Ethereal Ascendant

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Ethereal Ascendant Page 6

by Luke DeSalvo

  “Get away from her!” An unholy shriek came from the crash site, it was too low to be normal and the voice carried louder than the elf speech.

  The demon sprouted out of the vehicle, tearing the device into two, with sharp midnight claws as big as a bear's paw. It was wet, a sticky corrosion protruded from his black physique body, with black tattered wings, red eyes of hate, long thick dark hair with yellow tinted horns commanded high above the traumatic sight.

  “It's them,” A knight elf commander inquired, welding shield and sword for combat, red heavy plated armor, and his amethyst crystal necklace completed the attire with confidence that was undoubted.

  The dark being moved swiftly with a terrorized cry, slashing the first Amethyst Divine agent standing in his way into three pieces with precise quickened strikes. The next elf met a similar fate and he too was torn to bits.

  Arrows were shot, spells cast of both lightning and flame, dazzling as fireworks targeted at the unholy being, who vanished, to reappear from behind of its enemies and repeated the killing process. The onslaught continued leaving a shuddering Aurora hiding behind a lose tire, praying for any safety for her soul.

  “Not again,” She whimpered, then held her mouth tightly, hoping that this quiet state was not an honest persuasion to destruction from the dark and terrible ancient demon.

  When it was done, a mountain of corpses arose, and there lay only one warrior in red left standing with the original sword and shield, battling on the demon, with faster than sound slashes. However, it was if each attack was a sheer mockery of what the dark Ildarachi could do and the demon battled on. The elf commander too was fast, commanding Mana in an instant a holy spell was cast. A divine aura was sent around the knight and he began to glow, pale armor shining to a sun's orange hue. The demon Ildarachi took two slithering steps backwards and shielded its eyes from the blinding surge of energy called back briefly into agony.

  “I will get you one day, wraith!” The elf spat, “Mark your words, the seventh season is ours for the taking.”

  The Amethyst Divine soldier left in a hurry, retreating faster than the physically norm, climbing a mountain for safety.

  How many died that night? Aurora was uncertain. She peered at the many bodies Ildarachi's had left mangled in strands. The man she loved return sharply in his original form in an instant, leaving him in rather usual professional attire, with an overcoat and long uncombed hair, blowing in the wind, the scent of death upon flapping exchange.

  “Il!” Aurora croaked in cry.

  She could not believe herself, behind a wheel and safe from harm from that nightmare. Even the battle hardened could sense death in the making from such a dangerous being. Ildarachi stood still, breathing heavily, heart pounding but slowly turning to notice her. One iris gleamed red, as he eyed Aurora. She stiffened, even as standing to greet the man now.

  “I think I might be able to control my mind during the possession,” Ildarachi spoke with a reassuring voice.

  “I must control it,” he added.

  “C'mon, Il!” Aurora cried, “Let's get out of here! It's not safe.” she embraced him then, praying secretly inside that the Ildarachi she knew, and love was still around her fingers.

  He held onto Aurora for several moments, tenderly caressing her auburn curls. A misfortune was besought, a massacre beyond doubt, had been taken place and this was not the time to be here, Jason carefully reminded himself. He pulled out of the hug and reached around her Aurora's shoulders. Eyes studied into each other, his once crimson pupil turned to its original dark brown hue.

  “We take what we can and leave now,” He said with a nod.

  They departed with rations to last a week along with bandages and departed into the cavern with great haste. Upon entry of the well-lit tunnel, Ildarachi turned to regard his loved one

  “Let's just hope we don't run into the Amethyst Knight again.” He said hurriedly and led the way through the tunnel, the ancient passageway that led to Thyne.

  Chapter 6

  “One cannot simply perceive without the envisioning of listening. Hear the code of God. It’s always there. In that regard, everything is language, meant to shape awareness and lack thereof.”

