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The Vampire's Redemption: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 13

Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  “Welcome, Gage.” He said and took Gage’s hand. “Welcome, Kyler.” He said and took Kyler’s hand. “The Hadden Coven is honored to have you in our number.” Kash was beyond stunned by the potent and moving declaration of his Master. He could feel the power of Master Hadden when he touched him, and he could feel the same power being conveyed to his beloveds. Gage and Kyler were safe, secure and in his arms.

  “You’re a lucky man, Kash to be gifted with two beloveds, but you have proven yourself worthy and now I release you to go home and claim these two beautiful men. When you’re ready to get back to work, report to the Hadden Center as a guard to the Master. You earned it Kash.” Kash was floored and suddenly filled with a satisfaction the likes of which had never entered his consciousness before. He had Gage and Kyler and he had the respect of his Master and it was all achieved over the course of three days. Life was amazing.

  “Thank you, sir,” Kash stated slightly overwhelmed.

  Josef stepped up and stared at him for a few seconds before speaking. Kash wasn’t sure what to expect. “You thought that I might be in league with these miscreants?” He cast his gaze around at the bodies strew across the floor.

  “I’m sorry sir, but I couldn’t take the chance that you might be. The lives of my beloveds hung in the balance. Your relationship with Jason confused me.” He answered honestly.

  “And that was my failure. I don’t blame you for your mistrust, I blame myself. I knew Jason’s older brother. We were friends until the day he died in battle. I wrongly assumed Jason was the same man as his brother without looking into his record or speaking with familiars. I took reports at face value and my lack of concern and involvement helped to fuel the violence and abuse that ran rampant throughout this business.” Josef reached out his hand and Kash took it. Josef held it for a few moments.

  “For all your desire to find and heal yourself by going back to the smallest moments of your life as it turned out, you were not the one who needed the healing. Your quest healed us all and I thank you for that. Our eyes are open, and our defects have been clarified.” Josef released his hand. “Now go and claim what Fate has so generously given you.” He glanced down at Gage and Kyler who gave the room what it needed, shining bright-eyed smiles that lightened the mood and cleared the air.

  “Yes, sir,” Kash responded with a smile much like his men containing both happiness, relief and expectation.


  Kash gathered them up in his arms and hurried for the exit where Sergio tossed him the keys to his car. He made them comfortable and then rounded the car to quickly get seated and get on their way. Kash’s mind was flooded with visions of Gage and Kyler laid out and eager and he was just the man to provide.

  The last couple of hours had been terrifying as he tried to figure how to save his beloveds, how to keep them from harm while in the clutches of a desperate man. It had been the worst hours of his life. Now he needed to claim and bond with them so that it wasn’t just a growing connection between them, it was a bonded connection. He would always know their moods and desires and they would always know his.

  He had been able to calm them during their ordeal, but he wasn’t able to adequately communicate all that he was feeling or apprehend all that they were feeling. A true bond would connect them on the soul level and his vampire instincts were demanding that he claim them immediately before another catastrophe occur. It was crazy but it was ingrained in his being to love, protect and provide and to fail was inconceivable.

  “Kash, we were so scared, but we were also feeling a certainty that had no basis in reality, that you would save us. We knew you would be there for us. That certainty kept us cool in the face of all the anger and violence and kept us from suffering worse.” Gage told him thoughtfully and reached from the back seat to place his hand on Kash’s leg.

  “Saul and Cruise were vicious when they gained entrance to the house and we tried to run to the den for protection. We had stepped out onto the deck for some fresh air and stupidly forgot to set the alarm. Cruise must have been watching because within a moment he was coming through the doors after us.” Kyler reached over and placed his hand next to Gage’s.

  “We’ll try not to be so stupid in the future.” Gage pipped in.

  “But we can’t make any promises,” Kyler added.

  “Having that knife pressed to my throat should have had me pissing my pants but I looked across the room at you and all I felt was peace overcoming my anxiety. You are an amazing man Kash Garret.” Gage declared and moved his hand up to graze the side of Kash’s hard cock. Kyler mimicked the move and soon Kash was on the edge of just pulling off the road and taking them right there.

  Kyler went for his zipper and Kash could resist no longer, he pulled into a vacant side street and threw the car in park before sliding his seat back. Kyler had his zipper down and his cock in hand in record time while Gage leaned over the side and began a kiss so deep and erotic that Kash immediately began thrusting when Kyler took his large heated cock into his mouth.

  Once again, he was holding onto a daydream in motion. Gage explored every part of Kash’s mouth and ate away at his endurance. Kash pushed for dominance but Gage was holding on knowing that Kash’s attention was split between the sweet flavor of Gage and the sweet actions of Kyler’s mouth.

