Be Careful What You Wish For

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Be Careful What You Wish For Page 5

by Notabot

  “Look, Samantha, be reasonable,” he said. “I have to show stockholders a good time.”

  “I am pregnant with your child,” Samantha said, her nose wrinkling as she sneered at him. “And you had an affair.”

  My dad paused before speaking again. “If it makes you feel better, I was having affairs before you got pregnant too.”

  The slap across his face rang throughout the house, dispelling all other noise. My dad and my step-mom stood there for a few minutes before she stepped back to Lori and Tori. “I want you out of the house.”

  “I won’t leave my own house,” he scoffed. “If anything, I should have you looking for a hotel after this.”

  “You would put your own pregnant wife and her pregnant daughters out on the street?” Samantha said in a small voice. She hesitated before regaining her composure. “Well, you don’t have to make that choice because it’s been my name on the checks for the mortgage payments.” Samantha took care of a lot of business around the house. “And I double-checked with a lawyer friend of mine when I got home.”

  “You’re kicking me out?” my dad said, acting incredulous.

  “Be glad I’m giving you a chance to go pack your things first,” Samantha said. “Now move.”

  With a huff, he headed up stairs and slammed the bedroom door, just in time for me to hide back in my room. Then, when he left, he called me to the living room. “Alex, pack your things. We’re moving out.”

  I trembled, looking between him and my step-family. “I’m going to stay here.”

  Again, the room went silent. “What?” my dad said.

  I had so many things I wanted to say in reply. I wanted to tell him he was crazy for abandoning someone as amazing as Samantha. I wanted to tell him they needed support now more than ever. I wanted to tell him she had shown me more care and interest in the past three years than he ever had. But instead, all that came out was, “I-I’m going to stay with them.”

  “Fine,” he said, taking his luggage and leaving the house. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  When the door slammed, Samantha broke her façade and began to sob. Lori and Tori hugged her tightly, huddling in the middle of the living room. Eventually, Tori looked over at me and waved me over. “C’mon, you too.”

  “M-me?” I said.

  “Yes, get in here,” Samantha sniffled. I went in and felt the three of them hug against me, their small pregnant stomachs touching together. And just briefly, my hips touched against their bellies and I could feel how firm they were getting. Now, I would be the only one living in a house with three pregnant women. How did I get into this?

  “Mom…do you have the ultrasound machine in the house now?” Lori asked.

  Samantha released the hug and I staggered away as she turned to her daughter. “Yes, Alex and I loaded it in earlier today. Why?”

  Lori gulped. “I-I want to see inside…I need something to hold onto.” She rested her hands over her stomach where her navel was, spreading her fingers out. “Something to feel real.”

  Samantha sighed and smiled, wiping her tears. “I’ve been excited to see too. C’mon, let’s all do our ultrasounds.”

  “So soon?” Tori said.

  “Who’s the scientist here?” Samantha giggled. “Alex, would you wheel the ultrasound machine in here please?”

  I gulped as Lori got on the couch and rolled up her shirt. There was already a small bulge forming. When I brought out the machine, Samantha already had a tube of clear, blueish gel ready to squirt and smear on her daughter’s stomach. Tori gathered around and watched the display, eyes wide with curiosity.

  “Well?” Lori said after a while of her mother rubbing the wand on her bare stomach. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure…I don’t see the right readings,” Samantha said quietly.

  “You mean…there’s something wrong?” Lori said, her voice souring.

  “No, nothing like that,” Samantha chuckled. “It just means there’s…more than one.”

  “Twins?” Lori yelped.

  “No…more than twins,” Samantha said. “It’s too soon to tell but you’re carrying more than I ever did.”

  “Me next then!” Tori yelled, lifting her shirt. “I’ve got a potbelly too so I must have multiples.”

  Sure enough, Samantha’s ultrasound was inconclusive but she knew it meant Tori was in store for more than twins. “Now, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily carrying that many. Sometimes things are different this early.”

  “Sure, sure,” Tori giggled, she and Lori admiring their small bumps. “Whatever you say, Mom. You’re just jealous we beat your record.”

  Samantha sighed and gave an annoyed smile. “We’ll see about that.” She put the wand back down on the machine and got onto the couch. “Anyone want to give me a hand?”

  Lori and Tori both looked at each other, shaking their heads. “I-I don’t know…giving my own mom an ultrasound…that’s kind of weird,” Tori said.

  Samantha groaned. “Alex? How about you?” My heart nearly jumped out of my chest at that question. “You’re not scared of a pregnant lady, are you?”