  Jason Ildarachi

  High Summoner of Silver Aura

  Suzette's inauguration day had come and ended in a flash. A new day arose, shining pale light unto the castle's fortress. The lilac colored drapes catching the light, flowing with the spring breeze bringing smells of fresh flowers from the gardens below.

  The newly appointed guardian was mulling around quietly among her chambers that were covered with art work of lavenders with bees arranged nesting in their flowery grasp, a wardrobe was fit the premises and a bookshelf full of magazines along with war tactic lectures.

  Suzette stared over the books for a long time musing over her very own hardships that took place to bring forth a day such as this one. The gruesome training, nagging orders, the war of the south and the death of her own master was complimented on her personal resume where she was left questioning herself during these final hours before massive surgery would commence.

  Was it worth it? She asked herself quietly.

  There was a harsh pause as she saw the Zeno in his final moments that flashed into her mind. The legend of the seven seized her very being making her gasp for air. Turning from the horror, she looked at her hardened face to the mirror, the latest and upcoming ritual and regained focus, breathing sharply.

  “Yes,” She finally stated

  She reminded herself that this was her last day in this body, the foreign and unknown lurked in her thoughts and it was time to silence them, by simply obeying. After all, longevity for all Thyne beats living in the ordinary. There were endless opportunities to come with this last and final ordeal. She was royalty, she would be considered empress and a goddess one day.

  She certainly lived like one last night, she turned her thoughts to the last eve's ceremony. The day started slow, with a select few guardians still in the kingdom, the newly appointed senate and house, nobles and generals, including her father all waited in the castle for her. Even the emperor himself, Taladori Nai’sen spoke upon her behalf on the opening stage as she was introduced to the elite among the nation.

  She wore a white gown of elegance, flashing lip stick and the foreign jewels around her neck. A stunning image that seemed more than fit for such an excellent rank of brigade. Her looks were forgotten until such a time, where she felt as noble as a princess now, and still not far from such delicacy.

  The ceremony was held as a private audience, by no means were the public even aware of such audacity of a hybrid genetic altered soldier. The civilians had no clue as they attended their own festivities outside the kingdom, everyone at the event were sworn an oath of secrecy. In the outside world no one knew about the act of Guardians besides perhaps a few agents of Golden Hearts and even that was just a maybe to Suzette’s knowledge.

  After a long series of traditions, the party broke loose into laughter and song, the night broke out. Already deemed a hero, Suzette sipped on wine and was congratulated often after the ceremony, feeling as welcomed as possible.

  Sobriety was of no concern, instead she drank in big gulps, and teased the crowd to her flirtatious advantage. Suzette had always loved small talk, and even though single and career driven, even she liked to let loose occasionally.

  Even so, her father Adama Monroe, displayed his young daughter off as a medal and even made small military combat suggestions among the other nobles on the war of the south. Commander Mallerd was never far from her side either, attempting to coax her into comforting and he too showing off the prize.

  Suzette even danced that night, briefly, and her heart seemed to burst as she was never too use to the act, growing up as a military brat.

  And now, all this was gone.

  She smiled at the mirror, no makeup now, just a gray green gown suited for the operation. She looked at the clock reading 7 AM and decided to hurr
y along, hesitation, meant failure. She hurriedly left her chambers to be barefoot on the cold marble tiles of the castle.

  Portraits of long battles and history covered a thousand years of trial and tribulation of the vast and hopefully expanding kingdom. Columns were made of the last remaining gold that had dragons shifting about their way.

  A few handmaidens were addressing a room not far across the hallway.

  Suzette felt naked without her armor and felt inferior in her plain dress. What would they think of such peasant belongings? She reminded herself that they were sworn servants that kept even the lewdest noble scandals at bay. She was sure that even in this attire they would mind their own beings. She continued her journey, not meeting eyes with anyone, so unlike yesterday.

  Before long she landed herself right in the royal laboratory. Scientists were before them, writing notes on charts, experimenting with unknown vials and chemicals. No one said a word, this time to Suzette's liking, and she simply escaped next to her own operating room waiting before her. She knocked twice, and the door opened to greet her.

