Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3)

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Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3) Page 11

by Alaska Angelini


  “No. I’m not even going to ask what you’re doing drinking already.”

  “Good, and I won’t ask why you’re wearing a man’s shirt or why you have a hickey on your neck.”

  Melissa’s hand slapped to cover where she knew she’d been bit. Channing. Damn it! She got up and raced the restroom. As long as it looked like a bruise and not a puncture wound, she would be okay. Stopping in front of the mirror, she cried out. It wasn’t a bite – there was no sign of one of those—it was a damn hickey! That shit was not going to fly in the future.

  Julie laughed behind her. “I see you’re dating a vampire. Nice. I used to date one myself. Makeup does not cover those things.”

  “Vampire?” Melissa felt as though the floor dropped from beneath her.

  “Yeah, that’s what I call the guys who think they need to suck all over your neck and mark you so other men won’t take notice. Freaking vampires are everywhere.”

  Chapter 13

  Melissa groaned as red and blue lights flashed behind her. She’d barely made it into Corpus, and she was already getting a ticket. What the hell! She wasn’t going but three miles over the speed limit. All she wanted was to bring her truck back to Julie’s so she could have a vehicle.

  She’d managed to keep her and Julie in a bubble for the last two weeks. Convincing her friend to call off Bets for two weekends in a row wasn’t hard but getting her to slow down on the drinking was another story entirely.

  As the officer approached, she groaned. She knew who he was. Melissa had only seen him a few times, but no one could forget Ayden. His good looks could make any girl drop to their knees and beg him to do things that would make even the wildest girl blush.

  Rolling down her truck window, she raised one of her eyebrows at him. “Ayden, what can I do for you?”

  “I need my man back. Until he can think straight, he’s useless in his position. I would hate to have to replace him. He’s the best. Can you please tell me why you’re doing this? I understand you need time to think, but can’t you do that closer to him? Hell, you haven’t even called him or Channing. They’re a mess without you.”

  Melissa took a ragged breath. “I’m not going back because you need Connor to do his job. I’m still not convinced that things will work out between the three of us.”

  “Well, you’re sure as hell not going to find out by staying away from them.”

  “I know. I’m just—” Melissa paused.

  “Scared?” Ayden finished. “Yeah, this can be a scary process. I ran, too, Melissa. I know what you’re going through. But trust me, running doesn’t accomplish anything. The bond wouldn’t have mated you three if it wasn’t beyond a doubt positive that all of you were meant for each other. Take my advice. Stop hurting them and yourself. Go home, Melissa. Take your men and work things out. I promise you’ll never be happier. If I’m wrong, you have my permission to take a bat to me. I won’t even move.”

  “That’s not funny.” Melissa tried not to smile, but his handsome face made it impossible.

  “I’m not joking. I’m dead serious. You have nothing to worry about and neither will I. Go get your men and take them back to the island.” Ayden stepped forward, inhaled deeply, smiled, and took a step back. “Congratulations, and have a good day, Melissa.”

  Confused, she unbuckled and hung out of the window after his retreating form. “Congratulations for what?”

  “Bye, Melissa.”

  He got in his car and took off. Shaking her head, she buckled back up and put the truck in drive. “Whatever. I don’t have time for riddles.” Turning up the radio, she battled the emotions his words stirred. If she got in the right lane, she could exit and go to the apartment. No. She looked back toward the busy traffic ahead of her.

  “Don’t do it, Mel. Don’t do it. Fuck!” She barely made the exit, nearly taking out a small car in the process. “This won’t work. It won’t.” Even talking to herself, she wasn’t sure whether or not she believed it. Damn Ayden! She was doing so well at distancing herself. Shit, she’d ruined it now. She knew she needed to go and see them. Just knowing how bad her men could possibly be caused guilt to eat at her insides.

