Ethereal Ascendant

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Ethereal Ascendant Page 10

by Luke DeSalvo

With the motivation reached, Codiac stood up shaking off the recent event and put on his armor in a hurried rush.

  “Thanks man,” he said to Kaeltrys while doing so.

  The archmagician simply nodded and turned his direction towards Suzette.

  “We're surrounded,” He replied flatly

  Codiac cursed as he summoned Alexandra, glowing green throughout the room. The weapon shocked Suzette, but only briefly as she regarded the two companions.

  “We have to locate Aurora and Ildarachi immediately,” She said, briefing them.

  “With all due respect, my lady,” Codiac grinned. “I believe we're already screwed before the mission even started.”

  A scream pierced their ears, so loud it threatened to consume their sanity. It stopped as quickly as it begun in a loud and abrupt halt.

  With no further comments the three stormed out of the inn to find that the once charming streets were shrouded by moonlight, illuminating fear, revealing creatures that shown no mercy.

  Skeletal warriors, ordained with heavy equipment and bows, staves, pitchforks, scurried the streets in a hurry, knocking on doors then moving on as the spell seals warded them at bay.

  The undead found themselves at every hallway and corner of the once enchanting town and they were pillaging what they could find by shattering windows and looting buildings with no defenses. Their attention was first not focused on the three, but as they shifted outside, further in the plaza away from the villagers.

  It was dark, with only Codiac's sword to guide them, the three quickly dispatched two skeletons with their swords and continued in a half sneak, half full assault fashion. Kaeltrys followed closely behind.

  With no clue of where their companions were, the battle gradually picked up. Fire balls, both lightning and flame alike attacked the dark beings in constant manner and before anyone knew it a war had commenced where Suzette and Codiac acted duo in lead, where the arch mage was behind, killing by the dozens in harsh fought anguished moments.

  The swarm seemed endless.

  “Aurora!” Suzette cried, parrying a blow of a chef's night with her deadly blade, killing the foul creature next.

  “Shytus Nataitus!” A voice boomed overhead, stopping the skeletal creature’s dead in their tracks.

  The animated corpses came to a pause and the companions carefully regarded them.

  Without further notice, the plaza was parted of its ghouls leaving the three tired and out of breath.

  “We have to find them,” Suzette gulped out a deep breath of fresh air.

  Codiac nodded and they made their way further in the town, following the undead to another courtyard entangled with vines, fear haunting every footstep. They kept their distance hoping there would be no further ambush.

  At the center of the court, the skeletal beings were centered on a single stage where sat Aurora comfortably on stone steps of an open granite building. Above Aurora were two dark figures both entrancing in every way. One being, with yellow pierced horns and was thick with unknown humanlike muscle, the other a dark robed figure. Each speaking silently through thoughts, yet their whispers seems to come alive in the audience's mind.

  “A Specter!” Codiac said in awe. “And the other must be…” He paused an remembered the notes. “Ildarachi!” the comment seemed to stir up the enchantress back to a standing position.

  “Yes, Codiac,” Aurora stated. “and the Shade of the forest is none too happy with us.”

  The demon known as Ildarachi turned around to give Codiac a horrid red gaze. They both stared in acknowledgment before he transformed, darkness fluttering out of him into a human self.

  He appeared tired, eyes swollen, but stood tall, breathing heavily from his mutation.

  No one said a word to Jason, all too stunned to say anything, but the specter seemed to bow at his presence.

  “Ildarachi, it is you!” The hooded figure exclaimed in a sinister voice. “Se’in blaunkto bow,” The specter said with a salute.

  Jason smiled at the remark and gave Aurora a thoughtful embrace.

  “We’ve gained passage,” He called, after parting from her.

  “Se’in no truast theyim,” The dark being added in a voice horrific to withstand.

  “What does that mean?” Suzette stood gazed in awe at the giant horde around her.

  “Don’t wander from the path while I’m awake,” Ildarachi stated at last.

  “Agreed,” Codiac stated sharply, feeling an urgency of fear take hold of them.

