
Home > Romance > Insolent > Page 10
Insolent Page 10

by T. L Smith

  “Is she okay?” my father asks as he sits at the counter with his coffee and newspaper.

  “I think so.”

  He looks toward my room and nods while standing. “I’ll take a shower then, you need anything?”

  I shake my head as he walks off. As he does, she opens the door of my bedroom with her eyes wide as she peers around the place until they stop on me. She walks out, her arms crossed over her chest as she makes her way to us.

  “He’s so beautiful.” Olympia’s hand reaches down, and she touches the top of his head.

  “He is, isn’t he,” I say confirming but still watching her closely as she stands up straight and gazes down at me.

  “Sorry about last night. I wasn’t really… well, I don’t know… Thanks, anyway.” She goes to turn, but I can still see the faraway look in her eyes.

  “Olympia, hold Charles, will you?”

  Her eyebrows raise. “Really?”

  I nod, and she takes him from me. She peeps down at him and automatically starts singing to him. I walk away when she sits with him in her arms and watch from the kitchen instead. I make us a simple breakfast, and when I walk back out, she’s quiet, just staring at him.

  “Eat, I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  “What happened to his mother, Darby?” She looks up. “She’s never here. From what I understand you have him all the time.”

  “I do, he’s my son.”

  She nods. “So, what happened?”

  “She’s dead.”

  Shock is written all over her face—she didn’t expect that answer.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

  “It’s fine, really.”

  “Did you love her?” she asks after a moment of silence.

  “No, I did not. But I do appreciate now what she gave me.”

  “Charles,” she says with a smile. “I would too, he’s truly a beautiful gift.”

  “He is,” I say as I watch her. I take him from her arms and carry him to his cot. When I come back out, she’s gone, and her plate of food sits uneaten.

  “I like her,” my father says surprising me as I turn around. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he’s dressed in boots and jeans.

  “You’re not the only one.”

  “Oh, I know. Falcon raves about her,” my father says, making me laugh with his eye roll. “He still hasn’t changed much, has he?”

  “Well, he isn’t sleeping with every woman these days, so that’s a major change,” I say.

  “True, true…” he pauses, checking the plate of food.

  “Are you going to let her walk away like that?” I look behind me to the door that’s now shut.

  “Yes. Yes, I am.” Then I walk past him, straight to my room which now smells of her, and instantly I’m hard.



  Barren’s sitting on my steps when I get back. He rises to his full height and brushes off as he stands. “You’ve been gone all night.”

  “What does it matter?”

  “It matters, Olympia. I was worried.”

  “Well, you don’t have to be.”

  “Come home with me, please?”

  “No, I don’t want to.” I walk past him to go inside, and he grips my arm.

  “Just for the day then. Come back… just for the day. You don’t work tonight, right?” I shake my head. “Please, Father isn’t well. You need to come back.”

  I pull my arm free from his grasp. “What’s wrong with him? Or is this simply a ploy to get me back there?”

  “It’s not. You need to come back.”

  “I need to pack a bag then.”

  Barren follows me upstairs and doesn’t say a word until we reach my apartment. “Where were you last night?”

  “You don’t get to know every detail about my life, Barren.”

  “You were with him, weren’t you? Does he know?”

  I spin around and slap his face. “You shut up. Right. Fucking. Now.” My finger is pointing at him while my breathing is heavy. He nods his head and stays quiet until I walk away, packing a bag and coming back out to see him standing there with his hands in his pockets.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  “It’s fine, Barren, let’s go.”

  He nods and we leave, going straight to his private jet and flying home.


  What the fuck am I doing?

  Barren and I sit in the back seat of a limousine as the house comes into view. It’s large and over-the-top. Some people are intimidated by it. Some want to see it, others want it, all while I couldn’t wait to run away from it. Climbing out of the car, I see my father sitting on the overly large porch, sweet tea next to him, as he rocks back and forth. I look to Barren who watches him then starts walking toward Father with my bag in his hand.

  Usually, this place is busy with staff, but it feels like it’s only the three of us here right now, which I know isn’t true, because there’s no way my father would make his own tea when he can have someone else do it for him.

  “Baby girl.” He stands, reminding me of how I always thought he was bigger than life. That no other man was as big and scary as my father. That was then, this is now. Now, I know he can’t protect me from everything there is out there. I found that fact out too late.


  His arms fold around me. Despite his many flaws, his love for me has never wavered, not even when I decided to leave this place behind.

  “Your brother managed to get you here. Didn’t think I would see the day. You love that place where you’re living.”

  “I do, and I plan to go back soon.”

  My father glances over to my brother. “You told me she was back for good.”

  I flick my head to Barren.

  “She’s going to stay for a while… aren’t you, sis?”

  “For a few days, then I have to go back to work.”

  My father waves me off. “You don’t need to work, baby. And if you want to, I’m sure your brother can find you a position in the company.”

