A Young Girl's Wooing

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A Young Girl's Wooing Page 20

by Edward Payson Roe



  "Graydon, when do you think I can have my first ride?" Madge asked atdinner, with sparkling eyes.

  "At about five this afternoon. I have found a saddle that I can borrowin case yours does not come till the late train."

  "Oh, I'm so glad that I've lost my appetite! You can't know how mucha horse means to me. It was after I began to ride that I grew strongenough to hope."

  "Why, Madge, were you so discouraged as that?" he asked, feelingly.

  "I had reason to be discouraged," she replied, in a low tone. Then shethrew back her head, proudly. "You men little know," she continued,half defiantly. "You think weakness one of our prerogatives, and likeus almost the better for it. We are meekly to accept our fate, andfrom soft couches lift our languid eyes in pious resignation. I won'tdo it; and when a powerful horse is beneath me, carrying me like thewind, I feel that his strength is mine, and that I need not succumb tofeminine imbecility or helplessness in any form."

  "Brava, Madge!" cried Henry Muir.

  "You were born a knight," added Graydon, "and have already made moreand better conquests than many celebrated in prose and poetry."

  "Oh, no," cried Madge, lifting her eyebrows in comic distress. "I wasborn a woman to my finger-tips, and never could conquer even myself. Ihave an awful temper. Graydon, you have already found that out."

  "I have found that I had better accept just what you please to be,and fully admit your right to be just what you please," he answered,ruefully.

  "What a lovely and reasonable frame of mind!" Mrs. Muir remarked."Truly, Miss Wildmere is to be congratulated. You have only to stickto such a disposition, and peace will last longer than the moon."

  "Oh, Miss Wildmere will prove a rose without a thorn," Madge added,laughing, while under Mr. Muir's eye her face paled perceptibly."There will never be anything problematical in her single-mindeddevotion. She has been well and discreetly brought up, and finishedby the best society, while poor me!--I had to fly in the face of fatelike a virago, and scramble up the best I could in Western wilds. Oh,well, Graydon, don't be alarmed. I'll be a good fellow if you'll takeme out riding occasionally."

  He began to laugh, and she continued: "I saw you frown when I beganmy wicked speech. We'll tick off tabooed subjects, and make an _indexexpurgatorius_, and then we'll get on famously."

  "No need of that," he said. "As far as _I_ am concerned, pleaseconsider _me_ fair game."

  "Consider you fair game?" she said, with her head archly on one side."That would be arrant poaching. Don't fear, Graydon, I shall neverregard any man as game, not even if I should become a fat dowager witha bevy of plain daughters and a dull market."

  Grave and silent Mr. Muir leaned back in his chair and laughed soheartily that he attracted attention at the Wildmere table across theroom.

  "That man doesn't act as if on the brink of failure," thought MissWildmere. "It's all a conspiracy of Arnault with papa."

  "You are making game of me in one sense very successfully," Graydonadmitted, laughing a little uneasily.

  "Oh, in that sense, all men are legitimate game, and I shall chaff asmany as possible, out of spite that I was not a man."

  "You would make a good one--you are so devoid of sentiment and soindependent."

  "And yet within a week I think a certain gentleman was inclined tothink me sentimental, aesthetic, intense, a victim of ideals anddevotional rhapsodies."

  "Oh, ye gods! Here, waiter, bring me my dessert, and let me escape,"cried Graydon.

  "Did you say I was to be ready at five?" she asked, sweetly.

  "Yes, and bring down articles of a truce, and we'll sign them in redink."

  An hour later she heard the gallop of a horse, and saw him ridingaway. "She shan't mount the animal," he had thought, "till I learnmore about him and give him all the running he wants to-day. She hasa heavy enough score against me as it is, and I'll not employ anotherbrute to make things worse."

