The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13

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The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13 Page 1

by B. A. Stretke




  Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13

  By. B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2020 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  Kash Garret had worked his way up the promotional ladder from lowly house guard of the Coven owned bar, the Ruby Light, to almost getting the appointment of a lifetime as one of Master Hadden’s personal guards. It had taken him decades of hard work and dedication to nearly reach his life goal. Unfortunately, before he could realize that goal, his hormones got in the way of his brain and he fell flat on his face.

  He’d taken a risk that was not worth the payoff and now he lay stagnant in a position he may never rise above. Trust was everything in the world of Vampires and Kash broke that trust when he left his post to hook up with a sexy waiter rather than carry out his orders as issued. His recommendation to the position of a guard to the Master was quickly scrapped and his duties took on a more basic tone. He couldn’t be trusted were the words unspoken and it tore him up inside, but it was all he deserved because leaving his post was not his only crime.

  Rather than showing competence and strength in accepting his responsibilities and shouldering the blame for his actions, he struck out like a whiny little bitch and blamed the waiter, Victor Rossi, for luring him from his post. He had hated that little man and called him everything from a whore to a maneater and treated him like shit. At the time, he needed someone else to be at fault because he couldn’t accept that he alone had destroyed all his career aspirations.

  Even worse in his mind than having left his post for a piece of ass was the fact that he nearly destroyed a Fated bond. It hadn’t been intentional, but his lies and innuendoes had proven nearly deadly for a budding relationship between Victor Rossi and his beloved, the wolf shifter Det. Grant Dorsey. Det. Dorsey had come very close to denying his mate based on the filth that Kash had actively spread about Victor.

  What absolutely finished Kash was when Victor did not blame him for the damage. He forgave him without even being asked, with the simple statement that if Grant couldn’t see through the lies then what value did their bond have? Kash wished he could make it all right again. He wished he could be half the man that Victor was.

  He was able to atone for himself slightly when he saved Victor’s life during an attack by a dissatisfied customer at the Imperial Club. It eased his self-disgust a little, but only a little. Fortunately, the Fated couple worked out their differences and are now happily bonded and hopefully living a beautiful life. Kash, on the other hand, felt no closer to redemption than he had at the beginning of this crisis of character.

  In his mind, the only way to get back to himself would be to go back to the beginning and not the beginning of his trouble but the beginning of his life here at the Hadden Coven. He would go back to the bottom and start all over again. Maybe then he could find the man he used to be.


  “Apparently he feels that he must start all over again.” Josef McQueen second in command reported to Master Nikolas Hadden as they sat together in the Penthouse apartment of Master Hadden and his beloved Walker Hall.

  “Allow him a taste of the bottom, if he believes he needs it, but don’t leave him there. Kash Garret is too good to start again. It’s unnecessary.” Nik reached over and pulled Walker onto his lap as he was walking past. “The Ruby Light is low risk and from what I understand the new manager has been doing wonders with the place. The revenue is up, and staff turnover extremely low. He’s doing a great job according to the reports.”

  “There has only been one complaint in the two years he’s been there which is commendable and even that complaint was retracted. Apparently, a dancer was upset over a wage disparity. It was handled in house and from what I understand he moved on shortly after.” Josef added.

  Like I said, low risk. They don’t need a guard the caliber of Kash Garret. His skill would be wasted there. Let him go but bring him back as soon as possible.”

  Walker planted a heated kiss to Nik’s lips before pulling away and standing. “Finish your meeting and then meet me in the bedroom. I have something interesting I want to show you.” Walker bounced his eyebrows and backed away in the direction of their bedroom. Nik didn’t take his eyes away until Walker disappeared.

  Nik swung back to pin Josef with an anxious stare. “You know I love you like a brother and I respect the hell out of Kash Garret but we’re going to have to end this meeting right now.” Nik glanced back at the half-open door. “I have something interesting waiting for me.”

  Josef laughed and stood up completely understanding the urgency. “Yes, sir.


  Josef sat at his desk and reviewed the paperwork in front of him. Pinching his eyebrows together and scratching his head he struggled to approve the request. He knew he had to let him go but like Nik, did not understand the necessity. Finally he looked up and pinned Kash, who was seated in front of him, with a penetrating stare.

  “You want a placement with the team of soldiers that guard the Ruby Light?” It was a question, not a comment. He didn’t wait for Kash to respond before adding. “You do know that is the lowest level of the Hadden Coven security hierarchy? It is the bottom where soldiers either hone their skills and move up or disappear into obscurity. There is nothing for you to learn there.” Josef sat back and waited while obviously trying to get a read on what Kash was really asking.

  “I’ve embarrassed myself, my team, and my superiors with my behavior and nearly caused the breakdown of a Fated match. I failed and then I struck out at others because of my failure. I’ve lost my focus and I believe that returning to the bottom and once again having to work my way up will give that back to me.” Kash tried to make himself understood without coming off as some sort of martyr.