  The party all stood transfixed on the situation, eyes stared at the specter only to fleet from its sight.

  “I don't like it,” Suzette took a closer examination at the crew and their capabilities. Certainly, surprised by all their actions. Codiac was powerful and sincere, Kaeltrys deadly, and the two from Silver Aura, unreal. Doing a mere science project in the most haunted place was unimaginable and it was costly, but may have bought them a way in.

  Suzette thought of her own deadly body and turned her mind to the basics. The mission needed to be put into consideration, in the end, no matter how gruesome the attack of one village, this was the only way to pass through the forest. She began to be a true believer of the curse that day.

  “We leave now!” Suzette commanded. “Gather our supplies!”

  The bunch followed the Guardian, with exchange smiles and glances at both Aurora and Ildarachi. The Golden Hearts operatives lingered behind, following slowly.

  “Do you think the scion knew about this?” Kaeltrys asked Codiac as they parted.

  “I mean surely, we wouldn’t have survived this place without those two.”

  Codiac scratched at his chin.

  “The scion, eh?” he replied with a hunger in his eyes.

  “I wonder what she hides,” Codiac exclaimed to the night.

  “We’ve been forbidden contact from her until now. Our deeds in the astral mustn’t have gone by unnoticed. However, these two hold keys that I was unaware of. I don’t like it.” Codiac finished.

  “For now, keep your curiosities at bay,” Kaeltrys replied.

  “Indeed.” Codiac said. “Just for a little while.”

  Suzette turned to the Golden Hearts members as the horde of undead dissipated to the recesses of the forest.

  “You coming!?” She called.

  “Damn, I’m tired,” Codiac muttered.


  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Codiac and Kaeltrys took their leave and departed to the inn to gather their supplies and belongings. It would be a long trip through the forest. It stretched on, haunted and right now seemed like the last place on Systralas that they wanted to be in. Still they continued.

  Chapter 14

  “Dream casting is a forbidden art left for nobles and hierarchies demanding to control the Astral for themselves and all that it inhibits. A monopoly of greed, propaganda, genie is at stake here. As well as the control of all Systralas’ inwards.”

  Kaeltrys Zalanga

  Archmagician of Golden Hearts

  Codiac awoke into a heaven, his whereabouts clouded by the vast forest around him. It seemed to be the Vael, but there were no mountains to behold, only trees that hung with red hibiscus flowers that bloomed in the trees before him. There was a mist that clung to the nostrils while his boots were drenched with the watery dew on the grass below.

  Intrigued, the young captain began walking for what seemed like hours alone, in the dream world, until he reached a small hill with a cherry blossom tree, it’s pink pedals flowing with the wind in delight and splendor. Under that tree sat Kaeltrys who was studying a book intently. He noticed Codiac approaching shut the book and stood on the occasion.

  “Are you sure you want to take this risk?” Kaeltrys said on arrival.

  The sky turned dark and thousands of stars lit up the sky. It was a mystical sight of emotion that seemed to leap out from the two.

  “I have to,” The young man simply stated.

  “We aren’t registered!
” Kaeltrys exclaimed. “She could have you killed!”

  “I doubt it,” Codiac replied. “As careful as I have been roaming my unconscious, there’s still a chance that she already knows about me,” He said licking his lips. “And you,” He added.

  “Then take me with you, master,” Kaeltrys responded.

  Codiac raised his hands in defense.

  “Now, let’s not be too hasty. I said might, if one of us are to go, let it be me. Only one of us should feel the pain of death for this treason. Plus, you’re handier in battle than I am.”

  Kaeltrys bit his lip, then nodded.

  “As you say,” He said. “Do be careful though.”

  “You worry too much Kaeltrys, the scion is hiding something that must be made into the light.” Codiac paced his way towards the cherry blossom tree and went around the base twice ending his march with a whistle.

  “This will do,” He said, placing his hand on the bark.

  “Then, I shall take my leave,” Kaeltrys said.

