The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13

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The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13 Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  Their only protection was given to them by one of the dancers they’d replaced just before he left. It was a mixture of lemon, ginger and several things Gage couldn’t pronounce. It smelled wonderful and cloaked their scent so that no paranormal, vampire or otherwise could track them.

  It made their scent dissipate too quickly to get a read on them. So far it had protected them from being followed home and bothered at the Club. They don’t appeal that much to the paranormals due to the scent, but they do great with the humans. So far, no one seemed to know they were using it.

  Gage found it strange that the vampires were just as abused and mistreated as the humans. he would have thought the vampire staff would have been tougher more self-reliant than to be steamrolled by this guy. But vampire or not everyone was afraid of Winston Cruise.

  He wasn’t powerful and didn’t possess any kind of a real presence but still people submitted to him because of the muscle he used as his private guards. They weren’t there for the Club, the customers or the staff, they were there expressly for Winston Cruise. The guards stood behind him in a manner that was clearly a show of threatening force. Kash did not stand with them and Gage hoped he never did. As much as he gave Kyler grief about it, he too found the man intriguing and wished circumstances were different. Pursuing Kash Garret would have been great fun.

  “Everyone did a fair job tonight except you two.” Cruise pointed at Kyler and Gage. “You act like you’re special or something. Well, I got news for you, no one here is special. You better start upping your game and pulling in more tips or you’ll be working here until you’re too old to shake your pretty asses.” He got up close and stuck his finger first in Kyler’s face and then Gage.

  Neither of them responded so Cruise stepped back and motioned for Jason to take over. Jason took Gage by the throat and punched him hard in the stomach causing him to cough and double over. Kyler grabbed for his brother as Jason dropped him. “Now, do better or next time I’ll let Saul have you.” Gage didn’t speak, he couldn’t, as his breath came out in harsh pants. Kyler was about to speak, and Gage grabbed him hard and shook his head halting whatever Kyler was about to say. It would do no good, it would just get him roughed up as well.

  Cruise took his fifty percent and then demanded all of it for their poor showing. “You two are worthless.” He spit on the floor by their feet and then moved onto the waiters giving them much the same treatment.

  After everyone was dressed down for their lack of worth and shook down for their tips, they were all allowed to leave. No one spoke they just went their own way. It wasn’t a comradery it was pure self-preservation at the Ruby Light.

  Kyler held Gage as they walked to their little hatchback parked several blocks down in a public lot. Gage was beginning to cough up blood and Kyler was getting worried. “I should take you to the clinic. There might be serious damage.” He begged but Gage shook his head.

  “They’ll ask how it happened and what would we say?”

  “I’ll make something up.” Kyler was so afraid.

  “No, it’s too big of a risk and you know we can’t escape them,” Gage told him between painful cramps and coughing blood. Kyler kept taking his eyes off the road to look at Gage wondering if he was doing the right thing.

  “Okay, I’ll take you home and you can rest. But if it continues or gets worse, I’m calling an ambulance and we’ll just have to deal. I can’t lose you, Gage, I can’t.” Gage nodded his head and tried to look in less pain than he was feeling but it wasn’t easy.


  Kash was sitting in the dining hall having lunch when Josef walked up and asked to join him. “Sure, please have a seat.” He replied and gave the man his full attention.

  “I just wanted to follow up after your first night at the Ruby Light and see how you’re doing.” He said and waited for Kash to fill the silence.

  “It’s different from when I worked there so many years ago, but that is to be expected.” He stayed middle of the road not wanting to sound too difficult or privileged.

  “Winston Cruise is doing a fine job according to the accountants. He’s bringing in a good profit every night.” Josef threw out another comment and Kash so wanted to answer honestly but for what purpose. He didn’t know Cruise and maybe he was a good manager.

  Kash just nodded. “Yes, I met him yesterday.” He said without detail and hoped it was enough.

