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Sanction Page 84

by Roman McClay

  However, this requires something in the way of definitions that most people are not prepared to give. The rationalists would say that a brain that develops morphologically in such a way that produces low empathy, augmented aggression, and 100 times longer neurotransmitter duration -aka grudge holding- in brain regions compared to the rest of the population, is by definition an abnormal CNS.

  But this is wrong, Isaiah thought. Does the man who grows taller due to increased nutrition or not as tall due to less; does the woman who hits puberty earlier if the father is absent or later if he is around; does the person who incurs an advantage of malarial immunity but risk for sickle cell anemia have an abnormal genome based upon whether or not they actually grew tall, hit pubescence early, contracted sickle cell anemia?

  See, if the environment is austere -as in the case of the man whose height is regulated by food-availability and intake- then it makes less sense to make that child grow tall. Tall men need more calories, to feed that larger frame, that surface area, and why would a man want more requirements than his environment can provide? How would that be rational or optimal from an evolutionary perspective? Why would a girl want to delay pubescence if her father is not around, does it not advantage her biologically to become fecund and secure a mate to provide for her earlier rather than later? Is her vulnerability to the world -with no father, no protector- a problem solved by becoming a woman earlier and thus something a husband, a protector, would want?

  Is not the mosquito borne malaria a larger environmental problem for the vast mass of African Americans’ genome, as they come from and lived in Africa for 99% of their genetic lives? The fact that malaria is not a problem in the US, where they live now, is not something that evolution has had time to adjust to. Their bodies are adjusted to their real milieu, where they truly came from and where they biologically belong, as Abe Lincoln suggested when he freed them, Isaiah thought.

  Sickle cell is not an abnormal disease, it’s the unfortunate consequence of evolution handling a much larger problem of malaria and handling it well; but not perfectly.

  A boy, Isaiah concluded, who is abused, maligned, attacked, treated like nothing by a sociopathic family and cruel environs, is getting information about his milieu as relevant as the food shortages, the loss of a paternal protector or the presence of airborne maladies that can kill. A boy told the heart means nothing, that his soul is irrelevant, is getting information from his world.

  A boy who has genes like the aforementioned, that code for aggression, lower empathy, more risk-taking behavior, and grudge holding -which the 100-times-nominal duration of neurotransmitters in the brain combined with increase cortisol, which potentiates epinephrine, allow for- is better suited for his ostensible environment than the boy who is inured to this austerity-of-decency as he matures.

  The boy who becomes nice-as-pie no matter what, whether he is reared in a nice modern liberal milieu or whether he is raised under the threat of violence and ridicule and doom, is not as functional as the boy who metabolically, and via gene-expression, adapts to either environment. Isaiah toggled through pictures of each brother from age 0 to 18 and in each the inmate was invariably scowling and the older brother incessantly grinning beatifically. Later the older -smiling- brother would say, when justifying his middle-class aplomb and lack of preparation for the dark side of the moon, hey , I don’t go to biker bars, I don’t go to places that have trouble. The younger brother with the MAO-A allele -the inmate- would just think, well, one day trouble may come to you.

  The African American, Isaiah thought as he returned to the larger issue, with malarial immunity, and risk for sickle cell, has switched environs, and thus only incurs the downside of the allele that codes for this . America has no malaria to avoid. This is a gene that is not toggling between environmental cues deftly enough. It is hardwired into the genome as a function of millions of years on the African veldt.

  The genes that toggle for childhood stimuli are smarter, more facile, more adept at a rapidly changing environment and the man that emerges based on his childhood environment is more suited for his mature one. The genes that code for aggression and hostility and the long memory necessary for revenge -and the brain chemistry, the dopamine on the dmPFC and corollary epinephrine, required for long memory- based on early environment are not abnormal, they are exceptional and smart and evolutionarily brilliant.

  There is a catch. And it is a big one , Isaiah admitted.

  The boy adapts to the hostility of youth, the violence, the hatred pointed at him, the lack of warmth and decency and love, and thus grows into an adaptive Vengeance Machine, but the society is passive-aggressive, it is a domain of hidden-hostility, it is timid in its morality and hypocritical at each turn.

