Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3)

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Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3) Page 8

by Alaska Angelini

  “Melissa, I know why you want to run. I’ve seen your entire life. You can trust me not to tell anyone. But I need you to know, Connor and I will never put you through anything remotely similar to what you’ve had to endure in your past.”

  “You can’t know that for sure.” Melissa’s breath shuttered at the realization that he saw what she’d gone through. The beatings, the hospital visits to her mother, the suicide of her mother. No! She wouldn’t think about it. Jerking wildly against Connor, the tears came harder. “Let go of me!”

  “No, no. Just let it come, Melly. I don’t know what happened to you, but I’m so sorry for your pain. God, I can feel it, and I wish I could erase it. Please let us try.”

  At the name, she went even crazier.

  “Don’t call her that, Connor. Oh, shit. He didn’t know, Melissa.”

  Flashes of her father blinded her. His hands were so large, were always reared back so high when he brought them down at her. She couldn’t hide; there was nowhere to go. She wanted to run away forever. To be away from the monster he’d become. You’re worthless, Melly! You never listen to anything I say, Melly! God she hated that name. She hated him.

  Wetness from Connor’s tears hit her face, ripping her from the vision she could see so clearly. Burning coated her throat, and she wasn’t even aware of when she started screaming. She grew still from thrashing, horrified at what had just happened. “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  Connor looked at her through his bloodshot eyes. “Hurt me? Baby, I hurt for you. Not because of you.” He turned over, placing her between him and Channing. “God, Melissa. I had no idea of the pain you carried. We both share that, you know? Whenever you feel ready to tell me, if you ever feel ready, I’ll be here.”

  “What pain do you carry?” Wiping the tears from her eyes, she studied his face while Channing pulled her against his body. She thought about easing away, but she was too tired to fight anymore, and something about him holding her felt right.

  “I was born in New Orleans. My father was Alpha. I had a pretty normal childhood. My parents were great, if not a tad bit overprotective, but what kid doesn’t think that? Anyway, I’d just gone through my change at sixteen, and things were starting to get pretty rowdy. Threats were coming in from a rival pack, but at the time, I didn’t take it too seriously. I should have.” Connor took a deep breath. “Sorry, I haven’t ever said any of this out loud before.”

  “Go on.” Melissa’s hand reached for his, pulling it to her chest. A look of tenderness swept across his face. He brought her fingers to his lips and returned her hand to be placed against her heart.

  “Sometime in the middle of the night, our house was attacked. I remember waking up to the sound of something crashing downstairs. Thinking it was just one of the pack members drunk again, I went back to sleep. The next thing I knew, my mother’s screams woke me. I started to run for the door to see if she was all right, but they made it to my room first. I heard my mother screaming for me to run. The fear...Without thought, I did, and to this very day I regret it.”

  “Oh, Connor. If you would have stayed, you’d be dead right now.” Melissa’s breath shuttered as she stared up into his haunted eyes. The vulnerability that she could see broke her heart. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  “Yeah, me too. You see, the remaining pack brought me back and hid me at one of their houses. They wanted me to fight the man who killed my parents, but I couldn’t face him back then. It took three years of them beating me to finally realize I wouldn’t go along with their plan. The day they let me go, I went to him. No orders from anyone. It was all me. Needless to say, he won’t ever be hurting anyone else. “

  Melissa kissed his hand repeatedly. She wasn’t sure why, but the need to comfort him during his pain overpowered every thought in her head.

  “Would you like to tell me about your past, Melissa?”

  She looked into his eyes long and hard. He deserved to know after what he had gone through by telling her his past. Searching for the words to begin her story, she tried to calm the growing panic. To say the words out loud would open wounds she didn’t want to face. But oddly enough, she felt willing to do that for Connor.

  Chapter 10

  “I was seven when it all started. The beatings, that is. I’m not really sure what happened. I used to think everything was perfect. The first time is still as clear to me today as it was twenty-three years ago.

