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Tenebrasco: The Pearl Wielder Trilogy

Page 26

by Hannah Reed

  “Yup, so many things to see here. We’ve been busy.”

  “I bet you have,” Freddie winked at her. April’s hands tightened into fists. The way he looked at her made the hairs stand up on the back of her neck.

  “Are you looking for Alex or Connor? I thought they were with you for breakfast?” April said. She slowly moved towards the kitchen area.

  “We were. Connor mentioned something about wanting to get more involved. So, Dad decided to involve them.”

  “Ah okay,” April said. She attempted to sound light and breezy. Alex and Connor were supposed to be laying the foundations of an excuse for their later wanderings around Rushton and find a way to keep their Dad and Freddie occupied for the afternoon. This was the opposite of that plan.

  “You seem uncomfortable April,” Freddie said. He walked over to the other side of the kitchen island. “You’ll see my brothers shortly.”

  “I’m fine, just feeling a little weary, I might go and have a nap.”

  April started to make her way towards the back staircase so she wouldn’t have to pass Freddie.

  “Nice watch you’re wearing.”

  April stopped. She whipped around to face Freddie. He stood with a smug grin on his face.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you.”

  Before April could react a flash of blue electricity wrapped its way around her body. The pain scorched through her and she screamed in agony then passed out cold.


  “Dad, this is really cool of you. But, aren’t you too busy for this?” Connor asked.

  “Busy, no we haven’t spent proper time together in weeks. It’s Saturday, let me show you what we do here.”

  Connor shot Alex a look behind their Dad’s back. He was acting far happier than he usually did when he was around them. He was dressed rather casually for him too. The linen white trousers with loafers was a disturbing image on their usually austere Dad. They descended several levels into the cliff and then walked down a seemingly never-ending stretch of white corridors. Darius gestured at doors referencing whose office that was or what that room contained. However, nothing made him stop his march.

  “Have there been any further terrorist attacks on land?” Alex asked. Maybe he could at least cajole some useful information out of his Dad.

  “Since the attack on Shell Island, nothing,” Darius said calmly. He didn’t seem affected by the loss of his wife’s favourite home.

  “I thought you said mer didn’t have aircraft?” Connor asked.

  “Umm hmm,” Darius replied without bothering to turn around.

  “Then how come the island was in flames? The news said it was bombed.”

  “They have their powers Connor,” Darius said, but the prior cheer in his voice had turned cold.

  “Maybe, or maybe it wasn’t the mer? It could have been human terrorists who bombed the island.”

  “Perhaps,” Darius said curtly. He finally reached the end of the corridor. He tapped the access button on his control cuff and the door opened. The room was similar to the lounge several floors up in the brothers living quarters with a window taking up one side of the room. The view was just a couple of hundred metres lower.

  “This boys, is Lydia’s private research lab. She is working here with Frederick.”

  “Very interesting,” Alex said trying not to roll his eyes. Being around his Dad always put him in a bad mood. “And what are we doing here?”

  “I thought you wanted to get involved?” Darius said. A small smile had crept back onto his features. Alex was almost too nervous to respond for fear his Dad would actually try to involve them.

  “We do… what are you showing us?”

  Darius moved over to the windows, he stood in the centre and looked out across the sea.

  “Today boys, we are about to make a discovery. For years humans have been searching for the answer of how to access the powers of the pearls.”

  Alex and Connor shared another look. They hesitantly looked around to try and see where their Dad was going with his speech. Everything was so white and pristine; no clues were left on the laboratory surfaces.

  “But, we have taken the testing further than any other team have, and we think we’ve cracked it.”

  Darius turned and walked towards a door to the right. He walked through and Alex and Connor slowly followed him. They walked into a solid metal chamber. Immediately in front of them were two examining tables. Freddie was standing in the middle grinning at their Dad. Either side of him two people were strapped down. As Alex and Connor took a step closer they both blanched. Unconscious and lashed to the table by blue lasers was April. Her body splayed out like a star. The pale blue dress she was wearing earlier was now soaked through with sweat. Across her body a hexagonal rash was spreading. The two brothers stood in shock.