  “I have an acquaintance that’s working there his name is Jason Barton. He’s a new member so he’s getting his footing there at the Ruby Light. I helped him get established here after leaving his home coven in Connecticut. I see him as soon becoming eligible for placement here at the Center based on the glowing reviews by Winston Cruise. What do you think?” Josef enquired and Kash could not state his true feelings because they were brutal. He found Jason to be unqualified, lazy, intolerant, and an all-around asshole to the staff at the Ruby Light.

  Kash went with a safe critique instead of his real feelings. “I really don’t know him. I was introduced but I worked solo at the front door last night.”

  “Let me know when you’ve had enough of the Ruby Light.” Josef became very serious. “I understand your reasons for being there, but the Coven needs you here and not off in some downtown Club.”

  “Yes, sir and thank you.” After Josef excused himself Kash began to think about the relationship between Josef and Jason. He wished he could have asked more questions. Were they good friends? He called him an acquaintance but what does that mean?

  It seemed odd that someone like Josef would befriend a goon like Jason. What did he see in him and couldn’t he recognize the lack of character in the guy? Kash picked at his food as a nagging sense of trouble assailed him. The dancers, Kyler and Gage would not leave his thoughts for a second and he didn’t know why. Their scent was pleasing but not distinct. It shouldn’t be affecting him this way. It’s not as if either is his beloved, they smelled familiar, but he felt no depth to the encounter. But with that said, he could not dismiss them.

  When he finished trying to eat his lunch, Kash went to the IT department to see if Nathan could help him out with a few things. Nathan was a good guy and an expert when it came to research and surveillance. He’d worked with Nathan a couple of years ago on a surveillance issue and they’ve remained friends since.

  “So, give me everything you have on him and I’ll see where it takes us,” Nathan stated.

  “This has to stay between you and me. I don’t want anyone to know that I’m checking him out in case I’m completely off base with my suspicions.” Kash clarified his stance.

  “Sure thing, but your suspicions are usually reality-based,” Nathan responded thoughtfully.

  “Well, his name is Winston H. Cruise. I don’t know what the H stands for. He’s currently the manager of the Ruby Light and started there two years ago after the previous manager retired. That’s all I know.” Kash stated. “He’s a member in good standing but was not born into the Hadden Coven.”

  Nathan turned and looked at him for several seconds before speaking. “He’s a member of the Hadden Coven and manages the Ruby Light?” He said a little incredulous and then with a definite scowl stated. “I can’t show you his personnel file or his membership file. It’s off-limits and I could end up at the Ruby light myself washing dishes, if they find out I breeched protocol.”

  Kash groaned and dropped his head. “I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry. The other person I wanted you to check on is also a Coven member. I don’t know where my head is at right now.”

  “You know what, I have to go down to the guard desk at the front door to assist with their equipment that’s acting up. I’ll just leave you here until I get back. You don’t mind waiting, do you?” Nathan said while making grand gestures towards his keyboard and turning his monitor towards Kash.

  “I should be awhile, so make yourself comfortable and we’ll discuss your requests when I get back.” Nathan winked and headed out the door of his office closing the d
oor behind him. Kash immediately got to work calling up Cruise’s files and then Jason Barton’s.

  Unfortunately, all he found were a couple of reprimands in Jason’s previous employment files and a written grievance by an employee from a restaurant Cruise had managed years ago. Nothing damning and nothing current. Both spoke to their character or lack thereof, but neither was enough to hang a complaint on. Nothing indicated what he felt was happening at the Ruby Light.

  Before he left Kash found it impossible not to check the employment files of Kyler and Gage Costa. Most of it was standard employee file information but Nathan always went the extra mile even with part-time contract workers. Their hours were nine to two Tuesday through Saturday, but they arrived last night at seven and they were still there when Kash left at four.

  Their contract was for three months with an option to extend an additional three months. Their dancing was superb and if Cruise didn’t extend their contract, he was an utter fool. The money that flew around while they were on stage was obscene.