  Turning into the complex, Connor’s truck and Channing’s Mercedes were both there. The beat of her heart shook her whole body. Melissa parked her truck and slowly walked to the door. Music poured from inside. The lyrics to the sad song made her stomach twist. This probably wasn’t such a good idea. Things had to be worse than she thought.

  Raising her hand, she knocked as soft as she could. If they didn’t answer, she’d run like hell and pretend she was never here. Next time, she’d call. That’s what she should have done in the first place.

  Channing opened the door, a look of shock quickly passing over his face. Dark circles were etched under his eyes. He looked like hell. Tears came at how bad off things truly were.


  Arms wrapped around her, pulling her close and tight against his body. His cheek was freezing cold pressed against hers. “Are you okay? Where’s Connor?”

  “He’s in his bed. I don’t think he’s left it for days. Hell, I don’t know anything anymore. Just let me hold you.”

  “Can you at least take me to the music so I can turn it off?”

  “Connor doesn’t want it off. He’s not well. I’m not so sure you should be here until you make up your mind. I don’t think he can stomach you leaving again. Hell, I don’t think I can take seeing him go through that.”

  Melissa wiggled from his arms and walked to the radio. Pushing the stop button, she crossed her arms over her chest, and faced the direction of his room.

  “Channing! I said leave it on, damn it! We’ve been over this repeatedly.” Connor came barreling out of the room, nearly knocking the door off the hinges. He stopped motionless the moment he saw her. His heavy pants shook his upper chest. “Melissa? You came back?”

  She held up her hand when he took a step in her direction. “Connor, what do you think you’re doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Melissa waved her arms around wildly. “This music and look at the trash. I’ve never seen so many to-go boxes in my life. And this. Soda cans. Everywhere.”

  He looked down to the ground. “I don’t know. I…”

  “I’ll tell you what you’re going to do.” He looked up at her. Melissa held in her smile. God, what was she doing? She didn’t have a clue, but she knew she couldn’t let this continue, and hell, she needed them as much as they needed her. She wasn’t going to mention that she noticed herself wearing two completely different color socks when she climbed into her truck.

  Connor interrupted her thoughts. “Tell me what to do. Anything.”

  “You’re going to clean up this mess. Then, you’re both going to pack and come home with me.”

  Connor had her in his arms before she could blink. “Oh, thank God. Thank you, baby. I promise you won’t regret this. I love you.” Lips crushed into hers only to jerk back upon impact. His eyes stared up at her wildly. “Channing, take her.”

  “What’s wrong?” Confused, Melissa looked back and forth between the men.

  Channing’s arms were pulling her back before she could figure out what her other mate was upset about. Connor stepped forward, closing his eyes as he approached.

  “Just smell her. I know I can probably detect better than you, but—” He again ran his fingers through his hair. “Just take in her scent.”

  Channing’s face buried in her neck, and she pulled back. “Enough of this. What in the hell is going on?”

  Wide blue eyes looked at her. “No bets?”

  Appalled, her jaw dropped. “Of course not! Now let me down!” Anger flared through her. “I haven’t been with another man besides the two of you for almost two months. If you’re both saying you smell someone else on me, then the only person that I’ve came in contact with is Ayden. He pulled me over right before I came here.”

What in the hell are you talking about, Channing?”

  Melissa closed her eyes. This was not how she pictured this going. “My friends and I used to bet on men. I haven’t done that since a few weeks before I met Channing.”

  “What exactly did you bet they could do?”

  “Leave with me.” Her eyes stared deeply into Connor’s. Not once did she break their contact. His hand pressed against his chest, and she felt his pain. “I should have told you. I’m sorry. It was in the past. I’ve let yours go. Are you willing to do the same for me?”

  “Of course. I’m just not sure how to take all of this. You bet your friends you could…” He paused, twisting his mouth. “Fuck men?”

  “Thanks for putting it so bluntly, Connor. I’ve never been more embarrassed about what I’ve done than in this moment right now.”

  Melissa spun and nearly ran into Channing. “Don’t go. He didn’t mean it like it sounded. Did you, Connor?” Channing said the last sentence angrily. She turned around to look at him.

