Be Careful What You Wish For

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Be Careful What You Wish For Page 9

by Notabot

  Later in the week when I propositioned Charlotte, I was walking down the hallway and saw Glenna and her “club” with a table set up. There were signs with crosses on them and vague phrases like “Protect Morals” and “Faith Is Important” so I could only imagine what kind of awful policy she was pushing this time. Normally, I would have been thankful to see Glenna’s group because the irritation I felt would at least distract me from my blue balls.

  But like every other woman on the planet it seemed, Glenna was sporting a huge pregnant belly, as were her associates, looking so swollen she might burst out of her tight boring clothes if she ate one more Chick-Fil-A sandwich. And I hated to admit it but she was good looking before getting pregnant too.

  She was in front of this little table, however, arguing with Kris, their belly buttons inches from touching. “Why should the funding for my club be in your hands?” Kris sneered, getting right in Glenna’s face. “I don’t tell your cult what it can and can’t do.”

  “That kind of discrimination is exactly why the school needs to act and put a stop to hateful acts that only serve to punish the religious community,” Glenna retorted in her usual, creepy, calm voice.

  “Hey…everything okay here?” I asked, walking over.

  “This nutty bitch is pushing to have the school shut down the Young Filmmakers club,” Kris said, grabbing one of Glenna’s pamphlets and waving it in her face. Some of the other prayer group students went to take it out of her hands, all their bellies rubbing together as they wrestled.

  “W-well that sounds, um, bad,” I said, my eyes now transfixed with the fight.

  “She and her cohorts are making a film where she plays the expectant Virgin Mary that serves no purpose but to mock our beliefs. It is hate speech,” Glenna growled.

  “It’s not hate speech, it’s free speech,” Kris said. “And you haven’t even seen the movie so you can’t tell me what I will or won’t do.”

  “Maybe I should call child services and have them look into you,” Glenna said, finally shoving her stomach against Kris’. “You clearly aren’t fit to raise these babies.”

  Kris’ nostrils flared as she lurched toward Glenna. I stepped between them and grabbed Glenna’s wrist, dragging her around a corner to a quiet part of the school. “Okay, we have to stop that. Kris is a friend of mine and I don’t want you harassing her.”

  Glenna sighed and rolled her eyes. “That is not your call to make…but I will stop arguing with her and leave my petition with the school.”

  “I guess that’s an improvement,” I sighed, letting go of her. “So what is this movie about?”

  “She is insulting our group’s core beliefs,” Glenna said, resting her hands on her belly. I gulped, unaware it was about Glenna specifically and not just Christianity.

  “Um…your beliefs?” I said.

  Glenna looked up and me and nodded. “Yes…since you kept asking, my fellow Sisters in Christ have always studied the Bible and we have come to the conclusion that it is our duty to bear and give birth to as many future Christians as possible. It is God’s will.”

  I gulped. The whole Bible study group…is now a club for girls who want to get pregnant as many times as they can. “Doesn’t…that conflict with pre-marital sex and all that?”

  “Yes, it would be better if we were married first,” Glenna sighed, stroking the sides of her stomach. “And as such, I have been punished. My skin is very tight, my joints are sore, and I keep having…inappropriate thoughts and dreams.”

  Trembling, I took Glenna’s hands again. “Would you want to have sex?”

  She gasped and yanked her hands away. “Alex! I knew you were immoral but I never thought you were as much of a deviant as all of them!”

  “I’m not a…look, you said you want to get pregnant for…God or whatever! Let me help you to honor your pregnant beauty,” I stammered.

  Glenna looked reluctant but once I got “beauty” out, she softened some, though she was still looking away. “So you don’t shy away from the pregnant form?”

  “No,” I said. “That’s not against the Bible, is it? I haven’t exactly read the whole thing.”

  “I didn’t think so,” Glenna said, turning back to me. “But sex is only for procreation. That is part of our belief system.”

  “The belief system of Christians or of your little breeding club?” I asked. I thought she might slap me for that one but Glenna’s eyes just narrowed.

  “My point is, it’s a no,” Glenna said, turning to waddle away before pausing and turning back to me. “Though…when I give birth and I’m ready to carry new life inside me…let me know if you’re interested.”

  I shuddered. Not only had I confessed and been rejected, but now Glenna MacLake wanted me to have sex with her when she wasn’t pregnant. Not a great outcome.

  And so my descent continued. What’s worse, after striking out with each girl, that seemed to result in a small flurry of texts to her friends that ruled me out of the running to sleep with them either. I was really running out of options and time. At home, the TV channels were nothing but shows with pregnant cops, doctors, and superheroes or reality shows with big bellied beauties taking spa days or arguing with their equally fertile friends. Pregnant women were everywhere except in my bed.