  They were twenty-three years old and previous experience was listed in Miami, Charleston, Chicago, and New York and the Clubs were mostly upscale none were the shady caliber of the Ruby Light. Plenty of questions but few answers he discovered as he exited out of the files and vacated Nathan’s office.


  Gage stayed in bed all day but didn’t feel one bit better. Kyler tried to feed him, but he didn’t have the desire or the fortitude to eat. Plain and fortified water were all he could ingest without vomiting. He was beginning to think there was a real problem, but he couldn’t go to the clinic. No telling what the vampires would do to him and Kyler if he aired their business at the clinic.

  “He wants us in early again,” Kyler stated as he sat on the edge of Gage’s bed.

  “How early?” Gage’s voice was a ragged whisper.

  “Six.” Kyler reluctantly told him. “He’s short on wait staff and he wants us to pick up the slack.”

  “He wants us to be waiters again?”

  “Yeah,” Kyler replied and Gage groaned. “How are you feeling?”

  “Not good, but I’ll have to pull it together by six.” Gage tried to sit up, but Kyler stopped him. It’s only four, stay there for a while longer. I’ll get our stuff together.”


  At five-fifteen he woke Gage, but he was in too much pain and couldn’t stand up. “You can’t go, Gage. I’ll go and explain and I’m sure it will be okay.” Kyler tried to reassure but Gage wasn’t buying it.

  “It won’t be okay, and he’ll take it out on you.” Gage tried again to sit up, but he started to cough, and more blood came up.

  “You stay and I’ll be back as soon as I can. If I dance and wait tables that should appease him. He won’t want to have both of us incapacitated. We can’t make money for him if we can’t dance.” Kyler set more water and his phone near the bed. “I’ll call if I get the chance. It’ll be okay.” He grabbed the duffle with their gear and headed out the door.

  Gage lay there worried out of his mind for his brother but incapable of getting out of bed. He hurt so bad he could barely breathe and to move was pure agony. It wasn’t going to be okay and Kyler was going to have a hellish evening, but he didn’t know what to do or how to help.


  When Kash arrived for work he held the door for Kyler who was right behind him. “Starting early again tonight?” He commented.

  “Some of the wait staff is off so I was asked to pitch in.” Kyler loved talking to this man he was so warm and good. He could feel it in his gut that Kash was a kind man and he didn’t belong in this snake pit. “You’re working the door again tonight?” Kyler responded in kind.

  “It appears so.” Kash smiled. “Gage not coming in?” He asked in polite conversation.

  “He’s not feeling well.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Kash answered and Kyler was certain that he was indeed sorry. He wished he had someone like Kash Garret in his life, someone to make everything alright again. But Gage needed a Kash Garret too, they both needed someone strong and reliable and kind who would love and look out for them. What a dream it would be. Kyler made his way back to the dressing room and dropped off his gear.

  Kash watched the stunning little man walk to the back hall and disappear. He seemed somber and preoccupied but it could be that his twin was unwell. That bothered Kash and he wished he knew them well enough to ask about the man’s condition. He was perfectly fine when Kash last saw him early this morning. There were a lot of questions he’d like to ask but no one here was willing to give him answers.

  “Kash come to my office.” Cruise stepped out from behind the bar and headed for the back hall. Kash fell in behind him wondering what shit job the guy was going to give him. Cruise had that expression of superiority that some people get when they’re about to be purposely nasty.

  Cruise walked in and Kash followed. “Close the door.” He said and Kash reached back and closed the door. He walked over to his desk and then turned back to face Kash who remained standing by the door. “Look, I can make life here easy or hard. I can make it, so you never return to the Coven proper. Do you follow?” Kash nodded but did not respond.

  “My guards here, Jason, Phil and Saul they know the score and they play along, and they’re paid very well. I have a lucrative operation going here and I don’t need someone getting in my way. So, I’m telling you that if you play along, I can guarantee you will be back at the Hadden Center before your three months are over.” Cruise was talking as if he had all the cards being so brazen with his threats and offers.