  “No, I told you, I’m trying to understand. It’s not easy. Just thinking about another man touching you, tasting you, it makes my blood boil. You were meant to be cherished, Melissa.”

  “I’m not a saint, Connor. I never have been. But when I walk out this door, you can come with me and leave it alone, or you can stay here. This is the last time we talk about it. I’m willing to leave Michelle in the past. Are you willing to leave Bets?”

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation in his response.

  Chapter 14

  Connor rubbed his eyes, angrily. Julie had already left, and they were meant to meet her at her house so they could pack and bring their cars. “You knew about these bets? Why in the hell didn’t you tell me before now?”

  “It wasn’t my place to say anything. I knew she hadn’t been with another man, but I had to make sure. That’s the only reason I asked.”

  “I still wish I would have known. Not that I guess it makes a difference.”

  “It doesn’t. Let it go. Think about Melissa. About her scent. She doesn’t know yet, Connor. We can’t tell her. Remember how I told you she needed to feel in control? If she doesn’t find out on her own, she’s going to take it hard. We have to pretend not to know. At least until afterward.”

  “I can’t believe it. Channing, we’re going to have a child. God, I never thought I’d see the day. If Ayden ran into her, he should know. I need to call him and make sure no one says anything. Get your things. I want to get to her as soon as possible.”

  Connor grabbed his phone and rushed to his room. With one hand he grabbed his bag and began tossing as many articles of clothing in as fast as he could.

  “Ayden, it’s me. You saw Melissa?”

  “Well, hello to you, too. You sound better than the last time we talked. So, she stopped by, did she?”

  “Yes, Channing and I are moving back to the house.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it. I take it you sensed what I did.”

  Connor couldn’t help but smile. “I did. You didn’t say anything to anyone, did you?”

  “Of course not. I did tell her congrats, but I don’t think she knew what I was talking about. Why?”

  “We don’t think she should know yet. Melissa likes to feel in control. If we told her, we’d take that away from her. She needs to find out on her own.”

  “Ah, I get it. Okay, I’ll make sure no one says anything if they run into you. We’ve done this before.”

  “Sounds great. Thank you, Ayden. I know she came here because of you. I owe you one.”

  His Alpha laughed. “I think she would have come on her own. I just gave her an extra push. Now that you’re better, you know I need you back, right?”

  “Just name it, and I’ve got you covered.”

  “Good, there are a few things. Call me tonight, and we’ll go over everything. I’m on patrol right now, so I can’t get into details. Congratulations on becoming a father. Tell Channing I said so, too. You both are going to be great fathers.”

  “Thanks, boss.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll talk to you later, Connor.”

  Ayden hung up the phone, and warmth settled throughout his body. This was such good news. Excitement drove him to gather everything faster. He raced from the room to see Channing waiting for him. “Let’s go home.”

  “Yes, home. “

  They both walked outside and got in their vehicles. It didn’t take long for Connor to get lost in his thoughts concerning Melissa and their child. Channing and he were going to be the best fathers, and damn, he really wanted to be considered her husband.

  Connor chewed on his bottom lip while he tried to think of how to break that big news. There was no way she would consent to marry him or Channing with everything that was going on. Once she found out she was pregnant, it was only going to become more unstable. Or would it? Time was all he needed. He could wait. No matter how long it took. As long as he had Melissa close to his side and she was safe, he’d be fine.

  The island came into view, and he rolled down his window, taking in the salty sea breeze. He’d missed being so close to the beach. When he’d meant home, he was serious. Since leaving New Orleans, nothing had ever felt this close to home.

  Channing followed close behind him. When he stopped in front of the house, Channing pulled in the drive. Melissa’s truck sat in her usual spot. It felt good.