  “Surprised?” Freddie asked coolly.

  “What are you doing?” Connor demanded.

  “Your brother was duped,” Darius replied with infuriating condescension. “He was taken in once more by a pretty face.”

  Alex gripped his fists. Connor grabbed his arm to stop him.

  “Your latest hook-up has been playing you Alex, this is Princess April Meridia, a mera,” the contempt dripped from Darius’ voice.

  The body on the left thrashed his arms. Alex flicked his attention over. A young man was lashed down in the same way as April. But, a laser across his mouth stopped him from speaking. This must be Ethan, Alex thought. Alex scanned the room quickly while his Dad continued to mock him. A lifetime of military education kicked into action. Alex manoeuvred himself to the left of Connor, positioning himself closer to Ethan. Alex stared at him and nodded minutely in the hope that he would realise he was here to help.

  “Now that the mera is detained we have a unique opportunity,” Freddie said.

  Freddie twisted his own cuff and electricity spiked through the lasers lashing April and Ethan down. April was jolted to consciousness. Ethan thrashed against the table and then lay shaking. Darius unlocked a cabinet with his own cuff and wheeled out a strange contraption. It consisted of two metal basins filtering into a small glowing metal dome. Darius wheeled the dome to stand between the two lab tables. Connor and Alex gasped in shock. In one basin lay the watch April always wore and in the other was the most exquisite necklace either of them had ever seen. From its position in the basin, the gemstones spaced between the pearls glimmered. But, it was the pearls that demanded attention; they radiated power as they pulsed in different colours.

  Connor stared at April. She looked so helpless restrained on the cool metal surface. He followed the path of her eyes as she scanned the room. As her eyes locked on his, the pain he saw made him recoil. But, he didn’t look away. His eyes were tethered to her like a lifeline. Taking an infinitely small step forward his arm started to reach for April.

  “These pearls and the raw power possessed within them… it’s like nothing we’ve encountered before,” Darius started talking. “But we needed a sufficient test subject to tap into their powers.”

  Alex flicked the key card out from under his sleeve while his Dad was distracted. He was sick Alex thought. Why would anyone ever be compelled to hurt someone in this way, to experiment on them as if they were less than a sentient being. Freddie was busy with the dome, placing it over the two sets of pearls. Alex casually placed a hand on Ethan’s table looking curiously at the laser restraints. He hoped this would work. With a flick of the card he swiped over the connection point and Ethan’s arm was free. Alex mentally high fived himself, he slowly moved round to release Ethan’s left side. Alex steeled himself then swiped the card. The second the restraints were lifted Ethan sprang up. Freddie finally noticed what Alex was doing.

  “You,” Freddie glared at Alex. Before he could get out another word Ethan barrelled into him pinning Freddie against the wall.

  “Help April,” he shouted. Alex turned to free April and was sent reeling backwards. Standing up he rubbed his jaw
and grimaced.

  “How dare you,” Darius said bearing over him. Alex had never been scared of his Dad. The moment he saw April strapped down he lost any remaining respect for his Dad. Now, he loathed him. Years of anger surged through Alex as he charged towards his Dad. The grimace slipped from President May’s face as Alex pinned him to the ground.

  “Connor, get the card,” Alex shouted. He continued to wrestle his Dad.

  “Why are you doing this?” he demanded through their struggle.

  “Get off me,” Darius commanded. The strain to remove his son was turning his face red with anger. Sweat dripped down his forehead.

  “You bombed the Peace Treaty. Why?”

  A cruel smile twisted across Darius’ face.

  “Don’t you have all the answers Alex? I thought you were supposed to be the intelligent one.”

  Alex slackened his grip for a moment. Darius seized his chance and span Alex around him until he had his head pinned to the floor.

  “You ungrateful child.”

