The Ranch Girls and Their Heart's Desire

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The Ranch Girls and Their Heart's Desire Page 11

by Margaret Vandercook



  One spring day an automobile containing four men and two women drove upand stopped before the Rainbow lodge.

  The half dozen guests must have been expected, because within a fewmoments after they were ushered into the big living-room of the lodge,which had altered but little in character in many years, JacquelineKent, who had been Jacqueline Ralston in the old days, came downstairsto greet her visitors.

  The call could not have been merely a social one, else Jack wouldscarcely have appeared so pale and preoccupied and so unlike her usualradiant and vital self.

  Slowly she had descended the stairs, and entering her own living-roomhad shaken hands with four of the six persons whom she knew and had thenbeen introduced to the other two. Afterwards she sat down in a chair andlistened quietly, rarely doing more than introduce a sentence now andthen.

  At the close of nearly an hour, when the visitors, declining to remainfor dinner, had risen to say farewell, Jack also stood up, facing them.

  She stood with the mantel and the bookshelves forming her background.Upon the mantel were several of the possessions she had treasured in herchildhood, Indian bowls of strange shape and antiquity, her father'spistol, the first nugget of gold she and Frank Kent, who was afterwardsto be her husband, had discovered in the Rainbow mine. In the oldbookshelves were the self-same books she and Olive and Jean and Friedahad read and studied in their girlhood, studied far too little until thecoming of Ruth to act as their governess.

  Outside the big living-room windows Jack could see the long double rowof tall cottonwood trees now grown through the years to mammothproportions and away and beyond the purple fields of the blossomingalfalfa and the newly sprouting tender green spears of grain, all herown beloved and familiar background.

  "I am sure you realize I appreciate the honor you have done me," shesaid finally, speaking in hesitating fashion. "Yet I do not believe Idare give you my answer this afternoon. You have been kind enough to saythat I may have two more days for considering your proposal, and withinthat time I shall of course let you hear. You are sure you cannot staylonger, not even for tea?"

  Ten minutes later, on the porch of the lodge Jack stood alone, watchingthe automobile containing her six callers roll down the avenue betweenthe cottonwood trees and pass out the gate which separated the lodgegrounds from the rest of the Rainbow ranch.

  For a short time Jack continued her watch, glancing first in onedirection and then in another as if expecting some one else to approachwith an evident wish to see her.

  The afternoon was in early May. The air blowing from the snow-cappedhills closer to the western horizon brought with it the fragrances ofdamp wooded places, mingled with the wealth of prairie flowers overwhich it had more lately passed.

  Jacqueline Ralston Kent threw back her shoulders, lifted her head andinhaled a deep breath.

  "I wonder why Jim, Jean, Frieda and Olive do not come to find out whatdecision I have reached," she remarked aloud. "This must be someprearranged plan that I am to be left alone for a time. And yet it isunlike my younger sister, Frieda, not to continue to express her opinionand insist I agree with it whether or not it happens to be my own.Perhaps being left alone may be more effective than the usual familyopposition toward bringing me around to their way of thinking. Yet thefamily is divided in their viewpoint, and so whatever I may do I mustplease some of them and displease others. If I am to be left alone Ithink I'll go for a ride. I wish Jimmie were here to go with me; Iintend to talk my problem over with Jimmie--this and every problem weever have to face. But of course with Jim looking after the branding ofthe new calves this afternoon what chance have I of Jimmie's beinganywhere near?"

  Not long after, with her costume changed to her riding-habit, Jack wentback to the stable of the lodge and finding no one there, saddled herown mare, a present from Jim Colter several years before, and rode off.

  Before leaving, she explained to the old half-Indian woman who lookedafter her small household that she would not return until dinner time.If she were late Jimmie was to eat his dinner and not wait for her.

  It was true that Jacqueline Kent felt she was facing this afternoon oneof the greatest decisions of her life, almost as important a decision asher marriage. Perhaps in some persons' eyes a more important decision,since it was more unusual than marriage in the lives of most women.

  It was so strange and so unexpected that at present Jack herself wasscarcely able to accept the momentous fact. Yet here it was before herstaring her in the face, awaiting her judgment and shutting out the dimspring loveliness of the sky and plains.

  "Should she or should she not? Would she or would she not?" The refrainhad a stupid sound in Jack's ears. She caught herself wondering whichwas grammatical and then concluded that both expressions were right inher case, since both her future and her will were involved in herpresent conclusion.

  Who would have believed that upon her return to Wyoming, her simpledesire to become an American citizen again and later her interest inthe prosperity and happiness of her state could involve her in such asituation? Within the last hour, was it really possible that she,Jacqueline Ralston Kent, one of the four original "Ranch Girls of theRainbow Lodge," had been asked to accept the nomination for the UnitedStates Congress and become among the first women representatives in thecountry?

  Jack bit her lips, put her hand to her face to feel the sudden flushwhich had suffused it at the thought of her own unfitness for so great aresponsibility.

  Then she gave her horse its head and started upon a swift canter; for alittle while she must put away the question which so troubled her.Appreciating her own lack of knowledge and of training for the taskahead, why not decline at once and for all time ever to consider it? Yeton the other hand, had she the right to evade so wonderful anopportunity? She was young and could learn a good deal of what sheshould know in order to meet such a responsibility. Moreover, she didhave the interest of her state at heart and some of her friends andacquaintances must have believed in her, else the nomination would neverhave been offered her. Besides, if she were honest, frank, andopen-minded, would it not be a wonderful experience? Jack was onlylately a girl, and in her heart of hearts felt it would actually begreat fun to be among the early vanguard of the women who were to holdimportant political offices in the United States.

