by Tara K Ross
I never understood what my part in another person’s struggle was until now. I join in their pain out of empathy. But I journey with their pain through compassion. And maybe each small act of kindness might be part of a bigger plan far beyond what I could ever imagine.
Khi’s own familiar radiance draws me toward him. We embrace with no butting of heads or awkward hand placements. We fit together as though we have always known one another.
“Who wants to hit up M&H to celebrate?” Jade interrupts our moment by flashing a twenty from her wallet.
“I actually have a date with someone already,” I say without any hesitation. Ashley and Jade exchange glances as Khi reaches behind him to pick up two large teas from the awards cabinet ledge.
He rests his lips against my cheek, and for a moment, I regret that it is not with him. He places both cups into my hands. “She’ll be in the geriatric unit, Room 21.”
My best friends still stare, but now in bewilderment.
“I promised someone a cup of tea,” I explain as Khi ushers me toward the front exit. There is one small gesture of kindness that I know will bring light tonight, And who knows how that light will spread. Like Grams always said, everyone feels better with a cup of tea.
Hello friends,
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Want to learn more about Fade to White and future projects?
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Along with an authentic community of creatives, you will also gain access to:
• The story behind Fade to White – a between-the-lines look at writing and publishing.
• Short stories from before the first page for Thea, Malin, and a third mystery character.
• Fade to White playlists - the songs behind each scene in this novel.
• Resources to support mental health awareness in your school, church, or community.
Looking for other great Christian YA Books?
Check out The Hope Prose Podcast, a YA books podcast dedicated to Christian YA authors, the books they write, and the readers they inspire. Rebekah Black and I co-host this bimonthly interview-based podcast available through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio and at my website.
Are you feeling lost in your own mental health storm?
You are not alone. Please connect with someone today through one of these amazing organizations:
In Canada: - 1-800-668-6868 – A ministry Youth Unlimited that provides resources and tip sheets for engaging with vulnerable youth around mental health and faith.
In the US: - 1-800-273-8255 – A Christian mental health organization dedicated to amplifying hope for those battling brokenness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction and suicide.
There once was a girl who had questions. She had a family who loved her, friends who were true, and every reason to not fear for the future. And yet she was afraid. And she still had questions. Her family encouraged her to read widely. Her friends accepted her despite wavering opinions and theories. And in the end, those books and relationships guided her toward the answers she needed. She discovered who she was. Just like Thea.
This story never would have existed if I had not found God and had my own light sparked. Along the way, many people guided me in this journey, but David, you were and always will be, my beacon in this world. You have created for us a family rooted in love and given me the courage to share my stories beyond the two most important little blessings in our lives. With your encouragement, I tiptoed into a world of writers, who have graciously accepted me, encouraged me, and transformed me from an exclamation-happy, em-dash-abusing blogger to a slightly more informed author.
Kathy Stinson, thank you for sharing a cup of tea with me, for knowing that reading books aloud and the colour red are best, and for fostering this dream. Sara Davison, you were the first person to read my words from a professional lens. For your patience, wisdom, and spiritual discernment, I will forever be indebted. Nicole Quigley, that Skype call was more meaningful than you might ever know. You are genuine and spirit-filled and such an amazing example of who I want to become as a storyteller.
Through the Word Guild Canada, I met my generous and genuine brainstorming group: Stacey Weeks, Heather Bootsma, Karen Debleick, Sandy Ryerse, and Hunter Davies, to name a few. Without your help, I would still have a saggy middle and a grayish black moment.
Through FaithPitch I met Hope Bolinger, Cyle Young, and Tessa Emily Hall. Cyle and Hope, thank you for taking a chance on a newbie with no clue about platform and a feeble writing track record. You gave me so much more than representation. You provided me with a reason to build a platform and inspiration to write deeper and stronger.
To the radiant team at llluminateYA/LPC. Thank you, Tessa for navigating me through the publishing process with wisdom and patience beyond your years. Linda, I pray we have a chance to work together again. You transformed the denouement of Fade to White into something I never could have imagined on my own. Megan, you are creative genius wrapped up in a marketing/life coach. Thank you for the stunning cover, marketing maven skills, and frequent email reassurances.
To all my family and friends both near and far who inspired this story, read early drafts, helped me dream, persevered with me through five years writing, editing, querying, and publishing, and who joined the Hope Squad to help me launch my debut novel, you are all shimmering lights in my life. I can’t wait to see how God uses your creative passions in the years to come.
Discussion Questions
1. At the beginning of Fade to White, how does Thea deal with her anxiety and the grief of losing her grandmother? In what ways are her coping mechanisms healthy or unhealthy?
2. Thea is fearful of many things at the beginning of this story. Discuss how that affects her life. Do you share any of these fears? What would life be like for you if those fears were taken away?
3. How do you feel about Thea’s friends Ashley and Jade? What parts of their friendship do you feel were supportive for Thea? What parts of their friendship were less helpful?
4. Discuss the relationship between Thea and Khi. What aspects of their relationship worked well? Why?
5. What do you think is the significance of the title, Fade to White? What symbolism do you think the author was trying to achieve?
6. Discuss the role that creativity plays in this book. How do the characters’ creative outlets feed them or create more problems in their lives?
7. Describe the relationship between Thea and Mrs. Shen. How does this relationship parallel Thea’s emotional journey in this story?
8. Discuss the significance of Thea’s ability to see light within others. How would this affect your own understanding and belief in God?
9. Within her brokenness, Thea learns that she has a gift of compassion. What gifts do you see in your own life that are being used despite your broken state?
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