When Bad Girls Need More

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When Bad Girls Need More Page 8

by Tilton, Emily

  Then it hardly mattered, though, because the man complied with the older woman’s command: despite Jeannie’s attempts to keep her feet planted and then to kick herself out of his grasp, he maneuvered her lightly to the side, shifting around her backside at the same time. Now he stood on her right, and he used the same secure hold around Jeannie’s midsection to bring her left hip into contact with Hannah’s right one.

  Hannah gave a little whimper. Jeannie could feel the way Judge Oh’s enormous dildo moved the petite redhead’s body with each deep, impaling thrust. She clenched again at the sensation, at the exact instant the judge’s right hand seized her by her pussy, middle fingers roughly caressing her clit and thumb invading her fluttering slit.

  “This cunt is even wetter than the one I’m in,” the judge said to the guard. “I hope you folks at AG are happy with the sluts I’m sending you.”

  The man chuckled. “I’m sure we will be.” His voice seemed to rumble in the muscular arms that held Jeannie firm. The judge worked her pussy urgently, and to her shame Jeannie cried out as the beginnings of an orgasm seemed to blossom in the aching depths of her womb.

  She felt the judge shift position, and then Hannah gave a forlorn little cry. Jeannie couldn’t help looking over her shoulder to see Judge Oh pulling the rubber cock out of Hannah’s pussy.

  “Don’t worry, little Hannah,” the judge said. “You’ll get plenty of fucking from now on.”

  As Jeannie watched, her honor used her left hand to do to Hannah’s pussy the same thing she did to Jeannie’s. Jeannie had to close her eyes, overwhelmed by the shame of the sight: two convicted bad girls, naked side by side and showing just how immodest their wanton needs made them. She turned her face forward and hung her head. She moaned just as Hannah moaned; somehow having the guard’s strong arm around her waist made it seem she had no choice. Her hips bucked and she tried to ride the judge’s hand, push back to get the slender thumb deeper inside her.

  “Equality before the law,” the judge said softly. “Two young whores, learning their lesson.”

  A moment before, Hannah’s submission to the older woman had seemed to make Jeannie more defiant. Now the feeling of another girl’s soft skin against her own, the knowledge that Hannah too had a thumb in her pussy and delicate but urgent fingers on her clit made Jeannie moan and match her new friend’s rhythm.

  “Do they need more from the strap?” the guard asked. His voice sounded so hopeful that it made Jeannie cry out in alarm, and Hannah matched the sound with a fearful whimper of her own.

  “No,” the judge said. “These are both intelligent girls. They’re learning.”

  Jeannie felt the little hand leave the wet, needy place between her thighs, and she couldn’t help it: she sobbed with anticipation and arousal.

  “Shh, Jeannie,” the judge murmured. “It’s time. This is a big cock, and you’re going to get it all.”

  The little woman behind Jeannie moved half a pace to the right. Hannah cried out, her hips and thighs jerking against Jeannie’s. The head of the huge rubber penis pressed in where Jeannie had decided to be such a bad girl, had let Mike’s young, little cock in, had received such a terrible lesson from Principal Davis and Mr. Myers and Mike himself.

  Jeannie screamed in mingled pleasure and discomfort, because the judge drove the enormous dildo straight into her.

  The Law… Justice… the System… All of it, as Jeannie cried out again and again, began to fuck her.

  The judge’s voice, a little breathless, said to the guard, “Are you gentlemen at AG going to have the asses soon?”

  “Not until they beg for it,” the guard answered. He tightened his grip around Jeannie’s waist, and a wave of shameful, wanton need went through her whole body at the feeling.

  The girls cried out at that, as the judge rode Jeannie hard. Her honor’s breath sounded a little harsher, now. Jeannie could feel the artificial cock inside her buzzing, just a little at its base, as if the harness the judge wore had something more to it—but only for the judge.

  “Can you feel that, Jeannie Rendoski?” the older woman asked, her voice low—teasing and menacing at the same time. “I get the pleasure and you get the shaft. Really I should be doing this in you girls’ anuses to make sure you understand, but you’ll learn that lesson soon enough.”