  “You’re looking to do penance. You believe that you owe a greater debt than just being passed over for promotion.” Josef stated, getting a grasp of Kash’s needs.

  “I would like the opportunity to re-establish my worth, not just to the leadership but to myself,” Kash explained his position.

  “I understand, even though I don’t agree.” Josef got up and Kash followed. “Your worth has never been in question, Kash but I understand your frame of mind. I will authorize this placement for a period of three months. After which time, you will be re-evaluated and if proven suitable you will return to your duties here at the Coven proper. You are a good soldier with valuable skills, and I will not toss you away so easily.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Kash took Josef’s outstretched hand feeling sad but also energized.

  “You will begin tomorrow. The evening shift starts at six and runs through till six in the morning. You will report to Winston Cruise the manager of the Ruby Light. He will be your direct supervisor until further notice.” Josef ended the meeting with little enthusiasm for Kash’s move but Kash knew in his bones it was what he had to do.

  Kash had made his final move from the old Imperial to the new location of the Coven in the downtown center. It was once a nondescript forty story office buildi
ng but was now the home of the Hadden Coven and aptly named The Hadden Center. Construction and development had wiped the slate clean and created an architectural marvel of steel and glass, like a Twenty-First Century castle soaring into the sky. It was so much more than a skyscraper; it had the Nikolas Hadden essence of grandeur that seemed to be a part of everything he touched. It was a gorgeous building inside and out and Kash was honored to be living there.

  He wasn’t issued an apartment on the floor that housed the guards since he wasn’t currently a Coven guard. His apartment was on the second floor with the other members who were being disciplined or had recently joined the Coven.

  Sergio a good soldier and good friend had tried to talk him out of requesting a transfer. He saw it as some sort of self-flagellation that was not befitting a man like Kash, saying he didn’t belong on the floor of newbies and misfits. But Kash knew in his bones that he had to do this. It was a matter of self-respect and Sergio reluctantly understood but still thought it too much.

  Kash decided it was good for him to be with others who were working to better themselves and working towards acceptance. It was a good environment for self-reflection and in his opinion, he needed plenty of reflection.


  “Cruise wants us in early tonight,” Kyler stated as he and his identical twin brother Gage sat in their tiny kitchen inside their equally tiny studio and finished lunch. They worked too late to ever consider having breakfast. As dancers at the Ruby Light, their lives were primarily working and sleeping. Cruise was a heartless taskmaster and demanded one hundred and fifty percent of everyone who worked at the small club. Kyler and Gage had been working there for six weeks and already they were at the end of their rope and wishing they’d never laid eyes on the place.

  “He wants us in early every night. Pretty soon our shift will be noon to six in the morning. It’s ridiculous. I wish we had a way out.” Gage was growing more pessimistic by the day and Kyler couldn’t really blame him.

  “We’ll figure something out. We’ve been in bad places before and always found a way out.” Kyler tried to assure his brother, but Gage did not respond with hope.

  “We have never worked for people like these. They’re not human.” He pointed out with a tinge of fear in his tone.

  “They haven’t bothered us in that respect. They haven’t tried to feed on us so that’s one positive.” Kyler grasped at whatever he could to make their situation seem less dire than it was. “Our lives have never been easy. We’ve had experience dealing with all sorts of unfortunate circumstances. We’ll figure a way out; we always do.” Kyler pressed for more positivity and suddenly Gage began to laugh.

  “You could find a bright spot even if you were standing in the darkest place on earth. I wish I had your belief in optimism.” Gage shook his head.

  Gage loved his brother but their chances of getting out anytime soon were slim. Winston Cruise never let anyone leave who was making him money and the Costa twins were a headliner the last few weeks. They were expected to dance and wait table and do any other menial task Cruise assigned. But thankfully they weren’t expected to go the extra mile, at least not yet. What a horrifying thought. They had to find a way out of there before they found themselves on the menu.

  “We need to leave before that creepy guard Jason decides he’s tired of the willing bartender and makes a move on us.” Gage voiced his fear.

  “When he looks at me my skin crawls,” Kyler said and gave a shudder at the thought.

  “I hate that place.” He added and Gage readily agreed.

  They’d signed a contract for three months with the option for three more depending upon their popularity. They had another six weeks at the very least of working at The Ruby Light, the most desperate hang out in Pittsburgh. Gage feared that Cruise wasn’t going to let them leave, contract or not.


  Kash arrived at the Ruby Light well before his shift was to begin wanting to get a lay of the place before starting. He hadn’t been back to the small club since he last worked there over twenty years ago. The place had changed plenty since that time and surprisingly not for the better. He’d looked forward to serving here and getting his footing back as he worked towards redemption. But this wasn’t the place he remembered. This place was cold and dark with a stench that could make your eyes water. He started to wonder what he was getting himself into.