  He learned more fully what he had discovered before, that she wouldhave her hands full in managing the horse, and he gave him a run thatcovered him with foam and tested his breathing. At four he gallopedback to the station to see if the saddle had arrived, but found thateven his skill and strength were not sufficient to make the animalapproach the engine. Shouting to the baggage-man to bring the expectedarticles to the stable, he was soon there and made another experiment.A hostler brought him a blanket, which he strapped around his waist,and mounted again in a lady's style. It was at once evident that thehorse had never been ridden by a woman. He reared, kicked, and plungedaround frightfully, and Graydon had to clutch the mane often to keephis seat. Madge had speedily joined him, and looked with absorbedinterest, at times laughing, and again imploring Graydon to dismount.This he at last he did, the perspiration pouring from his face.Resigning the trembling and wearied horse to a stable-boy, he cametoward the young girl, mopping his brow and exclaiming: "It will neverdo at all. He is ugly as sin. No woman should ride him, not even asquaw."

  "Bah, Graydon! he did not throw you, although he had you at everydisadvantage. I'm not in the least afraid. Has the saddle come?"

  "Yes; but I protest, Madge. Here, Dr. Sommers" (who was approaching),"lay your commands on this rash girl."

  "If Dr. Sommers says I'm rash he doesn't understand my case, and Irefuse to employ him," cried Madge. Then she added, sweetly: "IfI break any bones, doctor, I'll be your very humble and obedientservant. It's half-past four, and I'll be ready as soon as you are,Graydon. No backing out. You might as well warn me against the perilof a rocking-chair;" and she went to put on her habit.

  "Heaven help us!" said Graydon to the doctor. "We're in a scrape.She's so resolute that I believe she would go alone. What would youdo? Hang it all! the people of the house have got an inkling of what'sup; some are gathering near, and the windows are full of heads."

  "Put the saddle on one of the quiet livery horses, and you ride thisbrute," said the doctor.

  "You don't know her. She wouldn't stand that at all."

  "Then give her her head. After yesterday I believe she can do whatshe undertakes. You have tired the horse out pretty thoroughly, and Iguess she'll manage him."

  Leaving orders to have Madge's horse sponged off and dried, and thebest animal in the stable prepared for himself, he said, "Well then,doctor, be on hand to repair damages," and went to his room to changehis dress.

  The doctor did more. He saw that Madge's horse was saddled carefully,meanwhile admiring the beautiful equipment that Graydon had ordered.He also insured that Graydon had a good mount.

  When at last the young man tapped at Madge's door she came out lookingmost beautiful in her close-fitting habit and low beaver, with itsdrooping feather. Mary followed her, protesting and half crying, andMr. Muir looked very grave.

  "Madge," said Graydon, earnestly, "I should never forgive myself ifany harm came to you. That horse is not fit for you to ride."

  "Good people, see here," said Madge, turning upon them; "I am not areckless child, nor am I making a rash experiment. Even if I did notfear broken bones, do you think I would give you needless anxiety?Graydon has kindly obtained for me a fine horse, and I must make abeginning to show you and him that I can ride. If Mr. and Mrs. Waylandwere here they would laugh at you. Don't come out to see me off, Mary.Others would follow, and I don't want to be conspicuous. I do wishpeople would mind their own business."

  "No danger of my coming out. I don't want to see you break your neck,"cried Mary, re-entering her room.

  "You must let me go, Madge," said Mr. Muir, firmly. "I may have tointerpose my authority."

  "Yes, do come, for Heaven's sake!" said Graydon.

  "Very well," laughed Madge. "If I once get on, you and the horse mayboth find it hard to get me off. Where are the horses?" she asked,upon reaching the door.

  "You must yield one point and mount near the stable," said Graydon,resolutely.

  "Oh, certainly, I'll yield everything except my ride."

  Madge's horse stood pawing the ground, showing how obdurate anduntamable was his spirit. She exclaimed at the beauty of the saddleand its housings, and said, "Thank you, Graydon," so charmingly thathe anathematized himself for giving her a brute instead of a horse. "Ishould have satisfied myself better about him," he thought, "and havelooked further."

