House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians

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House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians Page 43

by Grove, Scarlett

  "What information?"

  "It's concerning the news about the vampires and dragons," Flora said.

  "What does my daughter have to do with that?" the woman asked, closing the door halfway.

  "We have reason to believe that she could help prevent a war," Penelope said.

  "Wait here," the woman, said shutting the door behind her.

  "If she doesn't come willingly, we she should just kidnap her," Flora said, giggling.

  "I can't believe you just said that," Penelope said. “You sure we got all that vampire blood out of you?”

  "I'm kidding. I'm the last person who would kidnap anybody.”

  "I hope so."

  A moment later a tall, curvaceous woman wearing a jean jacket and work boots opened the front door and looked at them questioningly.

  "My mother says that you think I can prevent a war?" Evangeline asked with a smirk.

  "Something like that," Penelope said.

  "I am going to be honest with you, Evangeline," Maia said. “There is a man we have reason to believe could be the love of your life. But right now, he's not in a very good place. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. And we believe that if he were to meet you, it could change everything."

  "You're going to have to give me a little bit more information than that.”

  "We're dragons," Maia said.

  "Oh my God, she told her," Penelope said, covering her mouth, her eyes going wide.


  "You do know that the vampires revealed our existence," Maia said.

  "As far as I know that's all a conspiracy theory. Are you a bunch of nuts from that crazy cult down the road? I've told you people a million times to stay off my land."

  "What is a cult?" Maia asked.

  "We aren’t part of the cult,” Penelope said. “Maia, why don't you just show her."

  "Right here on the front porch?"

  "You’ll have to back up into the driveway, so you don’t ruin her house," Flora said.

  "Good point," Penelope said.

  "All right then," Maia said, stepping down into the driveway. “I will show you that I am a dragon."

  Maia took a deep breath and transformed into her aqua blue dragon form. Evangeline went weak in the knees and nearly fell to the floor in shock. At the last second, she caught herself in the doorframe.

  "This must be a trick.”

  "It's not a trick."

  "Are you all dragons?" Evangeline asked.

  "No, we’re human. She's the only adult female dragon left in the universe," said Penelope.

  "I must be hallucinating." Evangeline shook her head in disbelief.

  Maia transformed back into a human and stepped up onto the porch again. “I implore you to come with us, Evangeline.”

  "We should just take her," Flora whispered.

  "Shut up Flora," Penelope said. “Your baby brain is making you crazy.”

  "We have mountains of gold," Maia said. “I can transfer it to you right now.”

  "Oh that's a great idea," Penelope said. “What is your bank information?"

  "I'm not giving you my bank information," Evangeline said.

  “Okay, your PayPal address?”

  Evangeline sputtered out her email address. Penelope tapped on the holographic screen from her wrist device while Evangeline stared at it with mystified expression on her face.

  "Is that some new kind of smartphone?" Evangeline asked.

  "It's advanced dragon technology," Penelope said, looking back up her. "Check your email."

  Evangeline pulled her smartphone out of her back pocket and slid her finger over the screen. A moment later, her mouth dropped open.

  "I transferred you… one million dollars," Penelope said, putting her pinky finger to the side of her mouth. Flora and Penelope snickered. Maia looked at them, confused.

  “A million dollars," Evangeline said. “How is this possible?”

  "We told you, we’re dragons from across the galaxy, and we have mountains of gold. We need you to come with us to meet your fated mate so that you can help us prevent a war."

  "Okay," Evangeline said, dumbfounded. “I'll come with you. This is probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But a million dollars cash can take care of my mother and son for the rest of their lives. And if you murder me, at least they’ll be taken care of.”

  "We don't want to murder you," Flora said. “We just really need you to come with us now."

  "I'm ready. Where's your car?”

  "About that,” Penelope start. “You're gonna have to ride on the back of a dragon while invisible.”

  "I hope you have a strong stomach,” Flora added.