  Somehow the thought of the judge getting pleasure inside the harness, under the dildo, made the pleasure inside Jeannie’s pussy grow, rather than diminish. She felt a climax rush toward her, and then like a wave it crashed over and around her and she cried out with need and ecstasy, shuddering inside the guard’s restraining arm as he held her easily in place for her punishment fucking. Hannah sobbed next to her, and the sound of another girl’s arousal seemed to make the starbursts below Jeannie’s tummy, in her moving hips, glow even brighter.

  The judge gave a hard, deep thrust, and she grunted. Jeannie felt her honor’s hand on her hip, just below the guard’s arm, tighten its grip. Hannah moaned as if the hand on her pussy had done the same.

  “Take them,” the judge said, stepping back. “We’re done here.”

  * * *

  All the guards—there were four of them—in the blue uniform that had SELECTA AG on the shoulder towered over Jeannie and Hannah as they guided the naked girls toward the van. Jeannie kept looking around, her face feeling hotter with every step in the parking garage, but at least she didn’t see any bystanders. The eyes of the broad-shouldered men, though, moving frankly up and down the girls’ bodies, lingering on Jeannie’s breasts, her whipped bottom, the bare cleft between her thighs, gave her reason enough to blush.

  The van had a long bench seat against its wall. Stout webbing belts with strong Velcro secured Jeannie and Hannah in place on it.

  “Judge gave it to you little sluts good, didn’t she?” asked one of the two guards who sat on either side of the girls on the bench seat, as the van pulled out of the garage.

  “Answer Mr. Thomas,” the other said, when neither Jeannie nor Hannah replied. “Did she give it to you good? Did you like the dildo or the whip better?”

  Jeannie sat with the one apparently named Mr. Thomas on her left and Hannah on her right. She turned her head toward Hannah, hoping to see some resolution in the other girl’s eyes that might help Jeannie resist the urge simply to give in and say something that would satisfy the guards in degrading her. The belt around her waist and the cuffs around her wrists reminded her of the guard’s—Mr. Thomas himself, she thought, though she didn’t feel sure of that—arm restraining her while the judge impaled Jeannie’s pussy on the terrible artificial cock.

  In Hannah’s blue eyes she did see some defiance, as if Jeannie could communicate her own rebellion to the other girl, but then Mr. Thomas’ voice—yes, he was definitely the same guard who had held her in place for the judge—cut through the moment of solidarity.

  “Don’t worry, Greg,” he said. “We can see for ourselves, right? Let’s hood them and have a little fun.”

  Jeannie turned back in his direction to see that Mr. Thomas, a burly, bearded yellow-haired man, had taken a black cloth thing from somewhere. She raised her bound hands but he slipped it expertly over her head. She cried out, and she heard Hannah cry out, too, though both cries were muffled by the hoods the guards had put on them.

  Then she felt a big hand on her left breast, toying roughly with the little nipple, and another hand forcing her thighs apart. Fingers probed, and found her shameful secret.

  “This one liked the dildo,” said Mr. Thomas. “She’s still wet.”

  Hannah moaned in her hood, and the sound made Jeannie bite her lip to keep from making a similar one.

  “This one too,” the one called Greg said. “Don’t worry, girls. You’ll have real cocks in these little cunts very soon.”

  Chapter 12

  An hour later Jake opened the door to the holding cell where the guards had left Jeannie and Hannah. He entered, and Kevin came in just behind him. They both wore the standard non-uniform u
niform of daddies—case officers—in the Selecta BGF system: khakis and crisply ironed Oxford-cloth shirts, cut slim to emphasize the muscular physique they shared with the guards.

  The guards had bound the naked girls to side-by-side punishment benches before they had departed, so Jeannie’s and Hannah’s pretty backsides confronted their case officers now. Straddling the benches with knees restrained on the padded rests, the girls had been made to bend until their heads were lower than their still youthfully narrow hips.

  Jake and Kevin took a silent stand, each behind his girl, to contemplate the lovely view of a bare, pouting pussy nestled in the V of a young woman’s parted thighs. The arch of Jeannie’s back had parted her purple-striped bottom-cheeks just enough to show the tiny pink flower of her anus; Jake couldn’t quite see Hannah’s bottom-hole from his position, but he felt sure Kevin could.