  “N-no,” I said. I held the bottle of gel up and squeezed a big glob out onto the wand. “Oops.”

  “Got a little excited there,” Samantha chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’re fine.” She raised her shirt slowly and I saw her graceful, growing paunch of a pregnant belly. “Just rub it in and I can do the rest.”

  I nodded and placed it on her naked skin. She winced at the cold and turned to the display screen. Following her directions, I moved the wand in small circles, staying under her belly button.

  “Hold it still. You’re shaking a little,” Samantha said.

  More than a little, I thought to myself. I watched Samantha’s face – her soft skin with every small wrinkle like it was placed by a master painter, sharp chin and cheeks – right as her eyes lit up when she saw her embryos. “W-what do you see?” I asked quietly.

  “Not sure…but it’s a lot,” Samantha cooed, one hand moving to her stomach. “I am…really pregnant.”

  Six. Six babies. That’s how many Samantha determined she was carrying when she made it to the end of her first trimester.

  The weeks went by both at a crawl and in a sprint. On one hand, every day was stressful as I had to navigate moving around my step-family, all chattering about their pregnancies and growing more beautiful with every day. I waited with agony until the night when I could masturbate out of desperation, wondering when the school year would start up so I would finally have the chance to slide my starved erection inside one of the hundreds of pregnant beauties there.

  But on the other hand, the months went by in a flash. It seemed like, in no time, Lori, Tori, and Samantha all had wide, round pregnant stomachs. Samantha wasn’t the only one carrying a lot of babies inside her. They had five each, leading to an initial period of sulking by Tori who was convinced she would be more pregnant than her mother.

  All around town, the rumors on Facebook and Twitter were the same. The smallest pregnancy at school was quadruplets. On the various gossip news sites, the celebrities who announced their coming babies had to amend their press releases to include their larger broods.

  One day, a week or so before I had to go back to school, I was finishing up at the library just before the start to the weekend. The past months had made me pretty good and I redirected all my energy into creating better organization systems and moving more quickly through all my work. Having something to take my attention instead of the growing beauties all around me reduced my stress significantly.

  “You’re doing a great job,” one of the librarians said, peeking her head into the back while I dropped off a large box of books. She had raven black hair tied in a bun, thick glasses, a long red dress, and a respectable belly. She was carrying triplets and, at only four months, looked bigger than most women ever got. “Don’t you ever get bored back here?”

  “I have a lot of work so I guess I don�
��t have time to get bored,” I chuckled, averting my eyes from her. She had a stereotypical “sexy librarian” look to her but she was married and if I was going to lose my virginity to a pregnant woman, I knew I would have bigger bellies to choose from than hers. “What can I do for you?”

  “We got a little crazy ordering pregnancy books,” she said, gesturing to the stack under her arm. “There’s more than we really have room for on our shelves and we’re all taking some for ourselves.” She placed one hand on her own swollen middle. “This has forced us all to become like first-time moms. I already have two children of my own but…carrying triplets is very different.”

  “I-I’ll bet,” I gulped.

  “Anyway, I know you said your mom and sisters are pregnant too so you might want to give them this,” she said, handing me a book of pregnancy advice. I was going to correct her and add “step” mom and sisters but I was already focused on flipping through the book. Tips on pregnant massages, lots of pictures of naked big-bellied women, and how to deliver multiple babies in an emergency. Never know when that’ll come in handy.

  “T-thanks,” I said, nodding to her. “Um, see you next week.” I hurried home, taking the bus, and walked up to the door. In the driveway, Lori was shooting hoops. She had on a baggy jersey with just her sports bra on underneath. It was big and concealed just how big her pregnant belly had been getting but when she jumped or turned quickly, it billowed out to give me a good look at her bare stomach.

  I stopped to watch her on the porch, and after sinking a shot from far back, she turned to see me and flashed a smile. “What?”

  “What? Nothing,” I said, gulping. Then, I felt something firm press against my back.

  “He’s thinking if he could finally beat the state champ one-on-one,” Tori cackled. She pushed me forward a bit before walking out. There was nothing baggy about her clothing choices. Tori had on a pair of unbuttoned denim shorts and a lacy bra. With just her bra on, it was clear how much pregnancy had endowed Tori and her sister, turning the already busty twins into knock-outs with G-cups that were sure to keep growing along with their bellies.

  Speaking of which, her pregnant middle stuck out naked for the world to see, a dimpled belly button wiggling out on the front. Both Lori and Tori looked like they were ready to give birth with one baby but they still had months to go in a typical pregnancy. But with 10 babies between the two of them, this was far from typical.