  “You’re nothing more than a terrorist,” Alex spat out.

  “You don’t know the meaning of the word. I’m helping the human race. The mer are a menace. They need to be controlled, their unchecked powers are a threat to us all,” Darius rasped.

  Alex stared up at his Dad glaring down at him. Pure hatred shimmered in his eyes, but something else he couldn’t place. Rational thinking had been replaced with what looked like cold hard revenge.

  “You’re wrong, you should be working with them,” Alex managed to say but the pressure on his chest and head was starting to choke him. Darius let out one short sharp laugh.

  “Hah, my research is necessary. Everyone else is too afraid. They talk about the injustice, but no one has actually tried to readdress the balance. I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for years.”

  Darius turned to survey the room around him. Connor was rushing to Ethan’s aid to try to subdue Freddie. Darius’ eyes lingered over April’s form.

  “Your little friend is the final piece,” Darius’ eyes lit up as he said these words. Alex’s mouth twisted in disgust at his Dad’s expression.

  “You knew all along,” he choked out.

  “Yes,” Darius tapped his wrist cuff and sent a shot of electricity through Alex’s chest tethering him to the floor.

  Alex’s screams sent Connor rushing from Ethan back to his brother. He flung himself at Darius but his Dad was too quick. Darius twisted his torso and caught Connor mid-air and hurled him over his head.

  Ethan and Freddie were still fighting in the corner of the room. Not used to fighting on land Ethan was outmatched. He turned to see where Connor had gone. He saw Alex pinned to the ground and Connor lying slumped against the wall. Momentarily forgetting Freddie, he surged forward to throw Darius off of Alex. Freddie lunged at him and sent them both sprawling to the ground. As they fell Freddie’s head glanced off the corner of the table. He fell to the ground where he lay perfectly still. Ethan heaved himself up and noticed blood trickling from Freddie’s head. Without stopping to help he barrelled forward and knocked Darius from on top of Alex. The blue laser instantly vanished. Alex knelt and caught his breath.

  “Thanks,” he choked out.

  “I’ll check on him,” Ethan pointed at Connor curled into a ball against the wall. “You free April.”

  Ethan gave Alex a tight smile and offered his hand to help pull him to standing. Alex looked at the proffered hand for a split second before taking it gratefully.

  The two-stood face to face, they were built like for like with the only difference being Ethan’s brown hair to Alex’s blonde. Their eyes connected for a moment.


  April’s eyes were wide open. Panic was etched across her face. Alex could make out tear marks streaked down her cheeks. Across her body were dark red hexagons that seemed to be growing. He whipped out his back-up key card and quickly released April’s mouth. She gulped in as she was released.

  “Alex,” her voice broke in a sob.

  “Don’t worry April, we’re getting you out of here,” Alex ran around to the other side and released her.

  “Come on, it’s going to be okay,” Alex said. He helped to raise her into a seated position then draped her arm over his shoulder. Carefully, he slid her legs to the ground.

  “Are you okay to stand?” he asked. April nodded once. She took a careful step forwards. Alex looked back to see that Ethan was helping Connor to stand. He looked pale with shock but otherwise okay.

  “Let’s move,” he called over to the two of them.

  “What about Dad and Freddie?” Connor said.

  “Leave them,” Alex shook his head in disgust. “They’ll be fine. The security detail is probably already on its way.”

  “We’d better move then,” Ethan said as he caught up with April and Alex.

  April was slowly making her way towards the door in evident pain. Ethan swooped his shoulder under April’s other arm.

  “What did they do to you?” Ethan asked. His eyes scanned over the rash covering her body.

  “I don’t know,” April said. “Freddie came to the apartment, and then next thing I remember I woke up here and my body felt like it was on fire.” April shuddered. Ethan gripped April’s hand in support before turning his attention to Alex.

  “How long do we have until security get here?”

  “About three minutes, if that,” Alex replied.

  “How are we going to escape? We can’t get to the tunnel now,” Connor said.