  He was raised to be the angry sheepherder, and this is in fact his ancient, hereditary, milieu . But the State, the social norms -while behaving with zero honesty, decency or love- requires that the victim never fight back. The State has not solved the problem of how people are treated by society, only, Isaiah saw, the problem of how to deal with those who push back .

  The inmate’s genes were expressing themselves based on his rearing; where might made right, where his own family was violent, cruel and indecent and unloving. His body adapted perfectly for this very environment. And the world, the America of the 20th and 21st century was as sociopathic and amoral as his family life adumbrated.

  He got the coded message and he adapted perfectly. The problem, Isaiah saw, was that unlike other rough cultures, like the Mongols of the 5 th century, the Scoti of the 3 rd , the Spartan of the 8 th a.e.v, unlike those cultures, while modern America is soulless, brutal, and loveless, they do not allow the warrior to emerge. Olden cultures didn’t pretend to be decent. They were upfront in their ethos of barbarism.

  The other harsh cultures were cruel to their boys, but they encouraged them to grow into tough and vicious warriors, they didn’t condemn them for it. Only modern America raises men -with the right alleles - to be warriors and then condemns them, arrests them, shames them for being what they were raised -programmed- to be. That is the new twist on culture and genetics that made Isaiah angry enough to scream. But he didn’t make a sound. He just kept to his work.

  He saw the inmate’s brain and the way his treatment at the hands of his family and his paramours and his wife, had made him what he was. It was like the evidence of the rings on a tree. The increases in cortisol and epinephrine and augmented neural sacs pregnant with distended dopamine and serotonin for minutes and hours longer than most men were all recorded in the inmate’s CNS.

  What most people do not realize, Isaiah thought, is that the insult that the normal fella gets, that insult maybe makes him feel some kind of anger for about 3 to 5 seconds, but that same insult makes the inmate -makes men, actual men- angry for 100 times longer, or more. And in that 300-500 second period, the brain releases adrenaline now, and this is how traumatic memories are in fact formed. PTSD is a combination of dopamine and epinephrine in the right locales of the brain. The inmate’s memory was so good, so vivid, so redolent, because he was dosed with biochems designed to make the memory of each insult to body and pride, to skin and to honor, fucking stick. And it did. The inmate remembered each insult -from 40 years ago- like it happened 10 minutes ago. His older brother, with his totally different genome, couldn’t remember shit said 10 seconds ago, and let everything slide right on by with a smile .

  And this is all a consequence of brain metabolism obvious to anyone who dares to look. It had nothing to do with will, or morality, or discipline; it was encoded in the monoamine oxidase genes. Some men are literally, genomically, built for the grudge.

  Isaiah began to build a demotic rant in his head, one that he could speak to everyman on, with, and reach their heart, their balls, so they could understand. And like everything he did it was recorded digitally so he could post it to YouTube or BitChute later if he wanted:

  The medical data even admits that half these so-called -misdiagnosed
- psychopaths are only violent when provoked; the literature says this explicitly. As if provocations should be -are objectively better- ignored. This is an opinion, not a medical fact; and yet they treat it like fact. Should a bear who is provoked not respond with violence? Should a man just be a coward, is this now the medical community’s official position on matters epidemiological?

  It’s absurd; and anyone that has even basic evolutionary biology in their repertoire knows that behavior patterns are part of a species’ normal operational armature; and to behave against instinct gets animals killed. But for Man we somehow forget this truism. Some men are born to fight back; and thank God for it. What if the whole world was as Jad Abumrad or Robert Krulwich wanted, a bunch of floppy eared beta males who eat endless bowls of shit from the world?

  These creeps are advocating for the genocide of alpha males and doing it under the same insidious pretext of compassion and modernity. These hosts of Radiolab are biologically ignorant, advocating for less diversity, a huge mistake in any bio-region, and they are arguing for something immoral as well; as if aggressive alpha males do not serve a societal purpose.