  Kash threaded his fingers through Kyler’s hair and held him in place as he thrust deep into the moist cavern of Kyler’s mouth. Picking up speed and groaning insatiably against Gage’s demanding lips he lost it and started a punishing pace of thrusts that culminated in an orgasm that tore through him as he gripped both men. He emptied into Kyler’s hungry mouth and thrust his tongue down Gage’s throat while reveling in the pure ecstasy of the act.

  Kyler licked him clean and gently tucked him sort of back into his pants while Gage gentled his kisses and rubbed his chest in a sweet circular motion. “I love you, Kash.” He said and Kash nearly came again at the declaration so sweet and unexpected. Gage’s pronouncement was followed by Kyler’s who sat up and placed a kiss to Kash’s mouth that was solid decadence with his own seed still present on Kyler’s lips. “I love you too, Kash.” He said and Kash paused for a moment just to take it in and calm his emotions enough to speak.

  “I love you both, more than my life, more than this world for you are my world now. You hold my heart and my soul in your hands, and I could not be happier. He kissed them both and with an anxiousness that infected them all, Kash pulled the car back on the road and took off for home.


  Kyler laid there and staring up at Kash who was positioned above him looking down and waiting it seemed, for something. “I want you, Kash, I want you to claim me. I think I’ve waited my whole life for you.” He hoped he’d said enough for Kash to continue as he was poised to thrust but hesitated to ask permission. The man was a pure and gorgeous gentleman.

  Kash plunged his cock deep inside Kyler’s prepped and waiting velvet channel and Kyler’s breath caught in his throat at the sudden but deliciously sensational intrusion. The rhythm he set hammered Kyler and sent his mind reeling with the sensations raw and wonderful.

  Kash was in heaven absolute heaven as he buried himself over and over into the warm body of his beloved Kyler. He slammed home and held it firm as he came filling his lover with his essence. He pulled Kyler up and sunk his teeth into the smooth flesh of his throat and drank deeply sealing their bond and forging their future. He felt Kyler stiffen and come as a result of his bite and it was a gratifying feeling to know he could give his beloved such pleasure.

  Gently he lay Kyler back onto the bed and licked the wound closed before slipping his now softening cock from the warm recess of Kyler’s channel and turning to Gage who was there beside them, lust and need pouring off him.

  Gage had kissed, caressed and penetrated Kash with his fingers as Kash had claimed his brother. The salaciousness of his two lovers was beyond description and Kash had no answer to why he was blessed with so much. What had he done to dese
rve such fulfillment, such satisfaction?

  Gage spread his legs and presented his stretched and prepared hole for Kash’s appreciation. It was so debauched and decadent as he lay there two fingers in his mouth and three in his ass that Kash was hard again in second. With a scorching kiss to Kyler’s swollen red lips, Kash shifted to the side and replaced Gage’s fingers with two of his own.

  The prep was fast and furious as Kash barely held back from coming all over the little man’s groin. He had to be inside, the urgency mirroring what he’d felt for Kyler. His beloveds were demanding but Kash was the man to deliver.

  He pushed Gage’s legs further apart and in one thrust plunged inside and without pause started a punishing beat of thrust hard and fast diving himself to the edge once again and seeing the answering ecstasy in his beloved’s eyes. Gage was usually the more reserved of the two, but in bed, he was sexy and needy as hell and Kash ate it up, while giving the man everything he screamed for.

  Gage could feel Kash in every molecule of his body. He was so sensitized, that just a gentle touch made him moan and squirm with the pleasure of it. Kash was amazing. It was a poor word for what Kash was giving him, but more elaborate descriptions were unattainable right now to his blissed-out mind. Gage felt him drive deep and then he felt the warmth of Kash’s release filling him. Kash struck wrapping tightly in his arms as he had done to Kyler and sinking his teeth into Gage’s throat. The first draw of blood brought with it a pleasure that moved the earth with its intensity. Gage arched and came, drenching them both in his seed.

  Kash licked the wound, sealing it to a perfect scar, a close match to the scar that Kyler now wore. He beloveds, so perfect and so beautiful now wore his mark. They belonged to him.

  “I love you both.” He said with heart and soul while settling between them and pulling them close.

  “I love you, Kash.” They said in unison and snuggled in.


  Kash settled into bonded life and into his new position as a personal guard to Master Hadden. He and Kyler and Gage were given a family unit on the floor just below the Penthouse. It was a lovely and spacious apartment that the twins enjoyed decorating. Kash had little to no input on the furnishings and décor, apart from his favorite chair. He had no interest in interior design, so let them do whatever they wanted. It was a pleasure for him to see their excitement and pride as they finished one room after another. He had to admit their designs were charming and comfortable.

  After a short discussion in which Kash made it clear that his vampire nature could not abide with them dancing for others, Kyler and Gage decided to give up their careers as go-go boys. It was not a hardship; it was never their desire to remain dancers forever. Their dream was to own their own club one day and be the ones to give orders rather than the ones who took them, for a change.