  "I don't think I could get any more shocked today," Evangeline said, following them down into the driveway.

  Maia shifted into her dragon form. Flora and Penelope climbed on her back and Evangeline climbed on after. A moment later, Maia activated her stealth shields and launched them into the sky. She heard Evangeline scream, and Flora and Penelope alternately giggled and reprimanded each other for laughing.

  It only took a few more minutes to return to the House of Storms, where she landed on the same clearing and hurried through the cover of the forest to the edge of the compound.

  "What's happening?" Evangeline said as the dragon fire and lightning and torpedoes blasted across the sky.

  "We told you there was a war."

  "I guess you were telling the truth," Evangeline said.

  Flora and Penelope slid off Maia’s back as soon as she became visible. They helped the shaky Evangeline to the ground. Maia shifted back to her human form. Hanish’s dragon hurried toward them. Evangeline screamed and Hanish shifted into a man.

  "What are you all doing?" Hanish demanded.

  “We found her," Penelope said with a flourish.

  "This is the Prince of Tides’ mate," Flora finished for her.

  The twins stood on either side of Evangeline, motioning toward her as if they were displaying a prized donkey. All Maia could do was maintain hope that this was the answer they had all been waiting for.

  Chapter 19

  "Prince Current," Zephyr said through his wrist device. “We will surrender the Dragoness Prime if you bring the child down here."

  "You will send her up to me,” Current demanded

  "This is our only offer. Maia needs to know that her child is all right. You bring her down, personally, and we will surrender Maia.”

  "This is a trick."

  "You either want her or you don't. She's willing to go with you.”

  "I will go with you if you come here and show me Waverley is unharmed,” Maia said.

  "I can show her to you over holoscreen.”

  "I need to see her in person."

  "Very well then. I will be down shortly.”

  "What's going on?" Evangeline asked, cupping the mug of hot chocolate between her hands. The woman looked absolutely shaken. Zephyr couldn't believe that Flora, Penelope, and Maia had gone to find her without informing anyone. He never would have approved. But he realized that the women were stronger and more resourceful than any of them had imagined.

  "He's your soulmate," Flora said.

  "He’s the one who's been attacking you?"

  "Yeah," Penelope said. “But we're sure you’ll like him.”

  "Are you going to force me to go with this madman?" Evangeline began shaking.

  "No,” Flora said. “We just want him to get a whiff of you."

  "Literally,” Penelope added.

  "We think that'll fix his head.” Flora pointed at her temple.

  "Definitely.” Penelope nodded.

  The compound had stopped shaking from the attacks, and the assembled dragons waited patiently for Prince Current to arrive. Kian and Raiden were outside, prepared to escort Current into the house.

  There was a sharp knock at the door and then Kian stepped through. The next person to come through the door was a man Zephyr recognized from the meeting
of Princes. Prince Current held Waverley loosely on his hip. Maia jumped to her feet and ran to her child, gathering her in her arms.

  "You've seen the child is all right. Now come.”

  "You must meet a special guest before we go," Maia said, stepping aside so he could see and smell Evangeline.

  His eyes flicked over the human and his mouth dropped open. The previously stalwart and commanding woman blushed and batted her eyelashes upon seeing the handsome prince.

  "Prince Current of the House of Tides," Maia said. “May I introduce you to your fated mate, Evangeline Andrews.”

  "It can't be," he said, stumbling forward and holding himself up with the back of a chair.

  Evangeline cleared her throat and reached out to shake his hand. The Prince of Tides offered the wrong hand for a human handshake, so the two were instead holding hands. She blushed even harder, and he sat down in the chair to stare at her.

  "Get him a cup of hot chocolate," Penelope said.

  "Your name is Evangeline?" he asked.

  "Yes. And you're a dragon prince?"