  “You don’t think I could beat her?” I asked with a little laugh, trying to play it cool.

  Tori reached and grabbed my arm, giving it a little shake. “With these noodles? Lori could be carrying me inside her and she could still out-play you.”

  “And I don’t know if I’m the state champion, Tori,” Lori said, holding the ball under her armpit. It was smaller than her pregnant belly.

  “MVP, whatever,” Tori shrugged. “You have as good a shot as anyone this season since all the other players are knocked up. And how many of them have a pregnant momma to show them the ropes?”

  “Lots of them, actually,” Lori sighed, shooting another basket and getting another perfect swish. “Hey Alex, when’s Natasha getting back?”

  “She should be flying back on Sunday. Why?” I asked, glad the subject had changed.

  Lori shrugged. “No reason, you just mope around the house all the time without your friend in town.”

  “Aren’t we your friends?” Tori said, smacking me on the arm and laughing before putting sunglasses on and sitting on a patio chair. She tossed her blond hair out of her face and stretched out, arching her hips and bulging belly in the process. “Alright, time to get some of the final sunlight of the summer.”

  Suppressing a groan, I headed inside. But before I could turn to get to the stairs, my eyes caught Samantha standing in the living room and I was stuck. Her shirt was rolled up, tucked under her own enormous chest, as she had four suction cups stuck to her bare, round belly. She was even larger than her daughters, thanks to an extra fetus gestating inside her, and the suction cups were hooked up to a machine whirring beside her.

  “Welcome home, Alex,” Samantha said with a smile, looking back at the machine. Since she took her initial ultrasound, Samantha had started working from home. As an academic, there was a lot of analysis she could just do from her home office and she was devoted to examining her own pregnancy as a medical paper on large-quantity pregnancies.

  “H-hi, Samantha,” I said. “How’s, um, your research?”

  Samantha sighed, typing a few strokes on the device’s keyboard. “Learning a lot but it’s all very strange. The same kind of stress you’d see in recorded large-quantity pregnancies isn’t showing up for me and I didn’t see it in Lori or Tori either.”

  That went right over my head. “Is it more stress or…”

  “No, less. Much less,” Samantha replied.

  “Oh. Well that sounds good.”

  She sighed again. “Yes, it is but it means I’ll probably end up carrying these six for the full nine months.”

  “A-at 40 weeks, it’s really more like 10,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

  Samantha looked up from her computer and smiled at me. “Yes, you’re right. You really know your stuff.”

  I gulped and held up the book from the library. “I-I figured I should read up.” I neglected to tell her that I had done plenty of study on pregnancy before she’d even met my dad and moved in.

  Samantha giggled again. “We may need it. And I’m going to just order take-out for dinner tonight if that’s okay.”

  “Sounds good,” I nodded, hurrying upstairs, but not before taking one last glance at Samantha.

  She looked down at her belly, touching both hands to her curves, and let out a small moan. “What is going on inside me?” she murmured to herself.

  Once in my room, I shut the door and fell back onto my bed. I could feel my erection throbbing and I rested one hand on it, over my pants. All three of them were getting harder to handle as the days passed. Lori had her fit body and tomboy charm, Tori was dressed like she was just mocking me to try and come onto her, and Samantha was as warm and loving as ever and sported what was set to be the biggest belly I had ever seen.

  Hopping on my computer, I hoped looking up images of the newly expectant models and actresses in the world would distract me but as I got more and more aroused, it made me just keep thinking about how there were pregnant beauties under my own roof and if I could just get one of them to agree to take me inside them…

  Push-ups. Had to do lots and lots of push-ups to try and get my head clear. I had never been able to do very many push-ups but all the better. By the time I got to 20, I could feel the blood vessels tightening in my head and I was too exhausted to be horny.

  Hours later, the doorbell rang. I made my way out of my room, ready for dinner. Samantha was already waddling to the door, her whole body swinging back and forth. “I’ll get it,” she called out. But when she opened the door, it wasn’t a delivery boy waiting for her. It was a woman.

  “Are you…Samantha Watley?” she asked in a lilting British accent. She was a tall, dark skinned woman with long, silky black hair, glimmering brown eyes, and a tight dress that showed off just how large her belly and breasts were.

  “I suppose legally I still am,” Samantha sighed. “I’m going through a divorce and I’d rather go back to being Samantha Miller.”

  The woman took in a deep breath and shook a little. She looked Samantha up and down. “Oh my…you’re as big as I am, aren’t you?” she said in an almost whisper.


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