  I step back from him. “No, no. I don’t want that. When will you understand? I came back because you’re sick, I didn’t come back to stay.”

  “Sick?” my father asks while staring at Barren. “You said I was sick?”

  Barren shrugs, dropping my bag and walking back to the car. “You deal with her, I got her here.”

  “You aren’t sick?” I ask in disbelief.

  “No, baby, I’m not. Why Barren would say that I don’t know. But I am glad you’re home.”

  “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  He sighs loudly. “I’ll tell them to prepare the jet.” He starts walking inside, and I follow. Nothing’s changed since I left, everything’s still the same and in the same positions.




  Fucking pompous.

  Father opens the door to my bedroom and nothing’s changed in here either, but it hurts to look at it all laid bare in front of me.

  A tire screech comes from the front of the house then a loud bang. My father glances over to me then shakes his head. I know who it is from observing Father’s face, I don’t need him to confirm it. The front door is slammed open, then loud footsteps echo through the house until he reaches me.

  Slate stands there, in front of me, tall and breathing heavily with his face scrunched up in pain. Pain for me? I have no idea. And I don’t want to know.

  “So, it’s true, you’re back.”

  My hands go up and then fall back to my sides. “I’m back.”

  “For how long.”

  My father starts to walk away quietly, leaving us both standing there.

  “I leave tomorrow.”

  “Were you even going to tell me you were here?”

  “No,” I tell him honestly.

  He glances to the floor, his dark hair longer than I remember falling over his eyes. He’s dressed much as he always is in dark jeans with a
blue shirt, no collar, enough to see the slight chest hair on his tanned skin.

  Slate Hill.

  My first love.

  My first everything.

  My family wanted me to marry him, I wanted to marry him. At least I think I did.

  I step closer and brush away his hair from his face much like I used to do when we were younger and stupid. “Hi, Slate, it’s good to see you.”

  He regards me with those same eyes I once loved. “It’s really good to see you, Olympia.” He smiles as he assesses me. “Your hair’s still the same.” He touches the strands, picking a piece up and letting it fall.

  “You know me, rebel in all aspects. Don’t think that will change any time soon.”

  His smile falls and he checks around, his eyes lingering on my bed longer than they should, then they shoot back to me.

  “Come to the bar, everyone’s there. Even your brother. He called me when he was on his way.” It’s the local hangout, it’s close to where we live. Barren spends way too much time there.

  “That’s where he ran off to.”

  Slate nods. “He mentioned you were here.”

  Of course he did. He and Slate have been great friends for years.

  “Sure, give me a few to change.”

  His eyes roam over me. “What you have on is fine.”

  “I need to change, believe me.”

  He nods then walks off to the front door, and I assume he’s standing there as if he’s afraid I might escape through it. My father knocks on the door.

  “Save some time for your old man, will you?”

  I smile at him and kiss his cheek. “Of course, Papa.”

  He walks away, and I quickly change into something other than these clothes that remind me of Darby.

  Walking back out, Slate has his phone in hand waiting.

  “I’m ready.”

  He looks me over and smiles. “I really have missed you.”

  I nod, not wanting to say anything back. I know how Slate thinks, I know who he is. I know almost everything there is to know about the man. “We should go.”

  “Yes, everyone’s excited to see you.”

  I cringe at the thought of speaking to most of the students from school. I didn’t have many friends. And those that were my friends were only because of what my family did, because we had money. I learned that the hard way when I was younger. Maybe it was why I fell so fast for Slate. He didn’t see me for my money, he saw me for who I was, and back then that’s all I wanted. For someone to see me and not my family name.

  My phone starts buzzing, and Slate leans over when we’re in his car and sees the name flash on the screen.

  “Who’s big man?”

  “My boss.”

  “Oh, Barren mentioned you were working.”

  “I’m sure he did,” I say with an eye roll. He wouldn’t tell many people because that fact would embarrass him and the family name, which he cares way too much about.

  “You don’t have to, but knowing you… you had to.”


  Slate shakes his head. He tells me how the business is going. Yes, he works for my father and brother—most people in my small town do. I, on the other hand, didn’t want anything to do with the business, hence the reason I’m far, far, away from it.

  We both fall silent when we pull up to the local hangout, and—you guessed it—my father owns that too. But he doesn’t run it, he has a long-time family friend do that for him, and they live above the establishment as well.

  “Last time we were here—”

  “Not tonight, Slate.”

  His hand covers mine, and he nods his head as he gets out of the car. I follow him inside and spot my brother straight away at the bar talking to Claudia who’s behind it. One day he’ll have the balls to ask her out, and not just play it as if he doesn’t want her.

  “You’re meant to be at home with father.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “He’s fine, and you’re a fucking liar.”

  “He wanted to see you. I knew you’d come if you thought he was sick.”

  “That’s low, even for you, Barren.”

  He waves Claudia over who gives me a small wave before she starts making Barren his drink.