  “We’re going to have to,” Alex said gritting his teeth.

  As the boys talked tactics, April concentrated on trying to walk. She breathed deeply and focused on the warm glow that flickered in her heart. She exhaled and a sky-blue glow started to spread over her. She breathed again and wielded her Curo power over first Ethan, then Alex, then let it travel backwards to Connor. Connor gasped in shock behind them.

  “April, your pearls.”

  The group were now back in the laboratory that Ethan had spent so much of his time as a prisoner. Connor turned and driven by the Curo energy sprinted into the metal room.

  “Connor,” April and Alex shouted in alarm. The Curo power empowered them all and they ran after him. Connor made it to the basin with April’s pearls in. He removed the dome Freddie had fastened over and scooped up the pearls. They were deliciously cool in his hands and radiated power.

  “Got them,” he smiled at the door. April and Alex were standing in the doorway and he saw their facial expressions drop before he heard their cries.

  “Connor!” they shouted as the metal door slammed shut in front of them. April beat her fists on the door.

  “Connor,” she screamed again. Alex moved her aside and tried his key card to unlock the door. A red light flashed denying access. He tried again, “Come on,” he muttered in frustration. The little red light taunted him. April looked on in growing irritation.

  “It’s not working Alex!”

  Her hair started to crackle with energy. She tilted her head to the ceiling as her eyes momentarily rolled back into her head. Static electricity gathered around her and her fingertips turned a deep navy. Alex took a step back from the door in bewilderment.

  “April,” Ethan shouted in shock. “No, it’s metal the conduction would kill him.”

  April span round and her Tempus energy crackled in the air. Alex looked between the two.

  “April,” Ethan said once more, this time in a more soothing tone. Slowly, she dropped her gaze back to a normal level and her hair settled back onto her shoulders.

  “We have to do something?” she said turning to the door.

  Connor recoiled as if slapped when the door slammed shut. The pearls clutched in his hand seemed to hum in frustration. He hadn’t thought, he just ran. And now… now he was trapped. He looked across the room and saw Freddie still slumped across the floor. His head was resting in a pool of his own blood. Connor ran over to the door to try and open it. B
ut, it remained solidly shut. He whipped his key card and swiped it against the door.

  “Nice of you to return Connor.”

  Connor span around. Darius was propping himself up against the laboratory table leg and slowly heaving himself to standing. Connor spun around and frantically tried the handle and key card again.

  “That’s not going to work,” Darius said coolly. Finally pulling himself fully to standing, he raised his command cuff to his mouth and pressed his intercom.

  “Release the poison.”

  Connor watched from the door as his Dad calmly gave the order to poison his facility.

  “What are you doing? You could kill us all!” Connor cried desperately.

  “Not all of us,” Darius said. The gleam in his eye was cool and calculated. “What are you going to do Connor, try and stop me?”

  Connor jolted his body forward to confront his Dad but then recoiled. His Dad laughed callously.

  “You always were the weak one,” Darius said. “Now check on your brother.”

  Connor stood rooted to the spot for a moment. His eyes flickered across the room. His heart was pounding in his chest and his body ached all over. He was paralysed with indecision.

  “Now,” Darius barked and Connor caved. He moved to his brother and fell to his knees in front of him. He checked his breathing and his pulse. Determining that Freddie would survive he put him in the recovery position and then leant against the wall. Connor rested his head in his hands in defeat. He hoped that against the odds Alex would find a way for April to escape.


  “Alex. We can’t leave Connor,” April said. Her expression was deadpan. She wasn’t going to leave her friend.

  “April, we don’t have a choice,” Alex said. He ran over to the entrance door and locked it, sealing themselves in so they had time to formulate a plan.

  “Connor would want us to leave.”

  April held her ground by the door. She wasn’t ready to give up. She tried the handle again in frustration. Rattling it until her patience was spent, she struck out at it.

  “April, that isn’t helping. We need to focus,” Alex said. He was rewarded with a glare.


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