  “Yes,” Codiac replied.

  With that, a whisper sounded in the knight captain’s ear from the sudden harsh wind.


  Codiac turned to regard his companion. “Did you hear…” It was too late Kaeltrys had disappeared.

  “…That,” Codiac finished, then smiled to himself.

  “Oh boy, here we go,” He muttered, feeling the bark of the tree.

  He then willed his palm to go through the trunk, feeling a magical warmth in his body. He pressed harder and harder, sinking through the tree into another dimension.

  In this new world, in the land of dreams, was a platform of stairs, shimmering white amongst the starry night. Seven moons all in different aura of color spread overhead, with the sun shifting underneath him.

  The young man began making his ascent up the steps, feeling fear for this first time in a long while.

  So, this is her domain, Codiac thought to himself, climbing further for what seemed like an eternity. With reluctance, he made his way to the top, where now he was upon a silver moon with a single doorway. Nearby the entrance, stood an angel guarding the entrance with a flaming sword. The angel had white wings, a male that had a body seemed to glow gold with his eyes, and hair that was crystal white.

  “State your business!” The angel boomed.

  “Pardon the intrusion,” Codiac replied coughing in total fear. “I’m here to see the scion. I hear she’s in town,” He joked. The young man noticed that whenever he was nervous, he would try to lighten the mood. The only question was, did it work this time?

  “There’s a price to pay,” The angel drew flaming sword out of thin air and placed it high above his head.

  “And what’s that?” Codiac asked, shaking slightly at the crackling of fire, feeling the heat and trying the best to show no distress.

  The guardian angel then moved the sword and placed it over his chest.

  “You name!” The being shouted.

  Codiac was afraid of this, if the scion did not have a name to the face, she could not order a death warrant to the individual. This was a sacred act, that took scion tutelage alone, not an outlaw like Codiac. The young man gulped, feeling sweat drip from his forehead. He had no other choice.

  “Codiac Dalin,” He stated, with immediate regret.

  The angel paused and smiled, the white doors behind him parted.

  “Enter,” The angel said quietly this time.

  “Thank you,” Codiac muttered before taking his leave.

  He entered a chamber full of bright light, with gleaming pillars and a white marbled throne. At the seat in the center of the room sat the scion, Clairvona Aya with her white crown standing at least a foot high, with sharp edges over her head. At the throne’s base sat two white lions who were sound asleep until his entry. They then stood and began to growl.

  “I’ve been expecting you, Codi, Lulali has told me so much about you and your adventures,” The scion mused in cross legged position on her seat.

  “Clairvona,” Codiac stated with a bow. “You’ve heard from her?” Codiac dared ask.

  Sleet paused at this, twisting her fingers along her hair, smiling saying nothing.

  “Not recently. Her disappearance is frightening. She must be coming into existence. Her heresy seems to guide us all,” She said still twirling her hair. “You should know this about now.”

  “Call me, Sleet by the way,” She continued with a smile, the scion then stood and patted one of the lion’s mane, who disregarded the intrusion and went back to sleep, the other joining shortly afterwards.

  “You shouldn’t be here!” She said, eyes burrowed in what looked like concern.

  “I know,” Codiac stated. “I hope you don’t kill me for something as meager as this.”

  “Not yet,” The scion replied with a smile.

  “I am currently on mission with you as a supposed chosen one for the seventh season,” Codiac said, ignoring the last comment. “My comrades and I are in the Vael Forest, on our way to your location.”

  “And that made you want to stop here beforehand?” Sleet asked, still pacing.

  “Well, there’s something to do with my crew. You see we have this zodiac with us that has taken a hold of Ildarachi, he’s charmed the undead into doing no harm to us. I don’t know how you predicted this, but he’s important somehow, isn’t he?”

  “He’s the one that will either bring death to us all,” She said walking closer. “Or bring us the beloved seventh season that we all strive for. Already we have his seed coming to aid us.”

  “Lulali…” Codiac whispered.

