Be Careful What You Wish For

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Be Careful What You Wish For Page 3

by Notabot

  My skin flushed. A…pregnancy pact? I mean, I’d heard of those in one school or two but I never thought it would actually happen here. It’s an urban myth. That sort of thing.

  “As educators, it is our job to help guide the development of young people and we would hope we have made it clear through our health classes and through our instruction that teenage pregnancy is a serious problem and no one should actively want to put themselves in that position. You are risking your health, your education, and potentially your future children.”

  Now the room was really bustling with noise. The teachers were having no luck in settling people down. Meanwhile, my heart was racing. Could I be sharing my school with pregnant students? Lots of them?

  “We have contacted all of your parents and guardians to ask them to talk to you about this matter,” the school head continued. “As such, the rest of the school day is adjourned. If you do know that you are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant, our school nurses will be here for the rest of the day to check up on you. That’s all.”

  The auditorium slowly cleared. I checked the faces of the other students. Some of the girls looked nervous, some were laughing. Just how many people were in on this planned pregnancy? Could I have said “this planned parenthood” instead? Sure, that would have been a nice little joke but this was no time for foolishness.

  In the lobby of the auditorium, Lori and Tori walked up to me. “Practice is canceled for today,” Lori said. “Head back home?”

  “I guess so,” I said.

  “Not looking forward to discussing that one with Mom and Rick,” Tori said with an annoyed chuckle. I was worried to ask exactly why.

  At dinner, I got my answer. Things started off slowly, with everyone eating quietly and Samantha and my dad occasionally asking each other about the day’s work. Then, as I was clearing the table, Samantha leaned forward as she and my dad turned their attention to my step-sisters. “So, you know we got a note from your school.”

  “Yep,” they said in unison.

  “That’s...quite serious,” Samantha said. “I had you both when I was young and it was tough. And you two are in high school, even younger than I was.”

  “We all turned out alright,” Tori said.

  Samantha sighed and nodded. “Yes, through a lot of hard work, we did.”

  “This isn’t something to joke about,” my dad growled.

  “Rick, this is pretty personal,” Lori snapped. “Just let us work it out.”

  “Hey! Rick is your step-father and you still have to show him respect,” Samantha snapped right back. She took a deep breath and knitted her fingers together. “Look, I’m just going to come right out and ask…are either of you pregnant?”

  Lori and Tori both looked at one another before turning back to their mother. “Yes,” they each said. I nearly dropped my plate on the floor. It had been bizarre enough living with two new gorgeous step-sisters but now they were pregnant too? I didn’t know if I would be able to take it.

  “We found out a few weeks ago,” Lori added.

  My dad let out a low grumble and gripped the bridge of his nose. “Alex, come sit down,” he growled. “We all need to talk about this.”

  “You don’t need to worry about Alex. He sure didn’t get anyone pregnant,” Tori chuckled.

  “Tori, hush,” Samantha said as I sat down at the table. “Alex, did you know about this?”

  “I just found out today at the assembly,” I said, trembling.

  “And you seriously did this on purpose?” my dad asked the twins. “Why?”

  “We all want to create some solidarity between women in the area. Everyone’s always fighting and gossiping and stuff and this puts us all on an equal playing field,” Lori said.

  “Besides, being pregnant is cool. It shows you’re tough and independent,” Tori added with a smile.

  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” my dad said.

  “We knew no one else would understand,” Tori said. “That’s why we’d been trying to keep it a secret but I guess it got out.”

  “Who are the fathers?” Samantha said. “Are you still seeing them?”

  “No, it was kind of a one-and-done situation,” Tori chuckled.

  “We were just looking to get pregnant, not start a relationship,” Lori said quietly.

  There was a small period of silence until Samantha spoke up again. “Okay…okay. What’s done is done. It sounds like you’re both going to keep them?”

  “That’s the plan,” Tori said, patting her flat stomach.

  “I hope you both realize what you’ve done,” Samantha said. “High school, college. That’s all going to be a lot harder to get into now. And Lori? Your basketball scholarship is pretty much gone.”

  “I understand,” Lori nodded.

  “But…we’re both going to help you through this,” Samantha said, turning to my dad. “Right, Rick?”

  “Mmm,” he said, not looking up.

  “This was so…unexpected,” Samantha sighed, a small smile forming on her lips. “Especially because of the news I had ready today.” Everyone sat up, especially me.