  The heavy security door swung closed behind them with a metallic crash. Jeannie, on the left-hand bench, tried without success to crane her face over her left shoulder to see who had entered the holding cell.

  “Jeannie’s at seven,” said Maria, Jake’s favorite AG assessor, over his comm link. “Hannah’s at eight. Skin galvanics on Jeannie are starting to jump. Go ahead anytime you’re ready.”

  Jake tapped his jaw to acknowledge the assessor’s communication, and glanced over at Kevin with a smile. The red-haired daddy jerked his chin upward in a half-nod: the call on when to start the girls’ induction belonged to Jake, as the case officer of the more volatile of the two new prisoners.

  He waited. He had a very strong suspicion of what Jeannie would do next, and he thought it would provide the perfect opportunity to get things started in a constructive way.

  “Galvanics amplifying,” Maria said. Jake couldn’t hear any note of reproach in the assessor’s tone, but Maria didn’t need to use her voice that way; she knew Jake knew that if he waited too long it could send Jeannie’s—and even Hannah’s—defiance in the wrong direction, away from their arousal cycle. The work done that day by principal, headmistress, guards, and judge could be undone.

  Jake waited. His own training as an Institute trainer had taught him one thing above all: trust your gut. His gut told him Jeannie would speak, and it would give him and Kevin the chance to move her, and Hannah, along toward the aims of Advanced Guidance: turning the girls into obedient fuck toys while also teaching them how much they needed just that.

  “Who the fuck is there?” Jeannie said, trying again to see behind her.

  Jake didn’t answer in words, but he moved two steps to his left, so that he came into Jeannie’s field of vision. He had his big hands in front of his midriff, the fingers of the left massaging the knuckles of the right, subtly suggesting the strength with which he could control her and discipline her whenever he wanted.

  “Boom,” Maria said. “Nice, Jake. Galvanics flat-lined.”

  Jeannie’s lips had parted, and her eyes had gone wide. Her first impression of her lead daddy, aka case officer, had clearly affected her in just the way it should.

  “Eight,” the assessor in his ear told him. “Nine.”

  Hannah had sensed the movement behind her: the designers of the AG facility had made the air currents in the holding cell very sensitive to shifts of its occupants’ positions for just this reason.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Hannah’s galvanics are jumping now,” Maria told the daddies.

  The red-haired girl turned her head to the left, but Jake had taken a stand where Hannah wouldn’t be able to catch a glimpse of him. When Hannah turned to the right, though, Kevin had moved to stand so close to her on that side that she cried out in alarm when she saw him there.

  Kevin reached out his hand to take firm hold of Hannah’s chin, looking down into her eyes silently. Hannah let out a whimper.

  “Nine for Hannah,” Maria told them.

  “What?” Jeannie asked, her eyes moving away from Jake’s for an instant and then returning. “Is there…”

  “Quiet, twenty-three,” Jake said. He didn’t speak loudly, but he did put all the arrogance and contempt of the prison warden into his tone.

  “What?” Jeannie said.

  “Jeannie’s galvanics starting to move,” Maria told him unnecessarily. Jake could see the fight-or-flight in her eyes despite the fact that her restrained position on the bench would allow neither.

  Hannah shuddered on her bench as she realized that two men had entered. She tried to turn her face away, out of Kevin’s grip, and she cried out when he held her chin even more tightly.

  “You too, twenty-four,” Kevin said, even more harshly than Jake had spoken. “We don’t want to hear anything from your slut mouths.”

  “In fact,” Jake said, beginning to walk around to the front of the punishment benches and speaking as if the idea had just occurred to him, “let’s make sure these girls keep quiet, Daddy Kevin.”

  Both girls’ bodies responded visibly to the word daddy, which the judge had so thoughtfully introduced into their thinking about Advanced Guidance—though of course that word never lay very far from the consciousness of bad girls like Jeannie and Hannah. Jeannie’s head and shoulders gave a start, as if part of her wanted to shake her head violently no, but also as if she understood that the very gesture would actually show how strong a yes existed deep inside her. Hannah’s response was more straightforward: her hips bucked over her bench.