  In a moment she had the animal by the head, and was patting his neck,while he turned an eye of fire down upon her, and showed no relentingin his chafed and excited mood. Graydon meanwhile examined everythingcarefully, and saw that the bridle had a powerful curb.

  "Well," said he, ruefully, "if you will, you will."

  "Yes; in no other way can I satisfy you," was her quiet reply.

  "Let us get away, then; spectators are gathering. You should be ableto hold him with this rein. Come."

  She put her foot in his hand, and was mounted in a second, the reinswell in hand. The horse reared, but a sharp downward pull to the rightbrought him to his feet again. Then he plunged and kicked, but she satas if a part of him, meanwhile speaking to him in firm, gentle tones.His next unexpected freak was to run backward in a way that sent theneighboring group flying. Instantly Madge gave him a stinging blowover the hind quarters, and he fairly sprang into the air.

  "Get off, Madge," cried Mr. Muir, authoritatively, but the horse wasspeeding down the road toward the house, and Graydon, who had lookedon breathlessly, followed. Before they reached the hotel she hadbrought him up with the powerful curb, and prancing, curvetting,straining side-wise first in one direction, then in the other,meanwhile trembling half with anger, half with terror, the masteredbrute passed the piazza with its admiring groups. Graydon was at herside. He did not see Miss Wildmere frowning with vexation and envy,or Arnault's complacent observance. With sternly compressed lips andsteady eye he watched Madge, that, whatever emergency occurred, hemight do all that was possible. The young girl herself was a presencenot soon to be forgotten. Her lips were slightly parted, her eyeglowing with a joyous sense of power, and her pose, flexible to theeccentric motions of the horse, grace itself. They passed on down thewinding carriage-drive, out upon the main street, and then she turned,waved her handkerchief to Mr. Muir, and with her companion gallopedaway.

  Several of Mr. Muir's acquaintances came forward, offeringcongratulations, which he accepted with his quiet smile, and then wentup to reassure his wife, who, in spite of her words to the contrary,had kept her eyes fastened upon Madge as long as she was in sight.

  "Well," she exclaimed, "did you ever see anything equal to that?"

  "No," said her husband, "but I have seen nothing wonderful orunnatural; she did not do a thing that she had not been trained andtaught to do, and all her acts were familiar by much usage."

  "I think she's a prodigy," exclaimed Mrs. Muir.

  "Nothing of the kind. She is a handsome girl, with good abilities,who has had the sense to make the most and best of herself instead ofdawdling."

  After an easy gallop of a mile, in which Madge showed complete powerto keep her horse from breaking into a mad run, she drew rein andlooked at Graydon with a smile. He took off his hat and bowed,laughingly.

  "Oh, Graydon," she said, "it was nice of you to let me have my ownway!"

  "I didn't do it very graciously. I have seldom been more worried in mylife."

  "I'm glad you were a little worried," she said. "It recalls your lookand tone at the time of our parting, when you said, 'Oh, Madge, do getwell and strong!' Haven't I complied with your wish?"

  "Had my wish anything to do with your compliance?"

  "Why not?"

  "What an idiot I've been! I fear I have been misjudging you absurdly.I've had no end of ridiculous thoughts and theories about you."

  "Indeed! Apparently I had slight place in your thoughts at all, but Imade great allowances for a man in your condition."

  "That was kind, but you were mistaken. Why, Madge, we were almostbrought up together, and I couldn't reconcile the past and thepresent. The years you spent in the far West, and their result, aremore wonderful than a fairytale. I wish you would tell me about them."

  "I will. Friends should be reasonably frank. What's more, I wish toshow you how natural and probable the result, as you call it, hasbeen. Your wondering perplexity vexes me. You know what I was when weparted."

  "No, I don't believe I do, or you couldn't be what you are now."