  “Ah, you're early!” The doctor exclaimed. Shenadale appeared moved by her approach. Some Guardians assumed not to take the operation and were disbanded all entirely.

  General Mallerd was beside the doctor looking at the computing device a second longer before gaining her attention.

  Suzette gave a salute and Mallerd nodded.

  “We're all set for you, actually,” Shenadale pressed a button on the module.

  “Please take a seat on the table over there.”

  Suzette complied and did so, sitting on an operating table while feeling a sick wave overtake her as she saw a syringe in Shenadale's grasp.

  Pharmaceuticals!? She cried.

  “Don't be frightened,” The doctor exclaimed. “It's the only aspect you will relatively feel,” he said eyeing her carefully.

  Suzette gulped and nodded, ready for further instruction.

  “This syringe will be going into your pineal gland, right in the center of your brain, producing a vast chain reaction of DMT required for the rest of the operation,” He paused for effect, “It will put you sleepless while we work on your muscle configuration,”

  “How long will I be out for?” Suzette reluctantly asked.

  “About a week.”

  She fumbled across the odds of the procedure.

  “You will dream,” Mallerd stated, almost as if it were a command.

  “You will see the future! With all in it for a moment's notice, then forget until the time being for your destiny to align to its higher power. Isn't this correct general?”

  Mallerd simply nodded in response.

  “Marvelous abilities await you, supersonic listening capabilities, smell, sight, all drastic improvements,” The doctor began.

  “Along with superhuman strength, vast cognitive function, swifter movements, regeneration and supreme magical resistance,” The general finished in a dark voice.

  “The perfect weapon!” Shenadale exclaimed.

  Suzette smiled, a bit of relief, before exchanging looks to the two of them.

  “Anything else I should be made privy to?” She questioned with her famous crooked smile.

  “After the initial incision, you will begin to hallucinate, be conscious of this if you can please,” Shenadale said quietly.

  “Are you ready to endure?” The General asked in all seriousness.

  “Yes, sir!” Suzette managed an automatic response.

  The two males nodded at each other, Shenadale practically smiling while the General looking a bit grimmer.

  “Lay down,” ordered the doctor.

  She obeyed, lying flat on her back as she was shackled by her superior commander to the table. It was strange, the chill grasp of the steel bars felt hard against her weighted body.

  Shenadale paced his way behind her, he began marking the top of her head with a thick pen, angling a device to do so. When the mark was complete, silence stirred as the shuffling of a syringe came about.

  “Now,” Shenadale exclaimed, “Breath deep.”

  Suzette let in a gulp of air as a staggering force bit into her head, screaming pain erupted throughout her entire body.

  It was hot, like a fire burning through her spine and all her nerve endings, sending a yell that reached to the top her lungs for an agonizing second that felt as if a lifetime of pain had consumed her.

  She stopped her screaming only to find a little girl in a dirty white dress, that appeared next to her sitting, levitating above her. The child smiled and winked at her examining Suzette’s torture.

  “Who are you?” Suzette questioned the little girl, gritting her teeth from the everlasting pain.

  The girl swam over to her and placed a cool hand on the head of Suzette.

  “I’m Lulali,” The child whispered. “And I have chosen you as Guardian over me. You will bring the seventh season into play.” She then floated closer to the door ignoring Mallerd who seemed to be hawking over her, but he said nothing.

  “Call me Lula,” the little girl said floating back extending her hand, when Suzette did not, could not respond she slipped her tiny hands into the cuffed hand of Suzette.

  “Pleased to meet you!”

  There was a roar that shook the entire room where lights flickered on and off. The doctor raced his procedure even faster and the Guardian Mallerd stood drawing his sword.

  “Oh bother,” Lulali muttered unshackling Suzette slowly. “He’s here already.”