  “Olympia…” I turn to Slate, who’s now standing next to me with a girl on his arm. She has blonde hair, long legs, and a massive smile on her face. She is everything I am not. “I want you to meet someone.” The woman holds her hand out. Barren downs his drink and slams it on the counter.

  My phone rings.

  The door opens.

  Then words leave his mouth as I stare. “This is my fiancée, Savannah.” A part of me falls through the floor, I know it does. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in love with Slate anymore, I have moved on from that. But I still love Slate and believed perhaps one day we might actually end up old together. That wasn’t fair on him, though, to string him along. I know that, but it’s what I imagined.

  My phone rings again.


  “Where are you?” Darby yells down the line which I immediately pull away from my ear. “Do you want me to spank your fucking ass? Where the fuck are you?”

  I press end call before he can say another word. But it’s too late, everyone’s heard what he said, and they’re all staring at me.

  “Congrats,” I say to Savannah who just smiles. Slate, on the other hand, is staring at me as if I’ve grown a second head. His eyes are wide, his lips thinned, and this look of disbelief floats there.

  And Barren is about to blow.

  I fake a smile to Slate. “This is what you’ve always wanted. I’m so happy for you.” My feet start walking before I can stop them, and next thing I know, I’m out the door. Slate’s voice comes from behind me, hands grab my arm, and he turns me around gently.

  “I loved you, so fucking much it hurt. It still hurts. But she helps, Olympia. She helps with that pain you would never let me help you with.”

  “I’m glad for you, Slate, I really am.”

  “You forget I know who you are. You aren’t glad, I can tell. You’re hurt, and the last thing I ever want to do is hurt you.” My shaky hands reach up to touch his face. His hand covers mine, and he squeezes it then lets me go. My thumb strokes his cheek, and I lean in to kiss his lips ever so softly.

  “She looked like you. It wasn’t me she looked like, it was you,” I say gently.

  A tear leaves his eye, and I wipe it away before I turn and start walking home, leaving him standing there in the dark. Leaving him with some of my excruciating pain.



  “How many days now?” I ask Creed pacing.

  “It’s only been one shift, and you rang her at the beginning of it,” he says closing the doors for the night.

  “Don’t make me out to be some sort of fucking husband who checks up on his wife all the time. Olympia left then didn’t answer my calls. It’s been two days since she’s been gone.” I flip him off.

  “That’s because you threatened to spank her after the first call.”

  “That’s because it took me four calls to get through to her.”

  “She isn’t your property,” he reminds me.

  “I know, but she was off the other day. Something’s wrong, and now she’s gone.”

  “If you’re worried about her, go find her, and stop this shit.”


  Creed pulls the gun he keeps out from under the bar and places it on the counter. “That issue we had last time, well, it’s not going away.”

  Fuck! I thought after I beat his fucking head in he would get the damn message. Obviously not. He touched Olympia, scared her in the parking lot, and now he’s still trying to get in, attempting to find out more information. We always have one person fishing around for clues, it’s just what happens when something’s this exclusive. Everyone wants a taste, no matter the cost.

  “You can handle it, right?”

  Echo scratches his face.
“No, I have shit to do.” He slams his hand on the bar top, and when he lifts it a piece of paper is there. “He’s already there. Go get him and end it.”

  “This is your job.”

  “Correction, it’s our job. Which I have been doing since you’ve been busy. Tonight, I am not able to help.” He walks out, and I pick up the piece of paper on the counter, reading the address.

  Thank fuck my father’s here, because it’s not easy to do the things this job requires of me now.

  He’s sitting on the front porch rocking back and forth when I walk up. I check the address again, double-checking to be sure I am correct. He can’t see me because the moon isn’t bright tonight, and I’m behind a bush. He lights a smoke, and the woman who was standing next to him walks toward one of the cars parked out the front and drives off. I duck down a little further as she passes me in the car, and when it’s all clear, I get back up to see him in the same position drinking. I’m fucking mad again, thinking of the way he tried to touch Olympia out the front of our club. He’s a man who pays women to fuck him, and he wants in.

  That is never happening.


  How he even learned about our place I don’t fucking know. No one is stupid enough to speak about the exclusivity of the club, and after checking, no one he knows has a relationship to the club. When his eyes are down, I make my way up his driveway until I reach him, and he doesn’t look up until the wooden stair underneath my foot starts to creak loudly. And when he does, he stands fast and checks around for an escape.

  “I wouldn’t try it. I will shoot you before you can move your foot an inch.”

  “What do you want?”

  “You came back, again. This time hurt another girl?”

  The asshole has the audacity to sneer at me. “The bitch wouldn’t talk.”

  He makes me angry, so fucking angry. Creed told me about how he followed one of our other girls and roughed her up trying to get information from her, until her neighbor scared him away. So, now she’s in one of the apartments I own for her protection and to recuperate fully.

  The length people go to get what they want astounds me. Some are worse than others and have no moral compass when it comes down to it. So, then my moral compass flies out the fucking window, and I will make you my bitch.


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