  No, I thought, it couldn’t be.

  “You two aren’t the only ones with a baby on the way,” Samantha said, turning to my dad. “I’m pregnant.”

  His eyes bugged out so hard, I thought they might start bleeding. “You’re…you’re…what?”

  “Took the test today,” Samantha said, nodding. “Looks like I’m about a month along.”

  Lori and Tori both started laughing nervously. “W-wow,” Lori finally said. “I guess we’re going to be…pregnant at the same time.”

  “Looks like it,” Samantha sighed. “I wish it were under better circumstances but…how many parents get a chance to share this experience with their daughters?”

  “You’re just letting it go?” my dad barked.

  “Richard, don’t yell at me,” Samantha said with a subtle, firm tone. “This is complicated and we’ll have to talk through it.”

  “C-can I be excused?” I said, worried my face might start turning bright red as I felt the burning in my cheeks start.

  Samantha sighed and nodded. “I think we’d better all go sit alone for a while and think through what we want to say.”

  I darted up to my room and shut the door. Lori, Tori, and Samantha. All of them living with me, all of them beautiful, and all of them pregnant. Having such attractive women as my step-family was a strange adjustment but I’d gotten over it long ago. I wasn’t sure how I was going to deal with this.

  As I sat in front of my computer, I got out my phone and texted Natasha. I typed.

  she replied


  Natasha typed

  I said, hesitating.

  There was a long gap before Natasha’s response.

  My hands were trembling as I typed out my next message.

  Natasha replied. < + > I couldn’t believe it. My best friend and the only person who knew how I felt about pregnant women, now pregnant.

  I typed before quickly adding.

  Natasha sent.

  I thought long and hard to choose my words. I finally typed.



  Natasha sent back and I put my phone down, plugging it into my charger. I need a distraction and I needed it badly. As I loaded up a game on my computer, I saw the little genie toy on my desk grinning back at me.

  “Weird toy,” I muttered to myself as I slipped my earbuds in.

  That next Monday, I spent no time dallying. I got up, got dressed, and was downstairs ready for school. I had to know how wide
spread the pregnancies were among my classmates. Just the thought made my lap tingle and my skin burn. Would the pregnant students come back after the summer break? How many would there be?

  While it all seemed like a massive, confusing situation, I knew I had one potential big opportunity: I could lose my virginity to a pregnant woman. Natasha, Lori, Tori, and Samantha were all gorgeous and I knew I’d be spending a lot of time around them and their growing bellies but there was no way I could have sex with any of them. It would have been weird enough to ask a few weeks ago but now that they’re pregnant, it would seem even more outlandish. Sure, Natasha knew how I felt about pregnancy but we’d been friends our entire lives. If a relationship was going to form between us, it’ve happened by now.

  But at school, the more students who were pregnant, the better my odds. And I was in a grade known for its attractiveness. The upper rosters of the various sports teams were filled with juniors and there were plenty of other sexy girls scattered around. Hell, even Glenna was good looking once you got past her infuriating personality.

  So the clock was set: within the next 40 weeks, give or take, I had to have sex with a pregnant woman or lose my best chance. The thought made my adrenaline spike as I sat at the breakfast table, my eyes glancing over to Samantha’s tight waist. Day by day, it would start to wonderfully balloon and give my beautiful step-mom an extra curve.

  “Am I showing already?” Samantha said with a giggle. She had caught me staring. My eyes darted back to my cereal bowl and she laughed again, patting one hand on her stomach. “Don’t worry, I get curious about it too. And I do feel bloated.”

  “You look fine,” I said quickly.

  Samantha smiled and moved some groceries around on the counter. “You won’t be saying that in a few months.”

  “Alex, when you’re living with a pregnant woman, just give her space,” my dad said gruffly at the table.

  “Oh, it’s fine. He’s probably never spent much time around someone expectant, have you?” Samantha said. I shook my head. “Wow, it’s going to be weird to think about myself that way,” she mused quietly. “41 and pregnant again…” She paused and lifted her shirt a few inches, touching her bare stomach. I nearly jumped out of my seat.

  “Mom, gross,” Tori said.

  “Oh, it gets a lot grosser. You two have no idea,” Samantha said with a grin. “Still, I do feel like I’m hitting this stage a little…early. I’ll have to run some tests at work today.”