  "Not anymore," Prince Mortar said, walking through the back door. “The Princes have made a decision: we will allow you to live and to court your fated mate, but you must step down from leadership of the House of Tides. Your men no longer want to follow you, and the other houses will not accept this type of behavior from one of our own. We have you surrounded. Surrender or die.”

  "Who will lead the House of Tides?" he asked.

  "The awakened dragons have voted, the unanimous decision was that the new leader of the House of Tides should be Maia, Dragoness Prime, and Duchess of the House of Tides.”

  "The Princess of Tides?" Maia said, placing her hand on her heart. “I hadn't expected this."

  "You are the next in line," Prince Mortar said. “And the greatest hero of our race.”

  “What shall I do?" she asked, looking confused.

  "You could start by finding a home for your house," Hanish suggested.

  "Yes… a home for our house. The place by the sea. Where all my children can play in the tide," she said.

  "Do you accept, Current?" Mortar asked.

  "I accept," Current said, still staring lovingly into Evangeline's eyes. "Will you be my mate?"

  Evangeline's mouth dropped, and she blinked several times from shock. Cato slapped him on the back and chuckled. “You've got a lot to learn about human mating customs. Lucky for you, I've got plenty of data for you to brush up on your dating etiquette."

  "Could you find my mate next?" Mortar asked.

  "We can," Penelope said, typing away at her computer.

  “And my brother?" Maia asked. “Where is he?”

  "I put him in a prison cell. But now that you are the leader of the house, you can free him yourself."

  "Will set you up in a nice one-bedroom apartment in the nearest town," Raiden suggested. “It'll be perfect for you."

  "And you can learn all about human courtship rituals," Zephyr said. “So that you don't scare the life out of your mate with your forwardness.”

  "I would like that,” Current said, not taking his eyes from Evangeline.

  "If you need gold," Maia said, “I can send it to you. But, as Prince Mortar said, you must step down peacefully and move on with your life."

  "I will. I'll do anything to get a chance to be with my mate."

  Penelope and Flora looked at each other and smirked, nodding once in agreement as if they had some kind of twin mental telepathy.

  "We knew it would fix him," Penelope said.

  "You weren't so sure about it, Penelope," Flora said.

  "I was too," Penelope objected.

  "What matters is that it did. And we are all safe together now and on the same team once again," Maia said.

  “That solves one problem," Zephyr said. “But according to the latest news feeds, the humans are on the brink of their own war."

  “We should let them know that we are here to help this world,” Hanish said.

  "Who should address the humans?" Zephyr asked. Everyone in the kitchen turned to looked at him. "I am not the one to do this.”

  "All you have to do is speak from your heart," Maia said.

  "From my heart?" Zephyr said, leaning against the kitchen island. "I think I can do that."

  "I have the mating analysis results for Zephyr Storm and Maia Tide," Azure said through the mental link. Maia and Zephyr looked at each other.

  "What is it?" he asked her.

  "The results are positive. You are fated mates."

  Maia threw herself into Zephyr's arms, and he held her soft body against his. It was the most satisfying moment of his life. His darling, his sweetheart, was truly his, and now they could be together without a shred of doubt.

  "Schedule a press conference for the morning." Zephyr said. "By then I will know exactly what to say."

  Chapter 20

  Zephyr and Maia took Waverley in the shuttle up to House of Tides’ ship. They waited as the airlocks opened and closed around them. When door to the shuttle swished open, she was greeted by her crew. The faces of the men of her house beamed with excitement and adoration.

  "Princess," they said, bowing before her.

  Maia looked around at their bowed heads in appreciation of their love for her. She reached out and touched her first Lieutenant on the shoulder.

  He stood and placed his hand on his heart. "We had no idea you were still alive. Current told us the House of Storms had kidnapped Waverley, so we followed him in the attack. Please forgive us.”

  "There is nothing to forgive, my friends. I hold no resentment to any of you.” She looked around. “Where is my brother?”

  "He is in the brig," said a big warrior.