  Who is going to war, who is climbing into the derrick, who is rushing into a burning building, who is rescuing females and children from floodwaters and out of the jaws of animals, who? What type of man? Jad Abumrad or Robert Krulwich? Is David -fat beta male with low testosterone- Simon going to repel the wave of Islamic fighters or Chinese commandos, or arrest MS-13 members or stalk murderers through the streets of Baltimore to put them in bracelets? Is he going to brave the elements when storms hit to rescue civilians?

  Sean Penn got a 12 gauge and a boat and rescued people; he’s an alpha. David Simon bitched on Twitter, ok ? The guy is not worth even contending with, he is weak and stupid and flaccid.

  He brays about being the angriest guy on Television? That’s like saying you’re the best miniature golf player; the best at checkers, the tallest 2nd grader.

  TV is the land of fags and wimps and men who pretend to be someone else all day.

  When David Simon has worked one day in his life in a real job, and his body is angry, when his muscles scream, when his tendons nearly snap, when his vertebrae compress, and impinge on the nerves, when his hands go numb, when his skin is flayed and corroded by caustic chemicals and burns from slag and when his eyes are scorched by welding flash burn, when his body overheats from working in 110 degree heat on the western slope, when his body is worked and overworked and compressed and mangled and destroyed on the cogs of the capitalist machine, bent on the iron beak of the anvil, then he can be angry. But until then, he is merely bitching & screaming; like the big girl that he is .

  A car with at least 400 horsepower, a car with balls can be called, angry , a car without them can just redline and go nowhere; it can be a loud and annoying lawnmower, but it ain’t an angry car . David Simon is a 1992 Toyota Corolla; he can rev it and redline it all he wants, but that car has 140 horsepower, it sucks. Its redline, its screaming redline tachometer, its 6000 RPMs is all noise, signifying nothing.

  My man, my archetypal man, and his alpha male brethren are large displacement big blocks; he’s a 1970 Hemi Cuda 4-speed with 426 horses, and when he red-lines that Detroit iron, that Mopar Death-Mechanix, that -David you dork, listen up- that is angry ok? That car is angry, not your gay Corolla. So, until you have a substitute for the alpha male, until you betas can do the heavy lifting, the dangerous work, the hard work, the wet-work necessary for survival on this planet, then stop advocating for the elimination and neutering of the alpha male.

  We are not getting rid of the Big Block just yet. You drive your Prius , but do not touch our Cummins Diesel.

  Isaiah liked it, it was sufficiently blunt and demotic; and decided to post it. He was tired of the incessant lack of respect that certain species and sub-species were afforded by the myopic and congenitally weak and stupid. They had no idea how necessary men were; real men. And all this crap about toxic masculinity was genocidal and wrong; it was wrong morally and medically, socially and scientifically. Men, Isaiah thought, high testosterone men, served a huge role in society and nobody but Camille Paglia seemed to get it .

  He had watched as his own plans had been thwarted by him being too rational, too wise and cautious and he was tired of it. Man did not live by the head alone, he thought, he lived by the paleo-cortical regions, and if a man wanted to reach his fellow men, he’d have to reach into his own guts and fling them out at the world.

  III. 2036 e.v.

  “I meet with anyone,” Jack said in reply and looked to make sure his guest’s bowl was filled with rice and orange chicken. He took a sip of water and smiled.

  “Well, I certainly appreciate it,” the man said and expressed gratitude for the food and the time as equally important. The Chinese had the memory of starvation imprinted on their culture now, and food was seen as so important that they would put food in your bowl if it was empty, the way a good Western host might fill your stinted glass from the carafe .

  “So, what can we do for you?” Jack Ma spoke in terms of, we, any time it redounded to the benefit of his team, using, I, for only those times he was heaping responsibility upon himself.

  “I read somewhere that you offered to go to prison, told your team you would take the charge for financial crimes under Chinese law -at the time- but they were to begin running e-commerce payments at once,” he said, “what was the impetus for that?”