  “You’re probably just carrying twins again,” Lori said, turning to Tori. “Do you think we are?”

  “I hope we get a lot more than that,” Tori snickered. “How else are we going to stand out in school when everyone else is a preggo?”

  “Hey, don’t even joke about that,” Samantha said. “Now get going. Colleges don’t want to see that you have bad attendance on top of being teenager mothers.”

  The entire car ride over, my head and my groin fought for control of my mouth until I finally blurted out, “So is everyone really pregnant?”

  “Yep,” Tori replied without a moment’s hesitation. “All the girls in school have been keeping tabs on one another, making sure we’re all knocked up. There’s no point in doing it unless everyone’s on board.”

  “Even Natasha,” Lori said, looking up in her rearview mirror. “Is it yours?”

  “What? No!” I said way too loudly. My step-sisters both laughed.

  “It’s okay, we figured,” Tori said. “But you’re not, like, bent out of shape that she went to someone else to put a baby in her, are you?”

  I had to think about that for a while. Sure, part of me thought it was strange that when the one woman who knew how I felt about pregnancy needed someone to impregnate her, she didn’t at least give me a heads-up. And I couldn’t deny that I found Natasha sexy.

  But on the other hand, it’s up to her who she has sex with. She doesn’t “owe” me anything for being her friend. And if she had slept with me, I’d be in the same boat as everyone else: a teenage parent and that’s not a fun place to be in. The whole thing would probably end up ruining our friendship anyway.

  “I’m okay,” I answered after a long thought process, just in time for the car to park.

  “That’s the spirit,” Lori said with a smile.

  “And who knows. Maybe she’ll fuck you a few months down the road. No one’s going to go after her and pregnancy’s supposed to really get the hormones running,” Tori said with a laugh. “That is, if you don’t mind having to dodge the belly.” She smacked both hands on her flat stomach for emphasis. I gulped, my knuckles turning white as I clenched the car seat. The next nine months would be a real test of endurance.

  If Friday’s quiet was unsettling, Monday’s was downright eerie. I walked down the hallways to only hear passing whispers; groups of girls and boys huddled apart, deep in discussion. All the girls seemed giddy, laughing every now and then and muttering quickly to one another. The boys, on the other hand, looked nervous and distraught.

  Then, cutting through the silence came three fluttering laughs. I turned to see Maria, Sarah, and Jen stride down the hallway to the gathered students waiting at their lockers. When I said my grade was known for its attractive women, these were the top three examples people usually gave to justify that title. All three looked like supermodels and with the “pregnant glow” in full effect, there seemed to be a near-halo around them as they entered our midst. And despite their reputation as goddess-like beauties, they were known to share their good looks like the famous titan, sleeping with every varsity athlete in the school district and plenty of other students on top of that. They also supposedly had sex with nearby college students and even the rumored teacher or two.

  Though they had failed to spend the night with yours truly. Can’t imagine why.

  A group of guys from the basketball team were clumped together, most of them turning their backs when the Three Nymphs strolled up to them. Jen went to Jason, our starting center, and put her hand on his shoulder, turning him around. “What, think we wouldn’t show up?”

  “Uh…” Jason said slowly, looking to his teammates with desperation I’d never seen in him before.

  “Re~lax,” Maria purred, getting close to another player and rubbing her belly button against his crotch. “None of us have any intention of finding out who the fathers are. You’re all off the hook.”

  “I don’t know why you’re all worried. We’re the ones who have to carry them,” Sarah chuckled, slowly rolling up her shirt to caress her midsection. Despite not playing any sports, all three of them had toned bodies in truly top condition.

  “T-them?” Jason said. “More than one?”

  “Sure feels like it,” Jen said, grasping one of her huge breasts. “I’m close to needing a new cup size. I must be bursting with babies.”

  “I’m getting bigger too,” Maria said, grabbing Sarah’s hand and using it to slap her own ass. “Any of you want a ride?”

  “With a pregnant woman? You must be out of your mind,” the team’s point guard sputtered. All Three Nymphs laughed loudly and stepped back.

  “And that goes for all the rest of you guys too,” Jen barked. “None of the girls here are interested in finding out who put babies in us. That’s not what the pact is about.” A teacher came out of his classroom to castigate Jen for yelling but one look shut him up and he scurried back into his classroom like a mouse.


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