  "Well, I can tell you: I had weak lungs, a weak body, and a weak,uncultured mind. I was weak in all respects, but I discovered that Ihad a will, and I had sense enough, as Henry says, to know that if Iwas ever going to be more than a ghost it was time I set about it. Iknew of Mrs. Wayland's restoration to health in the climate of SantaBarbara, and I determined to try it myself. I couldn't have had betterfriends or advantages than the place afforded. But oh, Graydon, I wasso weak and used up when I reached there that I could scarcely do morethan breathe. But I had made up my mind either to get well or to die.I rested for days, until I could make a beginning, and then, one stepat a time, as it were, I went forward. Take two things that you haveseen me do, for example. One can bathe in the sea at Santa Barbaraalmost throughout the year. At first I was as timid as a child,and scarcely dared to wet my feet; but Mr. Wayland was a sensibleinstructor, and led me step by step. The water was usually still, andI gradually acquired the absolute confidence of one who can swim, andswims almost every day. So with a horse. I could hardly sit on onethat was standing still, I was so weak and frightened; but with muscleand health came stronger nerves and higher courage. After a few monthsI thought nothing of a ten-mile gallop on the beach or out to thecanons. I took up music in the same way, and had a thoroughly goodteacher. He did the best he could for me, which wasn't so very much. Inever could become a scientist in anything, but I was determined to beno sham within my limitations. I have tried to do some things as wellas I could and let the rest go. Now you see how easily I can explainmyself, and I only seem wonderful because of contrast with what Iwas."

  "But where do I come in?" he asked, eagerly.

  "Did you not say, 'Please get well and strong?' I thought it wouldgratify you and Mary and Henry. You used to call me a ghost, and Idid not want to be a ghost any longer. I saw that you enjoyed yourvigorous life fully, and felt that I might enjoy life also; and as Igrew strong I did enjoy everything more and more. Two things besides,and I can say, 'All present or accounted for.' Mr. Wayland is astudent, and has a splendid library. He coached me--that was your oldcollege jargon--on books, and Mrs. Wayland coached me on society. Sohere I am, weighing a hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, andready for another gallop;" and away she went, the embodiment ofbeautiful life.

  "One more question, Madge," he said, as they slackened pace again."Why wouldn't you write to me oftener?"

  "I don't like to write letters. Mine to Mary were scarcely more thannotes. Ask her. Are you satisfied now? Am I a sphinx--a conundrum--anylonger?"

  "No; and at last I am more than content that you are not littleMadge."

  "Why, this is famous, as Dr. Sommers says. When was a man ever knownto change his mind before?"

  "I've changed mine so often of late that I'm fairly dizzy. You aresetting me straight at last."

  Madge laughed outright, and after a moment said, "Now account foryourself. What places did you visit abroad?"

  He began to tell her, and she to ask questions that surprised him,showing that she had some idea of even the topography and color ofthe region, and a better knowledge of the history and antiquitiesthan himself. At last he expressed his wonder. "What nonsense!" sheexclaimed. "You don't remember the little I did write you. As I saidbefore, did you not at my request--very kindly and liberally, too,Graydon--send me books about the places you expected to see? A childcould have read them and so have gained the information that surprisesyou."

  They talked on, one thing leading to another, until he had a consciousglow of mental excitement. She knew so much that he knew, only ina different way, and her thoughts came rippling forth in piquant,musical
words. Her eyes were so often full of laughter that he sawthat she was happy, and he remembered after their return that she hadnot said an ill-natured word about any one. It was another of theirold-time, breezy talks, only larger, fuller, complete with her richwomanhood. He found himself alive in every fibre of his body andfaculty of his mind.

  As they turned homeward the evening shadows were gathering, and atlast the dusky twilight passed into a soft radiance under the rays ofthe full-orbed moon.

  "Oh, don't let us hasten home," pleaded poor Madge, who felt that thismight be her only chance to throw about him the gossamer threads whichwould draw the cord and cable that could bind him to her. "What issupper to the witchery of such a night as this?"