  Maia breezed down the hall to the ship’s prison. The door swished open and she stepped inside. She found her brother locked in a cell behind soundproof glass. He stood, his eyes locking with hers. He mouthed her name and placed his hand against the glass. He wore a tortured expression and tears glistened in his eyes. Maia held Waverley close, her daughter’s familiar weight a great comfort to her. Her brother glanced down at the baby and his eyes quivered, releasing the tears to stream down his face. He mouthed the words, “I'm so sorry.” His head cast downward, he covered his face with his hand.

  "Release him," Maia said.

  "Yes, Princess," her first Lieutenant said.

  He slid his finger over the control panel and the door to the brig whooshed open. Her brother gasped and hurried out, falling to his knees before her. Maia reached down and took his hand, lifting him up to stand. She wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged him close.

  "Dear brother."

  "How can you forgive me, Maia? I have done an unforgivable thing.”

  "I could hate you for what you’ve done. But I know it was done out of love.”

  "He said he would kill you both."

  "Your greatest sin is fear, my brother. I only wish to help you have more courage and more belief in the power of you own heart. If I wish to teach you that, I cannot punish you for what you've done."

  "Oh Maia," he said, lifting her hand to kiss the backs of her knuckles. "You are truly a great princess; wise and strong. We are lucky to have you as the leader of our house. And who is this?" He looked at Zephyr.

  "This man is my mate. Science Officer Zephyr of the House of Storms. Tonight, I am taking control of this ship. Brother, I would like you to retire to your rooms for quiet contemplation. Heed closely my words to you today: fortify your heart with strength. I believe you will one day become a brave and powerful man," she said, placing her hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes.

  "Thank you, Maia. I won't disappoint you.”

  "I know you won't,” she said, nodding at him. He took a deep breath and kissed her cheek before striding out the door.

  "The brig isn't the most appropriate place for our claiming day celebration, is it, my beloved mate?" she said, turning to Zephyr and cupping his face in her h

  "I think your chambers may be a better place for that.” He kissed her hand.

  They strode down the hall to her new rooms. The captain’s quarters had been prepared for her. She placed her babe in a crib in the adjacent nursery and fortified the doors. Maia knew there was no reason to fear anyone or anything anymore. But for now, she wanted to take every precaution for her child. Maia and Zephyr slipped from the nursery, into their private chambers.

  Zephyr took her hand in both of his and lifted it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles one by one. His eyes pressed closed as he drank in the scent and the feeling of her. Her whole body relaxed as the sensual pleasure of her lover’s kiss tingled against her skin. She stepped into his arms and wrapped hers around his neck, gazing into his eyes.

  "The great Dragoness Prime, and now Princess of the House of Tides. Goddess among the Dragonians. Tonight you will become mine, now and forever.” He tilted her face up to his, pressing his lips gentle but firm to her mouth. Maia let out a shuddering breath, squeezing her eyes closed as the emotion welled inside her. They had been through so much, overcome so much, and now they could finally be together.

  "My beloved," she breathed.

  He lifted her, cradling her in his arms, and carried her across the room. He laid her on the big, soft captain’s bed. As he pressed his hardness between her legs, they kissed slow and passionate, the stress of the day evident in their tempered passions. All the strain just made it that much sweeter to be together now. He slid his hand up her leg and under her dress.

  Caressing her thigh as he pulled it up around his waist, he slid his erection over her damp core. Their kisses were slow and insistent, and Maia came quickly to the brink of release. She was so overcome with gratitude that the tears of joy slid down her face in appreciation for her beautiful lover.

  "My Princess," he whispered as he kissed her, slipping her out of her clothes.

  His tongue slid over her body. The slow, smooth, sensuality of his movements pulled her into a hypnotic trance. He kissed her abdomen and the mound of her sex as his hands gently grasped her breasts. His tongue flicked her sex and pressed through the outer folds and over her pleasure bud. He lapped at her body, languid and loving, as the flat of his tongue wriggled over her desire.


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