  A pall seemed to hang in the air. He felt it the moment he stepped inside the establishment. He glanced around at the other workers and patrons and wondered if he were the only one feeling it. When he used to work there the people smiled and there was energy in the room that invigorated. It’s a small club but it had always been cared for and well managed.

  He understood that management had changed two years ago when Charlie Lennon retired, and Winston Cruise took over. Kash considered that perhaps he was simply being nostalgic and looking for problems although the stench was hard not to notice.

  Charlie had been a good and supportive boss and Kash had been disappointed when he heard that he was no longer there. Maybe in time, he would get into the routine and things wouldn’t seem so strange and off-putting.

  Kash walked up to the bar and motioned one of the bartenders over. “I’m here to see Winston Cruise.” He said and the man pointed to the back hall. Winston was in his office so Kash thanked the man and headed in that direction.

  As he approached, the scene had an odd feel. There used to be bright lights down this hallway because Charlie didn’t want anyone getting the idea they could go there to hook up. It was a long hallway with just a mop closet and Charlie’s office so the temptation would have been strong. But the lights made that impossible. He smiled at the memory of Charlie’s little tricks he used to keep the place as decent and wholesome as possible. He pushed thoughts of Charlie from his mind, he wasn’t here to be nostalgic.

  After a brief knock and stating his name, Cruise called for him to enter. He was not what Kash had expected but he’d been used to leadership that outclassed him in mind, body, and soul. This man was beneath him in every way and the realization of that brought to him just how humbling this position was going to prove.

  Cruise had a thin face with eyes that were set too far apart and lips that were non-existent. He was medium height and build but nothing special, nothing special at all. He was a vampire around Kash’s age, but he’d done nothing to hone his body or spirit. Cruise was soft and his presence held no power or ability.

  Kash stepped inside the office and was immediately assailed by an intense odor. It was rife with the smell of sex. It was the urgent, satisfaction only, kind of sex. The scent was so fresh it couldn’t be more than a few hours old. It was unpleasant but Kash ignored it, he wasn’t there to moralize besides who was he to judge anyone’s need for sexual satisfaction.

  “Please take a seat and I’ll get you set up.” Cruise smiled at him, but it had no depth it was just surface and that was okay. Kash wasn’t looking to make friends. The meeting lasted about fifteen minutes with Cruise giving him the instructions he would follow as a club guard. It sounded straight forward but the guy kept giving him looks like he was expecting something. The strange vibes just never stopped in this place.

  The rules of conduct were basic and expected except for the comment that sexual liaisons were forbidden within the club and among staff. This room alone contradicted that rule but when you live with stench sometimes you get accustomed to it. He might not be aware his office smelled like a cheap whore house.

  “This place is low key, and the clientele tends to be more of the average and below. Definitely not what you’re used to at the Imperial Club.” Cruise commented and Kash just nodded. “Well, let me show you around and introduce you to the servers. The dancers are both human, and vampires and will be in soon but don’t worry about them. Jason and Saul take care of the dancers. They are not your concern.” Again, Kash nodded.

  Kash returned to the main room and casually sized up the staff and although all
appeared a bit vacant in the eyes, they were not drunk or enthralled, they were just checked out to a certain degree. Coming back to the Ruby Light was not going to be the experience he’d expected. But he wasn’t there to critique or psychoanalyze the staff.

  He was there to protect the interests of Master Hadden and The Ruby Light. He wasn’t looking for an uplifting community experience. The people here have been doing their jobs for a long time without his interference and they could well continue to do so.

  Other than disconnected and absolutely disinterested the soldiers were an average bunch some looked promising, others not so much. It was nearing seven when the dancers arrived which was obvious by the theatrical gear that they brought with them. There were four guys and two girls, and they looked about as enthusiastic as the rest of this crowd.

  Two of the dancers caught his attention do to the fact they were identical twins. Short but perfectly built, soft but strong, sexy but pure. Their appearance was breathtaking the way their blond hair hung like a silk curtain down to their shoulders. He couldn’t wait to see them dance.

  Kash shook his head not wanting his attention to stay too long. He’d had his fill of sexy blond men and he certainly had no time in his life for more and certainly not in a setting like the Ruby Light. But unlike everything else at the Club, these two beauties smelled divine like lemon and ginger, clean and fresh. He drank in their aroma as they smiled at him and walked away.

  He was posted at the front door checking ID’s and fulfilling the function of a bouncer. It wasn’t much and boring as hell, but it was the least sought-after position in security at the Ruby Light, so it was his for the next three months unless Cruise decided to place him elsewhere.


  “Holy cow was that guy hot,” Kyler exclaimed once they’d made it to the dancer’s dressing area. “Any other circumstances and any other place, I would have gotten his name at the very least.”


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