  “My mom was cooking dinner and I was helping.” Melissa took a ragged breath. “She used to make desert every night. I was stirring the cake batter when my father slammed the door. I remember the sound scared me, and I jumped, dropping the bowl. Chocolate mix sprayed across the floor.”

  Melissa stared in a trance, seeing everything in slow motion. The plastic bowl bounced, sending the dark color across a shiny white floor. “Where were you earlier? I called, and you didn’t answer.”

  The image of her father came rushing forward. “Melissa, honey, go to your room.” Her mother’s soft voice sounded so near. She knew she was speaking the words out loud, but it didn’t stop her from reliving the incident over in her head.

  Melissa could see her former self trying to rush out of the room. She’d never heard her father yell that way before, and it frightened her. Just as she passed him, she felt his fingers wrapped in her hair and jerk her back. The pain was excruciating, and she remembered crying out and bursting into tears. A strong smell nearly choked her as her father’s face came inches from hers. Now, she knew it was liquor, but back then she hadn’t a clue.

  “Oh no, she’s not going anywhere. She’s cleaning up this mess. What, do you think money grows on trees, Silvia? Someone has to pay for the bills and food. It’s sure as hell not you.”

  Melissa could feel her tiny frame pushed down toward the chocolate. She could remember crying so hard the dark color blurred together.

  “Melissa, go to your room.”

  The voice was so quiet she could barely hear it over her sobs. A hand wrapped around her arm gently, and that’s when she heard it. The crack was so deafening as he hit her mother, she screamed, trying to block out the noise. She could hear her father yelling at her to be quiet, but she couldn’t stop screaming.

  Hands gripped her with enough pressure that she thought her arms would be crushed. The shake he gave snapped her head back, only scaring her more. Melissa saw his hand rise, and she could feel herself become frozen in fear, just like the little girl she once was.

  “How long?”

  “What?” She broke from her daze and looked at Connor. She wasn’t sure exactly how much she’d told. Maybe everything, maybe hardly anything at all.

  “How long did this go on? With your father?”

  “Oh.” Melissa gave her head a little shake. “My mother committed suicide when I was twelve. Everyone said my father drove her crazy. If you ask me, it was my father who fell off the deep end. Anyway, after that I lived with my father for about a year before I came to live with my grandparents, here in Port Aransas.”

  “Melissa,” Connor pulled her body to his, “I’m so sorry. No wonder you don’t trust us. Channing and I would never do anything like that to you. God, I would kill anyone who even thought to place a hand on you. “

  “As would I.”

  Turning to look at Channing, she wasn’t sure what to think anymore. They looked sincere. Damn, more than anything she wanted to believe them. Could she really let her guard down and allow them to start breaking through the walls she’d spent years building?

  Loud banging brought all of their faces toward the door. The men stood, and she followed suit. “Are you expecting anyone?” Connor asked.


  Melissa walked forward and headed for the living room. Channing made it to the door before she could get there. “Wait, let me open it.” Nodding, she watched as he blocked her view.

  “You move the hell out of my way. Where’s Melissa?”

  Julie barged in, pushing her
way through. “Mel, get your stuff. I’m not letting you leave town. You’re coming to stay with me.”

  Connor turned her in his direction. “Melissa, baby. Please, I’m begging you not to go. Give us a chance.”

  “Who are you?” Julie walked forward, pulling Melissa out of his arms. “And why are you calling her ‘baby’? How long have you known her, a second? I’ve never seen you before, and trust me, I’d remember. Plus, if Mel was dating anyone, I would know.”

  “Jules, why are you here?” Her friend looked at her like she’d lost her mind. She had to admit to herself it was a pretty stupid question.

  “Get your stuff.” Julie leaned in close enough to whisper in her ear. “I tried telling Stephen to come over here, but him and Ev both told me to leave it alone. Can you believe that?”