  “What is your operation?” Kash asked his tone deep and disinterested. Being the weasel that he was Cruise took an unconscious step back. The lesser vampires had a problem with strength and usually recoiled even if they didn’t realize it.

  “I and my associates have a couple of side-gigs that are not mentioned on the accounts.” He snickered. “We buy and sell substances and provide a front for others to buy and sell if you get my drift.” Kash again nodded but did not comment. “Well, all I’m requiring of you is to turn a blind eye and keep your mouth shut. If not, your life could get messed up. Don’t underestimate me or the people I work with.” He tried to sound tough but was having some difficulty maintaining eye contact with Kash.

  “Josef McQueen is a good friend of Jason’s and he’s in on all of this so if you want to make trouble remember Josef will destroy you.” More than anything else Cruise had said that sentence was the most devastating, but Kash kept his expression flat and just took it all in. “Now, go take care of the door and there might be an added incentive in your pay envelope at the end of the week.” Kash turned and left the office.

  He stood at the door and surveyed the room coldly analyzing each and every person present. He no longer had to wonder if things were off here at the Ruby Light it had been laid out to him exactly what was going on. They were dealing drugs and who knows what else out of this building and for all he knew Josef McQueen, the second in command of the Hadden Coven, was at the heart of it.

  Cruise could be lying but Kash was unable to get a read on him. The smells in this place played havoc with senses and discernment. He couldn’t even read the little human Kyler Costa and humans were usually an open book.

  He watched as Kyler came out of the back and began moving about the floor taking orders and delivering drinks. He was dressed in tight jeans and a tiny pullover that sparkled in the light. He was always breathtaking no matter what he was wearing and so was his brother. Those twins occupied all of Kash’s lustful dreams last night and for many nights to come, he was sure. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the small man.

  The clientele was mostly business types in cheap suits tonight, and they were a crude bunch. Kyler had to constantly dodge their groping hands and ignore their foulmouthed remarks. Kash was on the edge of teaching them some manners. Busting a few heads would probably not damage his career here at the Ruby Light. From what
he saw of Jason and Saul, they were always ready with their fists but never with anyone who was truly a challenge.

  He thought about Cruise’s offer. He would never lower himself to dealing drugs or turning a blind eye to those that do. But what he had to figure out was who was involved and how far up the chain of command did the criminality rise?

  It was hard to imagine Josef a part of something like this but what did he know of Josef’s side interests. The fact that he’d assisted Jason’s acceptance in the Hadden Coven and the fact he found him to be exemplary did not go in his favor. Was Master Hadden okay with this? Was everyone a part of this mess? His head was spinning with the possibilities and the accompanying disgust.

  He’d been a part of the Hadden coven for decades. He wasn’t born into the Coven, but he’d joined at a young age. Never once did he consider that the leadership might involve itself in something as low class as what was going on at the Ruby Light. If this was how the Coven was going to do business, then he would be looking for a new home.

  Cruise came out of the back hall with one of the bartenders both looking a little disheveled. Kash looked away disgusted by the way they were flaunting their affair. This place was an absolute cesspool. He noticed a couple of customers at the bar watching the pair and quickly got up and left. The looks on their faces said it all. Decent people didn’t want shit like that pushed in their faces. It wouldn’t be long before all decent people steered clear of this place. And maybe that was Cruise’s goal.

  Kyler was carrying a tray of drinks when some asshole stuck out his foot sending the guy sprawling on the floor and drinks flying. One of the customers got some on his shirt and went into an instant dramatic tirade. But before he could lay a hand on Kyler, Kash was there blocking his attempt and pushing him back down into his seat.

  The guy was more than ready to take a poke at someone the size of Kyler but rethought that decision once Kash was in his face. The bluster was gone, and he sat down without making eye contact with either Kash or Kyler. Joe the waiter rushed over with towels and helped to clean up the area while Kash took Kyler by the arm and lead him to the side and out of the fracas.


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