  Master Hadden in an effort to provide restitution and recognizing in the twins a drive to succeed, handed over management of the Ruby Light to them. It was a bold move on his part, but he knew without a doubt that they were ambitious, loyal, and would strive to make the Ruby Light into the club that Kash remembered from his early days with a few improvements, of course.

  The other members of staff were paid their back wages and given restitution for their suffering. The waiters Tom and Joe were moved to the Coven hospital to recover and were also paid back wages and given restitution for their suffering and injuries. Kash shared with Master Hadden the story of the two dancers Keagan and Carlo, and the Master sent out a search team to find them.


  Nik and Josef sat together on the rooftop terrace of the Hadden Center, overlooking the city of Pittsburgh taking in the sights and discussing the future. The last few days had changed their views on many things not least of all their dedication to the protection and oversight of the entire coven down to the smallest enterprise.

  “We were caught with our pants around our ankles, Josef. I was floored when Nathan brought me those reports and hidden files, he’d found indicating the corruption happening right under my nose.” Nik declared still angry with himself over the lapse in supervision of the Ruby Light. His failure to notice the pain and suffering going on in that establishment lead to abuses, brutality, and grave injuries. It was inexcusable.

  “I believed what I was told by the people I put in charge as did everyone down the chain of command. My skill at discerning fact from fraud has been severely compromised, as was made evident by the individuals I lauded.” Josef took his turn on the rack beating himself for not looking closer.

  “We were spared further trouble and a bigger disaster by the fact one of my guards questioned his abilities and sought to find his center at the beginning. If Kash hadn’t requested assignment to the Ruby Light the damage would have been immense.” Nik took a long drink of his whiskey before placing it back on the table that sat between them. “His personal humility saved me a lot of embarrassment and in the end, helped him grow in his confidence and personal beliefs. I thought the act unnecessary in the beginning, even silly. But now I see it as something that everyone in my employ needs to experience.”

  “A process could be put in place where every soldier and guard would take one week out of every year and work at a Coven owned business. It would keep us connected without compromising our security and with that said I would like to be included on that rotation.” Josef turned to look at Nik. “My limitations were pointed out in painful succession this evening and I don’t ever want that to happen again.”

  “Don’t shoulder all the blame, Josef. I too believed the reports and left the small operations to run themselves. I lost sight of the trees while staring at the forest so to say.” He took his glass and drained it. “I’ve been so full of myself lately with thoughts of a major take over that I didn’t see or feel the pain of my people. People like Cruise and Jason can only thrive when we look away.” Nik turned to Josef with a new determination. “I will never lose my focus again.”

  “Never,” Josef swore.


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review! -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website:

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Bay Harbor Wolves:


  Vampires of Blood and Bones

  Blood and Bones

  Stone and Steel

  Die Pretty

  Ezra’s Awakening

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness

  The Vampire and the Witch

  The Vampire Next Door

  Never Let Me Go

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.:

  Apex: The Dragon’s Mate

  The Dragon’s Heart

  Loving The Hellhound


  The Bad Boy

  The Call of the Dragon

  Finding Forever

  The Dragon Twins

  King of the Dragons
br />   Rafe: The Dragon Knight

  Suffer The Knight

  Crimson Vampire Coven:

  ● Crimson Love

  ● Trusting Fate

  ● For Now and Forever

  ● My Vampire Lover

  ● The Vampire Code

  ● The Crimson Sorcerer

  ● The Crimson Omega

  ● The Crimson Alpha

  ● The Crimson Beta

  ● The Dragon King

  ● The Demon Lord

  ● The Dragon Knight – The Crimson War

  ● The Crimson Redemption

  ● Crimson Christmas

  ● Come Back To Me

  ● Love and Magic

  ● The Crimson Victory

  Pack Rules – Rue Pack Wolves:

  ● Mine

  ● Alpha Mate

  ● The Enforcer’s Mate

  ● Forever Mine – The Beta’s Mate

  ● Lost and Found

  ● The Omega’s Mate

  ● The Doctor’s Mate

  ● Finding Home

  ● Owen’s Mate

  ● Saving Jeremiah

  ● Jackson’s Journey

  ● Jesse’s Love

  ● The Master’s Beloved

  ● The Vampire’s Chosen

  The Wolves of Belle Fourche:

  ● The Wolves of Belle Fourche – The Alpha’s Claim

  ● Surprised by Forever

  ● Healing Scars

  Lonepine Wolf Shifters:

  ● Lonepine Wolf Shifters

  ● Reluctant Mate

  ● Jamie’s Mate

  Superiorland Wolf Pack:

  ● The Werewolf’s Mate


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