  “Yes,” Melissa whispered. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t focus. Should she leave after everything they’d just discussed? As much as they were trying to convince her that they’d all live a happy life, Melissa saw her chance to escape and wasn’t about to let it pass her up. Scared at how they’d react, she turned and took in her men.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  Julie grabbed her arm as both men took a step forward. “Neither of you move another inch. I have pepper spray in my bag, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

  Channing just dismissed Julie with his eyes and advanced another foot. “Melissa, please don’t go. You have to know that we’re meant to be with you at all times. If you leave, we’ll have to follow. It’s useless to run.”

  “How can you both say we’re meant to be and not give me time to adjust?”

  Connor walked to the couch and sat down. “Julie, is it?”

  “Yes.” Her friend narrowed her eyes as she looked at him.

  “Have you ever been in love?” Connor’s voice cracked at the end of his words.

  “I was married for two years. I loved him very much. I thought…” Julie let out a ragged breath. “What’s your point?”

  “Channing and I love her. Do you know what it’s going to do to all three of us if you take her away? She’s going to physically hurt at us being separated, not to mention Channing and I will be going through pain, too. I ask that you please don’t do this.”

  “It’s not up to her.” Melissa grabbed Julie and pulled her backwards, toward the door. “Now, don’t follow us. Just give me space. You’ll both move on. You’ll see. Everything will be fine.”

  Agony like nothing she’d ever experienced swarmed her insides, and she hadn’t even made it out of the door. Her words were enough.

  “Let’s go, Jules.” Opening the door, Julie gripped her hand tightly and pulled her down the stairs. With every step down, she felt the pain intensify. By the time they reached the Mercedes, tears streamed down Melissa’s cheeks.

  “I’ll take care of you, Mel. Don’t cry.”

  They both got in, and Julie raced toward the highway that led to Corpus Christi. Sobs wracked Melissa’s chest while she grabbed the hand her friend offered. She leaned over, burying her face in Julie’s shoulder.

  “Jules, tell me everything’s going to be all right.”

  “Everything will be fine, honey. I promise. You’ll see. We’ll get your mind off of those men. It’ll be like they never existed, if that’s what you want.”

  “No, I’d never be able to forget them. God, why did this have to happen?”

  Mindlessly, Melissa tried talking to herself to get her mind off of the pain that threatened to explode out of her chest. Everything inside of her screamed to go back, but she couldn’t. Bond or no bond, she couldn’t just submit. It wasn’t who she was.

  “Tell me what you want me to do. I hate seeing you like this, Mel. I’ve never seen you cry. What was that guy talking about back there? Are you really in physical pain?”

  “No.” The lie came out of her mouth before she even thought to answer. Everything in her said she couldn’t let her friend grow any more suspicious than she probably already was. “Are you sure I can stay with you? I really would hate to impose.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me right? I threw up in your grass, and you gave me your pajamas and put me in your bed, and now you’re asking me if I mind you staying with me while you go through the hardest thing in your life? Come on, Mel. You know I love you. Gosh, you’re like my sister. Do I mind?” Julie shook her head back and forth.

  “I know, but I’m not sure how long I’ll be.”

  “And it doesn’t matter. You can stay as long as you need. If that’s ten years, I’m perfectly okay with that.”

  The lights from Corpus came into view, and Melissa clutched to her chest as she turned to look out the window. Damn, she hoped she was doing the right thing. It sure as hell didn’t feel like it.

  * * * *

  Connor raked his fingers through his hair while he stared angrily at Channing. “I hate this. Do you feel how much pain she’s in? I say we go to Corpus right now and bring her back. If Ayden told us not to let her hurt, why are we still here?”

  “Because it is six in the morning and I think she needs to realize her love for us on her own. Control, remember? She needs to feel like things are exactly the way she wants them. We fit into her life. Or have you forgotten us talking about this already?”

  “But it’s crazy. We need to at least stay in Corpus to be closer to her. The nearer we are, the more the pain will decrease.”

  “So, what are you saying? Do you want to go stay with Ayden?”

  “I have an apartment. Or are you forgetting that’s where I’m from?” Connor shook his head at the vampire who was looking rather annoyed.

