My Lady of Doubt

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My Lady of Doubt Page 21

by Randall Parrish



  The father sank back in his chair, breathing heavily.

  "Eric here, making use of this house, and my servants," he muttered. "Ican scarcely believe it true. Was--was he here yesterday morning when youcame?"

  "I found no trace of his presence, sir."

  There was a moment of silence, broken unexpectedly by the rustle of adress. I turned in surprise, and saw Claire standing quietly in thedoorway.

  "Pardon me, gentlemen," she said softly, "but perhaps I can explain muchof this mystery, and establish the identity of Major Lawrence."

  Seldon sprang forward and offered her a chair, but she merely thanked himwith a bow, and remained standing, her eyes upon her father. Not once hadshe even glanced toward either Grant or me, but I noticed the deep flushof color on cheek evidencing her excitement. What was she going toexplain? How account for the strange actions of the past few days? Howcame she to be here at all? Would she confess the truth openly before usall, or would she feel justified in concealment? I could not, did not,doubt the honesty of the girl's intent, and yet was it possible for herto compel these men to accept her version of all which had occurred?Would she venture a falsehood to protect me, or to save herself?

  "I--I have already explained much," I hastened to say, thinking she mightwish to know.

  "I overheard what has already been said," she returned quickly, butwithout looking toward me, "and appreciate the care with which my namehas thus far been guarded. Now I am ready to make my own explanation."

  "But, first, Claire," said her father soberly, "how does it happen youare here? We supposed you in the hands of 'Red' Fagin, and a squadron ofmy men are out now tracking the fellows."

  "I was not in the house when they came, father; Peter and I were back ofthe stables, fortunately mounted. We were obliged to ride hard as we werechased several miles, and returned as soon as it appeared safe."

  "And Eric?"

  "He departed before Captain Grant arrived," she replied unhesitatingly,"and must be already safe within his own lines."

  "It was Eric, then?"

  "Who else could it be? Surely Captain Grant told you as much."

  The Colonel's eyes wandered about the little group, and his doubt andbewilderment were clearly evident.

  "Do you know Eric's purpose in coming here? in presuming to act as anofficer in Delavan's company?"

  "He did not inform me, sir."

  "You know this man?"

  She turned, and looked at me for the first time, a silent plea in herblue eyes.

  "I do--he is Major Lawrence of General Washington's army," her voice low,but distinct. "I have known him since the Continental troops were firstquartered in Philadelphia."

  I started slightly, yet as instantly recovered my outward composure,realizing that this strange girl again purposed protecting me fromexposure, even at the expense of a falsehood.

  "Indeed; you were doubtless aware then that he was within Sir HenryClinton's lines as a spy?"

  "Far from it," she laughed easily, not glancing toward me, but permittingher eyes to rest upon the bewildered face of Captain Grant. "Why, thatidea is perfectly absurd. Did you tell my father so ridiculous a story,Captain?"

  "Did I! What else could I say?" he growled indignantly. "He was withinour lines in British uniform."

  Her long lashes veiled the blue depths modestly.

  "Yet there might be other reasons for such masquerade, gentlemen," sheconfessed. "Would it be impossible, think you, that he should have takenso great a risk to again meet with me?"

  There was a silence following the simple question, broken by Seldon'slaugh, as he slapped his knee in appreciation.

  "Good enough, by Gad!" he exclaimed heartily. "The lass has cleared themystery with a word. The fellow would be a poor soldier indeed to fail insuch a test--eh, Grant?"

  The Ranger scowled at him in sullen response, his face dark with passion.

  "Hell's acre! This sort of thing may touch your humor, but not mine. Whatis the meaning of your words, Mistress Claire? Are you shameless,forgetting the pledge between us?"

  She turned her face toward him as a queen might, her head held high, hercheeks flaming.

  "You have had your answer once for all, Captain Grant. There is no pledgebetween us."

  "But, daughter," broke in the Colonel, still bewildered by this suddenexplosion. "I can scarcely comprehend; surely it was understood that youwere affianced to this son of an old neighbor."

  "Understood, yes, by those who kindly arranged the affair, but the factthat I might possess a heart of my own was entirely overlooked. As achild I permitted you to plan my future without protest. I am a womannow; I have been out in the world; the war has taken all girlhood fromme. If this were not true the way Captain Grant has watched my everyaction in Philadelphia would have disgusted me with the thought of everintrusting my happiness to him. He has openly quarrelled with every man Ihave spoken to, or danced with. He has made me the sport of all the citygallants by jealous wrangling. Now it is done with. 'Tis in shame that Iam driven to say all this here in presence of these gentlemen, but I willnot stand in silence while Major Lawrence is being condemned as a spy. Hewas at the dance to meet again with me, and for no other purpose."

  Colonel Mortimer's face had expressed many emotions, while she wasspeaking, but now it hardened into military severity, his hand clinchedon the arm of the chair.

  "Do I understand then that this officer was there at your request?"

  "I think," hesitating slightly, "he knew he was not unwelcome."

  "And," his voice breaking slightly, "he came here also to meet you?"

  "Certainly not," her head lifting indignantly. "I am your daughter, andam guilty of nothing unworthy our family name. I have no shame toconfess. Major Lawrence is an officer and a gentleman, the friend ofWashington, and my friend also. At any other time he would be a welcomeguest at our table. If he risked his life to meet with me in Philadelphiait was done openly and honorably in the midst of acquaintances. There hasbeen nothing hidden or clandestine. He was brought to Elmhurst aprisoner, bound to his horse, guarded by armed men. In the morning Ilearned his identity, and at once had him released. That is all," and shegave a gesture with her hands, "and I trust, gentlemen, my explanationwill be sufficient."