  That Friday, just before the Monday calculus final, I was in the back of the library with Natasha. She was helping me with my math and was making it clear enough that I could focus. It helped that she was sitting next to me and I was looking down at a notepad, as opposed to watching her waddle around in the front of a classroom with a big belly in a small dress.

  “So if you’re graphing the natural logarithm for x,” Natasha said slowly, encouraging me to finish the sentence.

  “So if x is one, then y is zero,” I said. “Right?”

  “Right, yeah! You get this,” Natasha smiled, lifting her fists. “You finally get this!”

  I laughed and scratched my cheek, glad things were clear. I turned to Natasha’s smiling face and had to look away instantly. “T-thanks. For everything.”

  “Aww, no problem dude,” Natasha said. “You’re a great friend too and you’ve helped me out with essays and stuff.” She leaned back in her chair, her belly sticking out from under the table, filling her whole lap and then some. “I was so bored at that camp at DC without you to talk to about junk.”

  “R-right,” I said, spying her belly as kicks shook and jiggled it a bit before turning away. “So, um, I think I’m all set here.”

  “Good, but still read up over the weekend. It can leave your head pretty quick,” Natasha said. “Any plans for after? Fall break, you know.”

  “N-not really,” I said. “Taking care of all the women in the house, you know.”

  “Yeah, we’re all getting big and helpless,” Natasha snickered. “Speaking of which, how is ‘it’ going?”

  “Not well,” I sighed, shaking in my seat. “Really not well.”

  “That sucks,” Natasha said, resting both hands on top of her big belly. “I’m sure you’ll find-”

  “No, Natty, I don’t know if I will,” I groaned, turning to face her. “I’ve been turned down by…way more women than I’ve told you about. And it gets worse every time.”

  “Hey…you’ll do okay,” Natasha smiled, leaning forward.

  As she reached out one hand, I finally snapped. “Why can’t…why can’t you and I just do it?” I muttered.

  Her smile started to fade, turning to more of a cringe than a grin. “Oh boy…”

  “I mean, we’ve been best friends for so long. Why don’t you and I just go out?” I stammered. “A-and besides…I’d rather my first time, even just my first kiss, be with someone I really care about.”

  “Alex,” Natasha said, putting one hand to her face. “I get that this is all crazy for you but…I’m sorry…no.”

  “No,” I repeated back.

  “To be honest…there’s someone else,” Natasha said.

  My head snapped to face
her. “There is?” I slowly pointed to her belly. “The father?”

  “Oh no, definitely not,” Natasha laughed loudly, making her chest and stomach shake. “No, it’s someone else but we’ve tried to stay a secret. Gossip in high school and all that.”

  “Right,” I said with a sigh. “Well I’m glad you’re happy.”

  “Thanks,” Natasha said, her smile starting to return. “I hope you can be happy like that soon.”

  “This was weird, huh?” I said.

  “A little…I kind of expected this day would come,” Natasha said. “But I still want us to be friends.”

  “Of course. I’d hate losing you as a friend,” I said, sighing and closing my notebook. “But maybe I need a little space. For a few days.”

  “Sure, but don’t feel embarrassed, dude,” Natasha said as I got up and put my stuff away. “Seriously.”

  “Thanks,” I said, putting my backpack on and heading down to the gymnasium to find Tori waiting as well.

  “You look kinda rough,” Tori said, laying on her back on a bench, hands rubbing her belly. Even at school, she was barely wearing anything. The mass of pregnancies had effectively thrown the dress code out of the window.

  “I just got turned down for a date by someone I liked a lot,” I sighed, trying to settle my heart.

  I expected Tori to rib me but she just sighed. “Sorry, Alex. You’re not that bad.”

  “Good to know,” I said, putting my headphones in and trying to drown myself out with music. Hitting my shuffle, the first song was a single by a bountifully pregnant Nicki Minaj, rapping about how she put the sex in sextuplets. Not a good track for relaxing.

  Back home, I saw Samantha in her usual spot, using all kinds of complex devices to study her pregnancy. I walked over, her research giving me the cover to ogle her belly under the auspices of medical intrigue. She smiled when she saw me come over.

  Her belly was truly mammoth at this point. With a tight curl, I could probably fit inside of Samatha’s uterus. Despite her size, there wasn’t even the hint of a stretch mark developing or any other blemish or bump. Well, no bumps aside from the occasional lump created by a fetal body pressing against her womb walls. Her massive breasts rested on top, so full and round it was like they were pregnant as well.