  Grabbing his bag, Connor hopped out and rushed up the stairs. Red hair blew against the breeze. Melissa looked like an angel as she held on to the railing of the deck and stared out toward the water. He’d seen this repeatedly while watching her, and it affected him the same way every time. His chest tightened with love. She turned and flashed him a bright smile.

  “I missed this,” she said softly. “Being home, that is. I never thought I’d miss the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The sound soothes me.”

  “I missed you.”

  Connor walked forward and pulled her into his arms. Her scent swept over him, and he closed his eyes, basking in the new fragrance caused by her pregnancy. “May I kiss you?”

  Melissa’s hands cupped his cheeks. Connor opened his eyes and peered into her green depths. “Yes. I think I would like that very much.”

  Silk ran through his fingers as he slid his hand up the back of her neck and cradled her head. Melissa’s soft curves leaned into his body. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer. “A part of me was missing while you were gone. I was lost without you.”

  The fullness of her lips brushed against his. “I was lost, too. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was better off without you or Channing in my life, I knew it was a lie. Without the both of you, my heart would be incomplete. Do you really think this will work, Connor?”

  “I know it will.”

  “So do I.” Channing walked up to them, leaning against the railing. He took in the ocean and then turned to them smiling. “Feels good to be back.”

  “Yes, let’s go inside and put your things away.” Melissa tugged on his arm.

  “First, I want my kiss.” Connor pulled her face back to his and swept his tongue over her lips. She opened for him beautifully. Heat ignited as their tongue’s massaged into each other. Her taste was so sweet against his tongue. He wanted more, to taste her forever.

  Channing pulled him in the direction of the front door, and he picked her up and followed, never breaking his lips from hers. Keys jingled, and he could feel Melissa move in his arms as she handed them over. Once Channing took them, she wrapped her arms around Connor’s neck and pulled him closer.

  “Jesus. I pray my kiss is just as passionate. You both are making it extremely difficult to open this door. My hands are shaking.”

  Once again, Connor was pulled forward. He walked inside and opened his eyes, heading for the bedroom. He could hear Channing following. Melissa broke her lips from his and looked up behind him.

  “Wait. Channing, when was the last time yo
u, you know, bit someone?”

  Connor settled her on the bed, and Channing laughed and sat down. “Connor? How long ago was it?”

  He shrugged. “Hell, four or five days ago? I don’t remember?”

  Melissa’s mouth dropped as she looked back and forth between him. “You mean, you fed from Connor?”

  “He won’t go to anyone else. I tried to tell him that you probably wouldn’t get mad, but he wouldn’t, and I couldn’t let him get any sicker than he already was. It wasn’t so bad.”

  “Channing, why didn’t you come to me? I would have let you take whatever you needed. I didn’t know you were sick. God, what have I done?”

  “Melissa, you haven’t done anything. It was my choice. Don’t blame yourself.”

  Connor watched as she crawled in Channing’s lap and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Thank you. Even though it was a completely stupid, romantic, idiotic thing to do. Thank you. I don’t think you know how much that means to me.” Her hands reached to cup his face. “Gosh, you’re so cold. Please.” She moved her hair and exposed her neck. “Do it, Channing. Believe it or not, I’ve dreamed about this constantly. I need you to do this.”

  Connor watched Channing’s eyes flash a vibrant blue. The shaking of his body was visible even from the few feet that separated them.

  “Wait. Channing, maybe you should take from me first. It’s been a while. Don’t you think maybe we should let Melissa go second? We wouldn’t want anything to accidently happen.”

  The vampire nodded at him frantically. “Excellent idea. I think you couldn’t be more right, Connor.”

  Melissa eased from his lap and Connor and Channing met in the middle of the bed. “Just like before. I’ll bite your forearm. I’ll only take from Melissa’s neck.”

  Connor held out his arm to Channing.

  “Wait!” Melissa crawled to them. “Doesn’t the legends say a person has to be aroused or something? Does that apply to real life? I don’t want it to hurt him.”

  “It only hurts a little. It’s okay, baby. There’s no need to worry.”


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