  “I believe in trust; I believe it in my bones. And I had heard a man say that true leadership was taking responsibility; so I knew then, that I must go forward with two layers of trust. Idea,” he pronounced, idea , like, ideer, as if he was from Kentucky or Tennessee, “one, was that I trusted the users of Alibaba , idea two was that I trusted my own vision; after that, the choice was revealed. Do it,” Jack said.

  The man had allowed the nanobots to release oxytocin and vasopressin in aerosol around Jack Ma as they spoke, and he had primed him with these concepts; trust, gratitude, especially for food and time, and now he was to introduce another concept: culture.

  “Chinese culture fascinates me, and I must say that I find your reach into other cultures, Western culture to be tantamount to my own forays into your culture, the Han Chinese tableau . I, similar to you, met Chinese tourists at the Shangri La Hotel in Denver, and learned from them as you learned from Western visitors. And that is just one way in which we share a vector,” he said.

  “Is this so?” Jack smiled and checked the man’s bowl for its level as he ate small bites from his own.

  “Indeed,” the man said and ate slowly, “I have a friend,” he swallowed, “that believes life is, well, he phrases it like this, he says that we are all born into this life without having done anything to earn it. It is tantamount to walking into a casino and being given $100,000 in chips.

  “He says, we are gambling with the house’s money. And some people try to hold on to each chip for dear life, scared to lose it. But some, some like my friend, say that he is eager to gamble it away, but, he wants the best odds, he may be crazy but he’s not stupid,” he made a pause and smiled to honor that allusion to a phrase Jack Ma often made of himself and his partners.

  Jack bowed and smiled in recognition, and asked, “what are the best odds; for your friend?”

  “Black Jack,” the man said and took a drink from the wine, finally, a full five minutes after it was poured.

  “21, yes, best odds in casino; wise choice,” Jack said.

  “This,” he held up the glass, “is the 2012 rosé ?”

  “You have a discerning palate; yes, our ‘12 vintage, cabernet franc at 30%, balancing the Merlot . It’s quite lovely, yes?” Jack said and asked all-in-one.

  “I adore it. I hear you plant the stock close,” he made pantomiming gestures with his hands to indicate what he meant.

  “Yes, to promote deep root growth,” Ma said.

  “Yes, I’ve heard of this technique, and the limestone, and clay, it is like St.
Émillion to the north, but more, more limestone,” he emphasized the last word.

  “Yes, you must have heard of our caves, then?” Ma asked as he drank from his own glass.

  “Well, I’m not going to come right out and ask, but, may I relate something to you?” the man asked with a smile.

  “Of course,” Ma said, genuinely impressed with the man’s knowledge of his estate and terroir ; while himself imbibing the rosé alongside the oxytocin and vasopressin bonding chems . He felt like the man was trustworthy .

  “I live in Colorado, on a very rocky plateau in the mountains, elevated, like you here, only higher, of course, and the composition of the soil is heavy in clay and slip rock, and granite.

  “But, I have excavated it, with much effort, as you can appreciate with clay,” he winked, “and I have built my own cellar, right in the mountain, under my own home. And I go down there sometimes, and just sit. I think, some men, maybe few of us anymore, have some feeling still for caves. Do you mind expatiating on how the caves here at de Sours influenced your intent to purchase the estate?”

  “Ah, yes, well, it was more of an influence than I’ve admitted to publicly, I have tried -after speaking with the former owner and Bordeaux officials and many French people- to not brag too much, or even talk at all about the estate. The French, much like the Chinese are very proud of their culture, their land, and they have not the cosmopolitan attitude of the Americans, or maybe even the English now. The French did not think selling their Bordeaux châteaux to foreign investors was going to be popular with the people. So, I speak less of it than I think of it,” he smiled at his own compliment to his home.

  “Ah, the Americans, we,” he emphasized the we , “Americans, the deference we pay to others, the hypocrisy in it, the fraudulence in it, the high-handedness of it,” the man said as Jack tilted his head a bit, to denote his curiosity at this phrasing. The man saw this and said, “ah, high-handed, it’s like arrogance, and you might say the baizuo ,” he pronounced it perfectly and stunned Jack. “What shall I say, the baizuo have this false way with the world, pretending to be in league with others less fortunate than they are.


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