  “What are you looking into?” I asked, looking at the display screen. It wasn’t an ultrasound but instead a read-out of numbers and terms I didn’t recognize.

  “Just looking to see if they’re still healthy despite being so crammed inside me,” Samantha said with a little giggle. “I’ve been asked to present some information for the National Pre-Natal Council.”

  “The NPC? I’ve never heard of that,” I said. “Some medical conference.”

  “Mmm, more social-political, fighting for rights for pregnant women and women’s rights in general, that sort of thing,” Samantha said, pulling some sensors off of her round stomach. “It popped up only recently because of…well…you know.”

  “Right,” I chuckled, looking Samantha over. “Um…thank you for taking care of me in light of everything with my dad and…stuff.”

  She smiled and waddled close to hug me. “Absolutely. You know how much I care for you,” Samantha purred. Her firm, bare belly pressed against me and I worried she would feel my erection touch it. “Where is all this coming from?”

  “I dunno, maybe just seeing you be all motherly made me think,” I shrugged as we broke the hug. “But, you know, thanks.”

  “Samantha? Motherly? No, I’m shocked,” Neera laughed as she waddled into the room. She had taken to letting her dark, shining belly stick out uncovered around the house and stood next to Samantha, stroking her curves.

  I laughed nervously along with her and Samantha’s more honest laughs as I looked between the two of them. “H-hi Neera.”

  “Hi Alex. Hopefully you’ll be a better brother to these babies than your step-sisters are to you,” Neera said, wiggling her stomach some. “They can be so mean.”

  “You don’t do much to discipline them,” Samantha said.

  “Well, I’m not their parent. I’m their…I’m not sure what I am,” Neera laughed. “This will make for a strange personal essay when they apply to college.”

  “You’ve got that right,” I mumbled, stiffening up as Samantha and Neera placed their hands on each other’s bellies. “A-anyway, I’ve got to go study.”

  I stayed in my room for hours, studying and waiting for dinner. Somehow, after a week of asking for pregnant sex and getting turned down, now in the quiet of my room with the weekend ahead of me, I was able to find some composure. Studying helped and I felt weirdly at peace with Natasha seeing someone else. She was still my best friend and I wanted her to be happy.

  After a while, I got up from my desk to get something to drink. As I got up, I looked over at my phone and realized how low it was on battery. I searched through the piles of wires I had but there was no sign of my charger. I then remembered I left it with the adapter in Lori’s car.

  I got out of my room and went to her door. I knocked and felt it was unlocked. “Hey Lori? I need your car keys to unlock the-”

  I stopped when I looked inside and heard heavy breathing. From the light in the hallway, I could see inside her dark room. Lori was naked, writhing in bed with another big bellied beauty. Then, as I looked up the waist of the other pregnant woman, I instantly recognized her face. Natasha.

  “Alex…oh god,” Lori gasped, as she looked over to the doorway.

  “Alex…” Natasha choked out as I shut the door quickly. I was crushed. Natasha, at her most gorgeous and pregnant, said she was with someone else and I accepted that. But to actually see her in bed with her partner…and to have her partner be my own pregnant step-sister?

  I staggered away, taking stumbling steps downstairs. Tori was lounging on the couch, watching an episode of the new reality show “Kardashians and Counting” featuring the stars and their enormous pregnancies. As always, Tori had her own bare belly hanging out and was showing off all of her cleavage.

  “Hey,” she said to me.

  “H-hey,” I said. “Can we talk?”

  “Sure,” she said, dropping the volume down some.

  “In private,” I muttered. Tori turned to look back at me and I headed back up to my bedroom. After the hard journey for someone with a belly her size making it up the steps, Tori made her way into my room as I sat on the edge of my bed. “Hi.”

  “Hi again,” Tori chuckled, closing the door. “So?”

  I let out a sigh. “Would you want to have sex?”

  Tori burst out laughing and kept that going for nearly a minute before slowing down. “Oh god, you’re serious?”

  “Y-yeah,” I said, unable to stop myself from giving the full spiel on everything. And not just what had happened over the course of the past seven months. I told her, my half-naked, big-bellied step-sister, all about my raging pregnancy fetish and my desire, my need, to have sex with a pregnant woman before this is all through.

  My face was bright red when I finished and I felt a little light-headed but Tori stood tall, hands on her hips as she listened and nodded along. “Sounds like things have been a little rough for you,” she said. “Did you try telling, you know, Natasha?”

  I gulped and bent my head. “I-I did. I told her I liked her and asked to have sex.”


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