  “Why didn’t you mention this before? We’d have left a long damn time ago. I would have mentioned motel, but I seriously hate those things.”

  “We’re taking my truck. Your car can stay here.”

  “That’s fine with me.”

  The men walked out of the door, locking it behind them. Connor wasn’t worried about getting back inside without a key. He didn’t need one. Pulling his truck keys from his pocket, he unlocked it with the keypad and climbed inside.

  The twenty-minute trip to Corpus was rode in complete silence as Connor went over his thoughts. The closer they came, the more he realized the ache eased. It actually felt like he could breathe again, which was a relief. At least he knew Melissa would be feeling better. Even now, after all these hours, Connor knew she was still awake. The mark pulled him to continue forward, but he turned into his apartment complex.

  “She’s further into the city. I can feel the pull to her. It wants me to keep going. Damn, this is going to be harder than hell.”

  “Yeah, already I feel like I’m going out of my mind. Nice complex.”

  “Thanks. Ayden and Trevor used to live here. I took over their lease when they bought their house with Nicole. She used to live right there,” Connor said, pointing across the parking lot to the upstairs apartment directly across from them.

  “Really, how romantic. I’ve never heard the story how the Alpha and his best friend met their mate.”

  Connor laughed. “Maybe someday I’ll tell you.”

  They walked up the sidewalk, and he unlocked the door, letting Channing go first. “The couch turns into a bed. I don’t think Londyn is here at the moment, but he might be back shortly. I let him crash here while I was watching over Melissa. I think he’s pretty much moved in. He’s a cool guy, so no worries.”

  Channing nodded and started removing the cushions. Connor could feel his eyes turning heavy. “I think Melissa is falling asleep. I can feel her calming now that the pain isn’t so bad. I’m going to bed. If you need anything, help yourself.” He tossed the keys on the kitchen table. “Truck’s yours, too, if you need it. Don’t you dare go to see her without me, though. Do you understand?”

  “I wouldn’t do that, Connor.”

  “Good. I just wanted to make sure.”

  Walking to his room, he collapsed to the bed without so much as taking
off his clothes. He felt exhausted. Sleep would do some good. As soon as he woke up, he’d be ready to go and find out where Melissa was staying. Then he could watch over her like he needed.

  The sound of Channing settling in the living room was the last thing Connor heard before he saw the vision of his mate flash before his eyes and darkness settle over.

  * * * *

  Channing lay down on the mattress for hours. He couldn’t go to sleep. All he could think about was whether or not Melissa was okay. He physically knew she was fine, but not being able to see her made fear consume him. What happened if she got into some type of accident or someone mugged her or broke into her friend’s apartment? The possibilities were endless. Damn it, he hated this.

  He told Connor that he wouldn’t see her without him, but the thought of vanishing and appearing next to her teased his thoughts. He was dying to just see her for himself and make sure she was okay. The bond he and Melissa shared pulled at his insides. If he focused hard enough, he could find her.

  Conflicted, he rubbed his eyes. The sound of a key sliding in the lock had him sitting up in the bed. A tall blond walked in, his hair in complete disarray. He looked like a punk kid although he had to be in his mid-twenties. Tattoos covered the lengths of his arms, and Channing couldn’t ignore the barbell from the tongue ring he had settled between his lips.

  “Whoa, who the fuck are you? Is Connor back?”

  “I’m Channing. Connor’s in the room.”

  “You’re Channing? Holy…shit, man. That’s fucking awesome. You’re like a legend in the vampire community. Anyone who can scare the hell out of a community of vampires has my respect. They’re really tough.”

  “You’re a wolf.”

  The blond shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, but my best friend is a vampire. He’s cool. I’m not like most wolves who hate you guys. I’m good with us all mingling.”

  “Well, shit, I think that’s a first.” Channing watched the guy walk over to the kitchen and pull out a chair. “So I’m assuming you’re the Londyn Connor was telling me about.”


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