  "Yet of course, even if I conclude to accept the nomination, I won'tunless Jim Colter finally gives his consent. I refuse to be regulated byFrieda. Besides, why worry? After all, there is not one chance in ahundred that I shall ever be elected!"

  Lightly Jack touched her horse with her riding whip; she had believed anordinary gait would suffice to distract her thoughts for a little time,but evidently this was not sufficient. Her horse was moving quickly andevenly over the smooth road and still her thoughts had continuedunchanged. He must break into a run--a run so swift and headlong, as ifin a race for a goal, that all her thought should be centered upon hiscontrol. She needed to feel the strong rush of the wind in her ears, thesplendid sensation of being a part of the movement which she so enjoyed.

  She had promised not to ride outside of the Rainbow ranch alone, anabsurd promise which several of the cowboys had suggested, and which JimColter had insisted upon. She had made enemies within the last year bythe outspoken position she had taken upon a number of questions. Atpresent there were rumors that if she accepted the nomination toCongress she would be forced to regret it. Yet these rumors appeared toJack as nothing save stupid gossip and sensationalism and not to beregarded.

  However, boring as it might be upon occasions like this afternoon, whenshe would like to have gotten as far away from the Rainbow ranch as herhorse could take her within a two hours' ride, nevertheless she intendedkeeping her promise.

  The outermost borders of the Rainbow ranch were enclosed by a highpaling fence to prevent the escape of the cattle.

  When she had ridden a little more than an hour Jack arrived at one ofthe borders of the ranch, in
the same vicinity where at one time therehad been a serious dispute with a neighbor over the boundary line. Thiswas near the end of the Rainbow creek, at one time considered chieflyvaluable for the watering of the stock and afterwards found to containvaluable gold deposits.

  Those had been strenuous and fighting days at the Rainbow ranch. Firstthere was the effort to make a living for the family and then to achievea certain amount of education for the four Ranch girls. Afterwards hadcome the adjustment of their legal rights to the ranch, in the days whenthe possibility that gold might be discovered made the possession toovaluable to pass to four obscure young girls. How the manager of theirranch, a fellow named Jim Colter, who so far as the neighbors knew atthat time had sprung from nowhere, had fought and won their battles forthem!

  Well, those old days had passed and this afternoon Jack concluded thatno such perilous times could ever return, whether or not she chose to beamong the pioneers and enter the political arena.

  By this time she had ceased her rapid gait and had come to the bridlepath which led along the far side of Rainbow creek. The path ascendedamong high rocks and crags, almost the only hilly portion of the entireranch. At the top there was an especially fine view.

  At present Jack rode slowly, allowing her horse opportunity to rest nowand then after his swift run.


  Jack herself felt in better spirits, more exhilarated. Not having fullyreached a decision, nevertheless she had managed for a brief time tobanish the question to her subconscious mind, hoping it was stillwrestling with the problem and might later help her with its solution.

  She glanced among the rocks and crags, remembering how she and the otherRanch girls had played hide and seek among them as children. Long beforewhen Wyoming was largely inhabited by Indian tribes the Indians hadlived among these rocks sheltered from their enemies. Indian treasureshad been discovered buried under the earth or fallen between crevices ofstone.

  Reaching a level space of ground, Jack reined in her horse and satstill, silhouetted against the sky. Behind her the sun was setting inpurple and gold clouds. Below she caught a glimpse of another figure onhorseback approaching in her direction. Putting her hand to her lipsJack called "Hello." She was under the impression that the rider waseither Jim Colter or one of the Rainbow ranch cowboys, and they were allher friends. As it was growing late it might be pleasant to have anescort home.

  A lifting of a hat and a wave of a hand returning her greeting, Jackuttered a little exclamation of surprise.

  She waited until Peter Stevens had climbed up the bridle path and wasbeside her.

  "I have come to ask you, Jack, if there is any possibility of youraccepting the offer which was made you to-day? Please understand that itis no secret. There has been talk of your nomination for Congress for agood many months, not weeks. I presume you realize that if you acceptyou will be my opponent? I also am to run for the same office, unlessyou would like me to withdraw. I am willing if you wish to have me doso. Yet I would give up a good many more important things in my life ifI could persuade you to refuse this nomination. I know you think I amold-fashioned, narrow, dogmatic, yet with all my heart and all myintelligence I oppose the thought of our American women holding publicoffice. And you of all women, Jack! Why, with all the experience of lifeyou think you have had, you are little more than a girl. It must beimpossible for you to realize the jealousies, the calumnies and feudsthat will be aroused by your action. In this past year I have seen youfairly often; never so frequently as I desired, yet you must havelearned to know whether you like or dislike me. Won't you be my wife,Jack, and go with me to Washington in that capacity and not as mypolitical adversary? I would do a great deal to prevent your making sucha mistake."

  More surprised than she cared to show, Jack shook her head, her faceslowly flushing.

  "I am sure you are very kind, Peter, and I do appreciate the honor youhave done me, because I do realize how great a sacrifice you are making.Yet perhaps you need not have been put to such a test, for although Icannot accept your offer, perhaps I shall not accept the other offereither. I know my own limitations for such a distinguished office aswell as even you can know them. However, I make no promise. Will youride back to the lodge to dinner with me?"

  Peter Stevens shook his head and an hour after Jack arrived at theRainbow lodge alone.


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