  "And you warned him of my suspicions in Philadelphia," exclaimed Grant,"causing him to attack me, and then released him from arrest here."

  "That is partially true; you endeavored to provoke a quarrel the momentyou met. I had no desire he should fall into your hands as a prisoner.When you appeared at this house I assisted his escape."

  "But, Claire, how came you here? Why did you leave Philadelphia?"

  "Because I have a brother, sir, whom I can only meet in secret," shereplied quietly. "I came without thought of danger, for war has not costus friends in this country; our home has remained until now untouched byvandals, and I felt amply protected by those who accompanied me upon theride--our old house servants." She knelt at the side of his chair, herhead bowed upon its arm, and his hand stroked her hair. "I regret if Ihave seemed unmaidenly, or done what you may deem wrong, father, for ithas all seemed right to me."

  The Colonel looked at us silently for what seemed a long while, hisfingers fondling the tresses of the girl's hair.

  "This situation leaves me in an embarrassing predicament," he admitted atlast slowly. "I hardly know what is my duty either as a father, or anofficer of the King. No matter what his purpose may have been this manpenetrated our lines in disguise; he admittedly exercised command ofthose irregulars who attacked and routed Delavan's column, and has sincebeen prowling about disguised as a countryman. Merely because my daughterconfesses to a friendship between them can hardly justify me in settinghim at liberty."

  He paused, rising to his feet, his eyes on my face. The girl lifted herhead, looking up at him.

  "Major Lawrence, I shall hold you prisoner of war, referring your case toSir Henry Clinton.
In the meanwhile you shall receive every considerationpossible in accordance with your rank. I am now going to join my men inpursuit of Fagin. Captain Grant, you will accompany me, and, Mr. Seldon,I shall leave you in charge of the prisoner until we return."

  He took a step toward the door; then turned to his daughter.

  "I shall expect you to be ready to ride with us on our return toPhiladelphia, Claire," he said kindly. "It is evidently not safe for youto remain here alone."

  "Very well, father."

  "Come, Grant, we shall have to ride hard to overtake our men."

  The captain started reluctantly, scowling at me as he passed.

  "I should enjoy having the privilege of being left in charge here," hesaid, for my benefit.

  "No doubt, sir," returned Mortimer coldly. "But I have already selectedMr. Seldon for that duty."

  They left the house together, and I watched them ride past the window,followed by a dozen soldiers. As they disappeared Seldon turned his eyesto my face. He was rather a pleasant looking young man, but possessed anaggressive chin.

  "While I have no orders to that effect, Major," he said quietly, "I wouldtake the responsibility of accepting your parole."

  "Are you not rather reckless?"

  "Oh, I think not," smilingly. "I would have you give it to MistressMortimer--surely under those conditions you would never run away."

  She stole a swift glance at me, shaking her head.

  "That would be too strong an imprisonment," I responded instantly. "Underall conditions I prefer not to give my parole."

  "Very well, sir," more stiffly, his geniality vanishing with my rathercurt refusal. "Then I shall take all necessary precautions to preventescape." He stepped aside to the hall door. "You may send two men inhere, Ferguson."

  They entered quietly, glancing about with some curiosity, but takingposition on either side of me at Seldon's command. Claire stood besidethe table in silence, her glance out the window. Only as we wheeled aboutto leave the room did her eyes meet mine. That swift glimpse beneath thedark lashes caused me to leave the room with swiftly beating heart. Atthe door I stole another glance backward but she had sunk into a chair,her face concealed in her hands. With Seldon ahead, and the two guardsbehind, I tramped down the stairs into the basement, and was again lockedwithin the walls of the strong room.

  As the lock clicked I sat down upon the bunk far from being disheartened.Fate had been playing strange pranks, but I was not left without hope,for I felt assured I had read correctly the swift message of thoseuplifted blue eyes. She had not wished me to accept parole; then theremust be some plan of escape already formulated in her mind. It wasclearly enough to her own interest for me to get safely away; otherwiseshe would necessarily have to appear before Clinton, and her testimonywould scarcely pass unchallenged in presence of MacHugh and those others.To be sure she had told no direct falsehood; it amused me to recall howcarefully she had chosen expression. I had attended the ball for no otherpurpose than to once again meet her, a fact of which she had taken theutmost advantage. Yet why? For what end was this daughter of a loyalistcontinually exposing herself in thus protecting me? Why was shesufficiently interested for so grave a sacrifice? I was not altogetherdevoid of conceit, but I could not persuade myself that affectionprompted this action. We had met so briefly, always with me in the roleof hunted fugitive, that it was impossible to conceive that love was themotive power of control. The thought even was almost preposterous; muchas I should have rejoiced to believe it true the very ridiculousness ofit caused me to smile bitterly. Perhaps her action had some connectionwith her brother--her protection of me might also protect him. There wasa thread of mystery running through everything in which Eric's namecontinually figured. I had not seen him, was not even convinced he was inthe Jerseys, yet this was the most natural explanation of these peculiarevents; surely it was either Eric's safety she was battling for soheroically, or else she was at heart a pronounced patriot.

  However, these thoughts helped me little, nor did contemplation of thesurrounding stone walls inspire me to attempt escape. Already had Itested each separate stone, the solid oaken door, and the iron-barredwindows. I could only wait quietly, striving to solve the meaning ofthose suddenly uplifted blue eyes, and the promise they contained.


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