  “Clench for Hannah,” Maria confirmed. “Ten for a moment there. Jeannie’s steady at nine.”

  “Good idea, Daddy Jake,” Kevin responded, smiling. He stepped further to the front of Hannah’s bench, so that both case officers could position themselves before the girls’ faces, belt buckles coming level with their fearful eyes just as their new daddies began to undo the identical silver fastenings.

  Jeannie turned her eyes upward to meet Jake’s as he looked down into her pretty face. The naked girls had pulled their hair into loose ponytails with the elastics given to them by the guards before they had fastened them to the benches. Jeannie looked almost the way she had when walking into her darkened French room in her school uniform, hoping for a quickie with her boyfriend—except of course that her clothes had been taken away and she had been strapped down into a humiliating posture of submission.

  Jake smiled as he lowered his pants and briefs to mid-thigh and his huge cock sprang forth, very hard already at the sight of the naked girls bound in place for their new daddies’ pleasure. Hannah gave a little cry at the sight of Kevin’s similarly big cock, but Jeannie pursed her mouth defiantly. After a glance at the rigid penis in front of her, she looked up into Jake’s face again.

  “Am I supposed to be impressed?” she said with something in her voice that sounded like an attempt at scorn.

  Jake didn’t need Maria to tell him that Hannah’s more submissive instinct had fueled Jeannie’s resistance. Now they would get to see for certain whether the next step of the process—the reason they had grouped the two girls together—would work.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Jake saw Hannah turn her head a little to look over at Jeannie.

  “Hannah’s galvanics are up,” Maria said. “Arousal down to seven. Kevin, push a bit, maybe.”

  “What about you, twenty-four?” Kevin asked. “Are you impressed?”

  Jeannie’s brow puckered in puzzlement; she had clearly expected a different, harsher kind of response from the men—and she had above all expected Jake to give it.

  Hannah swallowed hard. “No,” she said, shaking her head.

  Jeannie’s eyes went wide, and she too swallowed visibly as she raised her gaze to Jake’s face again. She could rebel much more easily on her own behalf—it clearly frightened her to feel like she might have led the other girl, who naturally seemed to Jeannie less of a bad girl than she herself, into a defiance that would get them punished.

  Jake looked over at Kevin, his mouth crooked into half a smile, and Kevin returned the expression. Then they both looked down at the
ir bad girls and without any verbal response they started to unbutton their shirts.

  When he had the top three buttons undone, and his washboard abs had started to become visible, Jake said, “Twenty-three and twenty-four, I’m a little hurt, I guess, but your daddies don’t really care if you’re impressed.” In Jeannie’s eyes he could see her fear about what consequences her resistance would bring vie with the feminine, animal desire his body inevitably inspired in hers. “We’re going to fuck your faces now while we tell you about your new home, whether you’re impressed or not.”

  He dropped his shirt behind him, and quickly lowered his pants and underwear all the way to the floor so that he could step out of them as naked as Jeannie and Hannah.

  A little sound, one she had clearly tried to keep back, emerged from the blonde girl’s mouth. She had taken her lower lip between her teeth.

  “Nine for Jeannie. Nine for Hannah,” Maria said. A glance over at Kevin told Jake that his fellow daddy had gotten naked, too. All the men—and the women—who had used the girls today had been clothed in one way or another while Jeannie and Hannah had begun to understand that forced nudity would represent an essential part of their lives from this point forward. Their new daddies were almost certainly the first naked men these bad girls had ever seen, and Selecta Advanced Guidance had made certain the sight made an impression, despite what Jeannie’s defiant character wanted her to believe.

  In her eyes he could see the intelligent girl’s realization of precisely the contrast Jake and Kevin meant their undressing to convey. They had taken off their own clothing, while Jeannie and Hannah had had theirs taken away. Their masculine bodies always carried hair—in fact, Kevin had a true profusion of ginger fur that, like Jake with his dark body hair, he trimmed twice a week. Their big, heavily muscled frames loomed over the prostrate girls’ soft, small, smooth ones; long, ropy arms and tree-trunk thighs confronting Jeannie’s and Hannah’s dismayed and helplessly aroused gazes.


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