he thinks it leads to where they'd been imprisoned because I am sure he'd been disorientated by the whole ordeal.

  Rounding the corner, the terrain changes to a stone pathway where tufts of grass and weeds with delicate yellow flowers thrive in the broken cracks.

  The road extends through an array of forgotten huts with missing doors, and windows and collapsed roofs. A muddy brown pathway juts off to the side with white sand pulling at its edges as if it is routinely swept.

  We step on to the path and through the wall of dark trees. The path leads to another clearing, only this one is covered in rust coloured sand and has three trap doors woven from decaying vines set in the dirt. Two of the three lie open.

  I peer down the first hole and shiver. The cavern is dark and smells like rotting fish.

  I step back, pulling my nose up and sucking in the jungle air. Riley crouches down at the far end of the clearing. The veins in his arms thick and dark blue as he pulls at a boulder resting on top of the last trapdoor.

  Rushing over I bend down and grip the smooth rock, my fingers slipping as we tug. The boulder shifts and we pull the door to the side.

  My body relaxing in relief when I see two figures moving below.

  Caiseal blinks up at me with dilated milky pupils. My rib cage tightens as Elvin drops his chin towards Riley. The Captain isn’t there.... Riley offers his hand to Elvin, who with an annoyed expression digs his right boot into the cold wall of earth and barrels up the side as if climbing up walls is something he does every day.

  I lean over the edge, wishing I had brought something to tie my hair up with as it starts to inhibit my vision.


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