  “And you all have destinies along with it too,” She added now standing in front of him. She cupped his cheeks with her palms.

  “What of the portal I dreamt of she showed it to me?” Codiac asked suddenly

  “You shouldn’t be here!” Sleet exclaimed, giving her head a little shake before dropping her hands and parting from him.

  “Amethyst is probably listening as we speak, let’s make this quick,” she said making her way back to her throne and sat down cross legged once again.

  “What is Amethyst Divine actually doing?” Codiac began, pacing closer towards her.

  “They have the portal, the dragon, the antidote. All the necessary pieces of the puzzle save for the one known as Ildarachi,” Sleet paused and leaned forward.

  “Why are you really here?” She asked.

  “Well, I…” Codiac began before Sleet raised a finger.

  “Look down,” She stated.

  Codiac obeyed to find a pool of water that was not there before, in front of him. It was deep, making an arena in the center of the chamber. His feet began to be washed by the magical essence of the miniature pond and Codiac could not help but gasp with pleasure at the feeling of the cool touch.

  “Gaze deep within the well of dreams,” She ordered.

  The young knight captain turned towards Sleet’s questioningly gaze before she pointed at the pools around his feet, he then obeyed and looked down, at first dismayed seeing noting but crystal blue water he waited but still nothing. Codiac then looked up to find Sleet still pointing at the pool. When he returned his gaze this time, the waters began to ripple, to show a form in gray armor and beautiful shoulder length blonde hair.

  “Suzette!” Codiac gasped.

  He saw the guardian’s image clearly now and the young girl smiled a crooked smile.

  “Go to her!” Sleet commanded.

  “What!?” Codiac replied looking up again.

  Suddenly, the pool turned into a watery hand and grasped itself onto the young knight captain. He screamed as he was dragged down deep below the water’s surface. Diving deep below, hundreds of feet.

  Everything went dark, and he felt his feet hit solidity again. Nothing accompanied Codiac but the swirling waves underneath him while his body was encompassed by stone slabs that surrounded him.

  It was a well, that he stood in he noted, and his heart rang in joy. Could he
have finally made it back to the beautiful ocean? To the secret place Lulali had shown him all that time ago?

  Outside of the well, Codiac could hear crying, it was heart wrenching, the young man frowned at this, wondering if it truly were Suzette, it seemed so unbecoming of her to show so much emotion.

  Giving his feet the will, the young knight floated to the starry night just beyond the structure. When he exited the well, he found himself on the island Lulali had showed him. The mountains were dark now, with the palm trees gently swaying in the night sky. The beach appeared to be glowing underneath the moonlight that was overlooking the ocean and the clouded night sky.

  He then identified the crying object as Suzette who was holding a dead body wearing the similar gray armor she carried. It seemed to be of an old man with a very long beard and a pierced heart where blood flowed freely.

  “Zeno!” She cried, clutching the body closer to her chest.

  The sobs continued.

  “Why did you have to do it!?” She questioned, she looked up to scream, only to pause over a floating Codiac.

  Codiac smiled at her.

  “Death comes to us all, does it not?” He asked her suddenly, floating down next to her. The sand was soft and inviting, he sat crossed legged and put his arm around her, ignoring the dead body. There was nothing but the clearing of a throat as she allowed him to do so.

  “He knew he was training a chosen one,” Codiac said at last. “I know that much to be certain. A good man that wished nothing but his student to thrive.”

  “What does that mean?” Suzette asked clearing her eyes. “How do I know that I will bring forth the seventh season? Why me!?”

  Her sobs continued, leaving Codiac to pay her back, saying nothing while doing so.

  You will know! An old man’s voice.

  “Zeno!” She cried.

  The body in the Guardian’s arms began to slowly disappear at this act, turning translucent before fading to the wind. Shocked Suzette stood up.

  “Zeno!” She called. “Don’t leave me!”

  Codiac arose for the occasion.

  “Don’t miss him! He will always be with you!”

  Suzette began crying suddenly, her tears mixed with the sounds of the lapping waves in the distance.


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