  "What would anything be to the witchery of such a girl as this, ifone were not fortified?" he thought. "This is not the comradeship ofa good fellow, as she promised. It is the society of a charming woman,who is feminine in even her thoughts and modes of expression--who isoften strangely, bewilderingly beautiful in this changing light. Whenwe pass under the shadow of a tree her eyes shine like stars; when therays of the moon are full upon her face it is almost as pure and whiteas when it was illumined by the electric flash. Did I not love anotherwoman, I could easily imagine myself learning to love her. Confoundit! I wish Stella had more of Madge's simple loftiness of character.She would compel different business methods in her father. She wouldwork for him, suffer for him, but would not play diplomat. I like thatArnault business to-night less than ever."

  Mr. and Mrs. Muir were anxiously awaiting them on the piazza as theytrotted smartly up the avenue. "It's all right," cried Graydon."The horse has learned to know his mistress, and will give no moretrouble."

  "I wish you had as much sense," growled Muir, in his mustache; thenadded, aloud, "Come to supper. Mary could not eat anything tillassured of your safety."

  "Yes, Henry, I won't keep you waiting a moment, but go in with myhabit on. I suppose the rest are all through, and I'm as ravenous as awolf."

  They were soon having the merriest little supper, full of laughingreminiscence, and Henry rubbed his hands under the table as hethought, "Arnault is off mooning with the speculator, and Graydondoesn't look as if the green-eyed monster had much of a grip uponhim."

  Miss Wildmere's solicitude would not permit her to prolong her walkwith Arnault, and she returned to the parlor comparatively early inthe evening. She found Graydon awaiting her, and he was as quietlydevoted as ever. She looked at him a little questioningly, but he mether eyes with his quiet and assured look. When she danced with Arnaultand other gentlemen he sought a partner in Madge or some other lady;and once, while they were walking on the piazza, and Miss Wildmeresaid, "You must have enjoyed yourself immensely with Miss Alden tohave been out so long," he replied, "I did. I hope you passed yourtime as agreeably."

  She saw that her relations with Arnault gave him an advantage and afreedom which he proposed to use--that she had no ground on which tofind fault--and that he was too proud to permit censure for a courseless open to criticism than her own.

  Before she slept she thought long and deeply, at last concluding thatperhaps affairs were taking the right turn for her purpose. Graydonwas tolerating as a disagreeable necessity what he regarded as herfilial diplomacy with Arnault. He was loyally and quietly waitinguntil this necessity should cease, and was so doing because hesupposed it to be her wish. If she could keep him in just thisattitude it would leave her less embarrassed, give her more time, thanif he were an ardent and jealous suitor. She was scarcely capable oflove, but she admired him more than ever each day. She saw that he wasthe superior of Arnault in every way, and was so recognized by all inthe house; therefore one of her strongest traits--vanity--was enlistedin his behalf. She saw, also, that he represented a higher type ofmanhood than she had been accustomed to, and she was beginning tostand in awe of him also, but for reasons differing widely from thosewhich caused her fear of Arnault. She dreaded the latter's pride, theresolute selfishness of his scheme of life, which would lead him todrop her should she interfere with it. She was learning to dreadeven more Graydon's high-toned sense of honor, the final decisions hereached from motives which had slight influence with her. What if sheshould permit both men to slip from her grasp, while she hesitated?She fairly turned cold with horror at the thought of this and of thepoverty which might result.

  Thus, from widely differing motives, two girls were sighing for time;and Graydon Muir, strong, confident, proud of his knowledge of societyand ability to take care of himself, was walking blindly on, thevictim of one woman's guile, the object of another woman's pure,unselfish love, and liable at any hour to be blasted for life by thefulfilment of his hope and the consummation of his happiness.

  Sweet Madge Alden, hiding your infinite treasure, deceiving all andyet so true, may you have time!


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