  The guardian under trial wanted to touch the little girl, but before she could lift her chained hand, another roar erupted, and a dragon came snarling in the room, tearing everything into pieces including the doctor and general. The room in shambles sat high in the night sky overlooking the city.

  Suzette screamed even louder as the lizard-like eyes dove deep into her. Outside the room was an array of a star lit night that peeped through the walls and between the cracked and tarnished floors.

  For a second, Suzette gaze was torn below her bed as she turned into panic to see two armies clashing over what appeared to be a portal, rare and forbidden magic. The dragon licked his lips and flew down to that portal killing with his fiery breath all along the way.

  Then, a young man flew upwards to meet Suzette, he wore a wide brimmed hat, blue breastplate and black cloak. They met, where he cut off the remaining shackle that embraced the helpless woman then had Suzette sitting straight on the table, and the young man kissed her softly.

  Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, weakened to the kiss where she regained her bearing from laughter.

  It was Lulali who was clutching her stomach from sheer pleasure of amusement.

  “You made it, Codi!” She declared floating closer to him.

  “Yes.” He replied. “But, we have to make it out of here.”

  Codiac then smiled and took hold of Suzette and flew in space with her until they landed on a tall skyscraper overlooking the battle. Suzette was let down on her feet on the roof and stared down at the spectacle.

  “What is all this?” Suzette asked in wonder.

  The dragon was burning his victims, and many were slaughtered through his claws. Still the portal gleamed indigo and all the brighter with every kill.

  It was Codiac’s turn to look at the frightened Suzette, only he looked sorrowful, and mad.

  “Why did you do it!?” He cried.

  Suzette pondered softly at this notion and decided that she had no clue what he was talking about.

  “You could have lived a normal life without the curse of the Guardian!”

  Codiac seemed as if he were about to cry.

  “There, there, Codi.” It was Lulali who floated ever closer in between the two.

  “Both of you must work hard together to make certain I can exist and can pave the way!” The little girl exclaimed.

  “Aye,” The young man replied, wiping his face. He then looked at Suzette and grabbed a hold of her hands. “Don’t forget
about me or your promise when you wake, okay?”

  Suzette felt like crying, such wonderous sights and this young man felt so near to her, how could she ever forget these two entrancing figures?

  “I won’t!” She declared and the two embraced.

  The moon began to shimmer brightly before them as if reacting to their love.

  “He’s coming back!” Lulali warned.

  Then came the dragon hovering over the trio. His lizard eyes piercing them with hate, wings flapping with might as he soared above.

  “Xy’lthos!” Codiac cried as the dragon made one passing.

  “He’s been after me for centuries!” Lulali exclaimed.

  “Puny human scum, I shall destroy you before you ever have the chance to be born!” The dragon warned as fire began trickling from his mouth.

  “Lulali! Do something!” Codiac screamed as he drew his beam saber once again.

  The little girl complied and flew high above them to meet the dragon head on.

  “Beast!” She called. “I am Lulali, onto ancient past I rest my domain. From Manbereth, the waters of Glaide, Pits of Golumgatha, to the crystals of Nosta, they all hear my plea. I am a god, you shall not come any closer!”

  Then a whirlwind sprouted from Lulali’s body, it was a tornado over furious proportions that dismantled the skyscraper with ease, sending it shambling to the ground. Suzette and Codiac where caught in the winds twirling round and round screaming to the top of their lungs. The force was so powerful that it darkened the sky and let thunder escape from its wrath.

  They could hear the dragons roar over the winds, with Lulali mimicking him with her own cry.

  Finally, after many heart thudding moments the spinning stopped leaving Suzette opening her eyes.

  She could not believe what she was seeing. She lay on sand with a Codiac adjusting his hat, they were on a beach where coconut trees guarded them from the dense jungles and mountains in furthers reach. They sat next to a stone cobbled well that was in the grass behind them. Suzette looked out farther, looking farther to see the sky that was vanilla with creamy clouds with a crystal blue ocean that spread out endlessly before them.


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